Deep Dark Chocolate
- Joined
- Dec 17, 2019
Hello All,
Thanks for stopping by I will do what I can to make this short and sweet.
Various Combinations – Supernaturals - Supers - This is me!!
All will be MxF --> Me playing the male in any combination (Yes I will be a black male. If it is NOT your thing I understand no problem!!! Thanks for stopping by!
) If you are a male and you play a boss woman...bring it. It is a game, don't care what you are behind the keyboard.
Ok enough psycho-babble if this works for you, hit me up! Otherwise I will you the best, thanks for taking the time to read me.
Love, Peace and Popeye’s Chicken Grease!!
Thanks for stopping by I will do what I can to make this short and sweet.
Various Combinations – Supernaturals - Supers - This is me!!
All will be MxF --> Me playing the male in any combination (Yes I will be a black male. If it is NOT your thing I understand no problem!!! Thanks for stopping by!
Vampire\ Human
Princess/KnightxRanger, etc.
Goddess/Mortal or Goddess/God
What to do you have in mind?!?Xwhat would you like to play?
Like Modern, but ok with Medieval (DnD like era as well)
Princess/KnightxRanger, etc.
Goddess/Mortal or Goddess/God
What to do you have in mind?!?Xwhat would you like to play?
Like Modern, but ok with Medieval (DnD like era as well)
Supers – Marvel/DC – Canons acceptable but OCs preferred – If you are ok with CanonXOC that is fine too but I prefer OCs[
Power levels Range from:
Just above Batman --> Superman levels.
I do character sheets, you don't have too....I don't like godmoding so I make sure it is on the character sheet...keeps me honest!
We are not limited to Marvel/DC those are the companies that I know that best is all.
Power levels Range from:
Just above Batman --> Superman levels.
I do character sheets, you don't have too....I don't like godmoding so I make sure it is on the character sheet...keeps me honest!
We are not limited to Marvel/DC those are the companies that I know that best is all.
Likes….Vanilla à Pick your poison tell me we can probably make it happen. (Fan MILF
Dislikes is probably easier à If it goes in the toilet…leave it there. I can’t say no to blood if we are playing vampires of course. Ages--> 17+, no more than 10yr gap.
I don’t mind playing more than one character to make the story flow and it makes sense, there is no single person world.
I am pretty easy going, if the story is not working for you just say so. No harm no foul.
I don’t like leaving partners hanging so if I haven’t replied in 2-3 days max and nudge is not out of the question (Welcomed). If something is going on or life gets in the way…cause it happens I will let you know and would like the same courtesy. Please don’t just drop me like a bad habit.
Post length…unless we are working in discord please no one liners. I need something work with. (Even smut needs somewhere to go.) A paragraph or two is nice. I give what I am given.
I am more Dom to switch…I can’t really play submissive to save my life. Sorry…have too many things to take care of on this side of the screen to every fully let go.
Story to smut: 50/50 à70/30 à 30/70 (Yes I need some type of story à Unless you just say…I just really feel the need to do this scene.) Which is fine…you trust me and wanna do it…lets go!
I like real people FCs normally, pics even NSFW pics work if you are trying to get the point across. I can used Anime pics but I have only found a few chocolate pics, By a friend of a friend. Sorry real people are just easier for me. Even though…I use black males…doesn’t mean I am color struck. Use what you like! I like all colors (Gamora/She-hulk/Red She-hulk are faves!)
Just talk to me, I am open pretty flexible.
Dislikes is probably easier à If it goes in the toilet…leave it there. I can’t say no to blood if we are playing vampires of course. Ages--> 17+, no more than 10yr gap.
I don’t mind playing more than one character to make the story flow and it makes sense, there is no single person world.
I am pretty easy going, if the story is not working for you just say so. No harm no foul.
I don’t like leaving partners hanging so if I haven’t replied in 2-3 days max and nudge is not out of the question (Welcomed). If something is going on or life gets in the way…cause it happens I will let you know and would like the same courtesy. Please don’t just drop me like a bad habit.
Post length…unless we are working in discord please no one liners. I need something work with. (Even smut needs somewhere to go.) A paragraph or two is nice. I give what I am given.
I am more Dom to switch…I can’t really play submissive to save my life. Sorry…have too many things to take care of on this side of the screen to every fully let go.
Story to smut: 50/50 à70/30 à 30/70 (Yes I need some type of story à Unless you just say…I just really feel the need to do this scene.) Which is fine…you trust me and wanna do it…lets go!
I like real people FCs normally, pics even NSFW pics work if you are trying to get the point across. I can used Anime pics but I have only found a few chocolate pics, By a friend of a friend. Sorry real people are just easier for me. Even though…I use black males…doesn’t mean I am color struck. Use what you like! I like all colors (Gamora/She-hulk/Red She-hulk are faves!)
Just talk to me, I am open pretty flexible.
Ok enough psycho-babble if this works for you, hit me up! Otherwise I will you the best, thanks for taking the time to read me.
Love, Peace and Popeye’s Chicken Grease!!
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