Fx Male The beginning, The Fall, and Those caught between [F seeking M, solo or small group]

Asuarah Garretson

Jan 12, 2010
Somewhere in Europe
I have a desire to write out an idea with someone or a small group of someones (No more htan 3 or 4 I should think if a group)

This RP will hold some darker themes perhaps, and deal with angels, demons, and gray area they can be seen within.

The idea is thus: Before the great divide of Heaven two angels bonded and brought forth children of their own. These angels were The almighty's Right hand himself, and an archangel named Parisinne [Pah-Ri-Seen] (Pari for short)

The reasons of how the great divide happen we can brainstorm before hand, but it ends with Pari being trapped in a specific way, their children corrupted into the 9 Princes of Hell itself, and the right hand ruler of all hell.

For you see Pari becomes the mother of Fate. Much liek the greek belief in the three crones of Fate.

Parisienne [Pa-Ri-Seen] here serves two purposes, for she spins new thread, and cuts the old, serving to keep a balance. Though humans once saw her as three old crones, this is because of how mysterious her work actually is.

When a new life is due to be born, Parisienne spins a thread from the fabric of life itself, thus giving the new life breath and soul. This human's tapestry then grows with the chosen soul until it is due to die, whereupon she cuts the thread, severing the soul from it's human host and thus the reapers collect and send it upon it's way.

She is mother to those who have fallen, and it can be said that soft weeping can be heard from the sealed chamber of fate itself. For you see she is cursed forever to be sealed within the chamber, weaving and cutting threads of life until the very last of humanity has left it's mortal coil. She longs to see her songs once more, though none of them even likely know of their mother living so.
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