Fx Male I'm Full of......Plots? (NSFW)


The Receptacle
Oct 21, 2019
What'd you think I was full of?

Anyway, below I'm gonna leave a few basic rules for RPing with me and a series of general plot ideas for smutty RPs that I've got in mind. Have a read, and if you see something that interests you, feel free to get in touch.

  • IC posts should be of mid to high casual quality. 2-3 paragraphs with correct spelling and grammar.
  • Try to keep up an average post frequency of at least one post every 24-48 hours.
  • RP in past tense and third person is preferred.
  • Let me know if you would like to take a break or stop altogether.
  • Have fun, and wipe your keyboard down after. #NoStickyKeys

Themes: Slavery/Non-Con/Abuse or Slavery/Slow Build/Romance/Consensual
Plot: Slavery is alive and well in the modern era, under the more polite name of Indentureship. You bought this scarred little Indenture for a steal, a low low price for damaged goods. Now what will you do with your new property? Are you the sort to play with your new toy, for your own perverse amusement, or will you show her a gentler side of the world that she's never known?

Themes: Demon Girl/Romance/School Life
Plot: She appeared in your dreams. It was a greatest night of sex you'd ever experienced, and it wasn't even real, right? The next day, your class gets a surprise transfer student, and what's more it's a familiar face...

Themes: Incest/Dub-Con/Romance
Plot: She loves her older brother dearly, despite the fact that he a bit of a good for nothing, despite the fact that he's got more libido than common sense, despite the fact that his only interest in her is her body. She still loves him, and she just can't say no to his unreasonable requests, even if she sometimes wishes she could.
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Bump, seeking abusive masters for the Damaged Goods Plot, also updated my F-List.
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