Writing Snippets and Other Rambles (NSFW)


Dec 19, 2019
To start, I'm only marking it NSFW because I don't know yet what I'll end up writing here. So better safe than sorry. Beyond this point this is just writing snippets that cross my mind, poems, and other rambly type stuff. Essentially the writing version of a book of doodles. Hell, I might go ahead and post some doodles here too. Who knows?

Anywho, feel free to read and enjoy!
The blue eyes and a bright smile were only a facade. Behind those pearly whites and the sweetness that oozed from every word was a snake, coiled and ready to strike before her conversation partner knew what had happened. Those who had been bitten once no longer fell for the beautiful lie of her appearance. Forever after the azure depths of her gaze became cold and icy, and that once kind smile a cruel baring of the teeth before she struck.
Coming here had been a mistake. The townsfolk had warned against examining her dear aunt's death too closely. Everyone she spoke to had urged her to leave immediately after the funeral and never return to the little town of Blue Falls. Instead she'd chosen to be nosy. She'd chosen to search and follow the trail of increasingly bizzare clues that her aunt had left for her.

Now she wished she hadn't.

Eyes. So many eye stared down at her, all of them so large it seemed they could swallow her whole with their gaze. An alien presence pressed against her mind, so vast and unfathomable that she felt it cracking beneath the weight. Her legs wouldn't move though. Couldn't. Tremors turned to violent shaking as she fell to her knees. She tried to say something. Call for help anything.

All that came out was a scream.
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