Mx Female πš†πšŽπš•πšŒπš˜πš–πšŽ 𝚝𝚘 π™ΌπšŠπšœπšœ


Welcoming Committee
Aug 26, 2019

⟼[ Status (ON) || Avg. Word Count 500-1000+ || RP Medium (PMs/Threads) || F - List ] ⟻
Spacingstuffwithspacingtext.Spacingstuffwithspacing text𐌒 About Me
Hello, the name is Pontiff. Man in his late 20's that has extra time on his hands outside of his hobbies, looking to find partners to write stories with and worldbuild. I enjoy reading, playing games, watching shows, golfing, hunting and a much more. I enjoy drawing inspiration from popular content and putting a spin on it, or just building our own world from the ground up.

I do work from home. I am capable of responding semi-regularly throughout the day with my posts coming after work or on the weekends. OOC is welcome and I enjoy just talking with partners, even just simple things like how work went or if we really click then I may start to share memes or become more open. If you aren't chatty that is okay as long as we mesh well and can craft a story.
Spacingstuffwithspacingtext.Spacingstuffwithspacing text

Game of Thrones/House of Dragons
Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen x Daemon Targaryen
Alicent Hightower x Daemon Targaryen
Ygritte x Jon Snow
Margaery Tyrell x Robb Stark

Cyberpunk 2077/Edgerunners
Lucy x David
Lucy x OC
Panam x V
OC x V

Final Fantasy
Tifa x Cloud
Aerith x Tifa x Cloud
Jill x Clive
Rydia x Edge
Rosa x Kain Highwind

League of Legends
The Witcher
Star Wars
Baldur's Gate (1, 2 and 3)
More, just ask.
Princess x Knight
Village Girl x Amnesiac Hero
Princess x Prince
Queen x Barbarian King/Conqueror
General Fantasy Pairings
Witch x Templar/Paladin
Demon x Angel
Suggestions. . .

Modern Fantasy
Witch x Priest
Monster Girl x Monster Hunter
Suggestions. . .

Mech Pilot x Mech Pilot
Princess/Heiress x Space Pirate
Princess/Heiress x Mercenary
Target x Bounty Hunter
Bounty Hunter x Target
Scientist x Alien Lifeform
Suggestions. . .

Fall from Grace
[Fantasy, Corruption, Action, Drama]

My Character: Once the proud champion and blessed warrior of the Goddess Eluna, now corrupted and demonic in nature. Seeking vengeance on the Goddess he once devoted his life to and even was granted entrance to gilded halls and made love to such an immortal being. Betrayed and tarnished, his powers and faith stripped from him in a time of need. A devilish pact formed with dying breath. He will have his answers.

Your Character: Up to you. Could be a priestess/warrior/cleric/paladin of another Faith that is opposed to the Goddess Eluna, could be YC is a demon themselves that made the pact and are curious about the mortal and his plans. Could be just about what you want, as he ventures across the mortal realm in search of finding a key to those gilded halls once more.

More to come on the general idea when I have time, but decided just to give a brief idea of the character I'm aiming for the story itself.
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Haven't bumped in awhile, can pick up one more partner while I get to my backlog.
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