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Keys to the Kingdom: Experienced Writer Seeks Partner for Epic/Erotic Fantasy/Sci-Fi

Dec 17, 2019
Cryptid Coast
I’m a roleplayer with close to fourteen years of experience. I had a period of time in the workforce where I didn’t get to stretch my creativity much, but after a badness that ended in surgery and a long recovery, I’ve been blessed with an opportunity. During this period of recovery, I’ve had a chance to re-water my creative pursuits and remember what’s important. One of those things is nurturing my creativity, and my favorite way to do that has always been through roleplay and writing (although I have also started playing Dungeons and Dragons again as well). Please go here if you're looking for the fandom offerings.

I enjoy getting to know my partners and making friends via ooc. For the purposes of this thread and getting to know prospective partners: this thread was originally written with myself only playing feminine roles, but please know I am just as happy and competent in playing masculine ones. My usual is MXF pairings, but I've been known to enjoy others.

My goal is for my partner and I to create vibrant, memorable stories full of character and peppered with eroticism. I’m the sort of creator that wants to take a fistfull of dirt and once I’ve learned the kind of things it can grow build an empire, and weave gods into a fantasy world inspired by real-world mythologies. I love stories that navigate the uncanny lines that separate god and mortal, man and monster, and then bind them together. In terms of themes within these tales, dancing along the line between primal desire and intimate passion never fails to pump my blood.
I’m used to character writing and when it comes to any mains and side characters, I’m very comfortable creating a range of personalities and experiences. Everything from shy virgins to infernal empresses who dominate as easily as they breathe. Most characters will be somewhere along this spectrum. For what it’s worth, I get a huge kick out of creating fascinating villains and antagonists for our heroes (or anti-heroes) to tangle with. As for the number of characters per story, I can “main” up to three and juggle a variety of NPCS to fill the world (although I expect my partner to share that task).

In terms of the whole quantity/quality question, I am firmly of the opinion that quantity depends on the type of scene. Fight scenes, dialogue and sex scenes will often have shorter, but no less colorful posts, than a exposition scene. That being said, I will never leave a partner with a post that gives them nothing to go on.

I know what I am asking for here might sound like a lot. However, I’m capable of giving that same effort! I will only ever take a few partners on at a time in order to properly distribute that energy.

I roleplay exclusively here on threads, PMs, or email. I love the convenience of instant messages, but I’ve had one too many unpleasant experiences with people trying to erode my boundaries, especially early in the relationship. Maybe over time, once we get to know each other, I will consider Discord as a platform.

Most of my interest lies in working within the medium of speculative fiction. Fantasy of all flavors ranging from apocalyptic death worlds, high fantasy, sprawling space opera, steampunk--you name it, I’m probably interested in it. Occasionally I will entertain a modern-fantasy situation but this is generally a hard sell. But if you have a great idea, I’m more than happy to listen!

I’m not curating an F-List right now, but some of my broad interests include (in no particular order): romance, arranged marriages, interracial/intercultural, rough sex, vaginal/oral/anal, ritual, voyeurism, bondage (light to heavy), exploration of power dynamics, exploration of consent (ranging from enthusiastic to dubious and sometimes non-con). I have a very wide variety of tastes an interests, and the versatility to enjoy both romantic vanilla and things that push into darker territory with the same enthusiasm. I love me some monsters.

I generally regard these as “plot seeds”, to be altered and changed and built on by the partner that chooses them. Take them as inspiration for the journey. If you don’t see anything here that tickles your fancy and you think we are compatible, I’d love to hear your ideas! Included here will be settings that I've been working on as well as plots that can be added to a number of settings (or their own needs fleshing out). The stories and settings I am most eager to work on are denoted by asterisks. I am also SUPER open to creating new plots for any given setting you might be interested in.

More will be added in time!


The City of Genesis

Who remembers the songs that chronicle the birth of the world from starfire? Humans, adaptable and numerous turn theirs to survival and innovation of tomorrow. Elves press their ears to the veins of the earth, and chronicle her violent cycles and patterns in their longevity and perspective. Dwarves sing of innovation and process, confident in the wisdom written out for them in the bones of mountains. Djinn call out in chorus the echoes of those called gods over desert winds.

It is the Genesis-folk who remember. Or more pejoratively known in the tongues of Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Djinn as "Demons".

The City of Genesis lies at the center of the mighty Godsfall Breach, a mighty crater said to mark the beginning of life. It houses an ancient city that rises in twisting spires of gold and brass beyond the lip of the basin, around which strange beasts with webbed wings and coarse cries circle. Below, the city dances. There are tangled bazaars, humming under brilliant tarps--smelling of spices, perfume and dung. There are waterways and wells that web through neighborhoods of stone and clay. There cool, airy temples of marble from which haunting voices echo. But this city carries with it a strange blood. Here, more so than any other place in the world, anything is possible--for magic infuses and touches not just shadow, light, tool and beast, but the flesh of every person born here.

The populace ranges from those shaped very much like a human or elf, but bearing horns, hooves, or sometimes even wings--and sometimes none of these things. Skin and eyes of all types and of every color are expected from the conventional, to scales, feathers, many eyes. A few are huge beings of many limbs and teeth. A city of "demons" to strangers who have not visited. But to those who live here, it is a city full of people. Nothing more or less, and perhaps that is the greatest danger of them all.


The trade of magical artifacts is highly restricted by the Arches within the City of Genesis--venal, twisted rulers obsessing over longevity and power within their floating palaces. However, the demand from humans and other races beyond make smuggling such things well worth the risks. Such journeys are generally only safe for those with enough human blood to survive beyond the Hundred Mile Ring. An artifact smuggler in his prime (or criminal/delver of some other sort that might lead him to this) finds in his possession an ancient magical item beneath the city of clearly human construction. The age of the item and its clear origins would upend several old governments view of the world that magic is indigenous to the Genesiese and that the stories of a divided history of the world's people is false. He falls in with MC--some kind of local healer (a highly valued profession and a specialized one here. She'd probably be the equivalent of a masseuse with skill in other areas) or a scholar who agree that this item cannot stay within the city and must be moved to a place of learning and protection away from beings like the Arches--beings who have not only the motive to destroy it, but the power as well. One thing is clear though: they cannot do it alone.

One feature that separates the Genesis-folk or “demons” as others might call them is the ability to successfully reproduce with any race, despite low fertility rates. Humans are prized breeders for this reason, for it is believed their blood brings stability, survivability and fertility to a race with chaotic, magically charged bodies. Humans and Gensis-folk with a high proportion of human blood fetch impressive dowries and rewards on these markets, for whatever ends.

This story begins with a young woman who is fully half-human, and who hoped to travel the world and become a cartographer or historian. However, as the only child of her parents--who have lost much of their business and wealth either in scandal or disaster must marry to save the family from destitution and homelessnes. The story escalates with your character. Is he a wealthy but troubled noble? An up and crime lord with many enemies and a claim to stake? Is he a foreigner, succeeding in a strange and magical city with unique skills and acumen? The choice is yours, and the possibilities are endless, exciting and dangerous.

Themes: arranged marriage, power dynamics, interracial, historicity/scholarship, possible exploration of consent, romance, etc (always up for discussion of course), adventure

The Iron Circle, a ruthless gang that deals in illicit substances, treasures and slaves are at the apex of their power. However, seething beneath the pleasures of recent riches are the tensions between leaders and the ambitions of the lowly within its ranks.

The story begins with your character (who can be anything from a grunt, to an assassin, to one of the heirs of the gang) and mine (a young court dancer who was seized in the latest raid, either by your character or gifted to him). Your character has a need--revenge, power, or perhaps even the need to escape the Iron Circle. My character, with similar motivations of freedom and revenge, is ready to aid him--the level of eagerness or reticence depending on what you’d like to explore. Either way, the two of them have enemies in the form of the Iron Circle and the law outside of it, and for now only each other for allies as they seek their goals.

**Seas of Smoke (Dragon Riders)

Once a vibrant planet of diverse life and death, of deep fertile seas, living mountains and mighty forests, Tau Ceti has become a hellscape of smoke and inhospitable acidic oceans thanks to the greed and evil of a small portion of humanity allowed to wield too much power. The dragons awoke near the end of the worst and fewest mankind's venal reign of destruction of the planet managed to save samples of all the life that remained and sealed them and most of their kin within a Crucible, but not before banishing the remnants of humanity to the broken earth motes within the contaminated sky. They were not banished without purpose though. They were given a charge by the dragons: to clean the world and fix it so life could flourish in earnest once again. And humans, they stipulated, would have allies: the descendants of dragons who helped enable evil in their time, to be raised amongst humans and aid them in great magics otherwise unachievable without human partnerships to renew the world.

Five hundred years have passed. Residual magic and built up poison has formed great beasts of pollution and darkness with crude minds bent on destruction. It is the job of the Dragon Riders and their mounts, the Tarnished, to defeat them, and time is running out. There are whispers that the seals on the Crucible are weakening, and the dark intelligence of the monsters beyond the cities has well as corruption within the Domes.

Humans vastly outnumber dragons, and dragons themselves enjoy adulation and luxury from the people of the Domes. However, the partnership walks an uncomfortable power balance. At this stage in development, dragon breeding is decided by their human associates. Many "breeds" have been developed to specialize in a particular sort of talent. Depending on what you like for your dragon RPs, the dragons can either shapeshift and take a humanoid form (with as many or few draconic elements to them as we like), or stay more draconic in all their incarnations.

Dragons have their eternal proclivity to human love affairs, but they are discouraged by their keepers. It is rare for a half-dragon to survive in the womb to term, and those that do are said to become powerful and dangerous sorcerers. As of right now they are generally forbidden.


I'm very excited about this world, but as it's very new, I don't have a ton of solid plots (although I have a lot of ideas!). Here are some pairing ideas I'd love to form into a story with you!

Dragon x Rider

Half-dragon x half-dragon (or dragon/rider/etc)

Dragon x Dragon

Dragon Rider x Dragon Rider

***The Age of Monsters

The bones of dead gods molder stark and white half buried within the Wandering Desert. The Mare's Back and her green hills roll up against the Stormscrape Peaks, the foothills tangled by labyrinthine forest full of trees old as the heart of the earth and faerie whispers. Coasts, black, white and gray roll wide at the edges of five savage seas from the cold, abyssal depths of the Primordial Rift to the warm shallow Tethys Sea, choked by islands.

Upon this mighty earth, the mortal spawn of gods and titans battle for dominion, their individual ideas of peace, and power. Minotaurs in their federation of clans rule from marble palaces on the Kretean Isles and conquered human coastal cities on the mainland, their eyes ever set on expansion. The winged deva live in their City of Brass hidden within the Wandering Desert, where the bones of old gods moulder and blacken. Centaurs roam across rolling plains of the Mare's back in surging, warlike tribes--fighting between attempts at unification and tribal conflict. Deerfolk, wolf-folk and satyr-kind rule the tangled forests in Unseelie company. Among them all, humankind, relative newcomers to this land in terms of the centuries fight to carve out a niche among them all--struggling between a unification of the human peoples who arrived here and their clannish origins.

Through all of this, magic flows as freely as blood--but no horn, fang, hoof or axe will decide the victors alone...


The world of the drow has always existed as a blade, pressing at once into the madness of abyssal planes and the feral wonder of the feywild. Its people, dancing to the tune of the Spider Queen's music of seething politics and sacrifice, occasionally fall.

Tazthen Vodeana would really like to go home. Once a celebrated Shadowblade--already a difficult achievement for a man in his society--he entered the Feywild six years ago to one purpose: to find and slay an ancestral patron whose curse withers away at the lifespan of its host in exchange for unearthly power. However, his quest was short-lived. The Feywild, ancestral home of elfkind, has not forgotten the betrayal of his people, and to add insult to injury, his quarry has vanished. Now his goal is to find a portal home and pick up the pieces. This has been made extra annoying by the fact he's currently trying to extricate himself from the court of a Fey Lord. Thankfully, he's not alone. One of the fey lords captives is also ready to make an escape for home. Your character can be of any gender or species you're interested in playing. They could even be Tazthen's patron in a mortal shape, memories of their fey nature sealed away. The main idea is that they're willing to work together to get home. Bonus points for culture clash on this one. This is a little different than some of my other offerings in which here I'm presenting more of a fully fleshed out, masc character I'd like to play against any of your ideas for this one.

Like all things in nature, the faerie courts of the tangled Hunter's Labyrinth are two fold as light and shadow. Different, but bound to one another at their fundamental cores. The Seelie Court is bright, subtle and soft as a pale bloom whose thorns drip poison. The Unseelie is a harsh laugh, an obsidian blade made darker by the blood of an innocent. Though both rule different spaces they are locked in an endless battle for dominance. That is before humans buy their way in with curiosity, foolishness and sacrifice to play the game.

Character A is a Seelie or Unseelie prince of a faerie race of (satyr of any sort kind--deer/goat/unicorn/whatever, a shapeshifting fox or wolf entity, etc I liked hooved monsters best but there are loads of creative ideas for faeries). He is accused of a heinous crime or incompetence by his reigning monarch: one of the Meres, a shard said to be a broken off part of the god of faerie's body and the object that allows faeries to be reincarnated when they die, has been stolen by humans. There are rumors that the mirror somehow grants a mortal eternal life. Regardless of such a story's veracity, the fact is simply that it has been taken, and Character A was allegedly part of, if not the whole reason it happened. He is stripped of his soul's ability to reincarnate and much of his considerable power is sealed inside him. He is an outlaw, with little more than his wits, a shadow of his magic and maybe an ally or two.

What he does next is variable. Does he wish for revenge, to recover the object, or something grander? Regardless, he needs allies, and a way to mitigate the seal on his magic and achieve his goals. My first thought here is he acquires a number of useful wives--bound through ritual, sex and magic to him--to aid him in addition to his other allies. One could be a human witch of significant power who is looking for a role in the world to grow in her power and eclipse the lowly expectations of a world that rejected her. Another might be half human, half faerie woman who must define herself outside the boxes she fails to fit into, and the third maybe a faerie woman of his own kind or simply another type who helps him made alliances among his own people with skillful diplomacy and natural magic. Really, the sky is the limit here on what you'd like best.

Themes: variable, polyamory, ritual, voyeurism, potential dubious consent to romance--a lot is on the table here for discussion.

There is a small and wild country on a cold island in a northern sea. Mighty pines scrape the granite-cold sky and cast thick shadows upon the kingdom of Vestmar. It is a land inhabited by seasonal raiders and farmers made into warriors by vicious winters, dark beasts and the fair and dark folk that stalk among the woods.

A young queen who came into her power at sixteen when her father fell in battle against Ice Giants sits uneasy on her throne. At that tender time in her life, in order to hold her kingdom together, made a heavy deal with an entity of power (your character) from the Ossuary--the wild, fey darkness in the pines. With his help she succeeded, but after seven years the entity is finally ready to collect.

He may want her as a companion or bride for his purposes, he may need her for machinations in human lands, or to break a curse upon him, some combination of these elements or none--the choice is yours and for us to flesh out.

The sun has set upon the age when gods surged across the earth, and a red dawn gleams upon the age of men and bronze swords. The Golden Scythe, a fertile crescent rich with fragrant forests of cedar and sycamore, fields of golden grain and a coast teeming with fish lies ravaged. Dozens of petty warlords impose venal reigns upon the people of the land--once proud descendants of ancient kingdoms reduced to slaves beneath their whips and madness.

There are those who remember old ways--and those with visions of a better future. But such a future may only be visible through a veil of blood.

This story begins with an exile, surrounded only by a few allies, on a path to unite and conquer the region. He must make allies, raise armies and take wives to aid him in his quest against mad tyrants, monsters and perhaps even sleeping gods.

In this story you might take the role of the conqueror, and I the wives (they can be princesses, oracles, priestesses, women of humbler origins with keen minds, the queens of kings your character topples, part-demons or angels, etc, I have many ideas). I can comfortably handle up to three. Between the two of us we will in the rest of the world. The tone is more 'swords and sorcery'. Alternatively we can switch roles! I'm equally as happy right now playing masculine characters.

Savage Kingdoms (Anthro/Furry Plots/Xenoficational Plots)

I will start this one off with less flowery aspects and a little clarification. I have always loved anthro and furry stories/art/culture but with an aspect of grounding re: no neon foxes or dragons/hippogriffs--but plausible hybrids along the lines of liger/tigons/leopons, wolf-dogs, mules, etc are fine, even encouraged. A huge part of my fascination has always been the work of discovering a form of anthropology based on a real animal's biology or traits, and then projecting that into a more "hard" xenofictional way. In short something that forms a happy medium between Watership Down and Game of Thrones. Given the nature of these plots, if you like the look of them but don't want to do animals, they can be subbed out for human or fantasy races with some tweaking.

The aged lion Emperor of the Tamazgha Dominion peers over his mighty domain with his ever-slowing heart heavy. His empire, having succeeded in achieving a fragile trade agreement with the Tiger Kings of the East, a temporary truce with the elephant Federation of Clans, and the begrudging cooperation of the herbivore tribes of his lands, is on the brink of flying apart into bloody, war torn chaos. He fears not death, for it is the fate of all Lion men to face Challenge as his power wanes. He fears the gains of his life will be lost to any of the three sons who hope to succeed him. One is a warlike brute eager for true conquest. A second a peacemaker, whose heart may make the bloody business of ruling so challenging that the empire falls away. The third is a Liger--younger than his brothers from a Tigress concubine, who though powerful is not pure of blood, and the doubt of his ability to father heirs casts doubt upon such a person's rule.

To say nothing of their eventual Queens, and wives. Those choices, like any matters of state, can build Empire, or destroy it....

In this scenario, you would choose to play either one of the dying Emperor's sons--or a dark horse outlaw type set to conquer the throne. I have many ideas for female mains for this one, and I can adjust based on your choice. To start with: the highblooded princess with a ferocious head for state, the ambitious an unhappy concubine or wife of a rival who longs for a true king and power of her own, a leopard-lion hybrid slave whose sweet words and exotic beauty can weaken the most hardened enemy's defenses, or the oracle and soothsayer who can support any rule with the power of those who claim to wield sorcery.

The Empire of Ice

Varangia is a wild, northern country that exists at the top of the world. Glaciers rumble and crack, white skies flood the winters with deathly snow. Off the coast, rich black seas teem with great whales and seals--and beneath the frozen earth life and brilliant mineral lies. The peoples of this land have many differences. The fair-skinned Varan, who earn their glories in raids and war, crafting great ships and tools and worshipping their gods in long wooden halls. The Aeska, who navigate the dark waters in canoe built from the bodies of mighty whales, who understand water, ice and earth like no other and outsurvive all. Then there are the Nurtani, a group descended from far southern nomads who exist within Varan society but apart, and sometimes nomadic with their own ways and histories--adaptable and clever. There are two things that bind them all though: their strength, and the dangers beyond the natural that lurk in their world.

Witches and monsters of frost, spirit and death lurk in the aspen forests and high crags. The ghosts of those whom the elements have taken sing in the dark, their voices blending with hungry ancient gods that reside in nature. This is a land of beauty and danger and magic, and within it exists a paradox of survival. The strongest are the ones who will make it, but never alone.
A young woman of high birth discovers her parents made a dread deal with a witch long ago. In exchange for a firstborn daughter, the witch would give the man and his beloved wife (who had been declared unable to have anymore children due to the physical trauma of the daughter's birth) a spell that would guarantee them a healthy son. On the girl's twentieth birthday, the witch would come for her. All her life, her parents had refused suits, and did not allow her to marry or leave, and upon this discovery she takes it upon herself to change this fate. So at nineteen, she sets out alone, and seeks the aid of someone who can help her with this task. He could be a swordsman, a sorcerer, a part human/part monster, or even an entity of the ancient woods that can take whatever shape he likes. But he won't help her for free, as he will have his own goals, enemies and interests. For whatever the witch wanted from this young woman may be appealing to others as well...
Themes: Variable. Ritual, contracts, power dynamics, possibly romance, politics, interaction of magic/man/nature, loads of possibilities for different sexual themes here

On the human held coastal city of Lathos, a Minotaur captain (captain, prince, general, or even just a good soldier) struggles against the bonds of slavery. Captured in a failed conquest of Lathos, he has been used as gladitorial entertainment for his human captors for six months. Over that time, he has had a strange solace with the healer who attends the slaves of the Arena--a young female doctor rumored to possess a strange power. For one thing, despite never learning it formally, she has always been effortlessly able to communicate with him in his own language. She has found herself drawn to this terrifying enemy of her people, and their relationship thought defined by professional healing is unsettling as it is occasionally welcome.
However, his captivity is not forever. A second invasion force storms Lathos. In a moment of impulsive empathy and confusion, the woman frees the Minotaur, where he is able through his knowledge of the human city becomes a key player in a successful capture. He is welcomed back by his people, and naturally takes his share of the spoils. Among his choices is the healer, whom he take back to Kretea as a wife or concubine.
There, amidst the backdrop of a bustling and organized Minotaur civilization, the mystery of their connection can be explored, as well as the struggles of a foreign woman in a strange land and a strange husband, and the challenges a former prisoner of war faces in a society defined by victory. Can they help each other grow in their own respective power? What commonalities can they discover in each other to help them grow past society, and their weaknesses?
More plotty details--villains and external conflicts and such--can be discussed depending on what you're looking for!

*The Plains of Avernus
A recently fleshed out and reinvigorated D&D setting, the war-torn scarred landscape of Avernus is ripe for a multitude of stories. Dread tyrants and infernal warlords command their legions from floating fortresses. Devil, demon, angel and mortal slam together in a writhing fury of blade, flame and desire as the souls of the damned fuel the machines of endless war. And through it all, the River Styx, teeming with abominations of the abyss sap the memory and soul of all who touch its waters. Some fight for victory in the Blood War, others to vanquish the evil here. Some fight for profit, others for escape. Why are you in hell, and who are you going to become?
An angel, a former soldier of Pelor's Golden Legions, has been taken prisoner by the forces of Zariel--a former angel turned Archdevil and current ruler of Avernus. This prisoner has been turned over to a young operative within Zariel's forces to corrupt and master for his personal and military ends. But this is less a gift and more a dire responsibility, for he has a checkered past and a track record of failure (be it an act of kindness, or a sacrifice). This prisoner represents a chance to either ascend and make this right with his general, or perhaps even escape and freedom for the both of them. The question is--which path will he take?
Themes: Variable. They could be anything from corruption to redemption, hardcore, rough sex, power dynamics, ritual, enemies to lovers, exploration of consent. Lots to talk about here.

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