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Push Notifications?

Sep 14, 2019
I've rp'ed on other websites before that had an option to enable "push notifications" (Idk if that's what they're called on not ios, but the same idea where when you get a message or something a thing pops up on your screen) through your web browser. So if I just had the browser open but not the website I got a little popup on the corner of my screen saying "So and so replied to your thread/conversation X"

My question is: Does bluemoon have such a feature? And if so, how do I enable it?
I need to get the php version upgraded first. But to do that I need to get Elliquiy upgraded. E has a lot of custom scripts, however, so I'm currently in the process of converting those.

Once E is upgraded (and stuffs associated with it), I'll get a proper php version up and we should have push notifications : )
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