Fantasy Realm


May 12, 2019
ok I think I will start with some of my favorite characters that I like to use.

Princess Cora Lockheart
Likes" Painting, gardening and Flying
Dislikes: Having to hide her true nature
Princess Cora Lockheart has come of age, her parents have decided to welcome other kingdoms in to meet them and their daughter. her mother and Father have been able to hide their true natures in order to gain the strong kingdom they have created. Some kingdoms openly brag about their shifter nature, some hide it in order to "fit in" with the human royality. Now that Cora has come of age princess from every nation try to catch the eye of the elusive Princess from the Pegassi Kingdom. Cora, however, is then then thrilled about this. Her parents insist she keep her true nature hidden. Saying it is too dangerous due to the rarity of her kind. COra is tried of hiding and as of lately her magical energy keeps going haywire. Odd storms appreaing out of nowhere, dark and dreary days suddenly becoming bright and sunny. The King and Queen have begun to realize that their odd daughter may have more magic then they first thought. They need to get her married off in order to protect her. Cora is not in the mood to play along with his game, if she is going to marry, it is going to be with love or not at all!"

What I am looking for:
I am looking for a male character to play in this sotry line. Your preference on whether you would like to play a human character or a shifter is completely up to you. I would like there to be some drama amongst the story. I do not want to have this story to be just smut based. There may be some scenes later on in the story at which point COra would feel more comfortable with theother character to begin a more...physical reltaionship. There is also room if someone would like to play multiple character vying for her attention and a possibility that she may ten to start liking them all but for different reason. So really it could be a 1X1 or Fmm, Fmmm, or MMFMM.
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My NO Zone:
scat, core, vore, incest, non-con, abuse, choking.
Kinks: reverse harem, romance
If play multi-characters I would like to try to have several different personalities. Example: One who is a total flirt but likes to be submissive, one who maybe is forced to be there but he starts liking her and it pisses him off so he is grumpy and very dominate. Then one that has a switch mentally to him.
Switching gears for a moment ... I also enjoy playing male characters for MXM rp's. I have two favorites so I will introduce them both. If neither spark a flame I can always provide more upon request.
Echo Yokiama
Age: Looks to be around 25
Heritage" Kitsune' (fox-shifter)
White hair, ice blue eyes
Echo is a softy at heart. He responds best to a gentle touch but does on occasion like to get a little rough.
There are many scenarios to use Echo in that I like to do.
College roommates: Basically YC would be Echo's college roommate, Echo hides his ears by wearing beanies and keeps his tail tucked in so he can be "normal"
Bodyguard: This one is more fantasy based where Echo would be brought in to play as a guard to YC, so a king, prince, or high ranking official works best for this scenario. Basically in this either Echo or YC could start flirting with the other and it leads to more as Echo prefers the male persuasion.
Hunted: I like to do this one as well where YC would be part of a group or society that believe shifters or half breeds are evil and need to be eliminated. now whether or not YC agrees with that is up to you. This would cause Echo to hide who he is in fear of the group that illegally hunts his kind. the two could then build some soft of bond somehow that would then lead to some dramtic moments once their real identities were revealed.
Caged Phoenix

Mina was only five years old when men with guns and armor lay seige to her home. Her parents and several of the other adult shifters ran to try to protect their home and their children. Sadly, all but a handful of children and young parents survived the slaughter. Mina was whisked away from her home and put on a boat.

It felt like ages she was on that boat, but eventually they stopped on a very remote and private island. Humans were not so invented, this island was called, "shifter isle, site A. Mina showed no signs of having shifter power at such a young age but they kept her anyway. At 13 she hit puberty and her powers exploded from her body. Thankfully she hadn't shifted, she had just been engulfed in a raging inferno that blasted apart the rec room, injuring several guards in the process.

Now she sat an empty cell, in the lockdown wing, of the underground science facility. She was only allowed out if Brutus, her current handler, came to get her for her weekly testing. She was also aloud out when Sarah, from housekeeping, let her out. Then she was aloud to walk the block a bit and get a shower, otherwise she stayed in her small cell.

For this rp I am look for a male character counterpart. There are three mainroles that can be played and im sure even some I havent thought of. It is up to you to pick one or several.
The scientist- yc would come into the facility as a new scientist or physician. You would get to meet mc and see what she has to go through on a regular basis.

The handler- Brutus is her current handler and he is a disgusting pig that likes to get handsy with Mina. Yc would be guard coming in to take over. Again meeting her and going through her routine.

The new "asset". - yc would be the new shifter on her block the two of you would wxperiance what it is like to have to be tested on and forced to shift...well they try anyway Mina refuses to shift for fear of worse testing.

Either of the three work for me as they are all currently availale. Where i would like to see it go would be for yc to come in, you can either play along with the rules or be utterly horrified at Mina's treatment. Basically at some point yc can either help her escape or she is going to escape. I would like for there to be an element of attraction and romance that leads i to some very fiery moments between the two.
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