Fx Male First Mating ~ (NSFW) ~ Magic, Flying Ships, Floating Islands, and Monster Girls (PMs Only)


Dec 11, 2019
In Heat
First Mating


Centuries ago, the earth was perfectly normal, a world of mundane Humans, then one day a magical cataclysm that came to be called The Collision brought the earth and multiple other worlds into destructive contact that left all worlds involved shattered. The residual energies of The Collision formed a protective cocoon around the surviving landmasses, leaving them floating through the eternal aether, broken yet alive. In time, the surviving inhabitants of the floating continents discovered a way to harness those same residual magic energies to take to the skies in flying ships. The remnants of Humanity soon discovered that they were no longer alone. The Collision had brought together Humans and Non-Humans from a myriad of other worlds, and now they would all have to learn how to co-exist.

Called the Shattered Isles, this post-Collision world is filled with mystery and adventure, but that doesn't have anything to do with you. You're no dashing Sky Captain, just an ordinary man who lives a comfortable, if somewhat stagnant life as a male "escort" employed by a small port tavern. Not bad to look at, and talented in bed, you've had quite a lucrative career, but one night with the wrong client could very well change your life forever.


As early morning dawned, you awoke from a pleasant dream with a tired smile on your face, your body still tingling with the memories of the previous night's activities. The dragoness had come into the tavern the night before, built like an amazoness and clothed like a gen-u-ine pirate queen. Smelling a lucrative night's business, you'd made your move to seduce the draconic woman, and it hadn't taken much convincing for her to retire upstairs with you in one arm and a bottle of cheap rum in the other. It wasn't the first time you'd bedded a woman with a bit of bulk to her, and while she'd left you a bit tender, but you'd left her quite satisfied.

Crawling out of bed, you looked to your night time companion, but found the spot you'd left her snoring contently the previous evening conspicuously empty. Well that was no big loss, as long and the pirate dragoness had left your payment on the night table by the door. Indeed payment had been left, but to you distinct displeasure, it wasn't the purse of coin that you'd been expecting, instead it was a single folded slip of parchment. Unfolding the slip, your eyes went wide with disbelief as you read the neatly scrawled text. It was a Writ of Ownership for a Skyship, the Golden Harem. The one in possession of the Writ, currently you, had legal ownership of the ship, it's profits, and it's debts.
The Crew of the Golden Harem

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