Fx Male simmer ××× 「too many plots」


heed a wily wolf and a woman's wit
Sep 16, 2014

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx GIVE IN! xx ↺ ↺ xxCON TROL
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ❜ ——— theres so many ways to give in!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxviii ░█ : !eyes close, xxxviii ░█ ANOTHER .way! ` to make it to ten
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxxviiiO H! xx H O W xx T O xx D R A W xx T H E xx L I N E xx B E T W E E N xx W R A T H xx A N D xx M E R C Y

_________Welcome fireflies and butterflies. You've landed in my web.
_________My names Aurelia, but feel free to call me a nickname if you please. [Aure, Lia, A, etc..] Now, before I bore you with anything too dull, I'll ramble a few tid bits off here now as quickly as I can.

_________I live in the EST zone of things, been roleplaying quite some time. I really like ooc chatter, as I feel it keeps things open to creative suggestions for the stories. I'm a Taurus, have like sixty plants and
_________two dogs I adore - I'd totes have more if not for money, space, and time. I ramble, occasionally gamble, and really vibe neo-noir or apocalypse aesthetic for whatever reason. And yes, I used vibe and
_________ aesthetic in the same sentence as all the other stuff. You'll find darkness of a many kinds is a common theme for me general.

_________❛ -- Samples below give a rough idea to what I'm capable of. I'm a very give what is given type person, but I also know I just really can get to writing if given the chance. I've over and under whelmed in the
_________past, but I like growing. I also love quirks characters have, and keep throughout the stories. I want witty dialogue, wild plot twists and fleshed out back stories. I want the internal struggle, the feelings
_________of it. I'm not even gonna label what you might call me in terms, but just know I like detail, but, also progression. I need balance and sometimes that ranges depending on what is deemed for the scene.

_________❛ -- I work a lot! I do try to respond as soon as possible, but if you're looking for quick multi-fire every day or whatever, I can't provide that for you. What I can give is likely one of the most patient, people
_________pleasing, albeit picky, people you'll meet. I understand muses, I understand mental illness, I understand things happen. And if we're writing, getting along, and every other month you wake up and want to
_________ just start on something else, let me know! If you ghost and come back a year later, cool beans! I'm literally the chilliest and want everyone to have fun.

_________❛ -- As for where I like to play, PMs are the way. I manage PMs much better, but I'm always willing to discuss threads. No Discord or email. But we're almost done!

_________❛ -- On the subject of PMing me, get creative with that message inside. I'm going to assume you simply want some quick hit while I'm much more a slow burn.

_________❛ -- Also, I'm a total slut for music, haha. My Spotify wrap up of the year told me I've listened to way too many songs soo... Send me a song or video you like, totally worth bonus points.

_________❛ -- Here's an F-List, while I'm at it. In terms of people I play, my characters are usually pushers? Strong women for stronger men. Ladies in the streets, and curiously, depraved, messy little things in the sheets.

_________❛ -- I can't seem to think of anything else, so I'll scoot myself onto the real fun of what to play. See? Badda bing, badda boom~!

❛ --
oh lookie, samples~!

Dive bars and Christmas
“Christmas time… What a load of shit.” A sigh escaped almost quite dramatically in the hazy, heated night air. Certain proprietors of establishments playing into the darkening vanity and rules that was El Paso, which meant that customers would find themselves being shooed out their way and preferred to be directed into the way of safe housing. But was such a place even considered safe anymore? Would a simple lock and rectangle shaped frame stop whatever was happening in the town? The female who had merely managed to snag but a beer in such late hours didn’t quite believe it. As far as she stood in that street, she was no safer there then in an apartment.

Big words, sure, from someone who looked like they weren’t much of a fighter.

Then again, her line of work didn’t quite include scouring the night hours for their next meal ticket, if at least in the sense that they were going to kill them as per whoever was currently on a rampage. Scavengers? It sounded harsh but what did she do but find the leftovers of whoever had started such a ruckus, and pick at whatever was remaining from so many others getting their fingers in it? She wasn’t first choice when the whole thing began, she knew that, had heard it, but she’d make sure she was the name they heard more than ever, if she had anything to do with it. Or at least optimism pressed through the veins and lingered to tell the mind so. At the current moment in time, which, glancing at the delicate watch on the inner part of her wrist was right at three in the morning. Scavengers kept such strange hours though and the figure found herself still wondering in a manner that meant she needed at least a bit more liquor before she’d find sleep.

See enough dead bodies and blood and it really doesn't mess with someone anymore; at least not in the way they think it would. Sure the stomach doesn't turn as much, and that natural reflex to look away and gag doesn't boil the acid in the stomach, but it starts to make you wonder. Why, or how, what motive. Questions that eventually effect the sleep cycle and what someone might think is a normal conversation. Consumption, like an alcoholic needing a fix, eventually, people find themselves just wondering too much. Figuratively or literally, well, it was always up for debate as well.

Five foot two with a body that held it’s fair amount of curves, and was about one fifty soaking wet, was doing that wondering still. Leisurely strolling down the sidewalk towards the dimly lit sign that still was universal for ‘open’. Was she asking for it? Did the body usually donned in dress slacks and blouse look a little too easy in a fitted purple tank normally hidden under the blouse, tucked into the hip hugging blue jeans scream handling it? Fairy tale figures had wondered into worse, she figured, so what was another drink? The hot mess that she would don herself, found her body right at the door that would hopefully find a new place for a peace of mind. Or even something just strong enough to put her to sleep. Enough car rides, bus rides, and, meet and greets for questioning, could kill anyone’s vibe in a matter of days. And Harper was determined to settle her vibe.

A soft breeze came, nothing chilly or mentioning snow would be rolling through at the time. No crisp air that smelt like pine and would remind her of home, no, it was only doing its best to knock more strands of brown hair from the messy bun that sat atop her head straight into her face as green eyes adjusted to the new light inside. Music, still a few in body count, including the bartender, but nonetheless, she seemed to have found some luck. Something hazy like lingering smoke was what she trailed through up towards the bar in simple sandals. Giving the usually glance around anyone did when entered, as if it made them safer to read a room? Eyes passed over the dark haired male on a stool as she found one two down from him.

What was it with people never choosing to sit next to each other? To vulnerable? Asking for conversation they didn’t quite want?

Harper could never grasp enough straws to answer that, no matter just how curious her mind ran and why, in the whole of it all, she did it just as naturally as everyone else.

A yawn crept up and she placed her hand delicately over it while a weighted brown leather clutch found it’s way to the counter top just to the side of her in reach. The bartender giving her a look and doing as normal concerned people did anymore, pretending or not. “It’s a bit late isn’t it?”

A cocky sort of smirk mixed with a breath passing her lips, amused at the concern for her but not for anyone else, unless she had missed it. Her eyes did give the notable glance to her side once more, stopping on the other male occupying a stool and hesitating a passing tick of the clock before rolling back with her own thoughts. “Then I suppose you wouldn’t be open, if it was too late, hm?” It granted her a chuckle which seemed passable enough, and she pointed towards the back at nothing in particularly. Nothing but her much more smooth voice sliding out in a rather mild tone. “Just a beer... And a shot of tequila, thank you.”

Her fingers gently brushed down at the counter, giving taps not really audible before her lips curled up and she couldn’t help but look back over at the dark haired male with a questioning looking. “Did he baby you like this when you came in, or am I special?” Perhaps it was that finding night partners to hold a conversation, or she was just trying to make light while waiting for her beer… or in the fact that she had a hard time to just not talking with others. Whatever it was, it came out, not quite demanding he answer, but something more perky in her tone, as if asking if he would converse back. Play with her?

Her lips curled up into a bright and rather warming smile for how tired the rest of her body could give away she was, but it essentially seemed like a second nature and perhaps she was asking for it. Conversation, that was, or so she figured, leaning forward so her arm was a rest to her chest against the bars counter top. Pressing the pronounced chest up more from the tank top while taking the beer into her warm free hand with a soft thanks.

Was there much about a wrong and a right making something…

How ready are you?
A soft, surprised, whine hummed from her throat as his grip tightened and just when she felt she may have had a hold on the situation, he was tugging her up to him rigidly. Giving her it's own answer to what she had just told him, that he at least was pleased with it, but could certainly grow on every little thing she would utter his way. Her eyes watching his with all intents and purposes of clearly listening, of feeding off that he seemed very in tune with her answer. And as he suddenly tugged her up to him, forcing her head to angle to his will, her hands pressing against his thighs for balance as her body brushed up closer to him, did she realize that they hadn't even fucked yet.

She suddenly felt like even more putty in his hands, feeling hot breath and his wet tongue touch tender skin, she swallowed down sharply, aware he'd probably feel it as her knees shifted while she took a sharp exhale in pleasure. Her mind could have went hazy then, tempting her so easily to wonder down the mindless path, but his voice kept her right on the edge still. Just enough aware that they did still have business to attended to, and it wouldn't be as easy as her agreeing to fuck him from time to time just to keep her place. Everything she kept thinking was wrong, but upon hearing him tell her just what she should soon be calling him, all she could do was blank.

Hesitation holding her in place, never having imagined that this scenario as a whole would appear in her lap, but more so she wondered if it wasn't the warmth of his face so close to hers. To feel his breath and hands on her as she practically held back another hum of approval as she registered what she needed to be doing. What he wanted her to do. So slowly did she give a small nod, then another, brushing her skin against his before she dared to lean back, tugging from his hand carefully she scooted her knees back against her carpet. Her hands already working to push down her leggings across her shapely hips and thighs, working her legs to swing out then so she could tug her own pants off the best she could, suddenly feeling the cooler air around towards the heated place between her legs.

Because after a small, quick search across his face, did her eyes drop, one of her hands finding the smooth skin already glistening between her legs. Her heart was racing and only then did it seem to be clicking with how on display she was for him, and how despite having been seen by others, this felt in a whole other level of exposure that she hadn't quite been used to with any others. Her middle finger found the soaked entrance and trailed up, a soft moan escaping as she adjusted her legs a bit wider and sat back on her heels slowly in the moment.

She was supposed to be debating on a name to call him, she supposed, but her lips had curled up a bit more and her tone slipped out with a bit of taunting she couldn't help just yet in the rush of everything. "You say that... like it's not already ready." And as if needing proof, did her single finger draw away enough that an obvious string of her juices was stretched along before finally giving a small break. She dared then to lift her eyes back up towards his as she took a deep breath, her chest pressing against her shirt and lifting her finger up towards her mouth, before pushing her finger in with a hum, as if showing off that she would even taste the product since she had offered it in the deal.

Ah look, a prostitute thing.
Even flowers could grow in concrete it seemed. Or least when well taken care of. The last drips of water pitter pattering into the pot under the glass held over it that was now empty. Beautiful pink flowers that resonated the same name as their owner, already seeming happy and awake from the drink they were receiving. Opposite of the yawn that escaped bare plump lips. A hand not bothering to cover or be modest as she was alone. And she strictly could see the sense to care. The empty run down dump apartment that she did manage to live and barely afford wasn’t that bad. It wasn't that she couldn’t use a roommate, (though she much preferred the quiet living to herself) it was that you couldn’t trust the scum around the place as far as you could chuck them. And while Iris may have been able to throw a few -- being as skinny as they were --, the crack heads, cocaine addicts, dealers, and killers, were not someone she would want to even get close to.

Course a laugh could easily be tossed saying she was such a hypocrite for if she didn’t throw them, she would sleep with them. She might give the plain excuse that it was different, even if the fiery red head knew otherwise. She risked her life every night she went out to sleep with someone. Crazy wives, jealous girlfriends, just creepy old men. It didn’t matter, all she saw was dollar signs. When anyone became professional in her… line of work, looking over the very blatant details that screamed at you in the face, became a simple thing to ignore. A ring was a ring, no matter the finger it was placed on. The tan line that many held, was just a tan line. Pictures of children or other woman in wallets were just that, pictures. Emotion wasn’t a strong suit in the world she lived in. Not many things were in fact. Clothes were material, phones, friends… All sat on the same dusty shelf that emotions did. Not touched, not bothered, not even dusted.

A sigh escaped the lips where the yawn had been moments before as bare feet padded across the room to go get dressed. Not that there was much to do. She was shaved, showered, and only had her arms left to moisturize. Which she was doing now, running one little hand up the opposite arm, nimble fingers curling around to make sure she got every inch. The unscented lotion still carrying a smell of something sweet. Something she liked in her dark little world. Just like her flowers. Little things made her ecstatic. No. Scratch that. The red head was always unenthusiastic, but very happy. Not ecstatic. She was doing what she knew she was going to do since school. Now she was just getting paid better for it. That made a twisted smirk appear at the corner of the pretty little lips that she was applying light lip gloss to, giving them a sparkling shine under the dim lights. Next coming the high black stilettos. A short black skirt already placed on her hips, zipped up the side and curling right under her rump to show the perfectly round bottom.

It didn’t take much to aid the top half, with the ample amount she had going for her up there. Hands came up to shift the chest a bit to get comfortable in the bra and clingy blue top. While she would try and bring out her features, she didn’t think it mattered anymore. Bright carmine locks that hung down her back was enough to catch attention. Thankfully, for the plain brown eyes she bore didn’t do much for her. So other than hair and dressing slutty, well it was all her. And she had it.

Closing the door, she made sure she had her protections and a little cash stuffed into her clutch. Walking down the steps on her two story building, her lanky legs shined back at the lights as she made her way to her usual spot. Each girl took areas. It helped with regulars. And knowing who was helping what girls that were new to the gig. The dim lights flickered as she rolled her neck, trying to wake herself up. She had only been up a while, much more the nocturnal animal and while people may have thought about it or not, sleeping with people all the time was tiring. You built great muscles and had a good body, but you became tired a lot. Maybe tonight would be slow even though she needed cash. Rent was due soon. Another soft sigh passed her lips as she came to her wall, shifting a leg, she leaned back against it to wait for her first pray of the night.

And it didn’t take long at all.

Having heard the footsteps, her head slowly raised, caramel eyes barely drifting over the figures clothes, much more taking in the confidence that radiated off him. And something else. His entire body screamed power, a sense she never got from even the rich idiots that came about sauntering their cash to the girls. Well whatever it was, she figured she may as well try her luck. Pushing off the wall with her shoulders, she came slowly to him, her eyes obviously sizing him up. Some guys liked it, some guys didn’t. She was sure she looked lustful doing it either way. Walking around to his side she slowly smirked up at the figure, a hand going to her as it struck out a bit, taking in the strange haunting green eyes. “Hello… Are we looking for a treat tonight?” she cooed softly to him, tilting her head.

Medieval zombies baby
Silence and being alone were two of the more dangerous features to have combined in such a situation, for the mind tended to wonder to frantically to find peace and or answers of it's own. Filling in blanks where it could, coming up with any idea to make sense. Which was why now, Amara was merely pacing a line from one set of windows to last, then turning on her heels to do the same motion, it swirling her dress with each turn while eyes would frantically try and find a view outside. One arm had wrapped under her chest, the other resting it's elbow on it so her teeth had found itself picking at her nails in a nervous manner.

And when the door finally opened, she was quick to whirl around and find out just what was going on. Gregory giving a shake of his head and hands up to already slow her down, seeing her mouth opening to begin berating for information. "The Captain seems to have everything under control and it should be nothing to contain the situation."

"What is the situation?" Came her quick question back, holding out a hand then as if to enunciate the problem here.

"I will get all details and you will be informed once it has been handled, for now it's best if you--" His voice cut off at the sound of the horn blaring through the air and resounding in echos to the castles walls. And for a moment his aged gaze merely locked with her own in silence.

Before an answer could be found, her feet were scrambling around the table towards the doors. The head of staff quick to block her path. "You stay put in this room!" The raise in his voice to her something she had barely ever heard until she had truly upset him. The problem lied that she was already pushing herself.

"I'm not a child!" she shouted back, moving to side step him but being blocked once more, earning him a deathly glare. "Am I not next in charge until my father returns?!"

"You are in charge, but your safety trumps that, and you have absolutely no idea how to handle whatever may be out there." He spoke back, the firmness in his voice becoming apparent along with the facts being spit towards her. "You are a child to war, and for that, you know nothing." His words biting in the air, halting any clear moves she had to actually leave.

Eyes were searching his, but the look of something clearly taken back had been put in it's place for the mere fact that he was right. Fear was suddenly coursing in her bones and shaking down her legs, the fight or flight part becoming a tangled mess in notes that perhaps she only wanted to know to ease her own thoughts. She had no idea what she was doing otherwise for in her eighteen years, never had she heard the horn blow for this very reason.

"You will stay put for as long as I deem worthy here," he started, nodding his head into the room, but never leaving her gaze. "I will inform you, but you have to trust me Amara when I say it is best if you let us handle this for the time being. We will fill you in as soon as we can... Is that understood?"

She had to look absolutely defeated for she felt it, as her lips pursed and she swallowed down the lump in her throat, giving a solemn nod finally, eyes falling to the floor while he was already turning to catch the solider outside the door. "I want every door to this castle sealed, no one is to come or leave with notable reasoning, understood? You tell any others to check the same and help speed this up." The knight looked a moment with a unsure nod at the commands from head of staff, before Gregory spoke up. "Then why are you still standing there?"

With a scramble of such a question like a whip, he was turning to run down the halls and begin doing as told. The older man turning to almost leave when the door to the pantry and kitchen opened with a small squeak of it's hinges, turning her to see an older lady with full blown white hair pinned up looking at her. "My lady?" It was clearly a question for answers, ones that she didn't have, but was at least going to attempt to handle, while Gregory was there nonetheless.

"I don't know what is going on currently, Sarah, but who else is in the kitchen?" she asked, glancing around before deciding to follow over towards the door then, the older lady giving a glance back as if counting in her head before back to the princess.

"Um.. me, three other of the girls and the cook, ma'am. We just heard the horn and..." her voice trailed as Amara moved into the room Gregory already calling out and following.

"Princess..." It was warning, his feet coming in it's trail of words as they found way into the pantry before hearing a shout from further into the kitchen. Amara glancing at Gregory before all were rushing into the large kitchen, the sort of beefy man who was the cook turning when they joined, but only one other younger woman was in the room.

"She said she had to go make sure her family was safe and... and M-Maria went to get her back." came a squeak of whisper from one of the young females as the door to the back of the kitchen let in the draft of the outside from around back.

"Lock it. And I mean bar it. Nothing opens that door." Came a demand from Gregory, but Amara was already wheeling her head around to give him a look of disbelief.

"We can't just lock them out! Maria is coming back, she was only trying to stop her." she stated, moving towards the door, but was given a yelp when her arm was caught firmly by the older man, halting her where she stood. A move he would never have done, but the clear uncertainty on his face when she even looked at him surprised, was enough to sink her stomach. He didn't feel right in this situation and that was evident across the concern in his face.

"Seal it!" Came a firm command, the larger other male in the room giving a nod then slowly as he moved over to the door, unsure in his own actions before finding the large wooden bar that he heaved up and placed in the two sitting lock hinges. And apparently just in time to hear a faint scream of a woman's voice from a little further outside, the kitchen falling silent in the sudden eeriness. Amara's skin running cold despite the warmth of the stove and anything else as they waited...

Then the pounding all but had the three woman gasping with a yell as the female's voice called from the other side. "Hey! HEY! Open up! Please! Help! Oh my god please let me in!"

"Maria..." The older woman whispered, moving towards the door instinctively like a mother, only to stop when Gregory gave another order.

"Don't!" It was firm shout and the older man, gave a shake of his head, the older woman looking as if already in tears, but held her ground where she stood as told.

"Sarah?! Rose?! Please! Oh my god, please let me in! T-There's monsters!" Sobs began and Amara felt her stomach turn in a way that felt like she was suddenly going to be sick. "Please!" Then the pounding stopped as footsteps began to crunch outside in the snow. "Oh my god... oh my god..." Frantic fists pounding again found no rhythm in it's need, with a sudden cry piercing the air. "Guys! Oh my god no... no! No! Please!" The desperation was sudden and when the scream came next with a dull thud into the door. Amara had to turn from it, covering her mouth as what could only sound like a girl being devoured by an animal was what followed next. Sobbing cries and screams as thud after dull thud pounded into the door like her body was being shoved against it, the growls of whatever had met her there echoing with the sounds something cracking. Probably bones and her skull, for slowly under the small of cracks in the doors did the trail of blood begin to seep in.

Gregory's eyes falling to it and without giving anything else another chance he turned and was pulling the princess with him. "Out!" The few left couldn't help but scramble over each other, shoving back into the dining hall, closing the doors between them as well. While nothing might have gotten through the other wooden door in the kitchen, he wasn't about to find out. "Throne room." he spoke, more towards the Princess then the others, his priorities still set in motion while he had Amara trailing quickly with his hurried footsteps.

In the halls, he found the knight he had sent to check rounds and when they pushed the heavy doors into the throne room, the echo of an empty place filling, Gregory firmly motioned for the knight to stand guard there. "You do not move and nothing comes in this room unless you know it." With a confused look, the boy gave a unsure nod as Amara pushed further in the room, having to take the moment as her hands fell to her knees and she took in the gasping breaths to keep herself from hurling on the floor as the sounds kept replaying in her mind with desperate pleas.

Gregory moving over and helping her to straighten up after a moment, his voice firm but taking it's softer tone. "Are you alright?" he glanced down her, as if checking despite nothing having actually attacked them.

Fear ringing in her eyes as she looked towards the man, a hand on her stomach like that would settle the nerves even with the anger rising in her voice. "What the hell is going on?! What happened to Maria?!"

"I don't know, but we're going to find out. However your safety co--" he was cut off as her hand whipped out in the air angrily.

"A girl was... was.. we just le-left her to be mauled! Th-this isn't safe! What is going on?!" she demanded, only getting a unsure look from Gregory, clearly not even sure if he was ready to find out just what kind of hell had broken loose upon them.

__» :xx❛ simmer , simmer , simmer , simmer , simmer down ___

❛ -- pairings/settings/whatnot

- action stuff
Mob ran, gun toting, blood splattering, heart racing, car chasing, fire fight, war based, any kind of ship,
space, air, or water, and whatever else shenanigans we can get into. If it keeps me and my character on our
toes, then can we really go wrong?

- supernatural/fantasy
Literally everything below, if it's not already, can be changed around, mixed and matched and what
have you, towards magic and fantasy, supernatural, all mishaps. Just because it seems set up as normal
modern doesn't mean it has to be!

- song inspired things
Love me some mad beats, if one has given you an idea or even a feeling or some sort of setting, just
send it my way. I'm always happy to jive in that direction too!

- openings
That's right, send me just an opening of something be it from a starter that never got going, or just a
ramble to something that felt right. I'll either lead from it with how I feel, or you can send me an OCC
with just a bit about it. Either way.

❛ -- alt. fantasy/modern/any time wanted really

Green and Glitter
- stripper x owner/dealer
  • Beautiful woman are heaven for the eyes, and hell for the soul. But he came into her life just as quick of a whirlwind she did to him, and there has to be something said about men with dark looks
    and strong features. They were her girls, hers to protect, and the fact that he thought he could start coming in after buying it, and just do back door dealings in her strip club, didn't set well. She
    let him know it, would continue to, if it happened again after one of his customers decided he was good enough to try and lay hands on one of the dancers. He may have ran the place, but it had
    been her stage longer then his and she'd be damned if she wasn't going to prove it.
    (High tension, higher deals, and maybe highest of drugs, but either way, all the worlds a stage, some just use the pole on it to make it a little more interesting. A stripper who protects her girls from
    the darker parts that slither in the doors, but can she protect herself from the monster that just took over their club for his own doings?)

- junkies daughter x biker/car neighbor
  • What a surprise to wake up one morn, find your junkie mom gone with the stashes of cash and the only car. So there she was, standing outside, looking probably utter confused, flustered, and
    on the verge of angry tears when the next door neighbor, usually minding his own, comes across the yard from his garage. She didn't know much other then he worked on his bike/car all the time
    and usually ran shady hours. A lot of people in their area did that however. Oh and that one time he had asked her sugar... which she still wasn't sure she actually believed happened. But she
    swears she doesn't need his help... though a ride to work wouldn't hurt, right?
    (Welcome to more shady worlds of bike gangs or drug runs and whatever else is there we deem worthy. Age difference is more then welcome, I'm thinking the daughter to be about 18-19, graduated
    or about to? The neighbor is more then welcome to be any age really.)

Bad Habit
- thief/con artist x hitman/killer
  • So a con artist and a hitman walk into the same house... There's a joke here I'm sure, and it probably has to do with the fact that one of them knows the others occupation. Having stumbled upon the
    information of who his next kill was, a thief takes it upon herself to try and save them, or at least stop him. Neither goes according to plan, and while she gets out before anything happens, she now
    is trying to live with the consequences. And when he hunts her down a few days later after she had tried to hide and forget, it appears vices and virtues run rampant in the depraved. It's going to be a
    wild ride now that she has a debt to pay to him in full. Bloody hands and bloodier money are in the works.
    (There's a lot to work with here obviously, but hey thats some of the best part too! I imagine this is a petty thief that gets mixed into a life of helping a killer so lots of mental anguish and the like. I
    actually liked the idea of them having to pose in different scenarios and having a partner now helps him in many situations. Playing as his wife, sister, friend, whatever he may need to get his jobs done?)

Sleeping Demons
- dream(?) female x man
  • He couldn't understand why he wanted to sleep so bad, why it had been calling him for so long when he disliked it so much. He had too much to do, too much to handle and address, and yet sleep called
    to him more then a lover, more then a friend, more then his life. Was it stress? Illusions? Insanity? Or was it that feeling... That he would eventually see who she was? Having taken him long enough to even
    catch it, how long had she been calling? Did it matter? What would he do to feel that sleep? To sink himself into the darkness to see if there was light or just something else? To understand why the fuck he
    couldn't get this feeling out of his head.
    (This is a vague idea, with a lot of questions that need answered. But I wanted to play around with the mental state of things and how addicting dreams and sleep can be if given the correct motives? Is this
    long, short, who knows, depends on just how deep this rabbit hole needs to go. Does his job bring him here? Is this some drug influenced thing? Actual or mental demons? Just crazy? There's a lot this could
    play with and I'd so love to see just what could build from it. I expect lots of internal thinking and the feelings to be written here!)

Loves a Dish
- widowed woman x college/high school student
  • What did you do when your marriage ended so suddenly that you were left with nothing but shock and the house you had wanted to start your lives in? She had married young, so absolutely in love, but life
    loved throwing curve balls. Much like moving in a college boy taking sudden residence next door, who is quick to make friends with the neighbors, and not in the best of ways. She couldn't help but knock
    and welcome him... Or maybe tell him that his music was really starting to drive the neighbors up a wall this late, as nice as she could anyway. Only upon opening the door does she get a glance in and see
    the mess he's living in, ramen cups and baskets of dirty laundry. So she let's it go after a small talk, at least until the next day, when she 'accidentally' has made to much food and with all the best of hopes,
    takes it over to him. Before they know it, he's eating dinner from her almost every night and they seem to really hit it off.
    (Is this an older woman to younger man plot I see? He can be a little standoffish at first, or for awhile. Has school and practice to worry about all the time so the meals are just awesome, not to mention
    company of someone nice. Basically her depression of losing her husband so early turns into marital yearning to take care of the boy next door. And anything is possible from there from cute to whatever.)

Healing Hands
- saved life x emt/...necromancer?
  • Ever since they had saved their friend during school after they had began choking on the worlds driest piece of meatloaf ever, they had had this drive to save people. To bring them back from the brink.
    Maybe they liked playing with the edge a little much, and perhaps they didn't know that when they joined the EMT squad, they would be good at saving a lot of people's lives... Like a lot of them. The old
    man that had had the heart attack in the back of the squad really shouldn't have even made it, and they knew that even deep down as much as it hurt. And yet, here he was, dropping off food that his wife
    had made as thanks, again, much like all the other gifts they received from every single person they had brought back. So when they bring back a person that had been called in as basically pronounced dead
    upon arrival, they really need to figure out why they are also following them around and wanting to do things for them.
    (Where am I going with this? Mostly to the morgue, haha, jokes. Which is basically what I was thinking when I thought this. Can an EMT be a necromancer and maybe not realize it? Did something happen to
    cause it? Maybe they knew all along? Why are these people they keep saving following and this one in particular? I imagine a good dark humor to this, but it's very open to whatever else could be added.)

Lover to Lover
- soul mates
  • When Adam bit the apple he did it because he trusted Eve. Because he loved her. Adam bit into the apple because the women he loved told him to, no matter what God said. No matter the rules of heaven.
    What's heaven to a woman's love anyway? What's God to her? The first sins of humanity, were trusting others. Eve trusted a snake, Adam trusted Eve, and he trusted her. Maybe that's a sin, just like the first
    couple. Maybe everyone was right about them and they were sinners and they offended God. But like it's said, what's God to a woman's love anyway? What has heaven got that he couldn't find staring into
    those eyes he had seen countless lifetimes before? He was the bird of prey, and she the spike he used to impale his kill. He wanted nothing but her and their bodies to lay in a field of wheat to decay together
    if that's all he would be granted, but he had taken her once more, forces determined to keep her from remembering, but true love, that could never be buried deep enough to be forgotten.
    (Are they angels? Demons? Just some weird connection? Crazy? They were meant to be together, and he's finally found her once more, but she doesn't seem aware, so he's going to have to bring that all back.)

Sleepless Nights
- woman of power x undercover fed/rival
  • She was untouchable because she didn't allow anyone to get close enough to do that. She built herself up in a ruthless man's world, and was soon among the underworlds well known. A powerhouse all
    her own, it seemed no one was going to stop what she had her hands in. But he was getting there. Fucking slowly, but surely, he had worked his way up to even stepping onto her main property, but it had
    got the ball rolling. And soon enough he was catching her glances, actually getting to stay in the room when she spoke, but did it even mean anything yet? Or was he about to find out just how much more
    of a challenge she could be to take down or even kill?
    (Does she deal drugs, guns, death, all of the above? Likely, but it's open to if she's made her millions and it caught the eye of law or perhaps a rival member, maybe even someone with their own agenda.)

Family Games
- step sister x step brother
  • Ever since their mother got a new arm candy things have been tense, specially since the new arm candy brought in a new addition to the family and her step-brother is everything that her younger
    brother doesn't need as a role model. So sticking up for him as much as she can, she just wishes the boy would get off the kids back. However his attention is then all on her...
    (Going to be picky on this, as you can imagine why. Bring ideas and things to impress why this isn't just some run of the mill incest romp because I want some mental turmoil amongst this still hot mess.)

Love In the Dark
- kidnapped victim x hitman/mob boss
  • Work sucked, but staying late to see your boss get his brains blown out and you quickly dragged into the back of a vehicle? Even worse. She couldn't count the people that would have wanted to
    take her boss out, the lawyer he was with his fingers in one too many deals, but what had they wanted with her? Was it because she had just stayed late and they hadn't expected her? She knew to
    much about a case herself? She'd have to find out, but in the back seat, kicking and screaming until he knocked her out, she guessed it would have to wait until she woke up wherever she had been
    taken to. But could he manage whatever they really had in store for her otherwise, especially when she's blindfolded and not able to see anything for any foreseeable future?
    (Yep, dark things are amongst us perhaps. Blind fold her, use her as you will, maybe the hitman just brought her since he didn't have time to dispose of her body as well? Maybe it was a gift of
    sorts for his boss? I don't really care, it's all open from noncon, sensory deprivation, to shoving a gun to her head and making her do all sorts of things. We can discuss if this is gonna turn nice or
    not. Maybe she gets the upper hand on him even. Stockholm syndrome. Etc. etc. )

By Dawns Light
- human(?) x werewolf/vampire/demon
  • They came home to carnage. The den home found every clan member slaughtered brutally. Why though? They had been out of town when they got a weird call for a meeting and said he would be late
    coming to it. It had all felt weird since then, but why? In the house they were flooded with the scenes of blood and family of all ages, but the sound of footsteps from upstairs had them climbing
    them, ready to attack whoever may be there, or only hope it was someone of the tribe left.
    (There be war about to unleash and we can control just how fun that's going to be.)

____❛ -- alt. history/fantasy

Breath of Life
- princess x mercenary/bandit/outlaw
  • In the land of Vilhen times of war and little peace were all to common. Allies tried to build, sometimes in success and sometimes in utter failure. This particular kingdom was going to try it's best to gain land
    and power with the marriage of their daughter to a prince of a neighboring kingdom. The arrangement had been made and she was being sent to prepare for the wedding itself. However, it seemed a
    night of rest spent in a forest would spell trouble, as a group of bandits come to lay claim on what they had. Unbeknownst to them, or planned, that they were aware royalty would be part of their treasure.
    So kidnapping the princess, the leader can decide what to do with her. Things always get interesting with a rich chess piece.

Creation For Deceit
- healer x demon
  • A demon has been scooping up nun/cleric/what have you, because the pure energy they are the only ones he can use for his ritual. This isn't about sacrificing virgins, no, quite the opposite. He's trying
    to find the one strong enough to hold the powers he wishes to teach her. He needs a dark apprentice that he can grow to being the perfectly queen. His power is strong, but isn't two always better
    then one? Besides, it gets lonely at the top, and, okay... so maybe the legend ritual needs a dark and light force to open the gates and give him unlimited power, but that's all in the details.
    (Is this a little rough? Sure. Is it totally open to fun and crazy possibilities of trying to teach a girl who uses her powers for only healing and good, to turn into a bad little girl? Exactly.)

- witch x mercenary/hunter/etc
  • A witch is being strung up on the outskirts of town. While it's not for the reason she believes it to be, it's still the point that she is about to meet her maker. Along comes the other main character of
    this story. A man who feels the need to stop and save her. After doing so, she owes him her life, so we go from there?
    (Pretty open and rough idea with plenty of things that could come about.)

Wheel of Fortune
- gypsy/witch x army commander
  • Something of jasmine and vetiver filled the air and senses when entering her tent. Powering, but also better then the dust of sands blowing about from the outside. The female so relaxed in her position
    on a pile of pillows behind the table between them. Tarot cards spread out across with all backs keeping their secrets. He didn't want to bring the help of her magic, but with water running scarce and
    enemies moving in, anything would go at this point. Dark fell hard and sandstorms weren't the worst things to worry about in the desert lands.
    (Or something along the lines of tarot readings, skimpy clothing, lots of pretty jewelry and sand to cover most things.)

Heaven or Hell
- healer x warrior
  • He wasn't usually in the business of sticking his nose where it didn't belong. At least not unless the price or situation was right, spending more time lazing through his days, he wasn't a slouch, but just
    found motivation lacking, or perhaps early retirement calling. Enter the feisty healer who seemed more interested in harming then helping, and managing in to somehow bring him right in the fray of it
    all without a word his way. She hadn't asked for his help, but it had seemed like she certainly needed it. But how much did she just offer him? And is it really worth all the trouble she seems to bring along?
    (Vague idea is vague but the dynamic is more what I was aiming to get. A cool and calculated warrior who would rather talk and a quick to anger healer who really means well, but seems like she'd rather
    beat up then save. Maybe he needs to escort her to a temple or different kingdom/area to close a portal, etc, etc. epic adventures await.)

Full Moon Debts
- red x big bad wolf

  • Of course you stayed out of the woods, the demons that lingered in it banished for years from the kingdoms and churches. Groups of Hunters formed to continue tracking and drag down these monster
    sized mix of wolf and man whenever they could. Red had been told these tales with many children, from the time they were born. But when a storm catches her off guard while traveling, she has no choice
    but to take shelter with her horse and cart into the edge of the near woods. She was surely almost home and rarely had any monsters been seen there, so she figured herself safe. Until she's making her fire
    and comes across an injured male near a brush. He looks sick and thrashed as if he had been attacked by something, so she drags his body to the fire and begins to mend him. It's a long night and he
    might have awoke a couple times, but nothing much. So she gets him into the cart, and takes him home when the storm passes, only to find a mark on his body in that shape of what some of the demons
    forms hold when their bodies had been brought back to burn. So she keeps him secret, unsure what else to do as he is a normal person, only finding a day or so in when she thought he might have woken
    fully, that he was gone. Completely confused, what else does she have to keep this to herself? Though what happens when Hunters come knocking, after someone had said they seen she had a body?
    (Werewolves of the more monster side? People who have tried to keep their tribes hidden since they were shunned for their transformations? Didn't wolf packs that give each other marks to prove their
    loyalty would be brands their transformed sides have and people have seen when their corpses brought back? Just lots of different things we could do with this I think.)

____❛ -- futuristic/fantasy

Moving up to Higher Ground
- a thought 'utpoia'
  • Nuclear war flattened the planet to ashes, people scrambled to make shelters and have mere survival. The city created slowly but steadily until it finally was a functioning government ran area once
    more. Everything down to the population is kept perfectly rationed however, never is the amount of people allowed to cross 500,000. The large counter in the middle of the city reminds people just
    where they're at, every time a baby is born breaths are held, not knowing who would be there first. For if they reach the number someone must take the place. It doesn't help that even though the
    world had crashed around, the levels of society have blossomed easily once again. You have rich paying off for their own needs, middle working class struggling to keep their place, and the lower
    class who are usually the ones that 'mysteriously' disappear from time to time and no one ever sees them again. So what holds within the closed city? And if there is life outside these walls... does
    anyone dare to leave it?
    (This is more of a world built idea kinda thing, can be combined with the plot below, can be mass effect with different aliens or something, could be whatever the flipping flanging good thing we

Fighting the Food Chain
- enhanced partner x handler
  • The sound is rain bouncing off rusted gutters. The texture is chrome sheathed in leather. Neon lights and shady backdoor dwellings. All the worlds their stage and somethings lurking to kill it. Lucky
    for the cops of this neon cyber world they have enhanced 'attack dogs' as they've been so kindly deemed. People born with the rarest blood type have been found to be the only ones able to take
    the 'enhancing program'. Which became more or less ways of training children to be heightened fighting machines into adulthood. The problem there in lied that the anger or strong emotions
    they could show when going through these changes or just when in action, required handlers to watch over while they were put out in the field. She's been called the 'blood hound' of the current
    district and is currently festering in her lock up since no one has been able to keep their reigns tight enough on her... but maybe it's only a matter of time.
    (Here be violence and much hate-to-love shit. Your character could be a cop or even someone of other importance, it is a shady world of backwater dealings after all. I imagine a collar is put into
    place for control purposes and a few other ideas. But so much could happen here and it's all up to our own devices. )

Starry Eyed
- female x ship captain
  • She had been floating so long, she had been more surprised death hadn't found her sooner. Her meters were on the red, she hadn't had substantial food in days.. weeks? She didn't know, all she
    knew was the blackness outside her one little screen she would occasionally glimpse out, to see nothing but the bleakness of space before her. So as she's floating towards a wonderful asteroid belt
    in some back water area of space, she prepares for death as it's been a long time coming. But why is her alarm telling her a ship is inbound? And why is she feeling herself being moved towards it?
    (Bounty Hunter, drifter, ex military, current military? Doesn't really matter, someone saved her escape pod from being demolished and she's thankful. How thankful? Well, depends on just what kind
    of chaos we really want them to endure now.)

____❛ -- apocalypse

Dark Paradise
- survivor x survivor
  • It came without warning, the spread of this illness so rapid and showing no mercy, something that created such strength and brutality. Taking over bodies in a manner that no one knew if someone
    was infected or not at first glance. It was a silent sleeper of a parasite and only as they were taken over, did they start brutally killing the hosts it had taken over, or people around them until they
    found the next one. But once the sun began to set upon the horizon did it quickly take that the infected needed a light source to see what they needed. But bodies would attack just as normal
    the following day, then the next... reminding them just what they would be facing until one of the sides was dead. Traveling at night is tricky enough sometimes already, add in the end of the world?
    It's going to be a blood bath in the moonlight.
    (Creatures or infections? Could be anything of our choosing, aliens, demons, humans gone wrong, but I thought the concept of having them only moving during the day, would be interesting to
    build from, so totally open to all kinds of ideas!)

Death or Decay
- survivor x survivor
  • She had been traveling alone for awhile. For how long she wasn't sure but upon scouring the grounds of a house she hears them. She had been quiet and careful and yet had caught the attention
    of them. Rushing out of the house she manages to shoot one, going for the other her gun jams. Just when she figures it's over now, not going to be able to outrun it forever, the crack of a gun
    goes off and the body drops before her. But now they need to rush to safety as they've clearly just alerted anything in a decent radius. Hopefully they can trust each other at least enough to get
    to safety for a bit.
    (Damsel in distress, she was totally handling herself, but hey man, shit happens. Maybe having a partner for the end of the world wouldn't be so bad?)
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