Fx Male Fantasy/Magic Roleplays, detailed replies, ideas listed inside~


Dec 10, 2019
Let's throw out a little bit of a line here now, shall we?

EDIT 12/12/19: I've gotten a couple of requests in that I'm interested in going with, going to see if I can get a couple of those going so I might not be up for taking on anything more right now. However I'm open to hearing requests still if someone wanted to ask, if it's something I'm really interested in I might not want to pass it up ; ) Sorry if I don't though!

Current Preferences
-MxF, playing F
- - - - - -I could consider playing M, doing MxM, FxF, or someone using NB characters
Playing more-submissive part
- - - - - -There does not need to be a clear sub/dom role, however. Just my preference if there is ; )
-2-3+ paragraph RPs
- - - - - -I love detail, not overly fond of small replies, although I could consider it (unlikely?)
Fantasy/Magic plots, and/or medieval settings
- - - - - -Unlikely to want a modern style RP, though an interesting enough plot could entice me
- - - - - -Not generally a fan of fandom RPs/incorporating pre-existing media characters
Smut preferred, but does not have to be central
- - - - - -Not looking for any "just friends" RPs, needs some spice to it but I do like story too~

Topic and Idea List
- - - - - -This is in no particular order. Mix and match from this is A-Ok, as well as spin-offs from what is listed, I just started rambling some snippets ahah
-Creature+human form
-Unintended quest partners
-Possessed item/linked to an item
-Unwilling servant
-Overly willing to please
-Getting into more than they bargained for
-Dragon/creature riders

Expanded Idea List
- - - - - -A handful of plot ideas/starter ideas to build off of that I have fleshed out just a little more than a single word. Will add to as I think of things.
_Oh, what's this?_ TAKEN
Your character (A weary traveler? A knight? A king? Open ended) finds an object on the ground while walking through the woods (A locket?), and it turns out a fairy-esq type woman has been bound to that object. May "reside" in object unless summoned/if she feels the need to come out? She doesn't have wings, but has a fae-aura about her. She's very protective of the object, as if it were to perish/undergo harm, so would she. However, due to bounds of some curse, she can not touch the object herself to take it back from someone/something that has taken it. She is in a way "owned" by the person who found the locket, for better or worse. One of two potential avenues: 1) Your character feels for this woman, and wishes to help embark on a quest with her/the object to find a way to break the curse. 2) Your character is pleased to have such a creature under their control now, and will keep her as their own to do as they wish.

_The Burn of Fire_ *May be taken
Main gist is to revolve around one (or both?) characters being dragons that can also transform into human forms. This may or may not be brought on by something, or it could be at will. Idea for your character as dragon: a woman is wandering in the woods, or perhaps she is just in town/on the road, and either runs into or is taken by a dragon. Turns out that the dragon is not interested in eating her, but would like something else of her instead- either to warm her up to the idea of being his mate, or only to keep her as a slave by no choice of her own. Ideas for my character as a dragon: 1) A dragon born into/long ago captured and put into service by those that need them. Generally used by kings/princes/those of high stature to intimidate others with a dragon under their command. As a female, also of interest for her looks and body when in human form- option of more "you do as I say" or someone that ends up falling for her and wanting to instead be with her. 2) A dragon is captured by a knight/price/hunter, and they have the intent of killing it or selling it off. Surprised to discover it can turn into a pretty maiden- either change their mind over time and fall for her, or perhaps they decide they just want to keep her for themselves and find a way to control her.

I don't have an F list set up, but I'm fairly game for most things I think. We can discuss further if someone is interested and has any particular things they really want to include? : )
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