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The Fire from the Mist

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Jan 9, 2009
Would anyone be willing to dom over me a yuri Naruto rp with this plot?

One day, a woman totally covered in cuts, bruises and blood collapses just outside of the forest surrounding Konoha. Luckily, a young Anbu returning from her mission finds her, and after a quick survey to make sure that it is not an enemy, she takes the unconscious body to the village, and into the hospital.

The highly trained medical ninja do everything they can to care for the young kunoichi, though they bound her and relieved her of her weapons in case she turned hostile when she awoke.

She was unconscious for the better part of a week, for though her injuries were healing very quickly, she was exhausted, and always while she slept she would be tugging against her binds while moaning, every once in a while stringing together a few unconnected phrases that would never make much sense unless they knew what the surrounded mumbles were supposed to mean.

Finally, one morning the kunoichi woke up, and the hokage was quickly summoned to question her of what was going on.

The ninja said she was from the Hidden Mist village, though she had been away for a long time. She and her squad had been sent on a mission to spy on what was going on at the Village hidden in the Sound, for there were rumors of an attack in the near future. The mission however ended badly, with all of her squad being captured and tortured.

One day, they had a chance to escape, though it was a very small one, and they took it, praying that at least one would make it to safety. The woman's partners all died in the attempt to escape, though she had barely survived and had journeyed to Konoha, hoping to relay what she had learned.

The hokage quickly made up her mind and decided to help her out and get her back to her own village, though she would need another to help her, but only one. If they sent too large a party she could be captured again, and that couldn't be afforded.

The anbu kunoichi who found her in the first place was summoned and assigned with the responsibility of escorting her back to her home village with the knowledge that it was a top priority 'S' rank mission, so failure was not an option.

The two quickly set out, the Konoha ninja planning to get to the Mist Village asap so she could get back, though the other had different plans. She had not gotten to lay with a woman in a long time, and would not be denied the chance, even if she had to forcefully take it.
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