Fx Male ~ Pastel's Requests ~


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Dec 4, 2019
somewhere amongst the stars


I'll keep this short and sweet ~ Before I dive deeper into my request thread I figured it could use a small introduction. Feel free to call me Pastel! I've been RPing on and off again for several years. I do have quite a busy personal life which will make my responses limited to a couple times a week - more if I can. My schedule can be pretty hectic at times so if your looking for a
response everyday all day type of partner I cannot promise my time. However, communication is key! I will never leave my partner hanging and do ask for the same. Reading and writing is a great passion of mine (surprise!) and I admire individuals who put detail, effort, and literacy into their writing. I do enjoy long term stories, though I do not mind more short intimate plots as well. If you are looking for mindless smut please read no further, I am not the partner for you! Story driven plots are my cup of steamy tea 🍵 I enjoy many different genres and don't necessarily favor one over the other; fantasy, historical, modern, horror, scifi, and of course the full mixtures. Fandom is not something I have dabbled into too much but not opposed for discussion. Please note that my no's are absolutely set..I have been doing this long enough to know what I do and don't like. I will always give the same respect. OOC is something I do find to be important, I love getting to know my partners outside of RP as well!

What am I looking for?

Story driven plots (as mentioned above)
Literacy, all I really ask for is the try.
Detail (as mentioned above) The more of a picture that can be painted with words the better!
Length, I will usually write about 3+ paragraphs and ask for the same.
Smut is obvious but is not what I will revolve around. It is highly encouraged of course!
Keep in contact with me as I will always do the same.
Character development, the more you can tell me about your character the better. Strong description, pictures, backstories..the whole shabang!
Of course 18+ only.

What I'm not looking for..

Mindless smut (as mentioned above) I like to keep it 50/50 at least.
One - liners.
Torture, not my thing.
Anything to do with bathroom
Bestiality in anyway shape or form. No human's in animal form. Nothing.
Age gapes.


Modern: student x student, professor x student, boss x intern, girl next door, detective x detective orcriminal, foreign exchange student

Fantasy: vampire x hunter or vampire, human x supernatural being, faerie x traveler, princess x knight, arranged marriage, commoner x royalty, siren/mermaid x pirate, pirate x pirate, greek gods

Historical: Vikings, the wild west, rural Japan, Roman/Greek, Victorian era (1800s), Caribbean (pirates)

Coming soon!

Note: This is a rough start for my request thread. I will be working on pairings and plots for the next couple of days. If there is a particular craving you find yourself having, please don't hesitate to run it by me! Or perhaps we can come up with something together based off of interests. I look forward to hearing from my future partners. Til then!


Wild West ***
Nordic God x human ***
The Witcher***

Zombie Apocalypse**
Arranged marriage*

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