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Mx Female Monster girls, anyone?


Jul 18, 2013
I rarely get RPs where monster girls are involved, which I think is a damn shame! There's a lot you can do with them, ranging from the cute to the rapey, to the rapey but strangely cute.

I'm up to play just about anything within my limits, and I'd adore anything creative or unique.

Obligatory ons and offs

Here's some example scenarios that I'd love to play:
When she was by the riverside, all curled up and starved, he couldn't help but yearn to help her. Her and her kind were beyond hated, and any interaction with them was taboo - but when he looked upon her misery, he saw but someone who was misunderstood and in pain.

He later learned that her kind was only partly misunderstood.

(Cutesy romance with tonnes of smut, possible plot involving fleeing from the authorities, hiding her identity, etc)

In his days as a sailor and a merchant, he'd seen just about anything. Bizarre glowing eggs. Potions with eyeballs that'll track your movement. Sneezing hair, that'd turn any hair nearby into more sneezing hair for a good 24 hours. The whole lot.

But never had he met a woman like the one that was in chains and on stage to be bid upon right that moment. Something was off. No one else seemed to notice, but there were some traits, subtle ones, that were just enough to cue him in to her true nature. He'd read and heard tales about their existence in the far east, but never did he imagine one of them in front of him. It'd be a dangerous buy - this woman was playing meek. But, he couldn't resist - if his appraisal was right, her true value was much greater than what she was on bid for.

(Could range from ADVENTURE ON THE HIGH SEAS AS HE TRIES TO SAVE THE WORLD FROM A GREAT EVIL to the merchant getting his due deserts the moment he turns his back on her. Lot of ways to go with this, really)

He's on the road to do great things. To get the cure to the old lady - to chop 100 trees in the woods to get his woodchopping skill up - to fight an entire army single-handedly to save the kingdom - whatever epic things an adventurer might be doing.

But then, on the path to his next objective was a most devious obstacle.

A monster girl. With a smile as sweet as it was devious.

(Definitely leaning towards something comedic or tragically ironic. You have this epic hero, but because he's a perv, he can barely even resist a single monster girl who in a regular fight would be no match for him. Again, I'd love to brainstorm this.)

More ideas to come!
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