Loving Dungeons and Dragons in all the wrong ways
- Joined
- Dec 4, 2019
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- with my head in the clouds
Hey there and a good Day
I'm looking for someone to write with. Even several someone's for different stories
If you're interested - write me a PM.
But first, who would you be writing with?
I'm a RPG Enthusiast who has played P&P- RPGs for more than 10 years by now. I also dabbled with online- Rpgs, though not as frequently as P&P. Why am I here? Well, to write a good story with someone else. Be it NSFW or SFW. Either or. I'm a fantasy nerd who likes to be creative - from world building to fantasy races to magic to whatever-you-want-to-imagine. Oh, and I'm also a closet pervert. But I'll never say it out loud.
What can you expect of me?
I am first and foremost an RPG- Enthusiast, so the story is my main priority. Character play is more valuable to me than 'just having sex'. I like to reply in more than just a few sentences, because i like expressing exactly what is happening. So no 'He went in and said hello', but more of a 'He went inside the building. His shoulders were slumped, and his face expressed how unmistakenably tired he was. He let his gaze wander around, trying to find someone familiar in the crowd. And when he finally spotted her, his entire face lit up as if his tiredness had just evaporated. His posture became upright and he tried his best to revitalize his demeanor. Wearing a slight smile on the face, he walked up to her and gave her a friendly nod. "Hey there - I'm glad to see you." ' That being - I'm not above a simple smut story. Depends on the scenario and who I'm writing with
Another important point is that english is not my first language. I don't have an opportunity to speak it daily, so I'm watching my series in english so as to not forget how to speak. Or write.
What's left? How often can I answer. Well, it depends. My job is rather chaotic, so please don't be offended if I sometimes take a little longer to answer. I will try to come online at least once a day, but I can't guarantee it. Furthermore, quality is more important than quantity - if I don't have enough inspiration for a post (or am simply dead tired), I will take a little longer to respond.
If I use faceclaims, I will use drawn ones. Sometimes I simply describe my characters looks with words, not with pictures.
My posts will be in third person, though I am open to alternatives.
Last but not least, length. As one might've guessed, the stories with story- focus will be longer than the simple smutty ones. The exact length is always open for debate
What do I expect/ hope from you?
Well, I hope that we can establish a healthy communication. Please tell me clearly what you're comfortable with and what you're not comfortable with. Nobody wants to write if it isn't fun, and since I don't know you, we need to talk a little.
Furthermore, I hope that you share my story- focus. Meaning that the story (including character development) comes first, everything else comes second. A 'we met and we fucked' is not nearly as interesting as a fleshed out scenario.
I'm not adamant about being dom or sub. I can be both, it just needs to fit the character. Both can be hella fun
And please do not be offended, but I'd like to read a writing sample you provide. I will always do the same, I simply want to ensure our writing styles match.
What Ideas am I tinkering with/ offering/ searching for?
(note to anyone who is interested: I'm slightly more interested in taking a male role than a female one, but that depends on you which one I'm gonna take. Meaning, I am willing to play either/any gender.)
I'll keep the summaries rather short, because the exact scenario would ideally be decided by us both.
Do I take requests (meaning you tell your idea for a story to me)?
Honestly, it depends. I'm always open for a good scenario, be it plotwise or smutwise. But please do not be offended if I deny a request - if I'm not fully behind it, I have trouble staying motivated for writing. Similarly you may always tell me the same as well. I will not be offended by honesty. Maybe we can fix it by sticking our heads together, and if we can not, then we can end it before it gets tedious. Again, no hard feelings - I'm quite hard to anger =P
Story- Prompts (meaning the focus is on the plot and the characters)
1. One with nature
'There once was a small little village in a big forest.' Many fairytales start like that. But none are real... right? Right?
Wrong. Some are more truthful than you have ever realized, and you discover that when you move into the mentioned small forest village. But something is... different. And soon you find out exactly what - because fairytales are coming to life and walk in the open daylight. The denizens of the forest - be it Elves, a dryad or something similar - frequently visit the village, and soon one of them stumbles in your life... The setting can either be modern or medieval, whatever you're more comfortable with. It's a sandbox for characters of different races to meet, where unusual pairings can be brought together.
2. Path of Vengeance
One night in a tavern, you meet a stunning woman unlike any you've ever encountered before. Her appearance is eye- catching, her demeanor sweet and charming, and most of all, she seems to like you. It could be such a nice start for a relationship - if only she had an ulterior goal in mind, one that you don't know about. She wants to take revenge on her former village, one that nearly killed her. And she is hellbent on repaying the favour. Because she is a witch, she has the abilities to do so - but it is hard to do alone. She needs help - and she is intent to get it, whatever it takes. Manipulation, Blackmail, threats or sexual favours - nothing is beyond her because vengeance is the thing that drives her forward. Focus of the story would be between YC and MC (the witch) - will her manipulations bear fruit? Or will she instead be affected by YC, maybe even softening up or even opening up about what drives her? It's also possible to play a group of characters with this one.
3. Divine Pleasure - craving
This scenario is heavily influenced by the fantastic world of the Dark eye
This story mainly revolves around YC, a priestess of Rahja, the goddess of love and pleasure. It's supposed to be more or less like a biography - from her early acolyte days, learning the ways of the goddess (which involves much more than simply knowing how to have sex), delving deeper in the faith's mystery, maybe even getting blessed by the divine lady itself. It is a life touched by the divine, with the power to create small miracles, to be a conduit of the goddess, to even be communicating with her and her divine servants. YC has to follow her church's creed - which main point is 'do only what you like, but do it passionately'. I myself would take on the role of the GM - and we can discuss what path this is gonna take. Will the Priestess remain at the temple? Will she go on journeys, meeting different people? Does she aim to climb the church's hierarchy, or does she simply enjoy doing her job? Will she experience not just sexual love but a true love? All these are paths we can discuss.
4. The General's Aide - (taken)
War has ravaged the lands for decades. Humanity is besieged on all sides - by the ferocious Orcs, by demon worshipping traitors who plunged the Empire into a civil war; by the undead horde endlessly pouring against some strategically placed fortresses... MC is one of humanitys Generals, leading the fifth army (including everyone who can hold a sword) into battle after battle. He is hailed as a strategic genius, albeit he is infamous for being quite lecherous - why else would he have a gorgeous woman of all people as his close aide? But his leutnants tolerate it - after all, results are what matters. Who cares if he takes a woman he fancies with him?
But the truth is quite different. While both of them are lovers, the true genius is not him, but her. Due to the simple fact that most old- fashioned military men look down on women in the army, she is forced to act through him. Fortunately, MC is not one of those misanthropes. He recognizes that YC's strategic capabilities are leagues above his own and values them deeply, regarding them as his last hope to somehow turn the tide. Simply said she's the brains and he's the brawn, the spokepiece. She devises the strategy, he executes it. This arrangement works, though it is not without its problems. After all, her (YCs) dearest wish is to be recognized by her achievements, her deeds - not just because of her divine beauty. But to change the perception of her is a difficult task in such an environment - she tried issuing orders, but the men simply refused, deeming them 'unnecessary' since it was a woman who gave them.
5. The Fallen - craving
She had never been considered beautiful. Yet all she had ever wanted was to be loved, to be desired by even one person. Had that been too much to ask? But the odds seem to have been stacked against her from the very beginning. So when she'd gotten an offer to change, how could she have answered anything but yes? It did not matter that she sold her soul to a demon, it did not matter that she had to do him some favours now and then. All that mattered was that she was finally in a position where she could finally attain what she had always wanted!
Now, she feasted on emotions of Lust and Love. They helped her grow more beautiful, more powerful. Whatever she desired was within reach. She grew more beautiful with every intercourse. She did not need to take care of her looks, she always appeared groomed and beautiful. Whatever perversion she found arousing, she could enact it without a problem. Her partner left something to be desired? She was able to change him to her liking the more he or she fell for her. Whoever she wanted to have she could simply take, be it King or Queen, Knight or Beggar, Married Man or Woman, Human or something else. And yet... the more she took, the more empty she felt. She needed something new... always something new...
This RP would focus on her demonic pact and her enactment of it. It's essentially a CYOA because you'll have a lot of freedom aside from the prompts I'd give you.
6. An arduous Journey
This story is set in a fantasy- variant of the caribbean. That means pirates, the open sea, colonisation, ancient civilisations, native tribes and fantastic creatures of the sea. Though fantasy- themed in nature, those should be rather scarce and impactful (like in GoT, for example). Honestly, right now this is simply a template waiting to be adjusted and transformed to fit our needs. A love story between a mermaid and a sailor? A pirate captain whose piano is posessed by a siren he's in love with, some sort of spectral companion? Two slaves forced to help rowing the ship planning an escape? A pirate's captive?
7. False Idols
This scenario takes place in the village of a native tribe of a grand forest (fantasy equivalent to the rainforest, for example). They worship a living god, an Idol of sorts, who has blessed the village with its presence and protects it from danger while also receiving all the accomodations a god deserves. One of such luxuries is free access to the women he (or she) desires. But what should have been a simple, carnal night turns into much more. The reason being is that she discovers the 'God' is not actually divine - simply someone who can use magic. That the Idol she's been worshipping is actually human, albeit a little different. Now, what will she do? Rather, what can she do? The other people of her tribe would never believe her... Does she use her knowledge to further her own influence, maybe taking an active role in shaping the community? Does she work on opposing him? Or will she realise that despite the deception, the 'God' does have good interests in mind?
8. The worst kind of family
The setting would be medieval fantasy. The story is set in an aggressively expanding empire. The ruler is a cruel man - when he conquers a new region, he makes it a tradition of capturing the King and forcing the queen into marriage with him (so her husband is kept alive), soon siring an heir or several. Our characters are children of the emperor, either born of different mothers or even the same mother. And despite being of nobility (royalty even), life is not good. The Emperor favors power above all else, so he encourages all siblings to have rivalry to an unhealthy degree. Intrigue and Duels are a daily occurence, with the winners getting favourism, with the losers... well, nothing at best, humiliation or outright punishment at worst.
Our characters have been close since childhood. They are united by a common desire - to get out of this hellhole of a 'family'. To achieve that, they had the idea of staging a little 'play' - one would be the exact kind of heir the emperor would want, while the other one would be 'the disgrace', barely worth mentioning. The goal is for the 'good child' to finally be granted the right to lead a campaign away from the court while taking the 'bad child' with him/ her, with the official reason to educate/ humilate/ sacrifice her/ him.
The dynamic between both characters should be loving. While they may forced to be mean to one another in public, it's a entirely different matter in private. Love has long since blossomed between them, and since the family is what it is, 'Incest' isn't really a problem.
Smut- Prompts (meaning the focus is on the description of the sex- scenes)
1. Cursed by Slaanesh - craving
Something went horribly wrong. She was a fighter for good, a powerful sorceress, an enemy to chaos. And yet... how did it come to this? How had she been marked by Slaanesh? Her soul was her own, but her mind slowly drifted away from her. Her urges were increased tenfold, and sometimes, she lost control over her own body. She needed sexual relief right then! But she could not go on like this - she needed to dispel this curse!
The story would feature her visiting nearly all magical traditions - and every time succumbing to her desires, fucking the person she originally visited to help her with the curse. Be it human, high elf, dark elf, lizardman... there is a lot of races in Warhammer, and she will get to know them far more intimate than she'd ever thought.
2. The office Bitch
Work nowadays is tough. To stay on top of your game, you'll need to stay in tip- top- condition. And that means your natural urges, including your sex drive, need to be satiated. Hence, there's a new job to be done in the office: the Relief assistant (the office bitch). The sole woman in an office full of men with the sole task of keeping them in tip- top shape - helping them relax, helping them get rid of their frustration, getting fucked whenever the need or desire arises. Sex is casual here - blowjobs below desks, handjobs during meetings, sex while talking... all is possible and frequently done.
3. Spoils of War
An orcish raid ravages a town where two elven sisters travel through. Captured by the big brutes, a grim fate awaits them: to serve the warriors after glorious battles. Enslaved and used, how will they cope with their new situation? How far can one so pure fall? Will they submit to carnal pleasure - or will the thought of escaping their captors and abusers never leave their mind? Will they submit or use every method at their disposal to either flee or get revenge?
4. A noble Steed
A female knight has so far spurned every single suitor. She did not even spare a single glance for them, apparently because they do not 'meet the requirements' and that 'she's already taken'. Little do they know that for her, no human can ever give her what she needs - but her steed can. The scenario is supposed to be a simple, smutty scene between her and the steed.
5. A grandiose Finale - craving
This scenario is supposed to be a short, smutty orgy of the LOL- Idols K/DA. After a concert, the girls decide to let of some steam - they invite some fans and staff and get the party going. Over the course of the evening, there's more and more sexual tension, until it's Ahri causing the last drop to fall. But nobody really complains about it - after all, who doesn't like a good fuck?
6. A hero's reward
This scenario is between a fallen hero and a Valkyrie watching over his deeds. Because of his noble end - he stayed behind in a battle so that other wounded comrades could escape - she decides to reward him with more than just the usual honors . And just like that, a passionate encounter occurs.
7. Fairytales - (taken)
I'm looking for someone to make adult versions of the fairy tales of the Grimm- Siblings. F.E. Little Red Riding Hood of course has a passionate encounter with a werewolf (or even a regular one...), Hansel& Gretel encounter a sexy witch that wants to eat both siblings in a not-food- way... There's a near endless supply of scenarios to choose from
8. Neeko is curiousNeeko (the League of Legends- Champion) has long since developed an interest in several of the champions. But it had always been hard to get their attention - until now. Since she decided to fulfill certain... requests. Since she can transform into anyone, she is also able to fulfill fantasies that one deemed impossible...
What OC Pairings am I looking for?
These pairings are seperate from the 3 scenarios from before. There is no big idea at the moment, so there's work to be done. Just tell me if you're interested - we can work something out. List is incomplete and any pairing requires both of our brainpower to become a story
- Human x Humanoid (Elves, Dryads, Angels, Demons, Tieflings, ...)
- Human x Fantasy Creature (Centaur, Satyr... anything bigger and more different than the former category)
- Teacher x Student (Either a Teacher in a Sex- centered school (= helping the students to get really good at sex) or some extra credit in a 'regular' school)
- Adventurer x Adventurer (Fantasy Setting, Duh!)
- Royal x Knight
- Popular Student x Nerd
- Werewolf x Hunter
- Centaur x Elf/ Humanoid
- Cosplayer x Photographer
- Cheerleader x Nerd
- Prison Warden (Sub) x Female Convict (Dom)
- Actor x Actor
- Prisoner x Warden- Camgirl x Neighbour/ Roommate
What Fandom do I like (and want to have a story with)?
- Eragon (specifically Eragon x Arya)
- Warcraft (OCs, preferably with Night Elves and/ or Blood Elves)
--> Suggestion 1: Blood Elf x Orc/ Troll/ Taur/ Horde Member.
The Blood Elf is a Healslut, wholeheartedly dedicated to care for her teammates in both body and mind. The setting would be rather short, simply featuring a bit of everyday life, casual sex and the like.
--> Suggestion 2: Night Elf x Human
A human ambassador comes falls in love with a Night Elf while being on diplomatic duty. The setting would be mid to long term and revolve around their blossoming relationship as well as overcoming various hurdles (like racial differences and outside perception of their relationship).
- Warhammer Fantasy
- Warhammer 40k
- Star Wars (with OCs, preferrably old Republic, but I'm open to suggestions.)
- Magic the Gathering (with Legendary Creatures/ Planeswalkers, no OCs)
- League of Legends (only with existing characters/ champions: Ahri, Ashe, Diana/ Leona, Evelyn, Irelia, Katarina, Kayle/ Morgana, Miss Fortune, Nidalee, Riven, Shyvana/ Jarvan, Sona, Syndra)
- DC- Universe (Wonder Woman x Batman, Starfire x Night Wing, ...)
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