Looking for Monstrous Male Prostitutes for an Experimenting Elven Witch [Closed]


Jan 27, 2018
Hello! I hope you're having a lovely day! My name's Sam, you can call me that or by my username, or nothing at all. I'm 25, freshly graduated from university, and on my way to becoming a teacher.

What I'm looking for in a Partner:
- A writer wanting to write a male character
- One on one, in PMs only because I always forget to check e-mail and I don't use messengers anymore. Threads are a no-go because I like my privacy.
- Fantasy elements always, be it light or completely immersed. I role play to escape from the monotony of life, so fantasy is my go-to~
- Complete literacy - If English is your first language, I do not want to see repetitive mistakes. Misspellings and missing commas and periods every once in a while happens, I do it too. But, if you repeatedly do not capitalize your 'I's or forget quotation marks, I'm not going to hold interest. If English isn't your native language, and you're trying, then it's totally forgivable and I commend you for knowing more than one language because I wish I did.
- Side note to literacy - NO FIRST PERSON AND NO PRESENT TENSE in the role play. I will stop talking to you if this happens, mainly because it just says to me you didn't read this or you don't care enough.
- I prefer long-term over short-term, but if you'd prefer something shorter, I'm more than happy to facilitate that. Just clarify when we're setting things up.
- I definitely need some smut. Here is my F-List. If you need clarification on something, or want something not on the list, just ask <3
- I need some semblance of romance. It doesn't need to be fluff - I personally love putting together two dysfunctional people who lust for each other and then forming more intimacy from there. But, if it is just smut, I lose interest, so let's develop our characters and get them some happiness.
- I am only looking for two or three partners. If you don't make the cut, I will politely turn you down.
- I like character pictures, though they aren't mandatory. If you are going to use a character picture, they MUST be drawn. NO REAL PICTURES. It's just way too awkward to me, I apologize. [This is a serious limit, too. I may not even respond, tbh.]
- Don't message me with little to no content. Also, please, don't just tell me to read your own request thread, because I didn't post this thread for you to just make me read yours. If there is a specific plot you want, copy/paste it. Just tell me what you want in your PM, because I'm not going to do the work to pry it out of you.
- [The Biggest Thing] Understanding - I suffer from anxiety and depression and sometimes I just don't have the energy to respond or even log on to tell you of a delay. I also work a physically demanding job, so I'm tired consistently. I need patience. If you want daily responses, I am not the partner for you. But in return for your patience, I can promise that I am the most patient partner possible (try saying that five times fast). I may pester you once if I am really, thoroughly enjoying the RP, but aside from that, I will leave you be. If you ghost, you ghost, no hard feelings, I've done it before and I completely understand. This also means I am more than happy to accept responses at what ever pace you can provide them <3

[The Craving I Have Had For Weeks, but Have Had No Time to Request]
[Orc/Minotaur/Demon/Anthro Prostitute
x Elven Witch][Size Difference - NSFW Example~]
So, I've had this idea in my head for a few weeks now, but thanks to work and then getting sick, I haven't had the time to post it.
I want to play an elven witch who wants to expand her potion making business and who finds the best way to do that is to go with the ever expanding market based around sex. She has the ingredients and know-how to make some of the best sex-based potions in the city, she's just missing a key piece of the puzzle - a test subject. She's so busy with her work that she definitely doesn't have a lover to call upon when it comes down to the testing phase and she is too embarrassed to ask friends to try it out for her, because she can't take feedback as her only source of results - she needs to be there to try things out. So, she realizes her only option is the brothel, down the street, run by a voluptuous, and greedy, succubus madame. MC offers her a deal, that she'll sell her all her successful potions at a discounted rate, in exchange for her convincing one of her male prostitutes to help be a test subject. They're all too scared to do it, save YC, who I would love to be a beefy, muscular, rough lover-type. The kind women come to to sate their most depraved, embarrassing fantasies. YC isn't scared and, once he sees the nerdy, virgin elf he's about to do work with, he's intrigued.

So, MC starts their first night off with an aphrodisiac, that she tests on herself. Other potions can vary from longer lasting erections, copious amounts of more cum, lactation, increased cock size, increased breast sized (within reason), etc. I would love to hear your ideas! At first, MC would come once a week to test out a new concoction, but she starts to develop a (major) crush on YC, so she starts showing up more and more. YC could be indifferent at first, not caring so long as he's paid, or he could come to treasure the intimacy their repeated meetings foster, and he could be a little more excited than his usual stoic persona typically allows. I'd like for their walls to come down, however, and eventually for him to invite her out on an actual date. Which leads me to point out that, in this society, I want prostitution to be a legal profession, and one of choice. He's there totally of his own free will and could ask to stop at any time, if he so chooses.

Along with the potions being the main focus of the kinks, I wouldn't mind sprinkling in threesomes or groups from time to time. Also, if you'd prefer playing multiple men, we can tailor the plot to that~
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