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A Sugar Baby's Dilemma (Gasper&Dal3cy)


Nov 25, 2019
The little ding from her laptop told Olive that her post was live. Her heart began to race as she reviewed her post. At the top of the purple page was the photo she had taken a few moments earlier. Underneath was her name written in cute cursive lettering and then the small wall of white letters, text speak and emojis which read.

Hiya! I'm Olive, I'm 22 years Young I'm looking for a sugar daddy to change my world. But I have a few stipulations! I'm looking to be a platonic SB! I have no real interest in doing any flirting or Photo sending. But I'll hold your hand and ask about your day. We can dress up and go to dinner, with the understanding that I'm leaving the restaurant all alone. If that interests you don't be a stranger.
P.s My mind can not be changed. The no touching rule is in place and will not be lifted.

Olive smiled at her screen as she read over her post. The photo looked cute and she was one of the younger girls on the site. She was sure she'd get a hit soon. She sat up off her bed and stretched, pulling her curls up into a full bun before sliding off her bed onto the wooden floor of her apartments. She took a short walk to the small kitchenette pulling open a cabinet and getting a granola bar. The short women walked towards the couch to turn on her T.V when she heard another dinh from her laptop. Her heart began racing again as she excitedly skipped back to her bed, slipping onto the blanket pulling her laptop closer. There it was! A little 1 over top of her message box icon. She opened it excitedly, Olive wasn't expecting an answer so quickly but this was a dream come true.
Christian Smith sat down at his usual Starbucks and sipped on a black coffee while messing around on his laptop. The 34-year-old man had made good money in real estate and as such he liked to enjoy the finer things in life. He wasn't bad looking by any means. He was 6'4'', shaggy brown hair, piercing green eyes, and he certainly frequented the gym. Which leads to questions like why get a sugar baby when you could find a girlfriend for free? You're not some ugly old man, women crawl all over you, why pay for their affections? Well, Christian had certain tastes that might be seen as rough or sadistic or downright abusive. But he noticed over the years that many talks and if you wave enough of it in a desperate little girl's face - she'll jump all over you and beg for more.

"Hold my hand and ask about my day." Christian said allowed, mocking the post he was reading, "Oh yes, and maybe you'll even rub my shoulder if I start crying." the man rolled his eyes. That's always how it starts. he thought, biting down on his lower lip. "She's worth the fight." he continued to himself, almost beginning to salivate while he looked at her photo. He liked what he saw. "The no touching rule is in place and will not be lifted." What about the "holding hands" part? he mocked in his head, stopping himself from groaning out loud. He sat back and unbuttoned the top of his white buttondown, his muscular thighs stretching at his jeans. His leather shoes tapped on the tile under his feet.

"Dear Olive," he started his message to her, "You have such a lovely photo and you seem like a very sweet girl. It seems like we're around the same area. I'd love to take you out for a drink, maybe some shopping afterward. I understand the struggle on this website and I completely understand the 'no touching' rule. I also understand that we all have to be safe and that's why I'm offering some public places for a first outing. I hope to hear from you soon. Christian." he hit enter and heard the ding of his message being sent. He pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and see how many actual bills he had. $500 in cash. She should like the site of that. He smirked when he looked up and saw her photo. He was already thinking of how he was going to cross the line.
Olive laid on her bed stunned, wide eyed staring at the screen. She didn't a answer this fast especially one with such promise. First off, he was good looking! Olive couldn't believe her eyes. She kept returning to his profile picture after re-reading his message. Secondly he wrote so well and it was so kindly worded. He even agreed with her no touching rule. It was truly like a dream come true for her. A handsome gentleman offering to pay for drinks and a shopping spree. She could picture it all now. Until the skeptic in her showed it's ugly head for a moment. What if the profile photo wasn't a real photo, what if it was all a trick. Olive needed some reassurance.

Hello Christian!
Let me start by saying I'm unbelievably excited to have heard from you, especially with my profile only just finished. I would be interested in your proposals only I have to air on the side of caution, as you would understand. Would you consider sending another photo of yourself? Then we can arrange a date and time to meet.
I might be able to move somethings around this weekend if you responsed quickly.
Olive snapped another photo, pinning it to the bottom of her message. This time she was laying against the pink sheets of her bed, her hair a golden halo framing her face. She stuck her tongue out through her pale pink lips as she winked one of her eyes at the camera, hoping to come across on the flirty side. Olive wanted to lure him further in and was hoping this would aid her. After sending the message she laid back on her bed stunned, her heart continuing it's assault against her ribcage.
Christian couldn't lie and say he wasn't excited when he was notified that he had a message. Eager. he thought, smirking at his screen. It was fair that she was cautious. There were a lot of fake sugar daddies out there and fake men in general. He took it as a compliment that she thought he was so attractive that he could possibly be faking it. The picture she attached was downright adorable. He found himself holding his hand against his crotch. I have a few ideas about where those lips could go. He opened the webcam on his laptop and brushed his fingers through his hair before giving her an award-winning smile and wink as he clicked to take a photo. He attached it to his reply and started typing.

"I understand having to be cautious. It's hard out here on the worldwide interweb ;-) I hope my picture has reassured you. Your picture has certainly reassured me and I'd love to set something up as soon as possible. I should be available most of the weekend. You name a place and time, I'll be there with the good looks and the cash. Can't wait to hear back from you." he looked over the message quickly before hitting send.

He kept her image up on his screen. She's certainly flirty. It definitely looks like she could be convinced to "touch." Her tongue looks like it might be experienced. She's teasing me and she knows it. But that's fine. I like having a bit of pent-up energy. He was already thinking of what he was going to wear. Was he going to bring condoms along? Should he drink or keep a completely clear mind? How far was he going to push it? Wait until he's taken her shopping, make it seem like she owes him? No, that wasn't how he worked. She would want to fuck him just after being around him for a few hours, right? He wasn't conceited, but he knew how good he looked. He definitely knew how good she looked. Can't wait to see under those clothes.
Olive spung up at the little ping of the message, opening it and going straight for the photo before anytging else. Good lord...
It was him in the profile photo for sure. He looked exactly the same, This only made the young woman meet excited to meet the man. She typed back a quick reply before closing her laptop firmly, she wouldn't look at it anymore for the night after this. It would seem to desperate.

It's safe to say that excited is a loose term for how I feel right now. Wanna meet at Mckinney's in the square? At like 6 on Saturday? They have cute little booths in the back and we can find one two sit and chat in.

Olive tapped her fingernails against her closed laptop. She had fulfilled her agreement with herself and not looked at her message until the next day. But it was excruciating...
She had managed to be super productive in the time without her laptop. As she tried to keep her mind occupied. After organizing her notes for school, Doing a load of laundry, Cleaning up her kitchen, Taking a shower and getting a good nights sleep she was back on her bed opening up her laptop to see if he'd respond yet.
Christian was rubbing at his eyes, considering packing his things up and heading home. He had had a long day at work and would sometimes sit in the local 24-hour coffee shop well into the night before he finally went home to sleep. He liked being around people and hated being alone. That's why I need her. With the ping of the message notification, he read it and tried to map out where Mckinney's was. He wasn't a big drinker but everyone met in bars. Having a cozy booth together didn't seem like a terrible idea. Can certainly get my hands on her that way, right? Nothing malicious.

"That sounds like a plan to me. I will be there. I'll make sure that I don't wear a suit from work. I'll stick out like a sore thumb, more than I already do. I'm excited to see you. Make sure you wear some comfortable shoes if we'll be shopping afterward." he hit send. He always wanted to make sure it was known that he had plenty of money and was willing to spend it on her. Gotta keep her interested on a second level. Good looks are fine, but she's ultimately here for the cash. Christian closed his laptop and packed up his things before saying goodnight to the barista and making his way home.

Christian didn't hear his phone go off for the rest of the evening. With his laptop packed away, the smartphone would have gotten any notifications from the sugar daddy website. Part of him was a little angry that she didn't respond to him right away as she had been. Trying to play hard to get? Or maybe she actually fell asleep. I guess I won't know. He stripped down to his underwear and fell asleep the second he hit his pillow. He slept like a rock until his alarm went off at 8 am. With a grunt, he pushed himself out of bed, ignoring his phone and heading straight to his bathroom. Then it was a pair of basketball shorts and downstairs for a protein shake and then a workout in his basement. An hour later he came back up, soaked in sweat. He chugged the rest of his shake and made it back up to his bedroom and into his shower. His eyes flicked to his phone on his nightstand when he walked back into his bedroom, drying himself. I'm still kinda pissed. He groaned, choosing to continue ignoring his phone. His phone stayed with him because of work or an emergency, but he would ignore his potential new plaything until they saw each other that evening.

After a day of chores and eventually sitting on his couch and playing some video games, 5:30 pm came along and Christian was looking at himself in his bathroom's mirror. He was wetting his hair, making sure there weren't any flyaways. He wore a white undershirt below an open, white, short-sleeve buttondown. His chest hair was fairly visible through the undershirt that clung tightly to his upper half. Then he had on some dark-wash, straight-leg jeans and black tennis shoes. Casual. I'm totally casual. He rubbed at his beard, considering trimming it. No. Women love facial hair. Well, the only ones that matter do. he chuckled and grabbed his keys and phone. He drove a Tesla like a lot of people with money did. He almost didn't drive himself, apprehensive about parking his expensive car in a pitch-black lot behind some bar. But he wanted to be able to drive his lady friend around, so he bit the bullet. It was 5:50 pm when he arrived. Christian was never one to be late or even on time, he always had to be early. He could control a situation better when he showed up early.

The bar was as packed as bars usually were on a Saturday night. With Christian's height, it was easy for him to scan the place over and notice the bundle of booths that were pushed towards the back of the building. Christian made his way through the crowd and sat. He had to squeeze a bit. He might have been a bit too tall for the booth but that wouldn't stop him. He tried to stretch out his legs, taking up space that would soon be taken up by Olive. A waitress came over and Christian just ordered water, telling the girl she would have to come back once his friend arrived. She smiled and brought him his drink, promising she would be back the second his friend arrived. Christian sipped at his glass, his eyes never leaving the entrance. He hoped she wouldn't be late. He hated it when people were late.
Olive giggled as she read the mans closer. 'Comfortable shoes' it showed a little humor and it reminded her the reason she was on the site. It wasn't for companionship, though Olive could use a few more friends for sure. She did enjoy her time alone and preferred to stay in and watch movies rather than the usual party atmosphere of her peers. But she needed some extra cash. This was the first year out of her 22 that her parents had stopped supporting her financially. Being an only child who comes from a family with some money it was a complete turn around for the woman to suddenly have to budget more efficiently. She knew she could no longer just call her mom when she saw a cute new dress online or a pair of silk and leather knee high boots (Last Christmas)
It wasn't that she was spoiled, which she was, she truly needed the extra cash.

Olive was working more often now, at a little bookstore that was close to the college she was attending for a degree in Library science. It wasn't very time consuming for the hard working spirit in Olive. She finished any homework within a day or two of receiving it. But the Student loans were adding up for sure.

As 6:05 rolled around Olive pushed open the bar's doors. Her dirty blonde hair in loose natural curls around her face, a white off the shoulder blouse hung to her olive shoulders. She wore maroon velvet pants that hugged the curves of her hips, the color of the pants matched the shade of lipstick she had applied last minute in the car before breezing in a few minutes past. Which wasn't anything to Olive. She started walking toward the back only to get stopped by a waitress, after explaining she was meeting someone and a strangely dirty look the waitress walked her back to the booth.

As she drew closer her heart began to race again, she already knew which booth her "Date" was in. He almost took up the whole seat not with his body which was quite larger that her own, But with his aura. Olive began looking anywhere but his booth or their booth. But instead fascinated herself with the pastel pink sneakers she had paired with with her outfit and the was the green walls didn't quite match the green trim near the floor. Olive nearly bumped into the waitress as the woman stopped at the table, before glancing across at the man she planned to meet. Warmth flooded her cheeks and she prayed silently that they wouldn't betray her as she attempted to downplay her nervousness and excitement. "If you could bring me a long Island Ice tea on your way back that would be perfect...." Olive said turning to the waitress as she tried to find a name tag. "Trina" she added as she read the plastic pin on the womans chest. Only to turn and smile towards her guest. "Hello, Christian." She tried to pur but her lips pulled up into a smile after his name left her lips for the first time.
Christian was tapping his nails against the table connected to their booth. He sipped at his water. The waitress, Trina, hovered around him. She was smiling and giggling. Christian was polite in his responses but would have preferred if she fucked off. Trina wasn't really his type and his mind was already filled with thoughts of Olive. He didn't have the patience for a second woman. Then she was there, walking in without a care in the world. Her outfit was hot and she was even hotter. Nice sneakers. he thought with a smirk while his eyes scanned her from head to toe. Christian watched as Trina confronted Olive. It was clear that Trina was not thrilled that Olive actually showed up. Is that jealousy I see? the thought made him chuckle. Olive ordered a Long Island Iced Tea and Trina practically stomped away, begrudgingly filling the request.

"Hello, Olive." Christian slid from the booth and stood up straight, showing the clear difference in their height. He put his hand out for a handshake and leaned to kiss the back of her hand. Hopefully, that's not too much contact for our innocent baby. He wanted to roll his eyes but somehow refrained, "Please, have a seat." he smiled, showing off his perfect teeth as he finagled himself back into the snug booth. He had to try his best not to surround her legs with his. Hopefully, they wouldn't be at the bar for very long. His knees were already starting to scream due to the angle they were bent.

"Your drink." Trina was back and she unceremoniously dropped the cold beverage down in front of Olive. Trina turned to face Christian, her expression immediately changing, "Is there anything else I can get you, dear?" she placed her hand on Christian's shoulder, her eyelashes fluttering.

"I'm fine, thank you. I'll let you know if we need anything else." he didn't take his gaze off of Olive, something that clearly pissed Trina off. The waitress left without another word. Christian kept his smile while he looked Olive over. She's just as gorgeous in person, if not more. "You look wonderful, Olive. I'm happy we're meeting. I hope I'm everything you're looking for. You seem to be everything I'm looking for." he gave her a playful wink before leaning back in his seat, "Tell me a little more about yourself and what you're looking forward to in our relationship."
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As Christian stood to his full height Olive let her eyes rise with him, only before letting them drop down his form taking in his appearance. He looked good, it was obvious he cared about his appearance and she could tell by the way the fitted shirt clung to him that he took his time with his appearance as well. Maybe he could help her get on a more structured exercise routine. Her mind swam with the idea but she met his eyes again and watched as he kissed the back of her hand. It wasn't to forward, it was kind and old fashioned. But it didn't set off any kind of alarm or warning to the woman and she sat down in the booth trying to empty her head of the thoughts about the gentle press of his lips.

"I have to say I'm excited to finally meet you. It's great to see more of you than those tiny screens, they didn't do you justice." Olive began strong but ultimately ended up rambling and saying more than necessary. Her nerves were getting the best of her and she was hoping to seem more suave and cool. When Trina set her glass down it couldn't have come sooner. The woman's attention turned from Christian getting a moment from his gaze helped her calm her nerve a bit. She lifted the glass to her lips hoping to calm her more. She returned her gaze just in time to watch the waitress stomp away, Olive watched her go before focusing back on the main attraction.

She couldn't help but smile at his praise, his voice was smoother than she had imagined. "Thank you. You're too kind" She said chuckling softly as he spoke, brushing a loose hair behind her ear she leaned her elbow on the table.
"Oh right, well first and foremost I'm looking for the...." She looked around hoping no one was paying attention and leaned closer to whisper "sugar... It's of course the main reason behind my search. Not too much really, it's within reason. Just a few extra bill on some of the harder months is all I'm looking for." She said sitting back again and reaching for her drink. "Other than that I think just having some company would be nice. Little outings like this are perfect, where we just get to talk and get to know each other. We can laugh and bond." Olive added before taking a sip from her drink and returning it to the table. "I think it's understood but I also just want to reiterate. That besides company and companionship in this respect " She gestured to the space between them "There won't be anything else I'll be doing, if that makes any sense" Olive tapped her nails nervously against her glass her cheeks warmed and darkened. It was a little embarrassing to talk about, but she needed to make sure he understood she wouldn't be doing any of the sexual favors usually involved with this line of agreement. "I'd understand if you want to back out or want to disband. It's a strange request I'm asking and it can seem a little one sided." Olive took another sip of her drink looking away from the man and out to the rest of the bar.
Why the fuck am I doing this? Christian sat patiently, smiling while Olive spoke. He sipped at his water and weighed her words carefully. If you wanted companionship, you wouldn't have to pay for it. He almost laughed when she talked about things seeming a bit one-sided. You fucking think? I give you money, take you out, and you give me absolutely nothing in return. Christian should have said that it wouldn't work out. He should have told her that he wouldn't be gaining enough from the arrangement. But there was something about her that he just had to have. She was very gorgeous, there was no doubt about that. He hadn't seen someone as hot as her in a long time. Plus, there was a certain glint in her eye. She would go on and on about how their relationship would never be anything more. But he knew that he could convince her otherwise. Money talked. Even if he did have to give her a little push.

"Like I told you when we were messaging, I'm fine with it." Just layer on the bullshit, tell her what she wants to hear, make her trust you. "I understand that you're a young girl who is going through a tough time and you need some extra cash. You shouldn't have to sell your body for that. I'm sure your companionship will be plenty for me. I know we'll have a really nice time together." he smiled, finishing the rest of his water. Trina was there within seconds, giving him a refill. He still didn't look at the waitress. His eyes were stuck to Olive. The waitress huffed and puffed while she walked off, "Are you in school? Working at all? Having any specific financial troubles right now? I want to take care of you, so I have to know what I'm working with." Learn what she needs. Make her depend on you. Use it against her. He resituated himself in his seat, making his leg bump against hers. He kept his leg there. Start with the small touches. Leg touches turn to hand-holding turn to kissing turn to fucking. I just need to be patient.
She almost sighed with relief as he said he was fine with the agreement. It was exactly what she had been hoping to hear, it was almost like it was a fairy tale. A kind, handsome stranger willing to help her out of the goodness of her heart. She smiled and nodded as he spoke listening intently as to try and find a hint of reluctance. She got distracted as Trina returned to fill Christians water Olive attempted to ask for a water but in turn only got ignored and shut down as the waitress sulked away a second time.
"I'm in school, I'm on my second year. I go to Whitmore, that's about a ten minutes drive from here. Tuition has been a struggle but I manage, But I wouldn't mind a little help with both. I do work, so it's not like I'm asking for you to support me. A few shopping trips are mostly what I'm after. I have always like the finner things." Olive joked laughing softly as she leaned towards him a little. She was feeling more and more comfortable with him, maybe it was his kindness and his gaze always focused on her. Maybe it was the drink she had almost finshed but he was interested in her and that's all she wanted. Olive didn't think anything of the touch of his leg, the warmth was nice.
"I feel like I'm talking to much. Tell me about you! What made you search out for something like this. I mean you obviously wouldn't need any help with women." Olive said gesturing to the man.
"Hell, you've been here for less than an hour and out waitress seems ready to jump on you" She said with another giggle, the drink was certainly affecting her, it made it easier to speak her mind. She wasn't impaired, just a bit more courageous.
She's so fucking entitled. The "finer things"? You can make your way through college just fine but you want a sugar daddy just because you want some nice things? She doesn't need a sugar daddy. She doesn't even need help. She just wants to exchange absolutely nothing for large sums of money. I will thoroughly enjoy ruining her life.

No, I don't need any help with women." Christian smiled. At least she's aware that something is potentially wrong with this picture. Not that she'll be able to place it, "I like helping people. I know the young girls, and boys, who are on the website are struggling and I figure I can get what I need while giving someone else what they need." he didn't specify that what he needed was a slave he could tie to his bed and use for his pleasure. But she was getting loose. Just one drink in and she already seemed to be getting closer to him. He took another move, bringing his hand upon the table to run the back of his hand against her arm.

"I make good money. Yes, I can get a partner who doesn't need my money, but I'd rather help someone." Of course, that is absolute bullshit. Why would I waste my money on some snotty bitch that won't give me anything that I want? Are you clueless? You really think this is real life? Christian was close to screaming, but he knew he had to keep his cool. Trina came back around, her eyes stuck to Christian, "She'll have another iced tea. More water for me. Thanks." he was curt with his words, not giving Trina any extra attention. She mumbled under her breath, gave Olive a nasty look, and then went to fetch their drinks.

"What are some of the things you'd like me to get for you? I want you to have whatever your cute little heart desires." he gave her a wink, noticing her face was a little flush. Trina was surprisingly quick with his water refill and Olive's new Long Island. Get her drunk. Get her suggestible. She'll be blowing you in your Tesla before the night's over and beg for more. She'll learn that my money comes with a price, and she'll be happy to pay it.
"That's amazing, you have such a kind soul." Olive said with a sigh. After hearing his want to help people just to help, it warmed her to think about it. She smiled at him as he ran his hand across her arm reaching over to catch his hand, giving it a little squeeze. As Trina returned Olive was going to change her order, she was a little worried about having another Long Island but once Christian had ordered it she didn't want to risk bothering the waitress any more. She was already cursing Olive's name and she hadn't even had a proper interaction with the woman.

She returned her focus back to her date ad he spoke, smiling across the table at the man as he winked. Her nose wrinkling up with her smile. "Oh gosh, that's a hard question. I haven't thought about that much" Olive toyed with the straw in her drink absentmindedly for a moment before taking a sip "I do have a little obsession with shoes. That's probably one the biggest ways to my heart" Olive said biting her bottom lip gently as the began thinking of something else she could ask for.
"I read a lot of books too! I wouldn't mind a few of those" Olive said before taking another sip and leaning back from the table. She glanced back at the man, he was perfectly put together not a hair out of place. The woman almost wished there was something, so she could have an excuse to get a little closer and fix it, But also he seemed a little to perfect. There had to be some major flaw, a Personality quirk. But She couldn't tell, and the more of her drink she had the less she cared.
Christian smiled as Olive starting drinking her second iced tea. He genuinely smiled when she told him that she loved books. I don't like a dumb girl, so that's a good sign. He wasn't surprised to hear that she liked shoes. The shoes she was wearing looked nice and he imagined she had many more in her closet at home. He noticed that her eyes were glued on to him, the same way his eyes were glued on to her. Maybe I won't have to try too hard to touch her. He took hold of her hand after she squeezed his hand and held it there at the center of the table. His thumb ran over the backs of her fingers.

"Shoes and books. So you're smart and you have good taste." his hand was much larger than hers and he loved the feeling over her soft skin against his. It was like electricity was coursing through his arm, "Maybe we can go to that bookstore in town. I forget the name off the top of my head." he broke his gaze from her and looked around the bar like somehow strangers would have the answer he was looking for, "I'd love to buy you whatever limited editions you wanted." he looked back at Olive and bit down on his lip. He was a mature man, so he didn't stare at her chest once. But, he still noticed her body from the corners of his vision and he was very happy with what he was seeing.

"Nice and romantic. Some drinks and then book shopping. It sounds like we're making a Hallmark movie." he chuckled, the laugh lines around his mouth and eyes making an appearance. His green eyes were shining. He took his second hand and scratched at his beard. Christian was genuinely excited to spend time with Olive, get to know her, give her some funds here or there. But he was also genuinely excited at the thought of his beard scratching at her neck while he fucked her senseless. She'll be begging for it by the time the night is over.
She returned every smile he gave her, Olive was a sucker for a good smile and this man was feeding that drive. She enjoyed the sudden warmth from his hand on her's, the worry she had when he'd first clutched it melting away as he placed their hands on the table. It was a sweet sentiment and the fact he put them out in the open for all to see calmed her nerves further, helped her believe that any shady business he could be interested in were just fantasies and worries in her head. Why would he go through all this effort to pretend to be kind? All the sweet inoffensive gestures only confirmed her hope.

"I hope you're not talking about Cozy Corners. I work there and I'm not entirely confident that my coworkers won't eat you alive." She said with a chuckle giving his hand a little squeeze "Though it would be quite an even come Monday morning" She added reaching with her free hand to hold her glass. The coolness from the glass completely opposite from the warmth for his hands it made her chuckle to herself before returning her glass to the table and reaching her cold hand towards the mans forearm to warm her hand against his skin.

"Oh, Hallmark movies are a sign of the season changing. What movies do you like?" She asked after a moment of failing to think of anything else to ask as she shifted closer to Christian. The drink was certainly effecting her even greater as she leaned her head against his arm with a soft sigh.
"Oh, well, no to that place then. Maybe Barnes and Noble near the mall? Or, since you work at a bookstore, maybe we should go shoe shopping instead." Christian shrugged, watching as she moved her hands to get her drink. He smiled when her cold hand rubbed against his arm and stayed there. Then she was moving closer to him, her head leaning against his arm. Play it cool. Everything is fine. Just keep talking.

"I like horror movies. Especially ones with surprise endings. I hate always guessing the ends to movies. It gets boring." he found himself leaning his head to the side to rest against hers. He breathed her in. Whatever shampoo or conditioner she had used smelled delicious. He wanted to reach his other hand up and run his fingers through her hair. He wasn't about to push his luck. Not so soon. His knee bobbed up and down in a low rhythm, their thighs rubbing together. He could properly stretch his legs out now that she was next to him. Now that she was no longer staring directly into his face, he stole a glance down at her chest. Not disappointing at all.

"But if you're someone who loves those romantic Hallmark films, I'll happily let you snuggle into my arms while we drink hot cocoa and keep the movies going one after the other." And then my hands will find their way down, rubbing at those perfect breasts. You'll moan in my ear and beg me to take you right there. The thoughts were beginning to have an effect on Christian. He quickly tried to change his thinking pattern, moving his other hand down to rearrange himself. Hopefully Olive wasn't paying attention.

"So, shoes instead of books? Or books somewhere else? Or we can just stay here and hang out until you get sick of me and we go our separate ways. I'll give you some cash to get you through. I wouldn't want to leave you empty-handed." he realized his voice was lowering, he was starting to whisper against her. He flexed his arm in her hand. He loved having her hands on him.
She smiled as she ran her fingertips across his skin, her nails trailing up and down his arms. "I could never handle scary movies, I always needed someone there to hold ke when I got scared. But I wouldn't mind if you introduced me to some good ones" She answered turning her head away from him, looking out at the restaurant.

She was distracted again from his voice, drawn in by his scent. The woodsy musk from his chest drew her closer. Olive sudden remembered where she was and began to sit up slightly. "I think we otta call it a night after this. I'm almost two drinks in and i'm kind of a light weight" She said with a chuckle moving her hand from his arm to fluff the slightly flattened side of her hair. She returned her hand to his arm for a gentle squeeze before sitting up a little straighter. "It's probably on the later side anyway." She added pulling her phone out of her back pocket, the screen lighting up.
Christian was enjoying how close the two of them were. His eyes were almost closed while he rested himself against her. Then she was moving away from him, talking about how they should call it a night. It was late, she was getting drunk, she didn't want things to continue that way. It all made sense to a rational man. To Christian, well, it just pissed him off. You think you can have two drinks, snuggle up to me, and then leave? He had to bite his tongue to save himself from saying something he would regret.

"Oh, well, uh, we can always get a little something to eat, maybe? Some food in the stomach would help with the drinking. We should have been eating something the whole time, I'm sorry." Christian tried to play the concerned, apologetic suitor. What he really wanted to play was the pushy, aggressive, possessive asshole who was going to take what he wanted no matter what, "At least let me give you a ride? Or I could walk with you if you walked." he was scrambling, trying his hardest to figure out a way for them to stay together longer.

"I guess y'all want your check." Trina popped up, speaking in a snarky tone. She could tell Christian wasn't having a great time. He looked her square in the eyes, a fire of a thousand suns burning in his gaze. The waitress' expression changed to one of fear, submission. She dropped the check and walked away silently. Christian reached into his back pocket, pulling out his leather wallet. He made a display of opening the folds, showing the near $1000 in bills that he had. He placed two $20's on top of the check before standing himself up. He forced himself to smile down at Olive, holding his hand out to her.

"We'll do whatever you want," he said, almost convincing himself of his words. We'll also do whatever I can convince you to do.
She smiled and shook her head at his offer of food. "It's on the later side for that. Besides, I'm a little tipsy I'd better sleep ot off if anything. I forgot how potent these bad boys are" She said tapping her nails against the glass before stretching her arms out with a sigh. "I did drive, but I don't think that I should get behind the wheel right now. I could walk, it's not very far. If you're willing I'd love a ride. It would also give us a chance to talk a little longer." Olive rambled slightly as she fussed with her hair. Growing quiet as the waitress returned, rolling her eyes at the tone she spoke to the man in. Olive pushed her empty glass towards the waitress as she walked, watching the woman picked up the empty glass without another word. She was a little confused but also curious to the moments she had missed between Trina and Christian. Wondering what made her change her mind... Olive was a little distracted and shocked as the man lazily flashed the thick stack of green bills from his wallet. I've never seen that much cash in my life. She pulled her gaze up from his wallet to his eyes, smiling softly and taking his hand. "I'd like to ride with you, if that's alright with you"
"Sounds good to me." Christian smiled, helping Olive up from the booth. He caught Trina's eye on the way out and shook his head at her. She seemed sad. I can't come back to this bar. She'll be crawling all over me, especially if I show up alone. Christian wasn't into her and Trina did not like that. Trina also didn't like that Christian was into somebody else. The man was a heartbreaker without even having a full-blown conversation with the woman. Whatever.

Christian held Olive close as they walked outback. His arm was around her shoulders, making sure she was walking steadily. She is definitely tipsy. But I don't take advantage of women who are drunk... Maybe. His mind was doing backflips, trying to figure out how to capitalize on the situation without being an extremely sleazy guy. He clicked his key fob, the handles on his Tesla popping out of the doors. He opened the passenger side, ushering Olive onto the leather interior. After closing the door, he made his way around and into the driver's side. The car practically purred when he started it up.

"Alright, where am I taking you, beautiful?" he turned to face her, giving her a wink with his award-winning smile. I saw you looking at how much money I had. That could be yours if you're a good little girl for me. He moved his free hand to her thigh, nothing too high or presumptuous, just showing he was there and he wanted her in his hands.
As the cold of the evening hit Olive's exposed shoulders she suddenly wished she had brought a jacket, but the warmth of the mans arm suddenly changed her mind. He was casting plenty of warmth across her skin and it was better than any sweater the shorter woman could've asked for. She walked slowly carefully taking her steps, noticing the effects of the alcohol here and there but it wasn't a problem.

As she slid into the passenger seat of his Tesla Olive's brain couldn't focus on much more than the thick leather smell mixed with the woodsy dark musk of Christan. She almost wished she could spend all night in the car as tried her best not to run her hands across the exterior. Deciding instead to just smooth her hands across the rich leather seat once before reaching for her belt.

"Home, I guess..." Olive sighed resting her blonde curls against the headrest. "It's the Apartment complex on West Main." She added after she shook herself from the intoxicating pull of the man's smile, reaching across the car to place her own hand on the man's thigh and giving it a little squeeze with a smile. "I really enjoyed meeting you" Olive closed her eyes, smiling to the ceiling.
Christian watched as Olive melted in his passenger seat. It was clear that she liked the interior. She seemed to be having a good time, despite her wanting to cut the evening short. He started pulling out of the parking lot when she reached her hand over to squeeze his thigh. He bit down on his lip, trying his best to focus on the various lights of the evening. West Main isn't far at all. Ten, fifteen minutes? Gotta think fast.

He put his hand over hers on his thigh. He gave her small hand a squeeze but kept her on his leg. His eyes flicked over, noticing her eyes were closed and she was smiling like an adorable idiot. She certainly is a bit drunk. He moved her hand up just a tad. His cock wasn't throbbing hard, but he was certainly feeling the effects of her company. He wasn't about to ruin everything and demand a handjob, but he kept her close. If she was completely clear-minded and the lighting was better, she would have noticed his erection.

"Sure there isn't anywhere we can stop before taking you home? I barely got to spend any money on you, sweetheart." he ran his thumb over the back of her hand. Keep waving the money around. That's what she's here for. My wonderful charm and attractive physique will fall in after. Just have to get my claws in first, "I'm just dying to spoil you already. I really love how you make me feel."
Which the added warmth of his hand over hers Olive opened her eyes again looking across the car at the man, her smile never fading. Feeling her hand slide up his thigh she gave hes leg another squeeze absentmindedly as she thought about what he was saying. "That is wildly tempting, if you know of a cute boutique anywhere close by I wouldn't mind stopping and shopping with you. I like having you around." She added giving his leg another squeeze. It was such a strange feeling, to be sitting in an expensive car next to a man who wants nothing more than to spoil her. Olive chuckled softly to herself as she remembered her doubts about putting her profile up on the site.

"I don't think I ever asked. What do you do for a living?" Olive asked after a moment of quiet, tapping her her fingernails of her free hand against the front of her phone that was sitting in her lap. Glancing down at it for a moment and lighting up the screen.
Got her. Christian couldn't help but smile when Olive said she was fine with doing a little shopping before she was dropped off at home. Just need a little more time with her, a little more coaxing. She'll be begging for my cock by the end of the night. He was also happy that her hand was still on his lap. Well, yes, he was holding her hand there, but she wasn't trying to pull it away.

"Real estate," Christian responded, trying to map out in his head where the nearest high-end store would be. He was kind of hoping she would say something specific. Despite spending money on women, he didn't know a lot about their shopping habits. He turned and smiled at her. I wonder how sober she'll be in a couple of hours. Plenty aware of how much she wants me, right? Christian shrugged to himself, "Was there a specific store you had in mind? Funny enough I do most of my shopping online. Don't know a lot about the local stores."
Olive nodded her head as he responded with his occupation. It was quite interesting to hear it also make sense why she was sitting in such a high end car. She was going to ask a little more about his job before he spoke again. Olive was curious about his job and she wanted to get to know him a little more, he was interested to be around and she wanted to figure him out.

"Oh, well the Mall is not bad. There are quite a few higher end stores. There is a little boutique out at the end of the road, they have a good selection of shoes there too! So they've got my vote" Olive began excitedly, she sat up a little straighter in the leather, giving another squeeze to her companions thigh. It was firm, confirming her suspicion from earlier in the night, He must work on his body. Olive was curious about what other sections of his body must feel like under her grip. Her slender hands pulled gently from underneath his grip, lazily pushing up his thigh before lifting and palming down the side of his chest and returning back to his upper thigh.
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