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Fx Any Seductive Sakura's Salivating Sexy Roleplays [NSFW]

Seductive Sakura

Dec 1, 2019
Hi everyone, Sakura here... and not the one from Naruto!

I like smutty roleplays with interesting plots, or at least with roleplayers who can make cliche plots enjoyable. I don't have an exact percentage of what should be smut and story, but I do want some coupling of the two. I love anime, or video-game based roleplays, but I am willing to be flexible. I don't always mean to play as specific characters, or in specific worlds, but rather the feel of the universe we roleplay in.

I'll include my flist here. Kinks in my "no" are generally something I won't do. You're welcome to ask, however. Kinks in the maybe section are dependent on the roleplay. It's not that I necessarily like or dislike them, so feel free to inquire! You don't have to include everything in my "yes" or "favorite" section, and I'm fine if you have some limits within them, just be open and we can try to make things work. Worry less about kinks, and more on making an intriguing story that makes sense.

Specific kinks I adore are anything relating to sexy clothing, dub-con, ageplay(within site limits), anal-related activities, tit-fucking, and leash and collar. Still, all are optional! Also, while I do like ageplay, I expect you to be an adult, as I am too. I know the site says 18+, but I want to emphasize to only ask for that kink if you are a mature adult in real life. It's something I enjoy roleplaying only. I've gotten creepy messages OOC on other sites in the past, and while I'm fine with them IC when we're roleplaying, please be, and act like an adult OOC; if you want to flirt with me OOC, treat me like an adult, as well.

I'll roleplay as female or futa. I'm fine playing as a switch, top, or bottom, but I generally won't solely top guys. If you're a very feminine femboy or trap, I don't mind, however. I won't play as multiple characters, but I will take control of various characters around us for the sake of plot. You're welcome to play one, or many characters, depending on the roleplay. I may be willing to roleplay other characters sexually for one-off scenes, however.

I am willing to take requests for the faceclaim for my character.

I roleplay in 3rd person, and include any number of paragraphs, but I can't see writing much less than two, unless something requires a very brief reply. I'm flexible with length, I'm more concerned with the content. I do long-term roleplays, and expect my partners to be patient

Roleplay Ideas: I will use MC(my character) and YC(your character) to describe our characters, but I am willing to consider playing the other side, if that interests you more. I would love to hear your ideas, and I'm fine with every cliche pairing you can think of as well. Generally I want to play stories with darker themes, that deal with some form of physical or mental abuse for parts of the roleplay.

I love the idea of doing compensated dating. The story would take place in Tokyo, and MC would be a 15 year old high-school student(I can age her up to 18 if you prefer). She isn't poor, she doesn't have any sick relatives, she really loves money. She loves brand-names, and being the center of attention. She is quite insecure, despite never acting the part. She is shallow, her friends are shallow, and her lifestyle is shallow. She tends to play the part she's asked for, in terms of how she acts within the compensated dating. She's extremely good at reading people. Sex would be implied at the end of the compensated dating, with additional costs depending on the act or the duration.

I imagine YC to be her childhood friend, back from before she became so shallow. She rejected YC, in the most humiliating way possible. YC is still bullied to this day - abandoned by her. Eventually, YC saves up some money, and plans to make use of the compensated dating service. If people knew what MC did, they would bully her, shame her as a slut, will YC take advantage of that?

YC could also be anything from a frequent patron, a family member, or even a sleazy manager of the compensated dating business.

Code Vein is an interesting take on a post-apocalyptic world. I'll assume you have some idea about the game, but if not, you can ask. Basically, MC was a high-school girl when she was turned into a revenant. Due the nature of the world, women are in far more demand, as they're far more likely to get turned into the lost, there's a lot less of them, especially attractive ones. MC worked as a gravure model in the world prior, known for her voluptuous body. She gravitated towards the strongest person she could.

YC is the leader of a gang that almost entirely got wiped out. YC was madly in love with mine. YC had a gang that gathered blood beads, but that safety net doesn't exist anymore. MC enjoyed the life of luxury, but doesn't want to get her hands dirty. With the last of the blood beads, MC leaves yours, but not before ensuring the lost close in on YC's location.

As time passes, YC eventually finds MC, clinging to another gang leader, assuming YC to be dead. YC plans to take her back, is it out of revenge, lust, love?

Think back to the first season of SAO, I basically want to use that world. MC is a healer and buffer, who can't do much on her own. She's eager to get accepted into a good guild, she doesn't want to die - not when it means 'game over' in real life as well. YC could be a strong, but perverted guild master, a strong solo-warrior, or even the game master himself.

It all started when MC's brother died. The two of them were close, best friends even. She started abusing the drug M(memory), which essentially blurs reality, and allows the user to instead see a more clear view of their memories. The only time she finds happiness and sanity, is when she's on the drug. The problem is that its a very expensive, and a even more addictive drug. There's no way MC(a high school student) could afford it. YC would either be a rich business person, a drug dealer, a pimp of some sort, a strip club owner. Basically, some way for MC to access the drug.

Gatcha was a phenomenom that started a thousand years ago. Technology hasn't advanced as quickly as scientists had expected, but people's degeneracy towards gambling has outpaced anything ever expected. Tokyo itself has turned into the game Gatcha Garden. The premise is to get as many points as possible. You get points by battling, selling 'services' from your gatcha girl, and pretty much anything else(points are the currency for everything). Gatcha girls are raised by the government until they're 15(or whatever age you want), and then put up for roll.

Gatcha girls souls are extracted from their body, and put into a random girl when someone rolls for a new girl. Each one has a unique power(or a set of), a sexy rating, a combat rating, and more. When someone rolls, they pay more to get a higher roll. Certain souls do have an affinity for different traits.

Not all girls are Gatcha girls. Girls are sold legally to the government to become Gatcha girls. It's a bit of a grey area, due to so many parents getting into debt. Some even have children to pay off debts. While, they are being sold, the government essentially forces people to sell them. MC's parents were hopeless gatcha gamblers, hoping to making themselves, and obviously failed.

The reason so many people play the game is that there is a far greater divide between the poor and the rich in the world currently. The first roll is basically free, but after that it goes up quickly. The first roll is generally very bad, but it's still a shot at a better life for poor people(the media has glorified poor people that 'made it' from the game to attract players). Once someone enters Gatcha Garden, they're not allowed to leave until they reach a certain status. Rich people, can buy into any status they want. Additional rolls will cost depending on the rarity factor they want 'guaranteed'. For example, you could guarantee a secret rare girl. Even rich people can become broke, spending millions on a single roll. Anyone, even criminals are allowed in the Garden. All travel is paid for if they're enterring at the lowest tier.

The people at the top essentially run the world, since media all over the world covers the events. Tourist passes are even available, that allow people to go into select safe areas. There are brothels, restaurants, meet-and-greets with the more popular girls, amusement parks, etc. There are adult, and kid-friendly versions of the media and even tourist destinations. Anyone who speaks bad about Gatcha Garden generally goes missing very quickly.

If a girl dies, her soul is sent back to where her main body is stored. Each girl's soul has a unique identification code. The person rolling can look from the available souls, and pay an additional fee based on popularity to summon a certain soul, but they can't choose the girl they enter. The person can reroll the girl, but not the soul. If a player's soul dies, they can choose to roll both a new soul and girl(which is usually what happens, since picking a certain soul is very expensive, and most people don't care about the souls).

If at any point someone doesn't have a girl, they are forced to work menial labor until they can pay for their next roll, or get involved into criminal activities. However, small expenses add up so quickly, most don't ever roll again after that, because they get trapped in a cycle.

If you have any questions about this one you can let me know. Also we can build the world together.

MC went out with YC for a couple months, MC is a junior in high school, YC is a senior. Everything was great, MC was popular, given that YC was captain of (whatever team you choose), on top of being rich and handsome/beautiful. Everyone loves YC, but because YC is so well-liked, no one was even mean to MC out of jealousy. MC cheated on YC, and YC broke up with her(it can be anything from full-on sex, to a simple kiss).

Everyone started to hate MC, bullying her, etc. Similarly, MC's parents love YC, and MC couldn't even tell them what happened. Everything came crashing down around her, and MC is desperate to get YC back. YC still finds MC very attractive, but is obviously apprehensive about taking her back. There's still anger and distrust, which will lead to a toxic relationship, and mostly MC doing whatever it takes to hold it together. The general hope is that YC is abusive(physical and/or mental) here, while still having some feelings.

I'll roleplay in most anime or game worlds, so feel free to ask me. I can't promise I can play a canon character, but I can use their faceclaim. Feel free to pick a faceclaim from mine, or present one you want me to play as.

I have an album with tons of possible references, and you should get an idea of the type of character I want to play. Any of them can be futa or female. Warning if you're on phone data! here it is. I have more pictures if that's enough! The album started getting too big.
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