- Joined
- Oct 19, 2019
- Location
- Mile High - USA

Hi Everyone.
I wanted to let you know a bit about myself; but it's your choice to read the Quick Facts.
Alright here’s the QUICK FACTS if you are not the reader but the skimmer type.
I play the Submissive role. Hard NOs: Scat, Diapers, Vomit, and Vore (unless plot based). PMs, or Discord. I’m open to anything from cheese romantic software vanilla to eyes rolled back, tongue out panting, sweaty body, tear jerking, throat horsing, surprise anal that is played live in front of my peers knowing I have to face them the next day… hehe
Lastly, I typically post one to two strong paragraphs but sometimes my replies as can be as lackluster as a strong paragraph to as taxing as five to seven novel size posts (these are EXTREMELY rare). I write in the 3rd Person and either Past or Present tense.
Here is a list of options for MC:
- FtM (Post FtM Top Surgery "Cuntboy")
- MtF (Post MtF Top Surgery "Dickgirl")
- Futa (Cock and Balls, or Cock and Vagina)
- Cuntboy (Male born with vagina instead of cock and balls)
- MULTLE CHARACTER: If you really want I can add in up to 5 submissive (or switches) if so I would like them to be Male, Futa, or MtF (Post MtF Top Surgery "Dickgirl")
*I do not intend to offend anyone with the chosen terminology I am merely trying to simply my NB choices
MC (FtM Son) x YC (Father or Stepfather or Mom's Boyfriend)
MC (MtF/Futa (cock and balls) or FtM/Cuntboy ) x YC (Mom, Stepmom, Mom's girlfriend, Combination, Sister, Stepsister, Half-sister)
MC x YC (MC's Boss)
MC x YC (Teacher or Mentor)
MC x YC (Neighbor)
MC x YC (Roommate/Flatmate)
MC x YC (Anthro or Mythical Race/Beast/Creature)
MC ( as a NB Prince or NB Knight) x YC (King, Rival Prince, Queen, Princess, Knight, Townsmen, or Bandit)
MC x Gang Member(s) /+ Rival Gang Member(s)
MC Younger Family Member (15 - 17) x YC Older Family Member ( 18 - 50)
MC New Student / Nerdy Student / Deaf Student x YC Popular(s) / Rebel (s)/ Jock(s)/ Bully(ies)
MC YC Criminal/Juvenile (15-17) Delinquent x Cop/Corrupt Cop/ Parole Officer / JDC Officer / Prince Staff Member(s)/ JDC Staff Member(s) / etc
MC YC Failing Student/Athlete x Educational Staff Member(s) / Peer(s) / Team Member(s)
MC x YC Alien(s) /Cyborg(s) / Alternative Universe Time Travel / Mythical Creative /Giant Doms / Doms with 2 to 4 dicks / etc
I am also open to hardcore scenes, bad ends, snuff, violence and forced situations as well as soft-core, flirting, and high romance.
Ass Play - from rimming (giving and receiving) and ass-to-mouth to hardcore anal stretching by oversized sex toys (link NSFW)
CBT/SPH/SPS - I know a lot of people don't get it but I do highly enjoy CBT and being humiliated for having a small penis ^_^ I would like MC to have 3" - 6" depending on the size of YC's cock.
Humiliation - I like public, small penis, sissifying, gender transformation (temp, semi-perm and full transformation), live steaming, social media slamming, and risky situations/close calls at work.
BDSM - from light spanking and small toy/strap-on use with aftercare to hardcore BDSM with full stuckage and forced for painfully take whatever punishment I am given and mocked for being aroused or moaning.
ETC - you know all that fun dark stuff that's for me.
I'm also into the idea of writing a coming out story based in an alternative universe where being different or funny (aka homosexual, transgender, etc...) is frowned upon. I would like MC to undergo the hate, violence and abuse and stand up for themself enduring everything and slowly breaking. YC (main character) can either be MC's supportive crush or MC's soon-to-be ex best-friend who is so appalled by this that they go out of their way to cause problems for MC or YC can be (insert whatever) and finds out about MC (insert how).
I prefer to stay within the modern to futuristic worlds if not just alternative realities of earth but if you want to do a medieval theme just say so :-3
MC x YC (Foster Sibling(s)/+ Foster Parent(s)) [Males/Futas/Femdoms*]
MC has always had a hard life, they have been in and out of foster homes since their parents were arrested for child endangerment and abuse. As if thing weren't rough enough for MC, being a budding teenager with an unusual body, dealing with hormonal and emotional fluxes. But over the last five years they had been in roughly fifteen foster families. Each change was due to the family being uneasy with MCs difference. MC, once again, has to change schools, meet a new foster family, and deal with on-set of depression. -- At this point we can turn this into a Non-Con Hardcore Abuse Humiliation...etc where MC's forest siblings or even MCs foster father, heck maybe both foster siblings and parental figure) or we can have it where MC and YC (foster siblings) start to fall for each other. (Soft-core to Extreme Hardcore)
MC x YC (Sadistic Male/Futa)
MC is a single young adult that lives alone in a small trailer in the middle of know where past the i but before the slums. It's not uncommon to hear gun shots, cop sirens and the bimbo hookers walking along the sidewalk waiting for their next ride. MC is new to the area, as in there are boxes that are still unpacked, which makes MC the prefect target for YC's sick twisted desires. *Darker Themed* YC has been dealing with some mental health problems. YC use to be a (insert career: preferable something within the Healthcare, Science (Biology, Chemistry) or A&P Teacher or Pharmacologist)
MC x YC (Gang Member(s)/ Homeless/Intruder/Murder/Sadistic Male(s) or Futa(s))
MC steps out of the metro rail cart, and off the platform heading through the tunnel and out into the darkness of the night. MC checks their apple watch, the icon showing their phone was dead shining, a groan as it was 2:03 in the morning. A long double shift as an wait staff member MC is ready to head home. Only problem with MCs phone being dead the last portion, which normally MC would take an LYFT just for safety, and MC has to walk ten blocks down the roughest side of town. [MC is crossdressed looking like a cute anime school girl or MC is wearing a nice suite or MC is wearing yoga pants, a oversized crop top, platform flip-flops, and a lollipop....or we can talk about it). About halfway through the journey MC makes a wrong turn and ends up in an alley way and isn't alone...
MC x YC (Vengeful Sadistic Ex)
3. MC is forced by YC to live out a humiliating life as he is slowly transformed (either from Male to Futa to Female or Male to Cuntboy to Female or Female to Futa to Male or Female to Cuntboy to Male). How did this happen? YC stages the prefect kidnapping. First books a vacation for two using a prepaid credit card. Second, YC hacks (well knows the password) into MCs social media accounts and posts up outdated and false information in the memories boards - basically putting YC back into MCs life. Third, YC lures MC out to a bar using a false account. Lastly, YC gets MC drunk by tipping the bar tender to make even MC virgin drinks with alcohol. Next thing MC knows is MC is tied to a four poster bed in an obvious makeshift basement bedroom with natural light shining through a small but highly frosted glass window. YC then comes in and reveals that if YC can't have MC then YC would change MC and make MC into their prefect partner then they (YC and MC) can start their new life...but not before YC humiliates, degrades, and mentally breaks MC to the point that they mentally depend on YC for nearly everything.
MC x YC (Prison Guard(s)/Prison Inmate(s))
Three Options
- MC is a Futa (or a MtF Post Top Surgery and YC(s) being a powerful and dominate gang of Femdoms.
- MC is a young homeless MtF/Futa that gets picked up for stealing, and this isn't her first time, but after the judge sends her to prison for being a repeat offender ( 18 months max) MC soon learns that not all women are are nice and compassionate as the stereotype for the gender. Her cellmate is bad enough, always trying to get MC to touch her cock, suck her cock or to let her fuck MC. The constant badgering was harmless compared to the fate of MC when MC accidentally reveals their cock (either small 3"-6" or bigger 7" - 12") to YC. YC lies and says they won't tell if MC will fuck them...This only signs MC consent to be used, abused, raped, and more all as the women either praise, or degrade and humiliate (depending on the RP) him. I'm open to brainstorming alternatives for this plot from romance to hardcore BDSM and much much more!
- MC is a FtM Post FtM Top Surgery and YC(s) being Males with oversized endowments of 10+ to 18+ inches.
- MC is a young man that is charged with breaking MC's Domestic Violence Injunction which was in place by MC's ex. With being locked up on a Friday the earliest hearing would be Monday. The prison was practically shut down on the weekends with the exceptions of a handful of guards for all sections, and a few kitchen staff. MC is processed and put into a cell with YC. MC tries to tell the guard that they have a vagina and are worried about being raped, but the guard replies, "your ID says Male. You go to the male side, sir." YC finds out rather quickly that MC doesn't have the male sex organ but instead female parts - YC becomes engulfed with the various bargaining chips that MC would become to him. YC decides to "befriend" MC and plots to use MC slyly because YC can also use an in-cell sex toy.
- MC can also be Male and paired with a prison of aggressively hormonal futas ,with oversized endowments of 10+ to 18+ inches, that need a good prison fuck doll.
- MC is picked for too many (and long overdue) parking tickets and other various small crimes that had ended up getting MC's drivers suspended. MC unknowingly is pulled over and when his driver is ran it comes up suspended. The cop (can be one of YCs or just mentioned in backstory) and MC get in a heated conversation and MC ends up being arrested and charged with knowingly driving with a suspended Driver - a felony. We can have it where the cop is the first to abuse their power and then still arrests MC or we can skip to MC arriving at the prison. MC is mistakenly sent to the wrong prison and instead of dealing with the paper work the location is altered so the accident isn't traceable. MC soon learns they are in a prison of Futa inmates that are all hitting their rut cycle and he's the perfect size cock sleeve for one, three...oh my, four cocks. - hehe.

PS: If you've seen something that you like or if you're inspired and want to send me an idea please feel free to PM me!