Fx Any Searching for some one-on-one roleplay partners!


Feb 19, 2019
Howdy hey!

It's been a hot minute since I've been on this site and searched for a proper roleplay, but I though I might as well try and get myself back into it just for fun!

Regardless, hi, I'm Marina, nice to meet you. I like to roleplay, mostly smut to be honest cause I'm just a horny little shit. Anyways! I've got some rules, and I've got some uhhh vague plot ideas, so read on if you're interested :3

  • I only do literate roleplay, and I tend to type in paragraphs because I like to use lots of words, I'm a mouthy hoe. So, I prefer my roleplay partners to also do literate (paragraph style) roleplay, and at least attempt to match my writing length; if I write three paragraphs, you don't have to write three as well, but pleaseee don't give me like one or two sentences, cause I can't work with that.
  • Yes I like to do smut roleplays and am a fan of many nsfw things- but if you'd like to roleplay a specific fetish I'd appreciate if you asked me on my opinion of it first as I am hard-line against certain kinks (anything scat related, vore, inflation, etc, etc-). Discuss the fetish with me, and if I'm down to do it I'll let you know. If I say no, please respect my wishes, because if you try to push me to roleplay something which I didn't agree to I will not hesitate to block you.
  • I'm kind of busy? Just a bit? Classes and work and all that jazz. I'm on central time (America central, that is, Chicago time) so I'm the most likely to be online in the afternoons and evenings, depending on the day. Weekends, unless something comes up, I can be online in the mornings as well. But if I do suddenly get busy and we're in the middle of a roleplay, I'll be sure to let you know before dipping from the site for a few days.
  • To be honest I don't have a lot of rules, my last one will probably just be: please don't ghost me and suddenly stop replying. If you find that you are suddenly busy and can't reply, let me know. Or if you just get bored of the roleplay and want to stop it, that's fine too, just tell me. Don't just stop responding and next get back to me cause that'll make me sadddd. And why would anyone wanna make me sad, that's just cruel.
Anyways, that's enough rambling with the rules and such. Now we move on to the little plots and summary ideas I have. If you'd like to roleplay with me, you by no means have to pick one of these, I'm down to do whatever your idea might be, these are just some of the ones I've come up with so far:

In this roleplay, we'd be co-workers, as the title suggests.

The specific workplace can vary depending on your preference, whether it be a coffee shop, or a bar, or an accounting office, or if you wanna be super crazy it can be like a uhhh fast food place, I dunno, get wild with it.

Regardless of what workplace you choose, there will be a cute co-worker (played by your's truly). You're on friendly terms, have given each other rides to work, and chat on your breaks. Sometimes you wish it could possibly become more than a workplace friendship, but you'd never attempted to pursue that in the past.

One day at home while perusing the internet, you find a niche website for people who cam to make some money- essentially live porn. Curious, you check it out, and are surprised when you find your co-worker performing on the site to make some quick cash.

On a whim, you decide to make an account under a fake name and begin chatting with her on this site, maybe even donating some money to catch her eye. Without realizing it, the two of you quickly develop a much more sensual online relationship, and it becomes a balancing act of you attempting to live both your online life with her as well as your real one.

Do you combine the two worlds and confess to her that you found her online? Attempt to keep it secret for as long as possible while getting to know her more 'personally' online? Who knows, that's for you to decide.
TL;DR: Your cute co-worker is also a cam girl and you start talking to her both online and while also living your real life working beside her everyday.

Pretty much what the name suggests.

You move into a new neighborhood and there's a hot, sweet, and pretty oblivious mom next door, and you sort of hit it off with her to see where things might go.

Additionally, if you're into the whole cheating thing, she could not be single. Or maybe your character isn't single, who knows, there's many combinations. Well actually there's only four combinations, simple math, but whatever, that's just me rambling on.
TL;DR: You move in next door to a hot mom and wanna bone her ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

uhhh that's all I've got right now. Might add some more later, anyways, if you're interested pm me, and if not thanks for reading and have a good day <3
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