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A Quick Guide to Writing


Mar 20, 2009
The best advice I can offer to a writer:

1. Write with perfect intent.
2. Create interest from the very beginning.
3. Expect change.

Writing with perfect intent is the culmination of various linguistical and social skills. It is similar to having a sense of devotion to your work, while ultimately concentrating entirely on the effect that the words will have on yourself, as a writer, and the reader. Perfect intent is a meditative practice and often begins long before you pick up a pen.

Creating interest is not so much the act of pulling a person into your writing, but more about providing the reader a body of work that offers multiple opportunities for them to connect with the story on a personal level. A thing may be un-interesting entirely, but if it approaches something personal or relevant it is 'of interest.'

Most important: expect the change that will occur when you write. The words will change, you will change through them, and, if read, they will change the reader as well. Change is active and constant - it is always around us, and, through writing, you add a new experience that helps the chaotic notion of change grow into what we all know simply as 'life.'


Possibly the wrong board to post (sorry).
Eagerly accepting criticism (yup).
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