Mx Female Pokemon Super Stars


Feb 28, 2016
United States

Looking for a female writing partner that is willing to role play over PMs, Forums or E-Mail. Please be willing to read and write about 2 -5 paragraphs per post. I prefer a bit of detail and literacy, but I don't expect people to be perfect (I know I make the occasional typo). Also only contact me if you are interested enough to actually brainstorm some ideas and perhaps do some world building.

Here is a link to my F-List: F-list - Warning

This craving does stem from the new games that came out. I have been playing a lot of Pokemon Sword and Shield recently and honestly I love the setting. I would love to do something very similar. Even if you aren't familiar with the new games that's fine, it's basically the concept that I want. I would also be willing to kind of "GM" a little bit by being the one to generate Pokemon encounters and things like that.


I want to play in a setting where Pokemon battles have become a huge spectator sport. The gym challenges are for new trainers that are trying to prove their skill and also for those whom are trying to get their name out there to potentially get a sponsor. Like athletes and superstars of other sports there can be a lot of fame and fortune that comes with the territory. These events are often in large stadiums filled with thousands of spectators and there are millions at home viewing the televised events. There is a lot of money to be made via brand deals and prize money from tournaments and leagues.

Another part of the setting I want to play out (also inspired by Sword and Shield) is large wild areas and parks where trainers roam around to catch, battle and train wild Pokemon. I would love to have an adventure that involves camping, cooking, fishing, and basically having the freedom to do whatever in a world that is kind of lax on laws. Also having a plot involving strong "raid boss" type Pokemon would be interesting (could be dynamax, could be totem pokemon, could be mega evolutions or whatever).


I would probably want our characters to be teenagers (within limits of bluemoon's age restriction rules of course). They could be two young trainers with hopes and dreams of making it to the big leagues. One might aspire to be a gym leader, breeder or professor (or even be an apprentice in one of those fields). Characters can be discussed of course. The main thing I want is just to have two individuals of a similar age kind of living their life and exploring both the world and their sexuality. They share a tent and keep each other warm at night, wash up in the lakes/streams/waterfalls of the wild - or share a hotel together when they decide to spend some money earned from their battles to enjoy a bed and a hot bath/shower together.

Details about the characters, their relationship dynamic and everything else is open for discussion. We could go with something interracial, or maybe even a slight age difference between them, or maybe even something taboo (siblings, twins, cousins, step-family, etc). The kinks and fetishes they explore can also be discussed. I will say I'm looking for something completely consensual here and also I'm not interested in including Pokemon in any kind of sexual way.
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