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Fx Male Vampires Are Sexy. ((Adv Lit, 3 Person Written, Story and Erotica))


Jun 5, 2019
Hello all,

So aside from my main thread I have a craving that I want to directly reach out for. As the title may hint, its vampire related.

Now before we go into the specifics of what I am craving, I would first like to talk about what I need in a writer. Because it is all well and good finding someone who is enthusiastic about the same kind of theme but if we are both chalk and cheese when it comes to writing styles then this will become a bore.

I am a third person writer who considers themselves advanced literate. I tend to reply three or more paragraphs. It depends on the scene and what it actually happening in that current moment we are writing about. I need a partner that isn't afraid of length when it comes to replies. Someone who is willing to keep up and put in just as much effort as myself. I want erotica and plenty of it but also I need a good story to make it all the more satisfying so if you are looking for straight smut, you are in the wrong thread my friend. I also prefer someone who is 21plus...
Oh and one more thing, I dont want someone that takes a week to reply. I need someone who can reply fast. But I am not a meanie, I am reasonable. Talk to me about it.

Now for the juicy stuff. My craving is for a modern setting with vampires. To be absolutely transparent and blunt with what I am looking for, I want a dominant male who is in it for a smouldering, passionate chase. I want the battle of drinking from her sweet neck or taking her hard on the table to be hot and raw. As for actual thought out plots I am at a loss but I am more than confident that if we are on the same wave length with what we want in a story, we will have no problem finding one together.
I want there to be romance but not one that always goes well. Im not after twilight. I am after vampires, sexy vampires.

If this appeals lets throw some ideas around. I have plenty.

If you have discord that is always a plus. My discord is NoraTrick#9968

Cant wait to hear from you...

Nora X
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