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Fx M or F A couple ideas rolling around (Discipline/reinforcement)


Nov 8, 2018
Hello! You can call me Forget. I've been role-playing for about ten years now and consider myself literate. While I Don't expect grammatical perfection, I do want to see at least a meaty paragraph per reply.
I want to play this over PM's, please on me if you're interested rather than replying here, unless you can't sent PM's yet.

My F-list can be found here F-list - Warning
though I'm pretty open on most fronts. My maybe's and nos can sometimes change based on approach. If there's something not on my list please ask!

I have two related ideas with a few major kinks/themes I really want to see:
Spanking (including alternative spanking! Inner/outer thighs, breasts, between the legs, even feet calves or back if you want. Implements are cool too.)
Rule following
Position holding
Asking permission/asking for punishments
Orgasm control/denial
Bathroom use control (doesn't need to include wetting)
Love and aftercare

Okay. With that out of the way! My ideas. They're very similar

The first idea is that a woman (MC) was married and something happens. Maybe her husband passed or left her. Regardless, he was strict and had certain rules and routines set up (as an example, maybe she was spanked every morning) which she continues to follow in his absence. YC, who could be a friend, roommate, etc is now living with her. They find out about her routine (maybe she still gets into position each morning) and when one thing leads to the other, end up taking her in hand, maybe with thier own rules and punishments.

The other idea is very similar like I said, but rather they're in a new relationship, maybe recently married and Mc is only now learning about how your character liked to dominate the household and the rules she's expected to follow.

I'm open to male or female but my character will always be female. Let me know if you have any ideas as well!!
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