I am Hero, it's my web handle and it's also what my friends call me. Very rarely do I feel myself worthy of the title they've bestowed on me, but I have my moments.
Today I felt much like tying after a long day on the road. Returning to my home feels lovely as is the catching up I had to do with friends that seem so bored without me kicking their spirits up.So for my first entry I think I'll do a bit about how I got my nick name.
The original story of my nickname dates back to when I was forteen years of age. At the time I was a lanky tall kid with little muscle or fat, so I was just kind of a bone back then. I filled out a lot in six years ya? At the time my best friend from then had just outed himself publicly and announced his homosexuality in a grand bravado. And truely I mean he actually started smooching his boyfriend in the middle of a crowd of our peers. Needless to say where we live things such as that aren't taken kindly. Conservatives abound and the ritualistic hazing of freshmen was in fact still acceptable at our school.
We were Freshmen at the time and would walk home every day. But slowly into a few weeks of the school years upper classmen continued to hastle my friend. They ridiculed and taunted him, they acted as bullies and imbociles on a daily basis. On the rare occasion they would skulk after us on our walk home and throw insults from afar, but it didn't stay far forever. One day as we were heading home, we took a usual turn and headed down one of the back roads, and these upper classmen jock types had been following us as they randomly tended. But they were quiet until we got out of sight.
It was then that they became active again. They shouted and jeered. Their harassment was more obscene than usual. And it was at that point that one of the larger ones crept up behind us and slammed a rock solidly against the back of his head. It floored my friend. He scrambled to stand again but the jocks would have none of this and kept pushing him back down. I couldn't stand it. I took the moment to make contact with one of them, my fist connected cleanly with his jaw. Now if you recall I wasn't stupdendously imposing at the time, so from there the attention of their cruelty shifted from my friend on to me, their new aggressor. I couldn't put up much of a fight against multiple opponents like that, in fact I'd never been in a fight in my life. But while they were beating me senseless my friend managed to get up and run. When their rage ended and they finally realized what they were doing in the first place my friend was gone and they left.
It took me a while to get up, I was bleeding but thankfully not broken. Bruised and bloodied but I stumbled on home and cleaned myself up before anyone else got home.
And from that day my friend called me Hero. And it became a popular name for me through all the people I knew.
We were Freshmen at the time and would walk home every day. But slowly into a few weeks of the school years upper classmen continued to hastle my friend. They ridiculed and taunted him, they acted as bullies and imbociles on a daily basis. On the rare occasion they would skulk after us on our walk home and throw insults from afar, but it didn't stay far forever. One day as we were heading home, we took a usual turn and headed down one of the back roads, and these upper classmen jock types had been following us as they randomly tended. But they were quiet until we got out of sight.
It was then that they became active again. They shouted and jeered. Their harassment was more obscene than usual. And it was at that point that one of the larger ones crept up behind us and slammed a rock solidly against the back of his head. It floored my friend. He scrambled to stand again but the jocks would have none of this and kept pushing him back down. I couldn't stand it. I took the moment to make contact with one of them, my fist connected cleanly with his jaw. Now if you recall I wasn't stupdendously imposing at the time, so from there the attention of their cruelty shifted from my friend on to me, their new aggressor. I couldn't put up much of a fight against multiple opponents like that, in fact I'd never been in a fight in my life. But while they were beating me senseless my friend managed to get up and run. When their rage ended and they finally realized what they were doing in the first place my friend was gone and they left.
It took me a while to get up, I was bleeding but thankfully not broken. Bruised and bloodied but I stumbled on home and cleaned myself up before anyone else got home.
And from that day my friend called me Hero. And it became a popular name for me through all the people I knew.