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Can the darkest of hearts love? :: Pretty/Relix


Jan 14, 2009
timewastington, capitol of procastor
The kingdom of Vovani was one of the more beautiful, lush kingdoms in the lands. It was built around a waterfall that supplied the town with its water, with minimal floods. When it did flood, it was just a mere foot of water. Kids would laugh and play in the water through the day before it evaporated by morning. Though, the breath taking kingdom was magnificent, it did indeed have its dark side. One to that most of the officials keep it shushed to the public. Murders are animal attacks, suicides are 'the person's time to go'. The common thieve is just a common thieve. If it happens, then hey, it happens. Nothing is usually done because its rare that they are caught.. well, that was then. Today is now. Now its more of hands, fingers, or arms being cut off for fruit. You're actually put in dungeons for stealing clothing or animals. Only plus side to a dungeon is you still get to keep your limbs.

It wasn't always like that. It changed when a royal blood was tampered with by a mere peasant's child. A nobleman caught them... in the brush. The boy was then exiled mere hours later for attempted rape, well... wasn't like that at all. The male and female managed to grow up at the same time.. meeting in and out of the market place as children. Neither cared for the titles their family held, until their early teens. When it was dawned upon them that they were at different ends of the social spectrum. The boy being the ground walked upon and the girl being the sky of clouds. They attempted to defile this spectrum, which they got away with for a handful of years. When they were fifteen, the guards caught onto her game. Sneaking out around lunch time to the market, which was where the boy and girl would meet. They'd giggle, laugh and dream. Dream of a time and place where they didn't have to hide. The day was talked about between the two for ages. The male caught his parents doing it one time, said it was done when two people loved each other. Of course, they believed they loved one another.. but, on that day, it wasn't meant to be. Not knowing what either should do, they were caught. The male mimicking what he father was doing, well, attempting to at least. The male rushed from the scene with clothes in hand, hiding behind a wheel barrel to change.

It was then later when the male was exposed, the guard caught a clear view of his face. The girl not saying a word about who he was. The boy was found 'guilty' for attempting to tamper with the royal bloodline or so what they said. He was then thrown out of the kingdom for good, never to return. Parents were to stay, he was to fend for himself or starve and die. The male did just that, he adapted. Soon picked up by a local band of thugs, thought the ways of crime. Though, the way the explained it was that it was right. That the people who he was stealing from were the wrong ones, the ones not letting others have their goods. His mind was easily corrupted and they knew that.

Seven years later was when this male, banished when he was fifteen years of age, would step foot back into his home kingdom again. Not as the same person. A two-faced villain now. A low life thief who stole anything and everything that could get him money for his set of clothes to steal from another kingdom. Known to his comrades as 'Iza', the boy's real name wasn't ever mentioned anymore. Everyone used to call him Zack, though, he preferred Iza over Zack. The male didn't think the name fit... like any of the names fit for anyone. So, he gave himself his own. He was to be forgotten, so, all of him would be forgotten. Even what the girl from his past shared with him.

Feeling a blunt object push against his shoulder, Iza lifted his head some. "What....?" He asked, dull in tone. "We need to move soon. Vovani is next." Groaning, the male wanted to object but he couldn't. He tried explaining that he simply didn't want to go there but none of his comrades would listen. Zeke, Nim, or Nam. Just couldn't get through to them, they kept him around because he was faster, stronger and more intelligent then the three combined. Iza scaled buildings quicker then those three could get onto a shed. The male felt like he was born to do this type of stuff, his muscles well tuned for it.. or so it seemed. He stood just under five foot, ten inches. The male made up with muscle for how short he was compared to the other three. Roughly, about now, his chin was growing in the facial hair that the other three carried for years now. All of them teased him about it, which rarely got anything out of him. Iza was dull to everything other then the thrill of stealing and the chase. Oh, he loved the chase. Getting away from the authorities who if caught him would kill him.

Pulling up his hood, the male sat up from the ground, his dark hair blending in with the dark hood. Though, Iza had no scars or cuts on his face. His torso and legs were hiding a few nicks and cuts here and there, other wise, most of his back was covered with permanent ink called tattoos. The male enjoyed getting a new one after each successful steal.. even some after the bad ones. Just to remember if anyone questioned him.. except for the one on his right shoulder. It was of a black spirit... just no figure, just a shadow that he knew what meant. The female from his childhood that would loom over his every move. "Iza. Iza. Iza. Lets get a move on." Nim spoke in a frantic tone of voice. He did something, what though was just about to be found out. "I'm moving.." The male murmured, fixing the gauntlet on his left hand. Nam had stolen four horses for the male's to ride to Vovani, which then they'd let run free. "Ha ha. Nim slept with the wrong male's girl, that why he wants out soo badly." Iza grunted softly, "Something you could bank on him for... I'm not covering any of your asses." The male spoke as he mounted the horse, quickly riding off as a few men came up to Nim's horse. Iza had no intent of turning around to help; Nim, Nam and Zeke could handle themselves. Iza would scout the next place to ransack before the week was out anyways.

Over here, Zack! Iza turned his head left then quickly right, running his hand over his face. "Mind is playing tricks on you, Iza... she doesn't remember you at all. Yet care for you like she did." He spoke to himself, no one was around. So, what other reason would it be then just a trick of mind to hear the female's voice from childhood call from him. It was simply broke down to be a trick from his mind. He had been on a horse for roughly three hours now, heading back to a kingdom where he had been exiled from as a boy for what now he knew as attempted rape. The male and female, at 15, attempted to mimic what he saw his father doing to his mother. Oh easily fooled young minds could be. Iza stared upon his old home, how much changed. Bigger buildings, bigger homes. How everything expanded. "Thats what happens when you are away for seven years, Zack..." The male spoke to himself before dismounting from the horse, quickly picking up speed to walk into the market place.

Of course the male drew attention to himself. Hooded figure with a cloak covering most of his torso, no one would just believe he was a simple traveler. Iza kept his head down as he walked past people, dipping in and out, weaving side to side to avoid people. Picking pockets of easy victims as he passed. Picked out 20 gold coins already, how this kingdom would be easy. Except for the fact that their is nearly a guard tower pointing out the perimeter to practically anyone. "They are waiting for me..." He murmured to himself, walking to the stall next to him. Fruit vendor. "Hello, sir. May I help you?" A older lady chimed in from the side, "No thank you. Just looking." Iza picking up an apple before turning around to head to a alley. Noticing the guards begin to approach him from the corner of his eye. Smirking, the male quickly ran to the alley way. Screams from guards telling him to halt. How easy it'd be.

And easy it was. The male was able to lead them in a circle before sending his cloak off in a different direction.. in which the guards followed. Tossing the apple over his shoulder, the male laughed. "Piece of cake.." he grinned as he pushed down his hood. Stepping up onto a cart, the male pulled himself up to a building top. Hiding in the dark shadow, Iza kept a close watch out for his comrades. Inhaling slowly, the male caught a unique scent.. could that be who he thought it was? Not possible, but, his senses grew intrigued. "Stand at attention!" Was shouted from the opening of the castle, how it was much closer to the market then he once knew. "The royal princess approaches!" The voice shouted once more, cocking his brow. "Princess... this will be interesting." The male spoke as a spew of guards exited the castle, followed by the royal servants. Scooting closer to the edge, Iza watched carefully. His heart instantly picking up speed as his gaze looked upon this beautiful female.

Was it her? He must find out. Jumping down from the building, the male pushed his way through the crowd. Watching from behind the guards, the male wanted to call for her but not add suspicion to himself. Pushing his way through the guards, it was a fake. "Stop him!" A guard yelled, steadily jogging toward the impostor. Zack drew his dagger, one well hidden in his sleeves. Screams from the servants were heard before they fled, his intent was to draw the impostor's eyes to the real princess. Watching them look right, the male smirked. Pulling down his weapon before sprinting off to another alley with more guards on his tail. Though, that wasn't even half as bad if he didn't get enough money for the person Nim owed money, too.

And again, the male simply lost the guards in a circle. Why were they so dumb in this kingdom? Iza backtracked from where he went, staying low in the crowd to avoid attention, only while he looked to find his friend from ages ago. Breathing in through his nose, the male stepped into a small spacing between a cart and a building. She would be passing him soon. Stepping in right behind her and who was behind her, the male ran his hand along her back. Running his hand around to her front, only to pull her closer to him. "You weren't that hard to find, princess. You should have your fake try to keep their eyes looking forward at all times.." The male grinned, he took pleasure in scaring the impostor. Sick, yes, but it was worth it to touch the female again. "I wish to speak with you more... go to the guard tower at the south exit late this evening. After everyone is in for the night. I will be waiting.. and don't make me come to you." And with that the male disappeared into the crowd. He wanted to speak later because her guards wouldn't be around. She could sneak out and meet him... if she would actually do so. Which he assumed he would, since he slipped her a the small stone they agreed to carry with them at all times while they were younger.

      • In the most beautiful kingdom of Vovani, everything was perfect. People were happy, the crops flourished, the wicked punished accordingly. The Gods seemed to favor Vovani above all others. Their borders had not seen an attack in nearly five decades. Only the oldest remembered the time of war before King Delaunay took the throne, bringing peace over the land for many years. All seemed perfect in this lush an vibrant land. But, as all things are wont to be, this beauty and perfection was only skin deep. The public saw only seemingly happy Royal family; the most noble and courageous King Delaunay, the pious and loving Queen Elwen, and their only daughter, beautiful and spirited Princess Meredith. Those in the capital city remember still when the young Princess would run and laugh through the streets, causing mischief with the urchins who dwelt in the city. None worried for her safety, since every citizen loved their young future queen, and looked after the girl.

        It was not until that pretty child grew into a beautiful young woman, that her father sensed the need to become concerned with his daughter's reputation. She spent all of her free time with a young man whom she had known since childhood. It all seemed innocent. They were so young after all. But the old King was constantly reminded that while Nobles did not wed until seventeen at least, the common folk married as young as twelve. As soon as a girl was able to get with child, she was considered a woman eligible for marriage. The King could not bare the thought of her innocent little girl to be tainted by those commoners. It was not long that he sent guards to follow his daughter discreetly while she wandered through the city.

        Scandal. Outrage.

        His own daughter had been caught shamefully with the commoner, his breeches around his ankles. Although the girl had pleaded and begged with her father, he turned a deaf ear on her. He sentenced the boy to banishment for the attempted rape of the daughter-heir of Vovani. The Royal family could breath a sigh of relief. Their daughter's reputation was safe still and their bloodline untainted. It was clear that the girl could not be trusted to be out and about by herself. She was far too impressionable and naive for her own good.

        And thus the Princess was made a prisoner of her own home. Limited to her time outside the Palace with a dozen or so guards and a decoy. And none thought to question why at times, the young noblewoman looked as though her heart had been ripped asunder.

        Seven years since her imprisonment, Meredith had learned to cope and adjust to her role as Princess. She learned to smile and to laugh while in the public eye. No one must know that inside, the Princess's heart was dead. Not once, in those seven years had her smile reached the golden hues of her eyes. Even though, legally, she had become an adult when she received her marque at eighteen, she remained unmarried, dwelling within the Palace, confined to her rooms when she was not attending balls and taking her weekly stroll through the city. Though, none realized that it was really a handmaiden that resembled her highness. She was completely safe on her walks, though, she sometimes wished to make a run for it, but the guards knew who she really was, and would haul her back unceremoniously over the pommel of their horse.

        It was nearly seven years to the day. Nearly seven years of undisturbed strolls and hiding her identity, walking behind her handmaiden as though she herself were a servant. She never imagined that someone would slip through her guards and run a warm hand down her back, murmuring dark words in her ear. The group was rushed back into the Palace, the Princess left to herself in her rooms.

        She stood alone, trembling and staring out of her large windows down at the city below. The sun was setting, casting a fiery glow across her pale skin. In her hands she clasped the small blue stone to her heart, the matching stone to the one she wore forever around her neck. The thin silver chain was barely noticeable against the pallor of her skin, and between her breasts the same blue stone rested. It weighed upon her chest now, as though eager to be rejoined with the stone she held in her hands.

        She had made her decision when she had discovered the stone upon her person. She waited only for nightfall. She had excused her servants, telling them that she did not feel well after the fiasco in the city. They left her alone, knowing all too well that when the Princess wished to be alone. She meant completely and totally alone, and any who interrupted that solitude would witness the woman's temper.

        It would be simple to get out of the Palace. She needed only tell them that she was Phedre! Goddess bless that girl for looking so similar to herself. The tremble that stole through her lithe frame was both from anticipation and fear. If they were to be caught.... She pushed the thought away. The chance of seeing her childhood love was more than she could pass up. She closed her eyes and again, heard his voice in her mind and the feel of his hand on her. Another shiver passed through her, though completely unrelated to her earlier feelings. She opened her eyes and looked down over the city. The sun had set. It was time.

        She pulled the light blue cloak over her mass of ebony locks and left her room with naught but a faint rustle of silk to mark her passing.

Iza looked up at the sky more often as the sun began to set, his body propped up against an empty cart near the town's entrance. His comrades had already made it in, finding him with a big smirk across his face. Of course, the common question followed; Whats gotten into you? Iza never smiled so a smirk was completely out of the ordinary. The male quickly followed with where he wanted to steal from next. The three grinned and wanted to hear more. What they found out was an old jewel shop had just hit a big shipment of jewels for a very important wedding. The woman who's to be wed, her proposer sent many special, rare jewels to persuade her into becoming his wife.

"Iza. Why you keep looking up to the sky man? Looking for something?" Zeke asked as he tossed a pebble at Nim, pointing to Nam, his brother, as the one who threw it. Quickly starting a tussle in between the two brothers. "Its personal. Complicated." Iza replied, standing up slowly. Removing the sack of coins from his belt, "Picked this out earlier, go get a room." The male spoke as the bag landed in front of the three. "If you say so, Iza.." Zeke murmured in reply.

Traveling through the back alley around the buildings, Iza eased through the kingdom like he knew where everything changed. Feeling a small boy run into his legs, Iza looked down slowly. "Sowwie Mister." The boy spoke after a chuckle, "Come here, Isha." A female called, "Leave that man alone and come in for your bath." The boy replying with yes mommy before waving good bye to Iza. Replaced. Such a shame. That boy was his brother, the mother was his. A sigh escaped the lips of the male, the female hearing it from the distance like she recognized it. "Um, sorry to ask.. but, do I know you from somewhere?" She called, "No, I'm just passing through. Good day, ma'am." Iza spoke, bowing softly before turning around to go straight down the alley instead of taking a left. Even after all these years, the male was able to recognize his own mom. Must just be because she birthed him and she'd be forever implanted in his brain. Shaking his head softly, "You have no family now." Iza murmured to himself, looking up to the sky. It was approaching the time that he told his love to show up at the guard tower.

Approaching the guard tower would be easy, just getting inside would be the challenge. The male would have to knock out the guards who were posted in the tower without causing too much of a disturbance. Not much one could do but ring a bell.. which would draw more to that area. Though, the problem would be making it that the guards were still visible. Each had a light projecting their shadows along the walls. Iza pressed his shoulder against the door, pushing against it slowly. Popping the lock out of the hinge, breaking it unfortunately. "Damnit.." the male whispered to himself, he didn't need someone to be suspicious of how it broke. Groaning lightly to himself, the male pushed the door open slowly attempting to not creak it. Creak. Thats going to pose a problem. "Go check that out, that door should be locked." A husky voice chimed in from up the stairs that rounded the inside wall. Iza shot up the stairs quickly, meeting the guard as he approached the top step. Swiftly punching the guard in the unprotected stomach, the male gasped for air before Iza dropped his elbow on the back of his head. Knocking him out for a good handful of hours. One down, one to go. Creeping up the last few steps after placing the other guard face down on the stairs, Iza peered out to see where he was. "Hey, new guy. Get your ass in here already. Don't play fucking games with me, I'll kick your ass. I see your shadow on the wall." The male growing angered at Iza's shadow.

And with that small bit of anger, it led to the male being unconscious. Shrugging softly, "Easy.. not to position them upright." Dragging the most recent guard who was knocked out back outside, he propped him down on the chair. "Well, atleast they have somewhere to sleep it off." The male spoke, chuckling to himself as he headed to get the other guard. Dragging the body slightly up the stairs, this one wasn't as heavy as the other but heavy padding didn't help much either. Grunting softly, the male lifted the guard from the ground, dragging the limp body to the opposite chair. Night duty. Had to suck, atleast they didn't need to worry about it this night. Slowly heading down the stairs, the male listened intently attempting to hear any rustling indicating that the female approached. He figured she'd be trying really hard to not make noise that some noise would be made.

Hearing the brush rustle against a cloak, the male stood up from the step. Watching a feminine figure approach, back to the door. Seemingly that she was looking for him to be around the building instead of inside, sliding the door open some. The male slipped out, running his hand over her mouth before pulling her inside. "Sh." Iza spoke quietly, moving back to the door after pulling her in. Pushing it to a close quietly, the metal boots of the sentries walking past just as he assumed. Shaking his head, "You realize you could been caught?" the male questioned softly as he turned around, moving his hands around to find the female. The light that shone in from above barely illuminated the bottom of the tower, if anything just made it darker. Feeling his gloved right hand touch a surface, the male ran his hand down and around some. Attempting to figure out what exactly he was touching, well, how embarrassed he shall be when it comes out. He was touching a soft, round portion of her body.. and he was definitely sure it was somewhere where he wasn't supposed to be touching. Pushing his hand to the right some, the male found the side of her torso which answered his question. Touching her chest, smooth move.

"I apologize.. Meredith." The male spoke softly, apologizing for what he had just did. How else was he supposed to feel.. he just felt up the love from his childhood. He wouldn't be surprised to feel a smack go straight across his face within a second or two.

    • It had been as easy as she had thought to sneak out under the guise of Phedre. As long as no one saw her eyes, she was in the clear. As much as Phedre looked like her, she didn't have the Princess's eyes; those yellow orbs that shone with the golden brilliance of the setting sun. None but the King and his daughter had such eyes. It had been simple though. All she had had to do was keep her eyes downcast. Everyone knew how shy Phedre was. Simple. She should have thought of this years ago.

      She took the back ways, staying near the city walls and keeping to the shadows, although it was clear that she was no ordinary townsperson by the way she dressed and moved. There was a subtle grace in the way she moved, and the silk gown she wore could pay for at least three of the houses she passed by. No one seemed to be out tonight though, which suited her just fine. She huddled in her thin cloak, trying to ignore the night's chill. It hadn't been the smartest thing to do to come dressed in naught but silk.

      It took her a bit longer for her to rest the guard post than she had thought, though skulking in the shadows had forced her to travel slowly and carefully, but she reached it nonetheless. She glanced around, searching for a familiar figure. She wasn't entirely sure what she expected to see. She knew that he must have changed in the seven years that they had been apart, but still she searched for that familiar face from long ago. She opened her mouth to call for him when a hand covered her mouth and hands pulled her into the guard tower. She was about to scream when she heard that familiar voice rumble in her ear. She quieted immediately, though she wondered briefly why he had pulled her inside. Where were the guards? She looked up briefly, wondering where those guards could be when she felt the rough palm of Zack's hand brush against her breast. Heat flooded her face and she wondered in a delicious frisson of guilt and shame if this was the only reason he had brought her here. But, his hand moved away and he apologized.

      Meredith remained silent, her eyes narrowing in a vain attempt to see him in the darkness. His dark silhouette was all she could make out. She moved closer to him, a slender white hand moving up to touch the side of his face. "Zack?" Her heart pounded painfully in her chest, still not quite believing that he was truly standing in front of her. Her fingers traced the angular planes of his face, hardly daring to breath.
Drawing his hands up to her's, Iza held them lightly. "At a time..." The male replied softly, pausing for a moment to gather his thoughts. "I was called that." Removing his hands from the female's, moving his hands down to her hips to guide her up the stairs, backwards. The male assumed she was wondering what he looked like after all this time, so, why not show her the monster he had became. "Just walk slow. I don't want you to trip backwards and hurt yourself." The male spoke quietly, not attempting to draw attention to the two in the tower. Guiding her up the stairs, the male stopped where his face could be seen by the mere light reflecting from the outside lamp. Moving his hands from the girl's hips, the male moved them to the sides of his hood, pushing it down to the back of his neck. Looking up at her, the light reflecting off the wall to show his whole face. His facial feature's barely changed, his eyes went from the light hue of blue to a dulled out grayish blue along with the stubbles of incoming facial hair.

"I've changed.. Meredith. From the boy you once knew." His hands moving down to his sides, "I'm not the same person as I once was. Zack isn't my name anymore, either." Iza looked away from her, he felt that she shouldn't stare upon him. Not with her royalty. "You surely dressed fit for the occasion." Iza spoke, rather too insecure since it was probably just the she dressed now that she was older. Scratching his chin slightly, letting out a sigh. "I didn't mean that to be so harsh." He spoke, clear a small moments silence. "I can't get it out of my head that we are polar opposites and it'll never work."

With little thought, the male acted on reaction. Taking quick two steps up the stairs, pushing his body against her's as he pressed her against the cold brick wall. "You know I'm a criminal now.." He spoke lightly, looking down at her as his body pressed against her's. His hands running down from her hips to her thighs, gripping them softly before pulling her feet from the ground. Lifting her up to be eye to eye with him, moving her legs around his waist before his hands moved to the brick wall. "I was exiled for attempting to rape you... what makes you so sure I won't proceed with it this time...?" The male whispered into her ear, his lips placing a soft nip at her lube before moving his head back to look at her.

Setting her down, slowly. The male looked at her with a blank stare, "I lost you... I lost me." He spoke softly, "I am not Zack anymore.. I'm a killer." Pausing softly, "Didn't you see me in the market? I pulled my weapon on an innocent female.. who was imitating you." Pushing his body further away from her's. "Doesn't that scare you?"

    • Meredith allowed herself to be guided up the stairs, placing her hands on his shoulders to keep her balance. She stepped carefully, avoiding stepping on her dress, her attention fixed on his face. She tried concentrating on getting up the few stairs without breaking her neck, but the sensation of his hands on her hips was maddening. She had spent the last seven years with little next to no physical contact with anyone of the opposite gender, save the chaste touches of those few gentlemen that she had danced with at balls, but there was nothing chaste in this man's touch.

      She watched as he lowered his hood, revealing an older version of the Zack she knew. There were differences, true. The planes of his face had hardened into manhood and his face held the barest hint of stubble. There were lines etched into his face that hinted at a hard life. But, over all, he was still as she remembered him. Her fingers found his face once more, grazing lightly over the prickly hairs on his jaw. So fascinated was she by how he had changed, and yet stayed the same, that she barely heard a word he said until she was pushed roughly against the wall.

      She made a small whimpering sound in her throat as the rough brick of the wall scratched against her back, the thin silk of her gown giving her no protection against it. Startled, she gazed up at him, golden eyes widened in surprise. Color blossomed across her cheeks as he lifted her against him. She quivered against him like a rabbit in a trap, longing... longing for him to do something, something terrible, fearful that he would, rigid with suppressing it. She could not answer him, caught as she was between fear and desire.

      When he set her down, she had to take several even breaths before she could master her trembling, before she could comprehend what he was saying to her. Yes, she was frightened, but not of him. She gazed up at him, into those dead blue eyes, and something within her stirred. The heart that she had thought had died was slowly breaking again. She could see the self-loathing in his eyes, and it pained her. Acting on impulse, she flung her arms around his neck. "That's not you," she said, her voice slightly muffled against his chest. "Whatever you've done, it's not you." She looked up at him, her eyes shining with the suppressed tears. "You're Zack. You're the boy who taught me to filch peaches from the marketplace and how to swim." She buried her face in his chest again. When she spoke again, she could scarcely hear herself. "You're the boy who taught me to love."
Zack defense was just obliterated with what she had just said. Letting out a small sigh as she hung onto him for, what seemed, dear life. How was he the one who taught her how to love? They were young back then, they didn't know what they wanted. Whatever she did, it worked. The male was completely in disarray, his hands wondering like they were given permission to do so. "Love, Meredith? Or just urges?" He questioned, everyone had them.. even him. He let those urges get the best of him a few times, each ending up in disappointment because what he did wasn't with this female. What he showed her that his parents did... what they thought meant two people loved one another. Zack moved his hands to her forearms, unwrapping her arms from his neck so he could force her to look at him. "You don't know what happened over the last seven years.. the meals I missed. The fights I've started. The items I've stole. The people I've killed." The male whispered softly, "There's a shadow looming over me.. at all times. Watches what I do, where I go." Letting out a small sigh as he turned his head for a second. "I've longed for you, Meredith. The nights that I was alone just wanting to be somewhere familiar."

"I planned to never come back and see you.. just to stay away and keep nothing from sparking again." He spoke, pausing for a moment's breath. "I couldn't. I saw the one who was supposed to be you.. looked right through her. Nothing was like you, the way you walk.. smile. Nothing." Letting out a small sigh, "You burnt yourself into my brain, something I can never get rid of." Placing a small kiss on her lips, the male pulled back slightly. "My shadow." Part of the male never wished to come back, never get caught up in what he once had. Just in this time, that side was defeated by his longing to be with this female once more. "I've done stuff.. with other females." He spoke, "Each time that I did, I imagined that I was fifteen again and we went through with it and didn't get caught that fateful day. I would've never had to left and always been able to be with you." His hands stopped at her sides, her smooth skin only making it more of a temptation to finish what he started seven years ago to the date. "I've dreamed about that for you and I." He muttered to her softly.

The urge to strip her down, well practically already was, to nothing and do what they wanted to do seven years ago was strong. The male moved her back to the wall slowly, "Meredith.. I ache for you." He spoke lightly, "Nothing I tried to do to keep me from not thinking about you worked. What I turned myself into, I thought it'd drive me to not want you.. just to be like the others. It didn't, only made me strive harder to get here." Pushing his body back up against her's, lifting her back up once more again. His breathing increasing slightly, rather visible when he inhaled that his heart was beating intensively. "I'm not so sure that I can resist it anymore.." Speaking to her softly, the male inhaled deeply. Impulse was making him do rather crazy stuff if anyone actually realized, if they were around, who this female was and who he was. Royal bloodline being seduced by a mere thief? Outrageous.

His hands had moved underneath the silk, moving up the front of her torso. Stopping at her bust, his breathing increased as he moved up her torso slowly. Immediately feeling himself erecting as he moved closer, which she'd soon feel pressing against her. "There is so much I want to do to you, the only thing stopping me is what you are." Pausing for a second, "Which is why I must defile it." Quickly after the male's hands pushed against her chest, before any objection could be fired off, his lips pushed against her to silence her.

    • She shook her head at his words, her hair falling over her shoulders like a shining river of ebony at the movement. It spilled over her shoulders and down her back, accenting a face that had emerged from adolescence with all its grave, shy beauty intact. The tears shining in her eyes only made her appearance seem all the more unearthly, the golden hues searching Zack's face as he spoke. She shook her head in denial of what he said, her hands gripping the fabric of his shirt as though she were afraid that if she let him go, he would vanish. She wanted to tell him that none of that mattered now, but he kept talking, and she didn't want to interrupt him.

      Her heart constricted slightly at the knowledge that he had been with other women, but then, she had always known that he would. She could tell that what he spoke of tortured him, and her grip on his shirt tightened, wanting in someway, without speaking, to convey that she had felt much of the same things. While she may have been living in the Palace and not out in the wilderness, her home had become her prison, and she believed in all likelihood, that it would become her tomb.

      A sun-darkened face loomed in her mind's eye, lean and threatening. Yes, even after him, the Palace would be her tomb. She closed her eyes to banish the face and dark thoughts, turning her attention back to Zack in time to feel him press her against the wall once more. She listened to him, her body trembling once more, eyes wide and huge and gazing imploringly at him. "Zack..." She was cut off as he forced his mouth to hers. It was nothing like it had been those seven years ago, but she felt her body grow hot in response to his own heat. A small, low moan escaped her lips at the feel on his hand at her breast, so close to the matching stone she wore around her neck, hidden in the folds of silk enveloping her body. Despite how thin the material was, she felt that there were too many layers separating them.
Retracting his lips slowly, the male let his lips linger for a few moments. Their breath from exhaling deeply, lingered together. The male's hands slowly fondled the female's chest before sliding down off of them to rest above her ribcage. "I want to feel you.." Zack whispered softly as his lips lingered by her's, his hands traveling down her torso to her legs, which he wrapped around his waist once more before he began to explore her chest with his hands and press his lips against her's. Slowly unwrapping the girl's legs, the male eased her down once more. Taking a step back after she regained her balance, his hands moving to hers before he took a step down onto the stairs. "Come. Follow." He spoke softly, tugging softly on her right hand with his as he turned around to head down the stairs.

Leading the female down the stairs, the male pulled the door open with free hand. Peaking out slightly before creaking it open a little more for the two to slip through. As fast as the male left the tower, the male was leading the female down a empty back-alley. She was royalty and guards patrolled the streets nightly, had to be quick and decisive about where he wanted to take her. The male was assuming a patrol would stop and check on the broken guard door, so, it was best for them to get out as soon as possible.

Iza slowed his pace through the back-alley when the two were behind more buildings, only because it'd be harder to tell if it was a person out in the night with larger buildings. A guard would be accused of being scared of the dark then believing someone was out this late. Pausing softly, the male felt he should get out before he feel deeper into his desire of touching this female with nothing their bodies. As much as he wanted it, the male knew it couldn't happen.

Maneuvering through the night in this kingdom felt different then most, most likely because he was with a childhood friend who's, if he was caught with, parents would hang him. The male had to pay attention to his surroundings, guards, and making sure the female kept up with him. Ka-lunk, ka-lunk, ka-lunk. The noise of a kicked over bucket and it contents spewing out at a rapid pace, echoed through the night sky. A patrol happened to be rounding the section they were in just when the male kicked over the bucket. "Hey! Who's that over there?!" A voice boomed, questioning the shadow's. Thinking on his feet like he usually always did, the male spotted a near by shed. Pulling the female behind him forcefully, the male pushed her in front of him. Making her get into the shed before him, picking up a small pebble. Iza threw it down the street, hitting another bucket to draw their attention elsewhere. Crouching into the shed, the height on it wasn't that tall. Seemed to be more of a utility shed then anything.

Watching the male's run past, Zack turned around slowly. Well, the shed wasn't really that big nor tall. "Sorry. Poor choice." He whispered, the shed wasn't that big. It had a few blankets for whatever reason in them, but that was all the possible cushion he could make for her. "Not what you are used to at the palace.. but its better then sitting on the ground." He spoke softly, sighing once. "This was a bad idea.. we'll be here for a while." Shaking his head, "I will distract them if you want to hurry back to the palace."

    • She followed him silently, feeling dazed and strangely light-hearted. Even as they all but ran through the streets, she could still feel his warmth lingering over her flesh, keeping the night's chill at bay. Meredith hadn't the slightest idea where he was taking her, but she could scarcely care, as long as it was somewhere they could be completely alone, somewhere they could forget the outside world and lose themselves in each other. And so, trusting him completely, she followed him blindly into the night.

      The remembered warmth of his body just beginning to fade when he pushed her into a small, cramped shed. She could hear running feet fading away from them. The guards had taken the bait and were running after a phantom in the night. Meredith released a breath that she had not realized that she had been holding. She knew the consequences in store for Zack could they be caught. Not only was he violating his banishment, but he was once again in the company of the reason he had to leave his home in the first place. Meredith doubted whether her pleas could keep Zack alive this time. It pained her heat, to think of the terrible danger she was putting him in, but she couldn't bring herself to leave him. Not yet.

      "I'm not going anywhere without you." Her slender arms reached out to embrace him as he kept a watch out of the small wooden door, her body pressed against his back. The small shack held no warmth, but she was once more enveloped by this man's own heat. She inhaled deeply. He smelled, not unpleasantly, of unwashed man and an underlying scent of smoke, probably from camping. She couldn't seem to get enough of it. She buried her face in his back, simply holding him against her. She could have stayed like this forever, wrapped in his warmth as she was. "Zack..." she murmured, breathing his name like a prayer. "Stay with me, just for a little while. I..." she paused, her voice catching as she swallowed. "I don't want to go back just yet."
The male chuckled softly, "I'm pretty much dead if your father, the King, realizes who I am, right?" The male asked softly, trying to keep his voice down so they didn't draw attention to the shed. "Because, if I have to guess, I say yes." He continued, turning around slowly, shifting his body around so her arms were wrapped around his neck once more. Leaning his body forward, Zack adjusted his legs. Spinning them around slowly to the point where his knees dug into the ground. The male soon moved his hands up her legs lightly, touching her smooth skin ever so slightly. Stopping at mid-thigh, the male slid them off her legs, placing them on the ground. Clenching the blankets in his hand, it was cramped. It didn't help that the two entered; well, the male kind of just forced the female in then hastily got in after. Wasn't much time to just get situated in a sitting position, so, the male would just improvise which made it more of her laying back and him laying over her.

Adjusting a little more the male let his body drop some, barely a few inches between the two. "You want to stay with me, why?" He questioned softly, "What is going to happen when the King finds out? You'll never be able to leave the palace." He continued in a low voice, "If they find me.. I will be executed. More then likely in front of you." His breathing slowing down, quieting his noise. Only to hear metallic ringing footsteps run past the shed, he was glad they didn't hear him. The clanking from their boots must've been loud enough to drown out a whisper.

Moving his hands slowly, Zack slowly grabbed the cloth that lingered in between her legs. Pushing it over her right leg, landing off to the side somewhat. "If I'm to be killed.. then, I want to take something from the king." He began, speaking lightly, "The thing that got me exiled from this kingdom in the first place." Pausing softly, easing off some so his eyes could trail down her body before meeting her eyes. "I know you remember why..." Leaning his body into her, "Can I..?" The male asked softly, his head moving down to her neck. Lips kissing her neck softly.

    • Meredith was grateful for the dim lighting that hid the blush coloring her cheeks as she was laid back, Zack looming over her. Her nerves thrilled at his closeness, making her dizzy and light-headed. She lay against the dirty rag of a blanket and stared wide-eyed up at him, body aching sweetly for him to come closer. Her hair was pooled around her like a second blanket, melding into the darkness. Her pale skin all but glowed in the semidarkness. Her slender hands were clutched around the small blue stone at her chest, her breathing coming a little quicker as he dipped his body closer to hers.

      What he said was true. If it got out that a thief, an exiled thief at that, had taken her maidenhead... death would be a welcome release for that her father would do to him. Or what he would do to Zack... that ominous dark-skinned face loomed in her mind again. She trembled now, but for an entirely different reason than before. She was frightened for Zack. Nevermind that she would never leave the Palace again, she could endure as long as she knew that he lived.

      The touch of his fingers on her thighs was a sweet torment as he moved aside her gown and the dark look of desire in his eyes drew a moan from her lips even as she felt the soft caress of his mouth on her throat. She wanted nothing more than to touch, to be touched, but a fear had gripped her heart, choking her. She turned her face from him, biting down on her full bottom lip. She wanted him so badly that it hurt, but she could not let him die because of her selfishness. She had already endangered his life by coming to see him in the first place.

      She shook her head, not trusting her voice enough to speak, a hand raising to push feebly at the broad expanse of his chest. A myriad of guilt and shame welled in her chest at having put him in this position. She struggled to sit up while attempting not to touch any part of him. She prayed silently had he did not argue with her, for she did not have the strength to really turn him down.
Zack felt her hand on his chest, weakly attempting to push him off. Pulling back slowly, lips being removed from the drape of her neck. Sitting back, his knees digging into the ground, the male removed her hand from his chest, leading it to his thigh, leaving it there for the moment. Zack slowly removed his shirt, folding it up after he removed it before placing it down on the side of him. The female really didn't say no, so, the male wasn't going to not do it. Meredith didn't say a thing, that was the thing. Her hand on his chest didn't seem much like a forceful 'Get off' shove. Bringing his hand back to her, the male lifted it. Placing a small kiss on her palm, moving his lips to kiss on her forearm. Repeating his process down until he reached her neck once more. Placing a kiss on her as he pushed his body up, torso resting above her. Feet wiggled out of the make-shift boots as his free hand pushed down his pants, little by little.

The shed was dark for the most part, a small crack hung above the female shedding little moonlight down upon the two. It was then when the male was completely undressed, fully erect. Sitting back up some, the male moved his hands to her's. Sitting her up some so he could lead them down to in between his legs, making her touch him. To feel his hard. Cupping her hands around his shaft, the male breathed in deeply. His length beginning to twitch slightly, aching to be inside.

Removing her hands slowly, the male pushed them back up near her shoulders. His hands holding her wrists down so she couldn't fight back if she didn't want to go all the way. He was dead on about taking it.. even if she didn't want it. Zack dipped his hips some, "This will hurt..." He muttered softly, dipping his head down to place a small kiss upon her lips. Though, it proved to be troublesome to guide himself in the dark. Zack brought her right arm across her body to be pinned down by his left just so he could guide himself. Resting his forehead against her's, "Try to stay quiet." He whispered, head pressing against her folds. Pushing, parting the lips. Pushing his hips forward, the male adjusted slightly to get underneath her rear before pushing his length all the way inside.

Feeling her constrict, the male quickly moved his hand to her mouth as she gasped. He wouldn't allow a scream, it was painful... but only because it was the first time. The feeling of being inside... made the male feel more alive then he had in years. So.. so.. so revitalizing. The male could barely contain himself to a small sigh of contentment. The male stayed still for a moment, letting the pain from his entry subside for pounding against her. Removing his hand, the male placed a small kiss on her mouth, breathing in slightly. His right arm adjusting to prop her right leg, "I don't mean to hurt you.."

    • Relief flooded her mind. He was going to let her go. He understood.

      Or... not...

      She watched, wide-eyed, as he removed his shirt, tossing it to the side somewhere, she wasn't entirely sure where. Her eyes were locked on his bare chest, what little light there was showed the hard, lean muscles of his torso. She had seen him without his shirt before, but he had looked nothing like this before. She tried to pull her hand from his, but he held her firmly in his grasp, placing tiny kisses up her arm that burned.

      Her breathing became labored as she watched in silent horror and awe as he undressed himself before her, kissing along her throat. It was almost too much to bare, the sight of his tan skin gleaming in the darkness, standing in contrast to the milky paleness of her flesh. Her hand closed around his shaft and she drew in a long, shuddering breath, closing her eyes and biting down on her lip as heat flooded in between her thighs. It gave her an idea of what she would be dealing with, touching him thus, even if she couldn't bring herself to look at him. Her face felt aflame, a frisson of desire and embarrassment coloring her pale cheeks.

      She could feel the heat coming off of him despite the gown that separated them. Her heart beat wildly within her chest as he moved between her legs, positioning himself before her. Her protesting whimper turned into a groan of pain as he forced himself inside her, burying himself to the hilt. Her back arched, pain blossoming, like an anemone, from her lower abdomen. Her body sang in agony, and her nerves thrilled with it. It was an unfamiliar feeling, at once bad and good, terribly good. She moaned into his hand, her body demanding. More.
Zack felt simply amazing, his body shivered with excitement. Hips slowly beginning to push and pull in and out of her. Usually, the male would take it slow. Steadily build up pace with the female, building the pleasure as he got going faster. This time, the male just went straight into it. Rough, hard, deep penetration. If they weren't caught by her deep, heavy breathing.. they'd sure have attention drawn to them as his hips clapped against the female's bottom. Zack was simply not taking it easy on her because she was a first timer, the thought was in the way back of his head. Way back. What he was thinking was being rough. Really rough. If this was to happen more often, which he doubted, there wouldn't be her asking for him to go soft like the first time. She'd be taught to enjoy the roughness.

The male shifted slightly, his hands pressing into the blankets below her. His movements becoming slowed, only to push further into her with each half thrust. The male leaned his mouth to the lobe of the female's ear; kissing, nipping at it softly. His lips trailed across the side of her face til he got to her mouth, placing a kiss on her bottom lip. His teeth taking it into his mouth, clenching down on it slowly as he pushed his length til there was nothing left to get into her, even then he pushed... reaching for the furthest point inside of her. The male continued this, each one getting more omph then the last.

After a while, the male rolled her over onto her side. Leg coming across his abdomen, the male pushed into her from a sideways angle. Pounding away at her, his breathing had increased rapidly. Coming to a finish in a bit, "Meredith.." The male spoke in between thrusts, the pleasure of being inside of her was too great for him to not enjoy three times then what it was. Zack's thrusts became much slower, but remain as violent as he had from the get-go. His current tempo was bringing himself almost out all the way, then driving himself back into her. The gasp she made when he did this excited him to do more, he caught her off guard each time.

And then, he was finished. Pulling out, his fluid spraying from his length.. some landing on the inside of her leg as she laid on her side, most getting into her robe. Panting heavily, the male began to take deep, deep breaths to regain a steady heart rate. Never had he experience such a thrill as he just did. Deflowering royalty... something that should never happen by a mere thief such as he. Shifting slightly, the male pulled his breeches back up to his waist. Letting her leg fall from his abdomen, the male leaned over the female. Legs pushed together as they laid underneath him. Turning her over to his back, the male gave her a smile before a kiss on the lips. What was he to say? Hope I wasn't rough, just had to since we had such little time? Zack shook his head mentally.

Pushing the shed door open, the male backed out slowly. Hands reaching for the female's to help her stand, then help her walk. "I have you, don't worry." He whispered after she was out of the shed, Zack slowly moving down the street.. headed to the Palace. The walk seemed long because she could barely move, who could blame her for not walking? First time, sore. First time and its rough will equal not being able to walk. Only question was; how was she to get back in?

Somehow, the male was able to get her into the palace and up into her room.. without being spotted or heard. Walking her to her bed, the male removed the garment from her body. "I'm sure you won't want this anymore.. stained with red.." He spoke, blood from the first time. Laying her down in her bed, the male placed a kiss on her forehead. "I will come see you.. right here, tomorrow." Giving her a smile, "I will be in touch, don't worry." His thumb trailing across her cheek. "I lo... I lo..." Zack grew quiet, why couldn't he say it? Attempting to hack out the words, the male shut his lips once more. "I love you, Meredith. Pleasant dreams." And with that was out the the window to the balcony and gone from palace grounds.
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