Seeking A Roleplay Partner! FxM!


Aug 4, 2019
Anyone up for a roleplay? I'm not too picky with plots, though I will be sure to put some down below in case you can't come up with any! I can also find some more if none of them are to your liking!
Here is my F-List!

My Rules:
~No text talk and please be semi-literate. I don't mind typos and things like that, but please try to use commas and periods.
~This will, obviously, include smut.
~You'll be playing the male.
~I'm looking for something that will be more long term, but I don't mind a short term!
~If you're having problems with the roleplay, please, I'm begging you, just tell me. I won't be mad or anything. If you're not interested or want to change something, I would prefer to know rather than being just dropped.
~I'm not picky on the type of face claims we use. It can be Real, Anime, Kpop, Art, Famous, etc.!
~I don't really have any triggers, so things like noncon don't bother me!

Plot Suggestions:
~Muse A, lost on a summer trip to Seoul, South Korea, takes photos of the streets a he’s turning down so she can retrace her steps. She unwittingly captures Muse B killing somebody in the background of a picture and is too distracted to have even noticed him. Muse B saw him though, and takes it upon himself to follow her. When he attempts to steal her phone to delete the pictures, Muse A catches him and he plays it off as having wanted to ask her out for coffee. He begins a romance with her, telling himself it’s just so he can make sure Muse A doesn’t turn him in, but ends up falling for her. When Muse A sees the picture again just before leaving for home, her entire perception of him is ruined and she must confront Muse B about his life of crime or run in fear as fast as she can.

~Muse A is the heir to a huge fortune and no stranger to the public eye. To avoid getting taken advantage of, they try to avoid relationships. Rather than having a string of one night stands, whenever they feel the need, they hire Muse B, a prostitute who’s almost their exact opposite. Once the two are spotted together, the tabloids start speculating about their relationship. Though Muse A has never actually considered starting something real with Muse B, he seems smitten, and finds a way to pop into Muse A’s life even when she’s not on the clock. Texts turn into sexts and once feelings start getting into the mix, Muse A needs to decide whether they want to risk getting played by putting their heart on the line.

~When Muse A, a reserved, older man must go out of town for the weekend on business, he asks Muse B, his attractive, younger neighbor to watch after his pet until he returns. Muse B, having had a crush on Muse A for the longest time happily agrees to pet-sit and she wastes little time exploring Muse A’s home once she’s left with the keys. While wandering in Muse A’s home office, Muse B stumbles upon a box filled with erotic literature, most of which is hand-written, perhaps by Muse A. Unable to resist the urge after reading a couple of steamy pages, Muse B gets to enjoying herself. Muse A realizes he’s forgotten important paperwork, so he hurries back home and is stunned to find his younger neighbor so—exposed. Rather than shy away from a potentially mortifying situation, Muse B welcomes Muse A’s attention and a torrid romance begins.

~Muse A, a male teacher about to start his first job out of college, rents the basement apartment in a house just off campus. He’s only met the landlord of the house, not the people renting any of the other levels. That’s why he’s surprised when a completely naked Muse B, one of the students in his 9am lecture, shows up at his doorstep explaining that she lives upstairs and got locked out, and asks whether she can use his phone to call her roommate. Ever the charmer, Muse B confesses that he thought his day couldn’t get any better, but now her hot teacher turns out to live in the same house? Before Muse A even realizes it, his clothes are coming off and he’s getting into something that could definitely cost him his career.

~When Muse A (someone who’s led a comfortable life in a stable home) encounters Muse B (someone who’s struggled since birth and was raised by members of the neighborhood gang) on a hot summer night, an unlikely romance blossoms. As opposite as the pair of them are in circumstances and attitudes, they click somehow; initially, Muse B sees no reason to share that they’re affiliated with a notorious gang. As long as they’re careful it won’t ever be an issue, right? Muse A and Muse B’s relationship progresses in a positive direction until one night when Muse B’s car is tailed by someone from a rival gang while Muse A and Muse B are on a date. Without warning, the blissfully-ignorant couple are caught up in a drive by. No one is critically harmed, but Muse A is definitely shaken. Though grateful that they both survive with minimal injuries, Muse A’s entire world is turned upside down when Muse B admits that they were the intended target due to their gang ties. Muse A- who couldn’t be further removed from that type of lifestyle- is devastated. Despite Muse B’s attempts at reassurance, Muse A is fearful for Muse B’s life and also for the safety of their own loved ones now that they know the truth of Muse B’s background. Muse A has to wonder if the feelings they have for Muse B are enough to justify putting themselves and their friends/family in danger. Will Muse A end up giving Muse B an ultimatum? Will Muse B choose loyalty to the one they love or to the only family they’ve known?

~Muse A and Muse B share a one bedroom apartment as it’s all they can afford in the neighborhood they live in. Despite their cramped quarters, they’re happy with their living arrangements and more importantly they love living together. They’ve been together (roommates/lovers/dating/married) for a little over a year now and they have a healthy intimate life behind closed doors. Both Muse A and Muse B are adventurous spirits, typically willing to try anything at least once. When Muse B comes home with a brand new video camera, the couple is quick to put it to use by making their own sex tape. The frisky pair have a blast performing for each other and for the camera and enjoy the end result when they play it back. Curious and turned on by the steamy footage, the couple decide to post their video online and see what others think of it. When the feedback is overwhelmingly positive, the pair can’t wait to get started on their next video. Eventually, the couple ventures into the adult industry by starting a live webcam show together.

~Muse A and Muse B meet one night at the carnival that comes to town every year before school starts. They hit it off well—maybe they kiss, maybe more. They exchange numbers and agree to go out sometime—there was undeniable chemistry that they both wanted to explore. All of that comes crashing down when Muse A, who is a senior in high school, walks into class on the first day and finds Muse B sitting behind the teachers desk. How will they cope with the discovery that a relationship would be illegal? Will Muse B break it off before it goes any farther? Will Muse A be disgusted and beg to switch classes? Or will they work something out, both knowing that, if caught, Muse B will lose their job, and Muse A will be expelled—or worse?

~Muse A is just getting out of a bad a relationship and is looking for a distraction so they decide to head back home for the holidays to spend Christmas with their family. Muse B is best friends with Muse A’s sibling and has always harbored an attraction towards Muse A. Being the good friend that Muse B was, they never made their move on Muse A and tried to forgot about Muse A when they moved away. When Muse A returns back home, Muse B’s longing for them comes back full force and Muse A discovers an attraction of their own to Muse B. Muse B is invited over to spend Christmas with Muse A’s family and accepts the offer without hesitation. During the Christmas Eve dinner, Muse B can’t help but notice all the flirty stares and accidental brush-ups he shares with Muse A throughout the night. When the dinner ends and everyone goes to bed, Muse B is having a hard time falling asleep and goes downstairs to grab a glass of warm milk when they bump into Muse A sneaking around downstairs too. Muse A explains they couldn’t sleep either. Muse B happens to glance upwards and see they are standing under the mistletoe with Muse A. Muse B points out the mistletoe to Muse A and to their amazement, Muse A quickly pulls Muse B into a heated kiss. It’s not long before they end up on the living room floor, naked and roughly fucking on the hardwood floor.

~Musa A is the badass of the school. He likes to boss people around and acts like he own the place. Even the teachers are scared of him, almost everyone is…expect Muse B. One day, their paths collide when Muse A is bullying Muse B’s friend. Muse B stands up for his friend and in the process catches Muse A’s eyes. What Will Muse A do to Make Muse B his? Will Muse B accepts his proposal?

~ a plot where a guy goes on a roadtrip just wandering around the state trying to find meaning of life with his big ass doggo and one day he comes to diner where this shy young woman works and like her boss is always yelling at her and she has abusive boyfriend and her father used to be abusive as well and this guy he is the first man who ever treated her nicely and he just asks her completely out of the blue if she doesn’t want to leave with him and she’s like “why not?” so she takes all of her things and leaves with him.
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