Fx Any Cravings & Ideas- Worldbuilders encouraged!


Nov 10, 2019
-< Hello! Thanks for taking a peek at my thread! Hopefully the below makes my interests fairly self-evident >-

<** Details and Preferences **>
  • I’m mostly intending to use this platform, but I’m open to try others if it’s not to large a commitment!
  • My preference is to play as bottom/submissive characters. Sorry! I have tried but I just don’t get a kick out of being commanding (in the smut parts anyway, personality wise I’m more than happy to have MC be bratty, bossy or haughty!) Please also don't take this as my character never initiating, or not doing anything to drive the plot! I think it's important to share the load in that regard!!
  • As the above implies...I tend to like S/M style stuff, but I do love more romantic plots too!
  • I consider myself a fairly accomplished writer- so I look for a similar level in my partners. No pressure to write massive chunks of prose, but I do prefer at least a couple of sentences, and will be delighted with a few paragraphs! That said, just use as many words as you need to get your image across. ^^
  • I get that life happens, so I won’t be cross at you if you ghost me (a stranger you write smut with is probably not top priority!) With that said, if you’re burned out, or unable to post, please tell me first if you can!
  • I enjoy a mixture of smut and story, and am happy to vary depending on the story we’re crafting! I’m happy to write smut-less stuff, if that’s your preference!
  • I’m all about world-building, it’s my favorite part in some ways! Lets craft settings together!
  • I tend to prefer almost any setting other than regular modern world. Fantasy particularly, but also dystopia, sci-fi, post-apocalyptic, alternate history, anything like that!
  • I tend to prefer original characters and settings, if that’s okay

In terms of kinks and limits, Honestly it’s much quicker to have a list of what I don't like, as I like a lot of things! (I do have a mini kinks thing below, but it’s far from exhaustive.) If anything isn’t on the limits list, consider it welcome! If there’s anything you want to feature that’s very specific, don’t be afraid to tell me OOC.

Rough Sex Underage Characters: Absolutely no. Please don’t even bring this up to me.
HumiliationSevere Mutilation (severing of limbs/digits. Wounds beyond superficial scratches, bites and bruises.)
Non-humans (Demons, anthros, fantastical species and races. This is for my partner mostly, I tend to prefer playing human, though I am not bound to it!)Throwing-up/Being sick (in a sexual context)
Cultural DifferencesBestiality (Sapient non-humans/anthros etc are very much welcome, but animals are not for me.)
Age differences (though all characters adults!!!)Vore
Powerful partner (in any sense, politically, physically, you name it!)Snuff
Tough partner (I melt for sardonic, strong and forceful characters...mercenaries, brigands, and rough-and-ready types *.*)
Desire (regardless of the relationship between our characters, I do like my character to be desired- even if it is for no more than a bed-warmer, I like them to have at least some value to YC if possible, even if they would never express it!)

Plots (by no means exhaustive, just a couple I have at the moment...very much subject to change!):

Wounded Warrior:
YC has been wounded, MC has taken them in to nurse them back to health. When they wake- what happens? Romance? Ravishment? Add extra spice by making it forbidden- perhaps our peoples are at war!
(I'm okay for the above for now! Apologies!)

The Bodyguard:
YC has been hired as MC’s bodyguard. MC might be some political figure, or a scholar/merchant needing protection in a dangerous place. Perhaps this blossoms into romance, or perhaps your rough and ready character has no intention of protecting my character once they get away from civilization….

The Tribute:
A classic! MC is tribute to YC. Are you a mighty warlord, being offered gifts by your subjects? Or perhaps a diplomat, being offered a gift as you reach your new station (for a more romantic angle, perhaps this is a shocking development YC doesn’t like, and a slow simmer begins?)

The Mercenary:
MC is a leader of some variety- in a fantasy setting perhaps a noble, or perhaps a political leader in a Dystopian or Post-Apocalyptic setting. YC is a mercenary, perhaps the voice of reason in a squabbling or pompous court, perhaps romance slowly blossoms. For a darker tone, perhaps the enemy buys you out- and part of your price is MC?

Please also do feel free to suggest a plot, or (if you feel confident) just launch right into a scene directly in your first message!

-< Thank you for reading over this! Don't be shy to message! >-
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Bumped...and hopefully made more aesthetically pleasing in the interim (Sorry if you need to use reading glasses! D: )
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