

Nov 13, 2019
When looking through the request threads what sort of titles catch your attention. I see people doing many different things when it comes to titles and I want to know what works.
This seems like a very generic answer but, each person is different and different tags/titles appeal to different people.

Personally, I avoid ones that mention Discord, IM and ones with very thoughtless titles. Unoriginallity makes me run because in my mind, how can I trust that your content will be any different. Make sense?
I don't usually pay too much attention to titles, honestly. A lot can catch my eye. Like Wretched_Discord, I avoid ones that don't suit my preferences (I don't play via IMs) and I avoid ones that mention they're explicitly looking for things I don't do (fandoms I don't know, non-con, etc.) but that would be the only aversion I would have.
Other than that, I just suggest that you make sure you spell everything correctly, and you should be good to go. A title that seems careless will just make me think the writer is lazy.

How come so many people dislike IMs? And IMs are stuff like Discord, right? Seen a couple people mention not liking IMs here.
How come so many people dislike IMs? And IMs are stuff like Discord, right? Seen a couple people mention not liking IMs here.
There is a very strong association of cybering with IMs and there is a big population here that prefers a higher ratio of story versus smut. So, IMs come off as "lower-tier" or geared towards sex-centric scenes.

It's not always true. Plenty of very good writers here use Discord and IMs to conduct their role-plays. It's just IM has a reputation and stereotype.
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