Fx Male Mixture of Ideas - Mostly Slice of Life (FxF np neither)


Nov 14, 2019
Welcome to my messy requests thread, reflects can be quite a scatterbrain

Not sure what characters I like to play best, I suppose quite different and doing things I never really get chance to do in real life. Rarely play just as a submissive, more as a mixture by can adapt to whatever is appropriate to complement or even contrast partner's character or characters. But willing do MxF and FxF.

Generally I seem more drawn towards a Slice of Life, usually modern but doesn't have to be. I tend to like detail and imaginative (certainly at least 2/3 paragraphs if not more). Prefer some realism too. Find exaggeration often a put-off.

Few basic ideas (updated as and when)


'Quiz Programme Host' - RP idea based on the presenter of a television Quiz Programme who helps competitor in return for favours. Maybe visits them in hotels they are staying at as part of his supposed job to ensure they are comfortable etc. Could be a famous host thus girls behave almost like groupes for hum.

'You just wouldn't dare pull my knickers down.' The opening line of possible RP, could be a daddy/daughter with MC laying across his knee, or big brother or another authoritative figure like teacher, boss whatever. Love yo hear thoughts on possibilities.

'Groped on subway.' Schoolgirl, college student, new employee (whichever suits best) has to travel by subway every morning and evening. It is always busy, very rarely any spare suits. More often than not has to stand and get squashed against other passengers. Perhaps there is a guy (though could be a girl) she sees regularly on the train sometimes next to each other. They don't talk though may acknowledge each other by way of a smile or other body language. One day they end up being squashed against each other (and from there can develop how want RP to go as they build up some kind of relationship)

Another basic idea for RP based around two couples, could be husbands work same place or went to same college, could have been the wives who know each other or just that they neighbours, perhaps even one just moving in next door. Could be playing two characters each or another way

It may also be fun to do RP about in-laws and could even be linked with two couples theme. Again it could be just a younger of older sibling of one of the spouses. Plenty of options.

Lots of other standards, including step or adopted d/d, babysitter, neighbours, strangers, odd pairings, eccentric characters..

General prefer a good deal of plot though not adverse to smut too. Hope I'm open-minded.

PM me if interested (or have other suggestions) rather than replying direct to this thread which would only mess it up.

F-list as guide if helps


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