Signs that you're engaged in an RP


Sep 1, 2019
El Rey | EST Time Zone
I'm wondering how different people act when they're interested or excited about a roleplay. Recently, I wrote a great scene with someone. Character chemistry is amazing though the plot is up in the air (which I don't mind too much). It just seems like I'm annoying chipper and overhyped compared to them and it makes me feel like they're not into it as much.
I find if I'm really interested in what's going on, I get excited enough to start chatting OOC about it with the person. Both sides being excited and surprised can be good, but planning out a direction you want to see things go can just make things all the more meaningful. If that makes any kind of sense.
OOC. Now, this can backfire and I have people I talk with more than doing the actual roleplay with, but my top interest featured a lot of conversation both about the game and just in general. Roleplays are usually handled informally; I think it may contribute partially to my fizzle.
An eagerness to come back and carry on.. checking your email ten times an hour to see if he/she replied...
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Long replies. If I’m into a scene/story, I’ll be replying with anywhere from 1,000 to 1,500 word messages. If I’m less interested, it’s closer to the 500 to 700 range, but that doesn’t mean I’m not into it, I’m just not as into it or I’m not flowing with that plot as well as other ones.
A good RP is one where the story/characters grow a life of their own and just seem to do things that neither writer counted on. I also don't like pre-planning/discussing too much as it also makes me feel like the RP has already been played out.
I think the issue for me is that when I'm really into an RP, I'll think about it sometimes even while not online and get excited to discuss even vague ideas I've thought up. If I'm not getting at least half of that energy back, then it makes it all feel one-sided and weird. I'm probably the weird one though lol.
When I initially created this topic, I thought that maybe I was being paranoid, but I actually haven't roleplayed with the person mentioned since, so I think I might have accurately detected their disinterest. Which is weird since they contacted me first. Oh well.
The biggest sign for me is probably that I think about the RP while I'm doing other things. This could be ideas, or going over a previous scene in my head, etc. I'd also say my post length would be a sign, though I'm not too sure about that, since I have written some low word-count posts of around 350-400 even though I was excited for it. But that was probably because I was just tired.
When I can easily tye 4 paragraphs without realizing it, when my usual is shorter chat style, and I struggle to think of “what else could they think to fill out another paragraph”.

When I brainstorm while doing anything else.

When I chat OOC between IC posts because I don't want to stop typing about the scene.

When I give myself neck strain typing paragraphs on my phone on my lunchbreak.
I don't tend to display outward signs of how much I'm enjoying a roleplay to be honest. I answer them as often as I can. If I've done multiple posts with you in one day, I'm likely enjoying it very much. If I haven't posted in a couple of days that's no indication that I'm not though, so it's hard to tell.

If I message you to ask about plot things then I'm into it, that's a good way to tell.
The telltale sign is when they stop posting and ya can't wait for their return. It can be as short as a day or as long as a week. Each hour feels like a drag!
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