Fx M or F Corrosives Continuous Search For Partners. <3


Oct 31, 2019

Current craving: Modern with medium to heavy smut.
Current status: Active and looking for partners.
Discord: CorrosiveBlood#8714
Current plots: 8 that I’ve created.

I am creating an FLIST. When it is done, I will link it.​
All about me
Hey everyone, the name is Rose or CorrosiveBlood, whatever you feel like. I am a 24 year old creative writer and currently a full time student for the next 11 months. I am on the search for some long term, casual role-play partners who could give me at least one or two replies daily and can keep in contact with me on the daily while we are role-playing partners.

I live in Central Canadian time-zone and I am mostly available in the evenings or late nights for replies. My school is a fast paced environment that requires my constant attention. There will be days where I may not reply AT ALL. However, if you notice that I haven’t been around in a couple of days, I do recommend that you do send me a message as a reminder.

My preference of role-playing is through discord or private messaging.

What I have to offer as a writer is a minimum of 3 paragraphs per post with an above average understanding of grammar and punctuation. I have a semi-descriptive writing style that I am currently working on and any constructive criticism is highly appreciated and welcomed if my partner is at a more advanced level than I am.

If you would like to get to know me more I welcome you to ask as many questions as you’d like as long as they’re not rude, disrespectful or too invasive.

Partner specifics: My personal expectations for myself are the same for my partner and those are:
  • Respect: This is something that I’ve noticed some forums don’t have. To me, respect is a courteous regard to people's feelings, thoughts and abilities. I do not like when I deny somebody a roleplay that they get cross with me. If we aren’t compatible then we just aren’t compatible. You will know immediately if we are compatible because hopefully you read the whole thread.
  • Brainstorming: This is an important one for me because I always have a whirlwind of ideas and brainstorming with my partner is fun for me. I love bouncing ideas off each other because it gets me excited about roleplaying, especially if my partner has the same energy.
  • World building: This isn’t necessary for a plot that already has an established world, but I find it fun to create my own worlds especially when it comes to medieval fantasy, sci-fi and just plain fantasy.
  • Characters: OKAY! This is a big one. I can’t stress enough how much I really dislike characters who aren’t realistic.
  • Gender and age: Normally I just take on a female role and I do not roleplay with characters over 31.
  • Posting: I do require that my partner can post at least 3 paragraphs per post with a good understanding of punctuation and grammar.
  • Understanding: As someone who can get extremely busy, I need a partner who can understand that sometimes I won’t be able to post every day. That does not mean that we can’t discuss the roleplay or have a little bit of OOC so we can continue to stay in communication with each other.

Genre specifics: Here is a list of all the genres that I’ve come across as a writer. I certainly encourage the proper usage of genres and what I mean by that is this; if our roleplay is in the crime/detective genre, that will be the main focus. If it were a crime/detective AND romance, then the focus would be the detective work, and the romantic relationship between characters. I do assume that any writer who classifies themselves as a literate to advanced literate writer has that understanding of genres and has the ability to stay within the genre we choose.

  • Crime/detective – fiction about a crime, how the criminal gets caught and serve time, and the repercussions of the crime.
  • Fable – legendary, supernatural tale demonstrating a useful truth.
  • Fairy tale – story about fairies or other magical creatures.
  • Fantasy – fiction in an unreal setting that often includes magic, magical creatures, or the supernatural.
  • Historical fiction – story with fictional characters and events in a historical setting.
  • Horror – fiction in which events evoke a feeling of dread and sometimes fear in both the characters and the reader.
  • Humour – usually a fiction full of fun, fancy, and excitement, meant to entertain and sometimes cause intended laughter.
  • Legend – story, sometimes of a national or folk hero, that has a basis in fact but also includes imaginative material.
  • Magical realism – story where magical or unreal elements play a natural part in an otherwise realistic environment.
  • Mystery – fiction dealing with the solution of a crime or the revealing of secrets.
  • Mythology – legend or traditional narrative, often based in part on historical events, that reveals human behavior and natural phenomena by its symbolism; often pertaining to the actions of the gods.
  • Realistic fiction – story that is true to life.
  • Romance – genre which, place their primary focus on the relationship and romantic love between two people, and must have an "emotionally satisfying and optimistic ending".
  • Science fiction – story based on the impact of actual, imagined, or potential science, often set in the future or on other planets.
  • Suspense/thriller – fiction about harm about to befall a person or group and the attempts made to evade the harm.
  • Swashbuckler – story based on a time of pirates and ships and other related ideas, usually full of action.
  • Western – fiction set in the American Old West frontier and typically in the late nineteenth to early twentieth century.
Prompts: Here is a list of one-three lines to bring some inspiration.

1. An exorcist binds a high level demons powers away, so she's stuck in her human form with no way to return home. He tells her that she has to understand what it's like to be human and what love really is. (Fantasy/Romance)
2. After a long trip to a cabin with her fiance and his father for a week long hunting trip, a young woman finds herself in trouble when they go out hunting for a couple of hours and she is visited by a stranger who claims to be a spirit guardian of the forest. (Fantasy/Romance)
3. A space captain loses her half her crew to a crash on an unknown planet in a deep corner of the galaxy. They are taken in by the native inhabitants(humanoids creatures with similar to human genitalia) and nursed to health, in a very sensual way. (Sci-fi/smut)
4. A young knight pairs up with a witch to become a legend, but the outcome is more a disaster than it is a legend. (Fantasy/Humor/Romance)
5. Keyara finds herself in a weird situation when her parents introduce her to one of their colleagues son, who is the soon to be CEO of a huge magazine company. She is reluctant but agrees to go on a date with him, and finds out that he's not who she thought he was... He's actually a vampire(or insert whatever your imagination can think of here). (Fantasy/Romance/Modern)
6. A woodland elf leaves her village in the trees to seek out her brother who went on a journey not to long ago and hasn't returned. She finds herself in a bad position when she is attacked by a creature in the forest, but saved by a wandering knight. (medieval/fantasy/romance)
7. Character A is a leader of a group of bandits. They call him Prince Of The Dark. Character B is a princess who is being sent off to be a bride to a tyrant king, and Character A kidnaps her on her journey, intending to hold her for ransom. (medieval/fantasy/smut)

8. A young painter finds a model so beautiful that he dreams of painting her face, but first her has to convince her to pose nude for him. (modern/smut)

Brief Character Profiles:

Vicki Tsai is creating Art, art, and MORE ART.png
Name: Keyara Malloway.
Age: Twenty One.
Gender: Female.
Race: Human.
Ethnicity: African/American.
Keyara is by every definition a spoiled brat. She is ill-natured and used to getting what she wants thanks to a set of obsessed parents with a wealthy background. Her father is the CEO of a huge company and her mother is an editor for a large chic magazine what is sold in almost every country and revered as one of the best fashion magazines. Despite her initial spoiled attitude, if somebody were to get to know Keyara they would find out that being a spoiled brat is not all that she is. She does it to protect herself from the ruthless and controlling nature of her parents. On the inside, she is observant, quick and always ready to help when she is asked. She does tend to talk down to others, but her hard work is usually what makes her manageable.
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