subs needed, MxF and FxF ideas!


Apr 4, 2017
Just going to post some starters instead of a full request thread. All kinks welcome, but MCs will always be dominant.
Just reply to a starter in a PM or a google doc sent to
Open to your own ideas if you want to PM me, but don't just send me a link to your thread. Actually tell me what idea you think i will enjoy writing with you.


Mary Rose glared at the duo before her and slowly stood up from behind her desk. She walked around it and slowly approached the couple. “Now my dears, I might have forgiven you for being cowards. I may have even forgiven you for giving my business over to the O’Malleys. What I cannot forgive however, is you putting the family in danger. By right I should kill you both, however I have thought on it and decided you do not deserve a quick death. You deserve to pay for a very long time. So I am stripping you of your ranks, your reputations, and taking everything you own. You both and your daughter will become my property.”

The man and woman looked at each other and then their boss in horror. The woman sputtering out, “Boss! I know we have failed you, but our girl is innocent! She is not in the family! She has no part of this! Leave her alone, I beg you!”

The woman standing before the pair smiled coldly. “You made her part of this, you scum. What happens to her is your own fault. Besides dears, she is already on her way. You three are merely my property now...but as long as you two behave your girl can have a good life with me. So I suggest you behave.” Mary Rose motioned to one of her capos to come to her. She did carrying a box. Mary Rose reached in and lifted out two collars. “Now you own nothing, not even the clothes on your back. So undress now, or watch your baby girl get punished.” She turned around the monitor on her desk to show the couple the live feed of their daughter being brought back into town.

((This RP can get as dark as we want it to be, but would also like to mix in some romance for the mob queen with the kidnapped daughter of her betrayers. Do need someone who can play multiple characters but only the daughter will be the main focus.))


Polly smiled as she slipped the special cocktail of drugs into her daddy’s drink. He had always been her hero, until her mother died nearly a decade ago. Then her hero had turned into her worst nightmare. He blamed her for the loss of the love of his life. He tortured her and screamed at her. She wasn’t allowed friends or extra curricular activities. Finally she was 18, and could walk away from him...but she didn’t want to. She wanted to make him pay. Something she had been planning for months now. She stirred the drink and went and placed it by his side. Knowing once he had drank even a sip of it, she would have control over his mind. Making him susceptible to obeying her wishes, and his body would become painfully aroused. She hid her crazy smile by turning away from her daddy.


Silver moonlight lit the room the girl snuck into so much that it glowed and allowed her to see every detail. Her bare feet crossed the cool wooden floor silently as Maddie made her way to her father’s bed and climbed into it carefully. She was only in an old tshirt of her father’s and a pair of pink lacy panties. Maddie climbed under his covers and carefully snuggled up against him. Smiling when she felt his arm come around her waist in his sleep. She sighed when he tucked her closer but then he whispered her mother’s name and the girl bit her lip. She loved him so much, and he was barely surviving without her mother. The man could hardly even look at his baby girl because she reminded him so much of his deceased wife. Maddie just wanted her loving father back. She settled against her father and fell asleep, completely content.

In the morning she was the first one to wake and she had to bite her lip to keep from giggling when she realized what was poking her bottom. Maddie laid there contentedly, especially when her father started to wake up and pulled her tightly against him. It was only when he became fully alert and shoved her away in horror that Maddie made a move. Tears silently fell down her cheeks as she turned to face the man she loved so much. “That’s what we have become daddy? You can’t stand the sight of me or the thought of touching me? I loved her too. I miss her too.” Maddie started raining blows against his chest.


Summer smiled at the woman seated across from her and crossed her legs making her cheerleading skirt rise up her toned thighs. “Yes ma’am, I go to school with your kids. I’m on the yearbook committee and they haven’t submitted any photos for the ‘Seniors through the Ages’ section. Also I was hoping I could do a story on you for the school’s paper. About you being a single mom, running a household, and owning your own business. It would take time to write properly. I was hoping you’d allow me to come by whenever I can, to follow you at work?”

The teenager smiled charmingly and reached out to lay her hand on the woman’s knee, physical touch allowing Summer’s magic to work on the woman’s mind. Making the woman think she was attracted to the teenager and making the woman’s body heat up. “I mean you are like wonder woman but more beautiful.” summer ducked her head like she was embarrassed even as she rubbed the woman’s leg, moving her hand up the woman’s thigh very slowly. I couldn’t think of anyone better to be looked up to. Please say yes!”

(will include mind control, bimbofication, body alterations, etc.))
Merida races her horse through the woods. Once again, her kingdom is under attack and now after several years of peace the 23 year old queen is back to fighting mode. Her red curls stream behind her, looking like wild flames as she chases after the midnight black horse ahead of her. The horse carrying the spy that a southern clan had sent. The southern clans wanting to try and taker over her lands. Again. She vowed that they would fail. Again. She pressed her mounts flanks and urged him ever faster.
Dr. Lydia Wolfe sighs heavily as she walked into an on call room and found it empty. She dropped heavily onto the bed and kicked off her shoes. Her last surgery had been long and intense, on top of an already long shift. She stretched out her 5'3''frame with a groan before unbinding her long, thick black hair. Lydia combed her fingers through it before braiding it loosely and took off her scrub top. She folded the top and set it on the small stand beside the bed before laying down in a tank top and scrub pants. Thickly lashed eyelids drooping over her chocolate eyes almost instantly as the 34 year old woman fell deep asleep.

(leaving this open to lots of situations. coworkers, boss, patient, patient's family, EMS or cop or firefighter. whatever floats your boat. could be romance and lighthearted. Could be dark romance. could just be a stress reliever.)
discovered a new author that I am really enjoying.......but has made me crave some shifter RPs! Now pay attention! I will be playing as shifter females! This means that MC will be human with extremely sensitive senses. Like they can smell emotions, lies and arousal. They can feel emotions. They can see extremely well. They can hear whispers several rooms away. They are also VERY string and fast. They will have an animal side (I typically do wolves, bears, foxes, panthers, tigers, lions....but I am open to other animals) that they can change into at will!

I am willing to play against humans, shifters or even vampires. MC is ALPHA!! and thus very dominant. Looking to RP stories of mates. So someone who is meant to be with MC. MC will know their mate the first time they scent them....and they are mates no matter if they don't like the person or if its cross species. They will be overcome with the need to claim their mate and will always be aroused around them. The mate thing will ALWAYS go both ways, so even if YC is human and doesn't understand why....they will be drawn to MC and they will be incredibly turned on whenever around them.

Come play loves!
oh! I would love to have a shifter rp but it be FxF with both of us being shifter, but YC is fighting her attraction to another female and her animal wanting to be with her mate! Could possibly include me playing a secondary male character for breeding purposes.
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