- Joined
- Nov 9, 2019
Born Dec. 24th, 1866 (Capricorn)
(Personality-Capricorn: containing a stubborn, but ambitious and hard -working personality that also displays some level of confidence that can lead to impulsive behaviors; yet with a controlling aspect and in this instance, Isabella has a tendency to be somewhat bossy at times; although, maintain some self control. She is capable of aggressiveness if annoyed to the furthest extent where she can leash an attack or a threat, only if she finds it absolutely necessary. Isabella was however brought up to be a lady and when well-reserved or calm, she can hold herself back although, somewhat timid and shy around complete strangers. This depends on who she is around or with. Being simple and practical, she follows some traditional values, but believes most traditions(if not all) can be bent or broken if she embraces those changes. Isabella believes change can be beneficial rather than be dangerous. To a Capricorn, a well being of a family is important as well as those around them that he or she loves. Also, Capicorns also value self worth and the pursuit of their destinies. They also detest being under the restraint of others and display a rather independent nature in most aspects. Isabella strongly applies to this especially, considering the fact that she is proud of her upbringing and where she came from , but doesn’t mind a little bit of help from those around her when needed. )
Age: 22 Race: ½ Neko ½ Witch
Nationality or Ethnicity : French American Education: Private tutor(her mother)
Occupations: Florist, baker, seamstress, part time maid, aspiring actress, sleuth trainee … just to name a few
(Biological-Deceased) - Danielle Clement ‘’Monae’’ Sterling (Mother) -Lord Augustus Flynn Sterling (Father) Sibling: Abigail Rosette Sterling Likes/Hobbies: Gardening, household chores, travel, her pet tabby kitten Marco Polo, reading books(poetry, romance novels), listening to classical music/ dancing to the waltz or tango, being independent(running her own catering and clothing company), her friends Meyrin, Bardroy, and Finny, her crush/love interest Sebastian , attending parties/charities/ sunday church , children, napping, playing the violin/ piano,singing, painting,sowing ...pursuing the dream of reviving her mother’s old business Dislikes/Enemies: Viscount of Druitt, Ciel Phantomhive, Ash Landers, huge messes, being underestimated, the dark(always keeping a candlelit)... Strengths: Teleportation, telepathy, super sonic speed, tracking, negotiations, shapeshifting.. Weaknesses/Fears: Has limited powers, afraid of other demons and reapers (also shadow creatures or black banshees known as the harvesters that are a special breed of demon that feed off other demons’ flesh and human souls that manifest from a person’s dream and a worst fear causing them to go insane and commit unspeakable acts ) Background Summary/ Info: Cursed at the age of sixteen bound to an oak tree at the night of her parents’ demise by Ash Landers the fallen angel; for seven whole years till the next full moon on the eve of her 22nd birthday; if her one true love sheds his blood upon a magical rose, it being a test to see if he is worthy of her devotion and affections, the flower must glow a bright yellow and that will make him her betrothal/ mate for all eternity . Why Is Isabella a half neko and half witch? It wasn’t just because she was born that way. A neko persona fits part of her personality showing her fragile, timid, shy side while her witch persona portrays her strengths and the idea that she is also determined, having some courage once having the motivation to do as she has a strong passion for fighting against cruel injustice. I wanted to add a bit of spice and variety for her character, to be someone that is unique which inspired me to create her specifically for this reason. Neko is a Japanese term for ‘’Cat Person’’, but I wanted to also use the concept for this character because I wanted to break a barrier in diversity. Isabella’s mother was born half neko and half witch to a woman whose identity remains unknown because Danielle was left a stray until being adopted some time later. In Black Butler, you have demons, reapers, ghosts, angels.. And I wanted to throw a neko into that mix somewhere because I feel like nekos can have any sort of identity and not just be known for the basis of their species and Isabella is not an ordinary neko. She has this unique identity where she stands out among other women and in spite of her hard upbringing as she underwent a lot of racial aggressions seeing as she is French, Isabella is like a symbol of gender equality,not just a seemingly feministic individual, but also teaches about tolerance, love, and acceptance, and not to judge a book by its cover. My character was inspired by Belle from Beauty and the Beast as they are both from provincial towns and having to overcome the prejudice of those who underestimate them and try to control their futures. In the Victorian Era as Black Butler depicts, you don’t really see ‘’independent’’ women who are out in the world fighting for freedom to be somebody and to go some place where they desire to belong. Isabella also represents a stepping stone for women to make their own choices and not (always) rely on a male to build a stable future. She also is defined as being ‘’ahead of her time’’ because of the gallant efforts she makes on her own with limited, little to no intervention from other people, including males. I think that if people really look past the cat ears and tail, they’ll see not just a ‘’Neko Witch’’ but a woman that has great potential and is not so different from us because we all bleed the same color. In some ways, Isabella is the same to either you or me.
Why Cursed to an Oak Tree and what’s with the Ash Connection? The oak tree is a symbol of remembrance for Isabella because it marks as a reminder of the failure of her not being able to save her family from being killed by Ash Landers who saw the family as impure and had to be wiped out . Ash Lander’s association with the Sterlings has some vague history for all is known about him in this case he is the fact he was fascinated by Isabella’s mother Danielle and ironically, grew obsessed with her, but Danielle rejected his advances and allegiance to serving him, which factored in his motivation to murder the family, except one member being Isabella whom he planned to torture for his own vices.
Why Is Isabella a Christian if she is in love with a demon? Isabella is a woman of her faith, and despite her religion , also the fact most depict her as a witch in a sense that she’s evil(which is a stereotype cus since witches were often portrayed as creatures that feed off of innocent children) , is not a typical witch. Her blood lineage on her mother’s side can be a huge factor in her practice of wicca as Isabella does practice some wiccan customs. ( Note: Wiccan is not really an evil practice. It’s universal, all about peace and harmony, nature’s surroundings, goodness and protection. You just have to have good self control and enough experience. Some christians as a matter of fact practice it. )
Isabella is torn between her faith and her love for Sebastian because their lives intermeshed into where they share a cosmic connection. Isabella’s Quotes ‘’For seven whole years of my life, I dreamt of a real home I could call my own since the one I come to know for so long is gone now, but deep down in my heart, my true place in this world is where there is hope and love that can overcome any challenge or bad situation, big or small’’ . ‘’Witches are greatly misunderstood and misrepresented, looked at as these unfeeling, heartless scum while nekos(cat creatures) are seen as plain and unspecial when they can be unique in many shapes and forms. Then, others look at a demon like they’re incapable of emotion and feeling when in fact , I have seen more humanity in one than I have seen in a dozen. But, I suppose it all depends on one’s perception of the facts that draws the line between opinion and truth; yet, where I draw the line the most is when someone tells me I cannot amount to being anything greater than what I am. I’m a woman. I’m no one’s property . I’m my own person. You can either walk beside me or try to walk ahead, but I’ll always catch up to you even when I fall. Knock me down ,I get back up again.’’ ‘’No one speaks ill of my family, but those who speak ill of me repetitively with slander and prejudice, I welcome them. I welcome them with acceptance and with every bit of love in my heart...even if they spite me and try to knock me down. God says to love our enemies and pray for them. I’d do such that for I do know mercy. Don’t you?’’. ( To Ciel Phantomhive) " I may be a servant to you, but I'm not a slave. They differ in terms of value in this line of work, but why should the Help be treated any less special than someone more privileged than them? All your life you have had things simply handed to you because you are a child with some proclaimed title that makes you think the world owes you everything you say you are entitled to. You think all that "hard earned money " is really something that you worked so hard for; furthermore, when there are so many struggling families that work twice as hard to provide for one another to make a decent living ? Most of that money could go towards helping them get a good meal or put a roof over their heads , or give them a means of warmth. Mankind , the morals of common decency to the lowest of society's ranks however is my business and I'll see to it that they have someone who will stand by them when times are challenging and unbearable." (To Abigail) ‘’Don’t bring Mama and Papa into this. You brought shame to our family when you turned your back on the things that should have mattered the most to you. Why did you shut us out ? Why did you shut me out? Why must you hate me with such contempt as to relentlessly attack me every chance you get?’’. Isabella’s Family Background: *Danielle Clement ‘’Monae’’ Sterling (Mother) -Born Dec. 9th, 1837-Died Dec.24th, 1881 (Age 44) Former nurse/spy during the Civil War Parents
Biological) -Identities unknown Member of the Pure Blood Hybrid Justice Council for Witches and Other Magical Beings (1855-1866) - The council was developed in early 1500s to band all witches, wizards, and sorcerers together to help protect the balance of nature and preserve tradition as well as maintain law and order against any threats of the outside. Wilkmire Orphanage (1837- 1841) Education: Le Marguerite Preparatory in Paris, France (1841-1855) Met Lord Augustus Flynn Sterling in Pennsylvania working undercover as a nurse while recruited as a spy for the North at the beginning of the Civil War (1861) Served as a nurse in the Civil War(April 12th, 1861-May 9th, 1865)
Married Lord Augustus Flynn Sterling (May 12th, 1865) Headed over to the Sterling Household to meet Augustus’s family in Pennsylvania (May 20 , 1865) Falling pregnant to Isabella (May 20th, 1865) Immigrated to London, England (May 30, 1865)
Helped build a cottage with Augustus for some weeks
Gave birth to Isabella( Dec. 24th, 1866)
Tutored her eldest daughter since Isabella was seven years of age until her child turned 16(the time of her death)
Formally ran a large boutique and catering business called Danielle’s Shoppe in the city from 1867-1881 Gave birth to her second child Abigail (Dec.26th, 1869) Died on Dec.24th, 1881( Isabella’s birthday)
* Lord Augustus Flynn Sterling ( Her father) Born Dec. 2nd, 1834-Died Dec.24th, 1881(Age 47)
Parents(Biological) -Lady Mabel ‘’Williams’’ Sterling (Alive) - Sir Leopold Flynn Sterling(retired general and long running oil tycoon) (Alive) Attended Westward Disciplinary School for Males (1839-1852) Sent to a military academy overseas on a ship (1854-1860)
Former Union Soldier during the Civil War(April 12th, 1861-May 9th, 1865)
Was engaged to a distant cousin on his mother’s side, but broke it off Married Danielle ‘’Clement’’ Monae Sterling (May. 12th, 1865) A merchant from 1866 to 1881 Died Dec.24th, 1881
(Personality-Capricorn: containing a stubborn, but ambitious and hard -working personality that also displays some level of confidence that can lead to impulsive behaviors; yet with a controlling aspect and in this instance, Isabella has a tendency to be somewhat bossy at times; although, maintain some self control. She is capable of aggressiveness if annoyed to the furthest extent where she can leash an attack or a threat, only if she finds it absolutely necessary. Isabella was however brought up to be a lady and when well-reserved or calm, she can hold herself back although, somewhat timid and shy around complete strangers. This depends on who she is around or with. Being simple and practical, she follows some traditional values, but believes most traditions(if not all) can be bent or broken if she embraces those changes. Isabella believes change can be beneficial rather than be dangerous. To a Capricorn, a well being of a family is important as well as those around them that he or she loves. Also, Capicorns also value self worth and the pursuit of their destinies. They also detest being under the restraint of others and display a rather independent nature in most aspects. Isabella strongly applies to this especially, considering the fact that she is proud of her upbringing and where she came from , but doesn’t mind a little bit of help from those around her when needed. )
Age: 22 Race: ½ Neko ½ Witch
Nationality or Ethnicity : French American Education: Private tutor(her mother)
Occupations: Florist, baker, seamstress, part time maid, aspiring actress, sleuth trainee … just to name a few
(Biological-Deceased) - Danielle Clement ‘’Monae’’ Sterling (Mother) -Lord Augustus Flynn Sterling (Father) Sibling: Abigail Rosette Sterling Likes/Hobbies: Gardening, household chores, travel, her pet tabby kitten Marco Polo, reading books(poetry, romance novels), listening to classical music/ dancing to the waltz or tango, being independent(running her own catering and clothing company), her friends Meyrin, Bardroy, and Finny, her crush/love interest Sebastian , attending parties/charities/ sunday church , children, napping, playing the violin/ piano,singing, painting,sowing ...pursuing the dream of reviving her mother’s old business Dislikes/Enemies: Viscount of Druitt, Ciel Phantomhive, Ash Landers, huge messes, being underestimated, the dark(always keeping a candlelit)... Strengths: Teleportation, telepathy, super sonic speed, tracking, negotiations, shapeshifting.. Weaknesses/Fears: Has limited powers, afraid of other demons and reapers (also shadow creatures or black banshees known as the harvesters that are a special breed of demon that feed off other demons’ flesh and human souls that manifest from a person’s dream and a worst fear causing them to go insane and commit unspeakable acts ) Background Summary/ Info: Cursed at the age of sixteen bound to an oak tree at the night of her parents’ demise by Ash Landers the fallen angel; for seven whole years till the next full moon on the eve of her 22nd birthday; if her one true love sheds his blood upon a magical rose, it being a test to see if he is worthy of her devotion and affections, the flower must glow a bright yellow and that will make him her betrothal/ mate for all eternity . Why Is Isabella a half neko and half witch? It wasn’t just because she was born that way. A neko persona fits part of her personality showing her fragile, timid, shy side while her witch persona portrays her strengths and the idea that she is also determined, having some courage once having the motivation to do as she has a strong passion for fighting against cruel injustice. I wanted to add a bit of spice and variety for her character, to be someone that is unique which inspired me to create her specifically for this reason. Neko is a Japanese term for ‘’Cat Person’’, but I wanted to also use the concept for this character because I wanted to break a barrier in diversity. Isabella’s mother was born half neko and half witch to a woman whose identity remains unknown because Danielle was left a stray until being adopted some time later. In Black Butler, you have demons, reapers, ghosts, angels.. And I wanted to throw a neko into that mix somewhere because I feel like nekos can have any sort of identity and not just be known for the basis of their species and Isabella is not an ordinary neko. She has this unique identity where she stands out among other women and in spite of her hard upbringing as she underwent a lot of racial aggressions seeing as she is French, Isabella is like a symbol of gender equality,not just a seemingly feministic individual, but also teaches about tolerance, love, and acceptance, and not to judge a book by its cover. My character was inspired by Belle from Beauty and the Beast as they are both from provincial towns and having to overcome the prejudice of those who underestimate them and try to control their futures. In the Victorian Era as Black Butler depicts, you don’t really see ‘’independent’’ women who are out in the world fighting for freedom to be somebody and to go some place where they desire to belong. Isabella also represents a stepping stone for women to make their own choices and not (always) rely on a male to build a stable future. She also is defined as being ‘’ahead of her time’’ because of the gallant efforts she makes on her own with limited, little to no intervention from other people, including males. I think that if people really look past the cat ears and tail, they’ll see not just a ‘’Neko Witch’’ but a woman that has great potential and is not so different from us because we all bleed the same color. In some ways, Isabella is the same to either you or me.
Why Cursed to an Oak Tree and what’s with the Ash Connection? The oak tree is a symbol of remembrance for Isabella because it marks as a reminder of the failure of her not being able to save her family from being killed by Ash Landers who saw the family as impure and had to be wiped out . Ash Lander’s association with the Sterlings has some vague history for all is known about him in this case he is the fact he was fascinated by Isabella’s mother Danielle and ironically, grew obsessed with her, but Danielle rejected his advances and allegiance to serving him, which factored in his motivation to murder the family, except one member being Isabella whom he planned to torture for his own vices.
Why Is Isabella a Christian if she is in love with a demon? Isabella is a woman of her faith, and despite her religion , also the fact most depict her as a witch in a sense that she’s evil(which is a stereotype cus since witches were often portrayed as creatures that feed off of innocent children) , is not a typical witch. Her blood lineage on her mother’s side can be a huge factor in her practice of wicca as Isabella does practice some wiccan customs. ( Note: Wiccan is not really an evil practice. It’s universal, all about peace and harmony, nature’s surroundings, goodness and protection. You just have to have good self control and enough experience. Some christians as a matter of fact practice it. )
Isabella is torn between her faith and her love for Sebastian because their lives intermeshed into where they share a cosmic connection. Isabella’s Quotes ‘’For seven whole years of my life, I dreamt of a real home I could call my own since the one I come to know for so long is gone now, but deep down in my heart, my true place in this world is where there is hope and love that can overcome any challenge or bad situation, big or small’’ . ‘’Witches are greatly misunderstood and misrepresented, looked at as these unfeeling, heartless scum while nekos(cat creatures) are seen as plain and unspecial when they can be unique in many shapes and forms. Then, others look at a demon like they’re incapable of emotion and feeling when in fact , I have seen more humanity in one than I have seen in a dozen. But, I suppose it all depends on one’s perception of the facts that draws the line between opinion and truth; yet, where I draw the line the most is when someone tells me I cannot amount to being anything greater than what I am. I’m a woman. I’m no one’s property . I’m my own person. You can either walk beside me or try to walk ahead, but I’ll always catch up to you even when I fall. Knock me down ,I get back up again.’’ ‘’No one speaks ill of my family, but those who speak ill of me repetitively with slander and prejudice, I welcome them. I welcome them with acceptance and with every bit of love in my heart...even if they spite me and try to knock me down. God says to love our enemies and pray for them. I’d do such that for I do know mercy. Don’t you?’’. ( To Ciel Phantomhive) " I may be a servant to you, but I'm not a slave. They differ in terms of value in this line of work, but why should the Help be treated any less special than someone more privileged than them? All your life you have had things simply handed to you because you are a child with some proclaimed title that makes you think the world owes you everything you say you are entitled to. You think all that "hard earned money " is really something that you worked so hard for; furthermore, when there are so many struggling families that work twice as hard to provide for one another to make a decent living ? Most of that money could go towards helping them get a good meal or put a roof over their heads , or give them a means of warmth. Mankind , the morals of common decency to the lowest of society's ranks however is my business and I'll see to it that they have someone who will stand by them when times are challenging and unbearable." (To Abigail) ‘’Don’t bring Mama and Papa into this. You brought shame to our family when you turned your back on the things that should have mattered the most to you. Why did you shut us out ? Why did you shut me out? Why must you hate me with such contempt as to relentlessly attack me every chance you get?’’. Isabella’s Family Background: *Danielle Clement ‘’Monae’’ Sterling (Mother) -Born Dec. 9th, 1837-Died Dec.24th, 1881 (Age 44) Former nurse/spy during the Civil War Parents
Married Lord Augustus Flynn Sterling (May 12th, 1865) Headed over to the Sterling Household to meet Augustus’s family in Pennsylvania (May 20 , 1865) Falling pregnant to Isabella (May 20th, 1865) Immigrated to London, England (May 30, 1865)
Helped build a cottage with Augustus for some weeks
Gave birth to Isabella( Dec. 24th, 1866)
Tutored her eldest daughter since Isabella was seven years of age until her child turned 16(the time of her death)
Formally ran a large boutique and catering business called Danielle’s Shoppe in the city from 1867-1881 Gave birth to her second child Abigail (Dec.26th, 1869) Died on Dec.24th, 1881( Isabella’s birthday)
* Lord Augustus Flynn Sterling ( Her father) Born Dec. 2nd, 1834-Died Dec.24th, 1881(Age 47)
Parents(Biological) -Lady Mabel ‘’Williams’’ Sterling (Alive) - Sir Leopold Flynn Sterling(retired general and long running oil tycoon) (Alive) Attended Westward Disciplinary School for Males (1839-1852) Sent to a military academy overseas on a ship (1854-1860)
Former Union Soldier during the Civil War(April 12th, 1861-May 9th, 1865)
Was engaged to a distant cousin on his mother’s side, but broke it off Married Danielle ‘’Clement’’ Monae Sterling (May. 12th, 1865) A merchant from 1866 to 1881 Died Dec.24th, 1881