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Fires of An Heir (Indowriter & Euphoria)


Sep 25, 2019

Intense temperatures baked the vivid land.

Like a casual fire, humidity from the weather slithered through the world of the K'Narthian rainforest. Its heat touched every inch of the amazing jungle and left no crevice undiscovered in its relentless battle to claim everything. The temperature soared for the jungle, reaching a staggering high of 118° Fahrenheit as the day progressed and the sun flew higher into the clear blue sky. Rays from the mammoth ball of yellow cooked and baked the earth, not dissimilar from the effects of a mud ball in a tanning salon. Dry earth certainly marked some area of the magnificent land, but it was not called a rainforest for its lack of water.

While no clouds would come until night to quench the thirst of the land, steam clouds made up the rebellion against the repressive forces of heat. They lubricated the parched trees and moistened the coarse shrubs. Not a leaf was left unkissed by the kind lips of the steam, and the plants of the jungle were thankful to be given a chance for existence. Their plants flowed freely even under the assault of the sun, and vividly colored fruit grew in unimaginable sizes.

The infinite number animals in the jungle were just as fortunate as the plants, overheated as they were this day. Gango Sloths needed to have moisture in the air--sleeping just wasn't the same when your tree caught on fire. Violet Macaws were pleased with the constant supply of steam in the air, keeping their nests from becoming ovens for their eggs. They ignored the neverending calls of their unruly neighbors, the rustubel monkeys who seated themselves at the highest parts of their trees to feel a sense of superiority and volume. They hooted down at the giant tusked G'ar boar that passed but kept silent when a sleek, starving Fig leopard prowled after the scent of the brown coated pigs. On occasions, a few striped peacocks, and peahens squawked their way across the jungle floor. Their fairly slow gait made them easy chicken dinner for the likes of leopards, but they weren't the only predators that favored their poultry meat. If some got close enough then a big cat was a likely outcome, but straying near an occupied water source could lead to a cave dwelling caiman’s lunch. Ground dwellings often resulted in large lizards snacking upon startled peacocks, so a few of their genus would rightly assume that trees were safe places. Or, any creature for that matter.

It’s what made them so easy to hunt. To collect a few of their bodies, one would only have to search for their plumage in the trees and dispatch them with arrows. From there, it was the simple task of using boiling water to help remove the feathers and a knife to aid in the task of skinning the whole thing. Interestingly enough, the skin of striped peacocks was perfect bait for attracting Proicies Salmon that swam upstream at this time of year. All it took was a little piece to eventually create a swarm of nibbling fish and a good profit from their bodies soon after. It was what she did when she fished in the past and it was what she would do soon enough.

She looked up in time to spot a few small monkeys leaping over her head, boredly eyeing them as they disappeared off behind her to do who knows what. Her brown orbs resettled on the river just ahead of her, nonchalantly half lidded as she approached the muddy banks. The clay was deep; deep enough to kiss her red painted toes with frigid moisture through her sandals. The leather of her sandals was already coated with a thin layer of dried mud as it was, along with the lower edges of her black Lehenga from previous rainy days. The grey smears dirtied the bronze symbols that lined the ends, the ones that curled this way and that like twirling fireworks. It used to compliment the golden jewelry that sat snugly around her comely hips, the one connected to the subtle curve of her navel piercing. It used to be a nice addition to the blood red crop that covered her torso and left her arms bare, patterned with so many intricate designs in bronze. She wore it all anyway, despite the condition.

She paused to push her shimmering black lockes out of the way again, then got back to work on tugging her small cart across the dirt path in the jungle. One might find it unheard of for someone of her looks and attire to be hauling a heavy cart around as easily as dragging paper behind her. But this was just another day of business making. And given how much fish and poultry she'd collected this time around--business was more than enough motivation to pull the cart around.

A small smile graced her dark red lips when rolling thunder was heard.


It became a dark and stormy night.


One could not hear any patter or pitter from any water formations falling from the heavens, but they could very clearly feel the infinite assault of the rain on his scales. Given how long they'd been here, it was easy for them to run through various ways of describing the rain or what it made the night look like outside. They could recall several days that began with a dark and stormy night and went on forever or so just to describe the storm itself.

It was raining fairly hard to compensate for the heat of the summer, so hard that it was difficult to see more than a few feet out past the dark shadows and describe anything in perfect detail. They could just imagine seeing tiny rivers and rivulets slithering down the crystal exterior of the rusty old cottage to drip from the upper panes of the window. When the constant waterfall fell to the lower panes it created the softest sound above the white noise of the raindrops that fell away from the building. A never-ending wet splatter against a concrete base, that sounded like someone pouring water onto a floor made of metal.

The raindrops alone were like static to their restless ears by now, though they would twitch occasionally if thunder boomed just close enough to the mansion. The floor vibrated from the noise and as a result of the air clapping back together. The lightning brightened the room, but it never added color with it's presence. Such was a side effect the rain's soothing down fall--it turned the horribly colorful world around them into a realm of grey and white. It was almost painful to look at, let alone experience.

And so, it was with a cart of meat in tow, that she walked into a world of grey and white: otherwise known as the Tunsen bar-- her place of business.

In a way, this night was just the same as any other night; the night that signaled the end of a troubling day and ushered in another night. Many could breathe easy now, for prior to Friday night, they moved endlessly from place to place to earn their living and buy things with that living. Sometimes they had the livings already, and just spent it because they had something to celebrate. Or just because they had it. In any case, whenever you had currency at the end of the week, you needed something to celebrate it over and the pub certainly won't complain about getting your money.

You'd think a bar would be classy and extravagantly built, what with a name like Tunsen and you would be the wrongest person alive in the Eastern Isles. Turns out the place is like any other pub, only a story or so taller. Its entirely wooden; created with the finest Dirth Wood they could get from the garbage piles and seated upon a slanted piece of earth that made the building look just as drunk and wobbly as it's patrons. This castle of wine and liquor was illuminated by candles from behind windows but was too dim for anyone to hope to see past the stained glass. The dirty thing sat on the edge of the small jungle town, as if the buildings had shoved it away from them in disgust. Even then, the sounds of cheering and yelling and laughing and guzzling reached the ears of anyone who passed it.

It was worse inside the building than outside. The entire floor seemed overrun with janitors and waitresses alike, picking up debris from past fights and keeping from getting stepped on too. All the while, spittle and beer rained down on them from the gaping mouths of drunkards that laughed and drank some more. Their faces were quite reasonably merry tonight, unlike other days where liquid and entertainment fueled their smiles. In sparse areas there were heated arguments and the occasional swing of a fist, or a bottle thrown overhead. In the right section of the building, a bar sat with a few tending to the drinking needs of some. This was where she made her deliveries, got her pay…

And promptly sat down.
Melosia had begun the first leg of her long journey on a rough wooden wagon pulled by two elephant birds, taller than a human. They looked docile enough, the fuzzy brown down feathers covering their plump rounded bodies making them look like oversized chicks, and she was tempted to run her fingers through that soft-looking fluff. But she kept her distance from the birds after the wagon driver told her one kick from their wide scaly three-toed feet would shatter her spine. She wasn't sure if there was any truth to half of the wild stories he told her, probably thinking her a gullible peasant girl, but she decided it was best to err on the side of caution with such things. Their smaller relatives bolted from their hiding places in the grass every so often as the wagon rolled by them, their explosive jumps never failing to startle her from her reverie.

She'd never been this far from her sleepy little village before and everything here was new to her. She'd never seen a horizon so wide, the golden grass stretching for miles in a flat unbroken expanse before it merged with the clear blue sky. The stalks of grass rippled and swayed in the wind, seeming to merge and flow around her like the current of a river. Waves in an ocean of grass. Her blue eyes went wide when she got her first glimpse of a giant ground sloth, the huge beast uprooting a lone tree effortlessly with its great hooked claws before shambling off leisurely. She'd never seen a being of such immense size before, and a creature that large clearly had no fear of anything.

While Melosia admired the beauty of her surroundings, the unchanging expanse of grass grew monotonous after a while, and sitting for hours in this wagon proved something of an ordeal in its own right. The heavy wheels made of solid wood did not travel lightly over the terrain and she often found herself being jolted around sharply, feeling like her bones had been shaken. It came as a relief when they finally reached the river. At least this watercourse would offer a smoother means of transport and she could finally say farewell to that bumpy wagon for good. But her journey would have to wait until the morning. It was growing dark already and she needed a place to rest. It seemed there was only one option here, the large tavern on the edge of this small fishing village. Orange light flickered invitingly through its windows, promising dryness and shelter, while the sounds of merriment inside filtered over the water to her ears as she waited for the ferry to return to the opposite shore. To protect herself from the elements she'd bought a grass cape to wear over her light green travelling dress, along with a wide-brimmed hat. The broad grass cape swamped her lithe body and could hardly be any less flattering to her slim figure. But she reasoned that was probably to her advantage. The less attention she drew here, the better.

Melosia stepped inside the tavern, water dripping in rivulets off the straw of her cape, the unfiltered din filling her ears instantly. She walked over the bar for some refreshment. It took her a long time to get served as the barman seemed to ignore her in favour of the regulars. She didn't recognize the names of any of the drinks on offer so she just went with something that seemed to be popular, the barman handing her an earthy red beaker that warmed her hands pleasantly. She took a free seat in the corner, putting down her heavy travel pack and placing the large sword on her back down next to it, stretching out her sore shoulders. She took a sip of the deep brown liquid she'd bought and immediately screwed her face up in disgust at its overwhelmingly bitter taste. It could not have been more different from the sweet mead she usually drank and she wondered how anyone here could stomach the stuff.

She avoided making conversation with the other patrons. She knew they'd laugh in her face if she told them she was on a mission to the Tomb of Kings. And they'd probably be right to. Right now she couldn't help feeling her friends had placed entirely too much faith in her. It didn't matter who they thought she was descended from, she was no mighty hero. Just an ordinary girl. How could she have any hope at such an impossible task, when she had this much trouble just ordering a drink?

As she stared into her cup ruminating on her situation her attention was suddenly drawn to a woman entering the bar. She was struck by this stranger's beauty and her elegant, albeit unkempt, attire. The woman definitely stood out above the other patrons and Melosia's blue eyes followed her across the room. Suddenly she noticed her sword, a few inches of the blade protruding from the scabbard, was emitting a faint, ethereal green glow. In haste she grabbed the sword, trying to push it firmly into the scabbard as she hid it on her lap under the table. She glanced around her trying to hide her panic, praying nobody here had seen her glowing sword. Being caught in possession of an obviously magical artefact like that would land her in big trouble with the authorities. And it would be worse still if they identified its true provenance, a relic of a hallowed age, the legendary Thunderclap named in the sagas. Even the king himself would take an interest in such a discovery.

She was no pushover. She'd been sparring for years with her friends, and though she'd hardly call herself a master swordswoman she at least knew enough to defend herself. But all those bouts were with a wooden practice sword. This ancient blade had lain hidden under her rough wooden bed for decades now. She'd never yet drawn it in anger, and she feared the day when she may have to.

As concerned as she was at arousing suspicion, she was intrigued by what that glow signified. A magical being was right here in this very bar. She gazed around her again. Whoever or whatever it was they must certainly be well hidden. She noticed the captivating woman sitting down near to her. Looking down in her lap, pulling the sword out just a little, she saw the metal was now a luminous emerald, bright enough to illuminate the gloom under the table. Quickly she tried to hide the blade again. Could this woman be the source of the magic? She had to investigate further. Still trying to hide her sword, Melosia moved over to sit right next to the woman.

"You don't look like the regular clientele..." she spoke up, removing her wide brimmed straw hat and shaking her long golden locks free. "And I mean that as a compliment" she added with a smile.
The Draconic woman counted her pay where she sat, a small bag of coin given to her in exchange for the amount of meat she brought to the owner. Her eyes carefully scrutinized the round texture of each silver piece, just barely glinting with the dim flames in the space of the pub. She counted them back and forth, then waited a little moment and recounted them after. It took some time and a lot of patience, but her long wait paid off as the bar owner eventually wandered over--cleaning a mug as he did so. His body reeked of cigars and cheaper liquor than he sold, and his stubbled jaw seemed larger in the dim lighting “Why you playing with y’money like that? ‘S how you attract thieves, eh?”

She inhaled, tried not to gag on his breath and finally stopped counting the coins. She now knew the number for absolute certainty, allowing her to speak her mind to the fullest. “You would know, wouldn't you? The way thieves work? After all...this bag is aboout…what--ten shillings lighter?” Her voice was drenched with a thick accent, though no one had yet to correctly assume where the accdng came from. “I recommend paying me full price if you want a another income of seafood and poultry, yes?”

“You have a steep charge, Magna, ” He spoke gruffly. His beady eyes glinted on occasion, trying to reflect a sympathetic light in order to gain some leniency and extra change this time around. “I barely get around with what I've got as it is, you know.”

She feigned a saddened look by his words, her eyebrows darting upwards like the mimes she'd once seen in a play. “I know--and I can only imagine what troubles you must face every night with an income of 80 shillings compared to my...generous 30.” She dropped the look as quickly as she'd adopted it, now favoring annoyance and fierce orange gleam in her eyes. “I don't appreciate the unfairness here.”

He was internally panicking, but seemed to be fine on the outside. “That's business. Y'don't like it, you can leave and I'll find a more...grateful deliverygirl.”

“Oh, I'll be gone soon, to other desolate places. I'd enjoy my company while it lasts if I were you. Because If you could find another that easily, you would have done so by now. …” She picked up the coins one by one and placed them all back into the bag she received them in. From her peripheral, she could see him impatiently waiting for further words from her. She smirked as she finished. “In any case, I'm a merciful lady. How about this: to make up for the missing ten, you will allow me free drinks for the rest of the night.”

“And if I don't?”

“The only don't you want to do is test me. I want Blue gin, please.”

They held an even stare with each other for a while, one smiling in triumph and one severely sore with their lack of choices in the situation. Then, as with everything that occurred in bars, things moved on. The owner moved away with a glass ready to get her requested gin, the bar patrons all laughed and chanted drunken things around her and Magna herself minded her own business. Bars were not her typical place of rest; too filthy and noisy and smelly. Some of the worst of humanity featured in places like these, drinking away and talking talk and destroying their liver with each subtle chug. Yet, even she couldn't deny the benefits of a large mug on occasion. It provided relief from the moralities of her life, from social interaction and from the occasional nightmares.

They were encroaching on her a tad more frequently nowadays. The funny thing was that they weren't conventional nightmares; they were not filled with horrifying monsters and landscapes from the depths of tarturus. They were nothing but her own memories that spawned just to haunt her. The nightmares were occasionally pleasant some nights (as strange as that sounds)--they were often filled with the sensation of flying as fast as she could through a sky full of clouds, free as the birds she flew beside. The sky was her kingdom, and her wings were her noble crown to show who ruled the air. On the other nights, where she often woke up sweaty and instantly set to doing arduos tasks to distract herself...

She shook her head and forgot all about the thoughts of nightmares--which happened just in time to reinforce that with drinks. She drank mug after mug of the bitter yet sparkly liquid and the time passed the more she consumed. She was just starting to feel the slightest tingly sensation in her fingers when the voice popped up next to her and a distinct human scent wafted over to her. Oddly, she shuddered as she smelled exotic spices mixed with bright red flowers as fresh as ever. Sweet, yet with a hint of Spice.

She turned and stared at the woman with an emotionless look, her ever so slightly drunk mind trying to process it all. She was attractive, if she could be blunt and honest about the first thought to cross her mind. Her temptingly hidden figure was lean yet bonny, blocked by a grass cape that was far too out of place in a bar. Magna perked an eyebrow as she let her eyes travel up from the strange grass cape covering, reaching her faxe face no time at all. Pretty, with supple lips to match a curved nose and a creamy complexion. Her bright blue orbs rivaled Magna's own--filled to the brim with hidden intensity.

Magna's eyes had only darted once to the woman next to her, before they ignored her entirely. Hopefully she made it clear she was no mood for a conversation. When the woman let loose a head of dazzling blonde hair, Magna still didn't look directly her way. "If you're looking for someone to sleep around with, then this talk won't get you anywhere, " She sneered and supped a long swig of gin. While this woman wasn't exactly one of the local women that slipped their way into other's beds by promise of money, Magna had little else to guess at.
"I wasn't trying-" Melosia's ivory cheeks flushed a rosy pink at the woman's insinuation. "I'm not that kind of girl!" she objected as she folded her arms over her chest. She hadn't been expecting the woman to shut her down in such a rudely blunt manner. Those intense dark eyes had only turned to her for a tantalizingly brief moment before she looked away again, making her lack of interest in the conversation abundantly clear. If Melosia had been simply trying to make conversation she would've been sufficiently discouraged to avoid bothering the woman any further. But the intriguing prospect that this woman could be something very special indeed spurred her to be more persistent in her approach.

"I mean... yes, you're beautiful... but there's more to you than meets the eye, isn't there?" Melosia asked meaningfully, her blue eyes narrowing a little as she studied the woman intensely, gaze roaming over her slim toned figure, taking in every visible inch of her bronzed skin with its appealingly lustrous glow. Her appearance was most definitely eye-catching. But nothing seemed to stand out as superhuman. She definitely spoke with some kind of accent Melosia didn't recognize, but then she didn't recognize half the accents in this cosmopolitan tavern so that was little help. Melosia would never have suspected anything if it weren't for the light emitted by her sword. But then, if there were any obvious signs of a more-than-human nature about the stranger, she reasoned that others would most certainly have noticed them before her. And then this woman wouldn't be walking freely and confidently through a packed tavern.

Melosia knew this was an extremely delicate subject, and potentially an extremely dangerous one. If her suspicion proved to be unfounded, if this woman really was just an ordinary human, then she could potentially incriminate herself with careless talk. If she revealed too much about her own interest in magic this woman could report her to the authorities, and if they found her sword... well, she didn't even want to think about that. And if her suspicion was correct, the woman had every reason to deny it. Perhaps even try to harm her if it meant keeping her secret safe.

Indeed she had good reason to stay hidden. Melosia had heard tale after tale from the time when this land was filled with magical beings of all varieties, living in harmony with her own kind. Those days were now long past and she was too young to remember them herself. As the king consolidated his power they were pushed to the wilderness, forced into hiding, wiped out in his campaign of extermination. Only once, as she wandered the woods beyond her village as a child, had she heard the song of the nymphs, transfixed by the hauntingly melancholy tune that seemed to emanate from another world and filled her heart with a deep sadness like none she'd ever felt, a sadness she couldn't comprehend. Every year the bounty of the woods appeared to increase, more chestnuts than she could carry. Where once only their spiked green empty shells like miniature morning stars had covered the ground in abundance, gradually turning to mulch upon the soil, now the earthy brown nuts lay everywhere untouched. As a child she did not understand, but now she knew why. There was nobody left here to eat them. Only the woodmice and squirrels with their tufted red ears now enjoyed this feast.

"I want you to know that you can trust me. I mean you no harm. None at all" Melosia insisted, blue eyes gazing at the stranger sincerely as she tried to reassure her. "I only ask because I... well, I may need your help..." she added in a humble voice. "It's a matter of..." she paused momentarily as her blue eyes scanned the room again, making sure nobody was watching them too closely. The king had eyes and ears everywhere and she didn't know who amongst this crowd was friend and who was foe. Melosia leaned forwards, the straw of her cape brushing up against the woman's shoulder as she brought her rosy lips close to her ear. "Magic." She lowered her voice cautiously as she uttered this word fraught with meaning. Even in this noisy tavern full of drunken revelers she felt paranoid someone would overhear her.
A smirk tried to play its way onto her face when the woman flustered under the accusations, but it was never quite able to stay. The bartender offered Magna a second mug of gin and she was quick to begin chugging away at it while the woman flustered and continued to talk. As she moved into her seat, Magna took notice of the odd shape she had concealed and placed in her lap--likely a sword. A part of her mind, one that she thought would never raise again, began to size up the human before her as if picking apart prey.

She may have weapons somewhere on her, but she'll need to raise her arms to actually use them. I can strike her ribs and leave her neck vulnerable if I'm fast enough. A quick twist would end her before she even knows what-- Magna swallowed hard and managed to suppress her overly aggressive instincts, but only to such a degree. She swirled the drink in her hands with caution under the disguise of disinterest, and her muscles were ready to move in an instant if she had to. Regardless of her alert mind, she still lent an ear to the words of this strange individual. "You're very nosy for your size, aren't you?" The disguised dragon said warily, her eyes flashing a brief orange before they settled back down to regular brown. Now she was really going to keep an eye on this person, thanks to that suspicious comment.

She tensed when the woman brought herself closer than before, briefly surprised by action if the faint darkness in her cheeks wasnt an indictation. The woman smelled sweeter than anything else in the bar, and her scent quickly does onto her serpentine tongue. Magna pursed her lips as she caught the small whisper of a single word. She wasnt an extremely dense dragon, but coyness often confused her regardless. "Wow, Magic. Thanks for the offer, but I've had more than enough magic to help me out for the night. " Magna responded with as much sarcasm as she could muster, her eyes rolling with disinterest now. She may have looked dangerous, but now she was starting to crazy, more or less. The Dragoness rested an elbow on the counter, then her cheek in her palm as she smirked in her direction. Her eyes caught something in her peripheral vision. "So why don't you walk before I..."

A few tables away, a man turned his gaze away.

She blinked away her suspicion, mulled over the details of the concealed face and the hood. He was hardly touching her drink, unlike the loud patrons all around him. To anyone else, the man was just another stubble-faced drunkard. But his eyes seemed too focused on the one in front of her, too eager and waiting for an opportunity for the blonde to be alone. Magna didn't quite like the woman, but she wouldn't leave her to be robbed or anything worse if the possibility of money was involved. It hadn't even occurred to her before, that this woman might be trying to hire her for something. A smile graced her lips at the thought of extra money, and her hand raised to slowly grasp the woman's chin.

Magna made a show of leaning forward, lips casually skimming the woman's jawline before stopping at her ear, seductively nibbling at her earlobe. "It seems you have an...admirer some ways behind you, " Magna purred, her breath warm and flowing. "We're going to the back to chat further. Just follow me and don't look back."

Magna gave a slightly audible giggle as she slowly stood up, keeping up the act. Coyly, she beckoned the woman after her with a finger and then slowly sauntered towards the back of the pub.
Melosia thought she saw the woman's eyes flash a bright orange for the briefest of moments. She started into them intently but saw only those same dark pools she'd admired before. She blinked a few times, feeling unsure now whether she'd really seen something otherworldly or if it was merely her eyes deceiving her, a trick of the dim light that flickered here in those orange candles gradually burning down as they dripped hot wax slowly down their diminishing lengths.

The blonde let out a frustrated sigh at the woman's response to her very carefully phrased remarks. It seemed the woman was intent on misunderstanding her and wanted nothing more than to be left alone. Perhaps that wasn't surprising, but it was irksome nonetheless. Melosia was silent as she pondered what her next response should be. The woman's unfinished threat lingered in the air and she wondered whether she should indeed just leave now. If her attitude had soured so much already it was surely going to be a tall order persuading her to help. Maybe this interaction was more trouble than it was worth...

Melosia's blue eyes widened in surprise as she suddenly felt the woman's fingers taking hold of her chin in a grip that was gentle yet firm. Her breath hitched in her throat as she felt those soft lips running teasingly along her jawline before those teeth grazed her earlobe softly, feeling hot breath rushing in waves over her exposed neck. Her skin stood up in goosebumps and warm tingles ran down her spine as the rosy colour of her cheeks deepened further. Her mind raced and seemed to dissolve in a haze. This woman had flatly rejected her only moments earlier and the last thing she was expecting was for her to come onto her so boldly. The boisterous shouts and raucous laughter around her, the sound of the heavy rain lashing against the roof and pounding at the windowpanes, all of it seemed to fade to nothing in her consciousness, as if time had frozen around them as she herself stayed frozen in the woman's grip, her heart quickening its beats.

As the woman's words began to sink in her heart continue to beat fast, but this time with a sense of impending danger. She realized now this was all an act, that the woman was trying to protect her. Or was she? Melosia herself hadn't noticed anyone suspicious.

"Y-yes... of course...." she nodded, trying to pull herself together, her pulse still racing. She grabbed her bag as she followed behind the woman through the crowded tavern now feeling more aware than ever of every pair of eyes on her as she crossed the rough wooden floor stained with patches of darkness, gazing downwards as she avoided eye contact with anyone. It took all her willpower not to turn around and see who the woman was talking about, find out what manner of person had their eyes on her and why, and if there really was anyone suspicious there at all or whether this was simply a trick the woman was playing. But she knew if there really was anyone there it was best not alert them and she was wary enough of the danger she had good reason to suspect might be following her that she forced herself to do as the woman told her.
From what she could sense using her powerful hearing and smell, the man who had been watching didn't get from his seat and rather gave a disappointed grunt before downing more beer. Still, not one for being...not careful, she guided this young woman further and further into the back, where there were far less eyes to be seeing them. Magna recalled there being a 'Custodian's Closet' in the back, which frankly hardly ever had a single custodian tool within it-- just a dingy sort of small closet space with the occasional broom in it. The hidden dragon opened the closer door and guided her into it swiftly, before getting in herself and then closing the door. Magna frowned at her body always at least slightly grazing her body; clearly she'd grown just a bit. Or the closet had gotten smaller. Either, she'd like to get this done as quickly as possible. Heat from the magical being filled the small space, along with her enticing scent. Her two-piece clothing was unhelpful in keeping her naked belly from extreme closeness with the woman's abdomen. Her bosom was always just there before the woman's face, unintentionally presented breasts due to Magna having no way of leaning back.

The coast had seemed clear going in, but another check was in order. After briefly listening to see if any footsteps were nearby, Magna clicked her tongue somewhat impatiently. "Alright, now Other ears but mine. Now there's no need to be so cryptic about all this, " She declared casually, her accent giving her words the slightest purr. The urge to cross her arms came to mind, but it was rejected at the risk of hitting the blonde in the face or lower...not that it wasn't the funniest thought, of course. "Go ahead and tell me exactly what it is you're doing here trying to get my help. Maybe if you're honest, I might--just maybe-- give more consideration to helping you." On another noticeable point, she coughed. "And remove that ridiculous hat, it's irritating my neck."
Melosia was too concerned about the possible danger of whoever might be following to have second thoughts about hiding in this tiny closet with the strange woman. Once they were both inside with the door shut, she didn't really know where to look, too nervous to meet the woman's piercing gaze for very long, but staring down only presented her with the sight of the woman's alluring chest, so close to her face it was hard to ignore. Melosia tried to lean back to reclaim some of her personal space, but her back was already touching the shelves behind her and the more she leaned into them the more uncomfortable the hard wood felt, making her squirm around as she tried in vain to get both physically and mentally comfortable.

She realized with growing awareness of her situation that the woman could do anything to her in here. Nobody in the tavern would witness it happen, and she could do little to resist, with no room to even swing her sword. And as she breathed in the sweet, heady perfume of her body, Melosia couldn't help the thought that some of the things this woman could do to her in here might not be unpleasant... Melosia tried to force such thoughts to the back of her mind and focus on her mission. She remained silent, breath bated in anticipation, until the stranger spoke up.

"Sorry..." Melosia replied apologetically, dropping her waterproof hat and cape on top of her bag at the woman's order, leaving her clad in only her pale green dress, with a brown belt cinching her narrow waist and making her lithe figure appear even more attractive. "And I'm sorry to be so cautious... it's just... well, when I tell you, you'll understand..." she began, deciding she had no choice now but to explain herself fully if she wanted this woman's help. And with the woman breathing down her neck, pressing her against the wall, she no longer had the option of just walking away. "You see, I'm on a mission. A mission to the Lupini Mountains. To the Tomb of Kings" she declared, her quiet, hesitant voice growing more strident and impassioned with every word as she tried to impress the solemness of her cause upon this woman. "I seek to awaken that which slumbers there. So that this tyrannical regime will be no more. So that this land may be set to right again!" she proclaimed.

"I know I must sound crazy, but... well, look..." Holding her sword flat against her body she unsheathed it halfway from the scabbard, the luminous green glow it emitted flooding this tiny, dim closet.
"I wouldn't say you've been cautious, so much as careless..." She groaned miserably as she let her forehead tap the wooden counter. All that gin was a terrible idea--her drunk mind was swaying more towards the thought of ditching this woman while her dwindling sober intelligence was fighting a losing battle. The mention of the Lupini mountains had her raising an eyebrow in both surprise and disgust--that graveyard of a mountain? In search of the fabled Tomb of Kings, no less. As the woman finished up her righteous spiel, Magna glanced away boredly. So this was the so called hero Fina told her would save the Dragon race by...somehow, just miraculously bringing back an old King from a tomb. She may have entertained the other dragoness' wild imaginations at the time, but she was far from the mood to play games with this one. Even the glowing sword didn't quite impress least, not for the right reasons.

Swords with abilities like that didn't just pop up into people's hands, as they were generally quite expensive. If the same we're true for this woman, then that meant that she herself was a very wealthy royal--perhaps a Princess descendant of the supposed King she was talking about. This changed things--if she wasn't crazy, then there was a potential to be paid handsomely by this Princess by the end of their adventure. And if she was indeed a crazy royal, then selling her would gain just as much money in her favor.

"Fine. You'll have my help, in exchange for a very handsome salary by the end of this. Should give me something to do." Magna admitted with a shrug. She hummed in thought as she opened the door and finally gave the both of them equal room by moving towards the back door. "My rides' out back. Get yourself a room in this Tavern and meet me out back in the morning."
"Oh, well.... alright then!" Melosia nodded, sheathing her sword again, a little taken aback at how casually the woman had agreed to help her in what would surely be a difficult and potentially dangerous quest. "I can assure you, you'll be handsomely compensated for your assistance" she promised. "When we reach the tomb" she added, just in case the woman got any other ideas. Before she could say anything further, the woman had left the tiny closet, leaving only that lingering sweet perfume behind as the overwhelming din of the tavern hit Melosia's ears again like a wave crashing on the beach.

Melosia decided she'd had quite enough excitement for one day, and had no desire to hang around here in the tavern any further among company she didn't know if she could trust. She rented a room, far from luxurious but a decent enough place to sleep. As she settled in for the night, she pushed a wooden table in front of the door, still wary of who else might have been watching her downstairs in that bar. It wouldn't stop a determined intruder, but it would at least buy her some time if it came down to it. She placed her sword under the bed, hidden but almost within arms reach should she need it.

She awoke with the morning sun beaming through the windows, illuminating humble motes of dust as if they were glimmering specks of gold. The heavy air in this place was hot and stifling. She decided it was time to change into something cooler than the dress she'd worn up to now. She put on a crop top, the light brown fabric covering little more than the swell of her small breasts and leaving her smooth navel bare along with her slender arms, matched with a short skirt of the same fabric, covering her tight ass while leaving most of her long legs exposed. She wore the same dark knee length boots for travelling as yesterday.

Melosia brushed through her long locks, catching the sun's rays like fine-spun gold thread, as she ruminated on what awaited her. She still didn't know how far she could trust the woman she'd met last night. Maybe the stranger had sought another kind of reward. Maybe this was all a trap. What if there were soldiers waiting for her out there? The longer she considered her situation, the more paranoid she became. But if she had been sold out, it was too late to do much about it now. The only way back across the river was by ferry, and that was far too risky if they were expecting her. Better to take her chances with the stranger than try to make a run for it in territory they must know better than her.

At least it looked dry today. She tied her rolled up cape, which could double as a bedroll if needs be, to her bag, her hat resting on top, hanging from her neck by a cord. For breakfast she was offered some kind of porridge made with grains she didn't recognize. It wasn't the most flavoursome meal by any means, but the bland taste was at least not unpleasant, and it filled her up well enough.

She was now ready to depart. Taking a deep breath, Melosia swung open the heavy wooden door to the back of the tavern, her fingers wrapped lightly around the hilt of her sword as she went to meet what awaited her outside...
Dawn pierced the sky like a painter piercing a fresh canvas with a paintbrush.

Many animal eyes in the jungle drank in the sight of the sunrise, widening to surprising lengths just to remember the moment. The clouds were towering even when they were finally passing the area by, like mammoth mountains of white clouds. They created an entirely new landscape by just existing; a terrain untouched by mankind just for her to discover. Where the cumulonimbus clouds were enormous mountains, the lower formations of water vapor were untamed fields of calm grass in the wind. The contrast of dark space above with what was below gave everything the perfect, otherworldly feeling as sparkling dew covered everything. It was a white dream made more real by the sun itself.

The light spray of rainy mist around them amplified the glow of the beauty the animals witnessed. It was a small ball of white hot intensity in the sky, surrounded by an endless array of blending colors. They saw where the approaching black sky melted away into shadowed purple, then how that receded into a lively shade of blue, which sizzled into the seductive grasp of an electric pink hue. Finally the myriad of sleepy hues, brought together to represent the end of another day, resulted in the color yellow. It was the color that glowed the brightest of them all--as if it were a reminder that a new day would come again--that it had.

She wished it hadn't, so she wouldn't have to go on this likely to be revolting trip. Magna wished her hangover was ten times as painful as it was, so that she could at least be rooted where she was for a good reason. The woman was disgusted by the sunrise as she trekked through the jungle; irked by the mists that clung to her human skin in a clammy way. The only good thing about this whole event was that the money she received yesterday from the Barkeeper was just enough (combined with her own savings) to buy a small cart for rest and a very healthy amount of food rationing for the long journey ahead of them. She was at least a little happy to be bringing Azymondius with her, if only for the purpose of quiet companionship and someone to pull the massive cart. Azymondius was a young, strong Unikey that looked well enough to make the journey--more Donkey unicorn than the more well known counterpart, but fine enough for heavy loads. There was no way, no matter how much money she got, she would be giving a free flight to a human and carrying luggage in her natural form. Besides, using such rudimentary means of travel would hopefully place less targets on their back.

Anywho, she parked the donkey and her cart behind the Tavern to wait. When she appeared, Magna's expert tongue flickered out of her mouth a few more times as Melosia approached her. Her scent was overpoweringly...distinct despite being deep in a jungle of a bar, a place full of strong smells. The second thing to notice was the choice of clothing and general look, a sight that had impish smirk crossing the Dragoness' features. If she'd known all that was hiding under the silly grass cape and hat, Magna would have been more agreeable. "Well, well~. Look at you, all eye catching and such." She snorted, 70% teasing and 30% flirting. If she was going to agree to this travel, she was going to have fun with it somehow.

"Looks like we're both bright an...No. Stop. You know not to do that, " She shooed the donkey away with a hiss as it tried to chew on the thin gold chain around her hips that connected to her visible navel peircing. When it began to sniff her black skirt to see if it was also an edible option, Magna sighed in annoyance. "Please tell me you're reconsidering this whole thing, like I am. Heck, I just realised that we never got each other's names. That's a bad sign, right?"
Melosia breathed a sigh of relief, her features that had been furrowed with a intensely serious expression now relaxing to a neutral softness, as she saw waiting for her behind the tavern only the woman she'd met last night, standing by a small cart. No soldiers, no thugs, no danger of any kind was apparent. Her fingers uncurled from the hilt of her sword, slowly withdrawing from her weapon as she realized there were no threats to deal with. It seemed this woman was as good as her word after all. Her blue eyes gave a curious glance at the beast pulling the cart, studying the creature with interest. She'd never seen seen an animal like this before, but then most of what she'd seen recently was new to her, and she'd stopped being surprised by the novelty at this point, only intrigued by it. There was so much about this world she was ignorant of, and she wanted to learn all she could.

"This attire is simply more practical in a climate such as this" she insisted matter-of-factly, trying her best not to pay any mind to the woman's teasing, though she couldn't help her cheeks colouring a little pink at the thought of the woman admiring her figure. Melosia's features soon cracked into a grin as she watched the horned donkey taking the woman's navel chain into its mouth, and she couldn't help herself from letting out a melodic giggle. After all the tension and anxiety she'd felt it was a welcome relief to enjoy a moment of humour, and she now felt her mood improving greatly as the burden that she'd carried alone all this way seemed suddenly to grow lighter.

"Not at all! It will take far more than a hungry... whatever you call that... to deter me from my mission! What kind of hero would I be if I let the world remain in tyranny over some chewed undergarments?" she replied still giggling. "You did make sure to bring enough food for the beast, didn't you? Anyway, I'd say this simply gives us the chance for a proper introduction! I'm sure you'll agree it's rather important that we're on good terms with each other, if we're going to be sharing this little cart together for goodness knows how many hours on the road. We didn't exactly start off on the right foot yesterday and I hope that from now on our relationship can be more cordial. I'm Melosia" she smiled as she stepped forwards. Careful not to draw too close to the donkey, not wanting to have her own clothes chewed, she extended her hand to the woman with a warm smile.
Magna nodded once, then twice. "I was afraid you'd say that." It was merely wishful thinking that the young woman would be too deterred to want to continue further than this point. Magna knew all too well that people like Melosia were the most determined of their kind. They either succeeded at their task or they died trying...a thought that made her squirm, oddly enough. Why should she care if some princess went and got herself killed? She reasoned it off as a loss of money and brought herself back to the conscious world. "

Magna watched idly as Melosia stepped in close enough to sheke hands with her and then she produced a map for them both to examine. Old and worn was its physical condition, much like the cheap cart they were supposed to be in. The draconic woman scanned over the drawn edges of mountains, the titles for different sections of land and the dotted lines meant to represent the path they were traveling. Magna nodded slowly as she recognized various landmarks and rivers. "Yeah... Much as I hate to say it, traveling through the most dangerous areas would make the trip a week's worth of time. Quicker than going around."

From the depths of the cart, Magna produced a very long saddle to fit the back of the strong knock off unicorn. Magna sat herself on the uppermost region of the donkey's saddle, leaving enough space behind her for a second person to ride. She'd tested trying to sit down inside the cart while it was moving and the thing was much too rocky to be comfortable--jostling around even a stronger creature like herself against the creaking wood. Sure, their proximity would be...odd, but easy to get over when conversation distracted them enough.

"I honestly don't recommend a ride in the wagon during all this so, " She shrugged. "Hop on, Mel."
"You're sure this is still accurate?" Melosia asked skeptically as she studied the map that Magna produced, which looked like it was falling to pieces while the ink was fading all over it. She couldn't make much sense of it at a glance, it was all a foreign landscape to her and she was putting her faith in this woman to guide her through it. She just hoped she knew what she was doing.

"What kind of dangers are we talking about?" she wondered, the woman's words making her feel a little apprehensive about what may lay ahead of them on their journey. She hoped Magna wasn't overestimating their abilities. The slim blonde may have been more capable than she looked, but she was certainly no great warrior. And looking at the means of travel this woman had procured for them, Melosia couldn't help feeling a little doubtful about their prospects should anything untoward happen. Though the thought of arriving in only a week's time was certainly an appealing one.

"I've had quite enough of riding in wagons as it is..." she replied, remembering the discomfort of her travels up to this point. "Though I'm not convinced this mode of transport will be any better. You are certain he can carry the both of us?" she questioned, casting a dubious glance at the donkey, which didn't look like a large creature by any means. Taking her bag off her shoulders she placed it on the cart, before sitting herself on the back of the donkey. There wasn't much room and she was so close to Magna's back their bodies were almost touching as she tried to shuffle back a bit to give her some space.
"That's a good question! The planet is always constantly updating itself and changing landscapes overnight!' Magna responded very sarcastically in response to questioning the map's integrity. "Just all the feral types of magical and mythical beasts our current king disposed to the forest. Things you don't need to worry about, as we certaintly won't encounter them." The feelings of awkwardness was mutual as the woman settled herself behind Magna, a presence of warmth that suddenly rested behind her. The considerably older of the two tensed at the thought of having an armed person directly behind her--able to strike her back with her blades--but she pushed the thoughts away almost as quickly as they appeared. She had no reason or gain for attacking Magna, so she shouldn't be so jumpy about it.

There were light breaths that she could feel across her back every now and again, but they were not so distracting that she wouldn't be able to 'drive' them where they needed to go. After inspecting the mental image of the map, she tugged the left rein to get the mystical donkey moving. The donkey snorted once and began forward at a low trot down a path in the jungle, effortlessly pulling forward the combined weight on his back and the cart itself. Within a few minutes, the mule-drawn cart was brought out of the densely packed town and into a sloping plain full of grass as high as a M'oa bird and as yellow as bananas. With civilization steadily disappearing behind them, the only thing for them was a little ways ahead.

"This guys been with me for a long time now. He's pulled things twice his size, for miles. He'll be fine." She rubbed the donkey's neck softly, petting as he walked. The wind billowed through the fields as they steadily ascended. A peaceful sight: the way the grass bent in rhythm, like a trail of dominoes knocking each other over. "M, I've only ever flown over the lands we'll be crossing and heard spare stories now and again. Not from survivors per se, but things get passed down in the form of stories, you know? Supposedly, they're festering grounds for brutish beasts and myths. I will admit that I've scented a clan of Gnolls and spotted Weeping Brambles...maybe a few hundred years ago. They might be dead now, thanks to the passage of time" She shrugged, hiding the slight anxiety of the thought. "...well...might."

The slope was long enough to take them near to noon, and progressively gained more and more elevation as time passed. The higher they climbed, the shorter and sparser the grass became. Once the cart reached the top, they would be able to see a short landscape of grassy soil that melted into a large forest of gnarly looking trees and shadows. Some of the trees were as thick as buildings and as tall as a hundred feet--only serving to cast more of a shadowy ambience over the entire forest.

Magna stared at the forest in silence, then glamced back to the more comfortable sight of the town and plains they had left behind, then the blonde princess. "Well. Here we go."
"I meant... oh, nevermind..." Melosia rolled her eyes in response to the sarcastic quip. "I hope not" she replied, the thought of encountering feral beasts wasn't a comforting one. "I suppose looks can be deceiving..." she nodded as Magna told of the donkey's stamina. If he was as reliable as she claimed there shouldn't be any issue.

"Wait... did you say you've flown over them?" she furrowed her brow in confusion as she listened to Magna. She assumed the woman was just pulling her leg, but going by the casual way she said the phrase, it didn't seem like it was intended as a joke. Surely there was no way that could be possible... was there?

"That's not very reassuring..." she frowned as Magan told her the beasts in their path might all be dead. "I've never heard of Weeping Brambles. I'm assuming they're dangerous." Whatever they were, they certainly didn't sound good. And Gnolls were definitely not something she wanted to encounter. "So... if you saw all these things hundreds of years ago..." She wasn't entirely convinced that was the truth, but this claim sounded less incredible as she'd heard that some beings could live many centuries, and she already knew that there was something exceptional about this woman. "... well, how old are you, exactly?" she wondered curiously.

Melosia enjoyed the cool breeze running over her face and through her blonde hair, taking the edge off the hot air, as she gazed around her at the landscape. The grassland would've looked prettily picturesque in the sunlight, if she wasn't already bored of seeing grassland. Fortunately this stretch of the journey was a short one. Or maybe not so fortunate, seeing the foreboding landscape that lay ahead....

Their trip through the plains had been punctuated by the melodic trills of little birds weaving overhead, but as they entered the forest it grew eerily quiet, and much darker than she'd expected. Compared to the flat grasslands, the forest floor was difficult going, littered with vast twisted roots running in all directions, rotting logs and scattered branches, along with occasional deep holes where great trees has fallen. It was hard to see where the path was supposed to run. It was most certainly not a well-trodden one. Melosia felt herself being jolted and jostled around, and had to wrap her arms around Magna for some stability, feeling even more awkward now from the intimacy of touching the woman's bare, toned navel. That seemed the least of her concerns right now though as she gazed around her. They were surrounded by the writhing, tortured shapes of the ancient trees, their knobbly trunks seeming to bubble with twisted, monstrous faces, great leering eyes and snarling maws. All around her malformed horrors seemed poised to erupt from the bark and take on a life of their own.

"Um... how long will we be travelling though this forest?" she asked feeling increasingly apprehensive, ducking her head down as a leafy claw brushed through her hair. A little shiver ran through her body. The air was growing colder the further in they ventured.

Melosia suddenly out a little squeak of alarm as she heard a loud rustling from the trees to her left, her arms wrapping tighter around Magna's waist as she whipped her head towards the source of the sound, her wide blue eyes scanning the trees anxiously, but she could see nothing. "What was that?" she wondered in a quiet voice. She wasn't sure if it was just some kind of animal, and she was getting worked up over nothing, or if it could be something more sinister.
Magna nodded and thought about it. "Around 1500, I suppose. Pretty young for a Dragon, eh? " Within the forest, the woman was much more open to speaking about her true species. It would at least minimize the annoying questions she received.

The trio would persist onwards for at least an hour of quiet silence before they finally reached the tree line of the coniferous forest, with trees both short and tall around in clustered places. The closer they got, the more they would be able distinguish what the dark shadows were, exactly. Billions of vines were dangling from high up branches, like a morbid decoration that someone had put up on their ceiling. Magna regarded dark grey plants with waning curiosity, which soon died out as they passed underneath them. The donkey had to carefully stomp his way through knee high clumps of vines that had supposedly fallen from the trees some time ago When the woman seated behind her hugged her tighter, arms pressed into her stomach, Magna suppressed a swallow. "Eh. Likely some squirrel. " Magna spoke softly, suddenly thinking back to the lack of birdsong in the air or the absence of squirrels darting their way there and back again. Just the occasional rustle of wind and the startled snort of the mule was present.

Magna shot her eyes down from a leftward lean at the strange snort from the donkey, who was cautiously walking his way though the brambled ground. A slick sensation, like a slithering worm, briefly brushed against her ankle--but nothing was there when she looked. That's odd. She could have sworn she felt something brush past her. But there was nothing alive to do something like that except for all these vines...

She realised just what they'd walked right into when she saw the bones of a long since digested rabbit, but by then it was too late.

A sneaky vine, aticky with a strange fluid, snatched her wrist up in a single loop, tugging almost hard enough to send her flying off the mule. She leaned away awkwardly in shock, by grunted as a second vine encircled her calf. When sharp thorns suddenly popped out of the flesh of the vine and into her skin, she grunted more out of surprise than pain. She gasped as she saw more vines rushing down to meet them, accompanied by a ghoulish moan. Well, this was a problem.

Vines flicked out to attack Melosia as well. A vine slyly slithered beneath the back of rhe skirt in an attempt tangle with the fabric, already wiggling to try and dig its needle sharp thorns into her flesh. Another thorny vine scratched its way across her shoulders, trying to find the quickest path around her neck.
"I wouldn't know" Melosia replied with a deliberately nonchalant air. She figured the woman was just making fun of her naivety. Surely there was no way she could really be a 1500 year old dragon. If she was trying to play her for a fool Melosia wasn't about to take the bait.

"I don't know... it sounded bigger than a squirrel..." she replied anxiously, unconvinced by Magna's casual attempt at an explanation for the sound she heard. Still peering towards where she heard the disturbance, she failed to notice what was happening until she caught a flash of green in her peripheral vision and felt Magna's body being jerked suddenly backwards against her. She let out a gasp of surprise, her eyes wide as she watched vines gripping the other woman as if they had a mind of their own. Her gasp was soon followed by a shriek of alarm as she felt something sharp scratching her thigh, and a split second later felt something touch the back of her neck. Raw instinct took over as she ducked her head down and lifted her leg, rolling off the donkey and crashing down onto the fortunately softly cushioned leaf litter below. As she pulled away from the vine it scratched bloody lines on her thigh and ripped long strips of fabric from her skirt.

She quickly scrambled onto her feet and, filled with blind panic at this sudden assault, her only thought was to run away as fast as she possibly could. Unfortunately she could only take a few steps before she felt one leg being pulled from underneath her, crashing down onto the ground again as a sharp pain shot through one calf and she found herself being yanked violently backwards. In vain she scrabbled to find some handhold to resist the pull of this monstrous assailant, her fingers only clawing fruitlessly through loose clumps of soil and pine needles as she was dragged back grunting and moaning, the vine coiling even tighter around her calf. The pain intensified as the thorns sank into her skin, but with so much adrenaline coursing through her blood now she was barely aware of it.

Only now did her thoughts turn to the blade strapped to her body, and Melosia cursed herself for acting like some helpless maiden when she carried such a fabled weapon. Quickly she reached for its hilt, a bright green glow illuminating the gloomy forest like faery fire as she drew the blade from its sheath, summoning all her strength as she swung it upwards to slice through the vine that held her. Instantly she felt the pull cease as the vine was cleaved in two, a deep red ichor oozing from the cut ends. Its thorny severed tip remained stuck fast to her calf but she didn't stop to remove it as she hurriedly pushed herself back up again. Panting heavily with sword gripped tightly in her hand she rapidly scanned around her to see what had become of Magna in the meantime and try to spot any more vines coming her way.
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