Fx Any Awakening


Sep 25, 2019

It is a time of change.

The age of magic stands on the edge of the century, not yet tipping into the unknown yet trembling on the edge of extinction. With the rise of the new king, magic has become outlawed and the Kingdom grows dark and tired in his wake. As his power grows and his hand lores the sun, casting the land into darkness as his wicked grin splits his sneer, the creatures begin to suffer. Powers wane as he exterminates all that were born with the mark of magic, and with that, those creatures whose entire being was built upon it become lesser known and their days grow grim. And with every day he grows closer to achieving his ultimate peak of reaching the godlike powers and loring over all. But beneath the ground, under the caves of the Lupini mountains, far over the lands there lies the old king within his tomb, said to be waiting to wake and walk again when the Kingdom fell into such despair that he must strike once again to bring the lands to the peace that it so desires. He is the only hope, however he is still trapped within the tomb, in need of others coming to wake him from his slumber. And even then, his own army must be built so they may strike down the evil that plagued the land. And it is only in their greatest hopes that they may do it.

That hope lies in the form of the King's descendant, aided by one who is strong and mysterious and very, very unwilling to help.


To sum things up, itd be a story about an ancestor (princess) of the old king getting help from a reluctant aid, leading them on a treacherous journey to revive the old king in his tomb. Definitely a plot for world building, Romance and good old action.
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