Fx Any Straight out of Area 51! (Extra terrestrial plots!)



Hello hello and welcome to my very first proper thread on this site!

I just recently joined but what good Alien just lurks around without making a big flashy fuss?
Well not this one!

I love all things space and alien-related and thus this seeking thread will revolve mostly around plots and ideas related to that subject, much like how this silly little planet Earth revolves around the sun!
But I'm digressing!

Some things to get out of the way beforehand!

Hi, I'm Alien, Ali, or "ET".
I'm genderfluid, female-leaning and thus most of my character will be female, though all of them will definitely be of the extra terrestrial sort!
I'd consider myself a very verbose writer as I can get really into the flow of a play and just write multiple chunky paragraphs of great detail!

My schedule, well, there's none. I am quite erratic when it comes to actually sitting down and writing and thus will more often than not reply on a whim or when I get some time on my hands to spare!

So, what can you expect from writing with me?

Other than just proper etiquette, detail and sizable paragraphs?
Creativity, interesting dynamic, bizarre physiologies and fun plots of course!

________________________The Plots_____________________
This section is dedicated to plot bunnies, be it simple scenarios or ideas to build proper stories from!
Granted, they're not really fleshed out all that much, but I aim to change that when we actually get to plotting and playing!

Crash Landing!
(Meeting of two worlds, language barrier, different customs, chemistry)
MC crash lands on Earth and finds herself in the company of YC. How will they react? Will they shelter the extra terrestrial and help them finish their mission, whichever that may be? Are they actually a government Agent trying to capture MC? How exactly is first contact going to play out?!

Alien Abduction!
(Experimenting, Curiosity, Dub con(?))
We all know the stories! Bright light, getting pulled up into an UFO where strange aliens start experimenting on you!
Only this time the Alien seems more preoccupied with your strange biology and how their bodies differ!

No Anal probing in sight...yet...

Space Station/Frontier/Outer worlds fun!
A more open ended plot idea where both our characters are on less "first contact" kind of terms but live in a world where interspecies contact is the norm! Be it space explorers, station workers, bounty hunters or the like!

HALO (Love the Sangheili and Jirhane (Elites and Brutes!)
Mass Effect (Especially like the Turians and Quarians!)
(strange one I know)

________________________Favorite Kinks________________________
-Different physiologies
-Fish out of Water
-First contact
-Language/Bodily barriers
-Body exploration
-Amphorious bodies/gelatinous
-Smooth/Scaly body
-Juices/Sexual Fluids

________________________NSFW Picture references________________________




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