Fx Any Tiffy is horny come play with her

tiffy collins

Jan 23, 2012
Tiffy is horny, come play with tiffy! M/F...M/M...F/F it's all good. Any combination of those. We can have trans Futa you name it. More Chars or less I am flexible. (In multiple ways). All gender roles in these stories are open to being swapped and changed. If you like a story but want to change the roles from F to M or vice verse come tell me.

I am fine with playing Males or Females. I am fine with straight Bi or les. But I am a little better with Girls.

All ideas can be converted to M/M or F/F or kept as Straight. I am willing to tweak all of them as much as needed. So if you see one you like just contact me and lets Talk. However I only RP in PMs.

Please!!!!!!!!! PM me dont just message me here. But a bump is always nice Smile

The first few are non incest...with Incest Potential. After that it gets all incest Based.

And again PM PLEASE! But bumps are loved to!


non incest


1- Craigs list seduction

(A parent hires some one to seduce there child for good reasons. Find the add at the bottom)

I would like to change up some details. First I want the boy to be 15 not 18. And just in HS rather then on his way out to college soon. I would be very interested in playing both sides of this RP. One RP where I am the Boy and one as the seductress. I would also be interested in switching the roles. Where its a boy hired to seduce a Girl. Or mix up the roles where a girl is hired to seduce a girl. Or a Boy Hired to seduce a boy.

I would like the mom to play a role of course. (She could also be the Dad or both parents) As the source of the Finances she would often be in contact with the seductress. Probably meeting the seductress and approving of her before the concert. This could be strictly buisness and very profesional. Or this could be less so. Perhaps she even undresses the girl to make sure there Body is worthy of her sons virginity. Again the examination need not be sexual per say. It could be alot like undressing for a doctor. Or it could be more on sexual side. Maybe a bit of both. Like Mom wears a latex glove to finger the girl and test how orgasmic and healthy her sex drive is. Its sort of impersonal and uncomfortable. Its important to see if she or he is up the seduction task. But is not done with a feeling of wanting to play with a Boy or girl a third her age.

Anyways I am rambling!. So here is the add. As stated I see magnificent potential for this. Come up with your twists on it and wow me.

this is the add....

View: https://imgur.com/a/6K3h7


2- Plant a Clone:

(A new found Plant can make a clone through DNA samples)

This story will have to start off with several silly logical failures. But I think the idea is good enough to ignore those. In this story your char would be a reclusive scientist a Botanist by trade. You work in a gov Lab and a shipment of plants found in an old temple are delivered. There plants never before recorded. So nothing is known of them. Based on that no one may touch them or have any direct contact with them. However one night some teens break into the Lab. During there explorations one girl touches this plant.

The next day the plant will start to grow and change shape. Expanding over time the scientists speculate some thing is growing inside it. So the idea is the plant will grow a clone of the teen girl who touched it. She will "hatch" Naked from the plant days weeks latter. She will be the exact age and look exactly the same as her host. She is however very young childlike in her thinking. Knowing she would never be anything but an experiment to study. He decides to sneak her out before anyone can see what she looks like. He brings her to his house and sets up a bedroom in the basement.

From here the story will settle down with the 2 Chars interacting. Her mind grows quickly and she can learn language in a short time. But ideas like modesty or clothing baffle her. She has no memories of her host no practical experience of the world. So who is she? That is open to debate she could be some one who knows him. Maybe his own daughter or his dog walker. She could be a total stranger to him some one he never met. If its a stranger we could incorporate his daughter in other ways as well. Or just not have one. However as the clone develops she starts to get sick. And with some testing he figuress out her DNA is breaking down. The only cure would be a transfusion from her host...on a regular basis. Or she will die. Meaning now he has to find the Host and convince her to save her own clone with blood transfusions. Maybe at first he tricks her like pretending its a blood drive. But eventually he will have to be honest as to why he needs so much of her blood. How would she react to meeting her own clone.

I think this idea could have tons of potential. I like the girl who is very naive in her thinking. In the hands of a much older Scientist. While needing her Host a more pragmatic girl in order to survive.


3- Please dont kick me out, I will do anything

(A one time affair can end a marriage. Unless a wife consents to a very hard condition)

A married 45 year old woman is caught in an Affair. It was a one time thing a stupid drunken mistake. But now she is facing divorce papers. And she is about to be kicked out of there house. The pre nup is iron clad and not in her favor. But more then all of that. She is still in love with her Husband. After 25 years together she does not want to throw all of that out. She begs him to forgive her. She offers to let him have sex with anyone she knows. She would set it up for him, Then they can be even. He will finally agree to her plan. But after looking over pictures of Dozens of adult friends. He looks over her FB and finds pictures of her little sister. She is 15 and she is stunning. He gives her 2 Months to deliver her 15 year old sister to there bed. Ready to have sex.

But to further complicate matters. She has not seen her sister in 7 years. And she no longer talks to her parents very often. So she has to contact her Parents and arrange for her sister to come stay with her for the summer. All while knowing within 2 Months she has to find a way to convince a 15 year old to have sex with her 40 plus year old Husband....to save her Marriage.

I think this has lots of delightful potential.


4- Paying Daddies Debts:

(A girl forced or choosing to help her dad out of trouble)

I think this story could be alot of fun. Its simpler then some of my other stories however. In this story you play a Father very deep in debt. He could be a good man who made some mistakes. And he just cant get out from the debt now. He could be a drunk or a drug addict. Or he could just be a lousy dad. Either way the situation is dire with threats of beatings and broken bones. He may already have been beaten 1 or 2 times. He does not have the money either. At this point his daughter could guess what is going on. She may offer herself in order to work off some of the debt. Or maybe he will ask her...or demand her help. This could involve her mother or maybe sister. And this could also involve her friends. For example she could have to lure some hot girl into a bad place. Its the friend or her father...The Father in turn could be forced to watch. Or maybe at first he does not even know.

I dont like heavy bondage severe abuse and violence or death or that stuff. I am more open to that with side chars. If that is what your looking for I could try a little but probably not your partner. But like a friend of the main getting beaten and treated worse I can enjoy. Even my main is okay but not as bad or whatever.


5- Best friends with a Princess

(A Rich girl takes her New friendship for granted)

This is a very simple idea. It would involve a wealthy teen girl. She could be a literal princess if we wanted. Or just a rich young teen. She is stunning rich popular talented smart. One day she feels kind of bad as she watches a poor girl in school being picked on because she has no lunch. So the rich girl invites her over to her table and shares her own lunch. As a mild friendship grows it is very lopsided. One girl has everything. The other has nothing. One girl expects to be able to make every choice for the both of them. She will Take the girl on helicopter trips to beaches. And spoil her wildly beyond her dreams.

The only down side is the poor girl has to come to terms with having no power in there friendship. She cant say no ever because she does not want to loose this perfect Friendship. Will her pride and freedom be easy to swallow? Or will she struggle for some freedom. I have a scene in mind where the rich girl is feeling horny. She will expect your char to be ready and willing to take care of that.

I would love one or Both to have a BF. And the Rich girl is of course calling the shots there as well. If the rich Girls bf is horny. She has no problem ordering her friend to suck his cock. Or even letting him fuck her. And the poor girls bf...Well the poor girl might have to ask even beg him to obey the rich girls will.

So in short you have a rich girl who seldom if ever heard the word no in her life. She will take whatever she wants. She is not mean per say. She just takes it for granted that her desires are dom. You could play the BFs or even one of the 2 Girls. Or we each play a girl and a Bf. I am good in any combination.


6- His own personal Genie

(Finding a teen girl with powers cursed into serving)

A teen boy from a poor Family finds an old Jap WW2 Sword while looking for anything they can sell to help with bills. (could also be an adult male in debt). While cleaning it a genie comes spilling out of it. Taking the shape of a 15 year old girl. She is actually a girl who was Cursed long ago and tied to the item. As he discovers who she is. And what she can do for him. He grows eager to use her Powers for his own gain. He will help his Family as well. She is eager to help him. It is better then being Trapped in the Bottle. She even goes to school with him. She increases his popularity. Gets him a date with the hottest girl in school. She could be having sex with him as well as finding him alot of other girls. This could involve memory erasing and mind control.

So as a teen boy he would be going a little corrupt with her powers to back him. But his main goals should be fixing his Family's lives. And sating his own sexual needs.




1- Who could have known:

(a Lesbian woman forced to live a straight life till it all shatters)

This idea would be mainly lesbian or mainly gay. But there is alot of room for cross over (or just keep it as is). To be clear the mom and daughter could easily become a son and dad. So we could go either way with this. However to save time I will just treat this as Mom and daughter.

This is all backstory. Your char the Mom was a very repressed woman. Growing up in a VERY hardcore Christian home as a Lesbian was simply not tolerated. Under pressure of her church and parents she "chose" to be straight. And in time married a decent man. They would have sex but at best she tolerated it. They would only have one daughter. As the daughter grew up she watched her Parents marriage implode. Her Dad left one day slamming the door and never returned. Movers came for his stuff and she would not see him again. She never was told why he left. It was in truth because he knew his wife was a lesbian. Now the Mom and daughter live alone. And as the daughter grows up she begins to open up more. At first she sleeps naked then begins to come to breakfast naked. Over time she starts to just walk around most of the day naked. She lives with her mom after all...so who cares right. One day she proudly states I am bisexual!. Soon after she begins to openly date a girl. All of this is backstory as I said. So the details dont matter as much.

This is where the story really starts. My main the daughter has no idea her Mom is a lesbian or that she had to hide and resist those urges all her life. She has no clue that walking around naked is driving her mom insane. The temptation the desire she is creating. She has no idea that having loud sex with her GF is tearing her mother apart. She has no idea that casually making out naked in the living room is giving her mom Panic attacks. The daughter is not being a bitch she really just has no way of knowing. Nor can she know how easy she has it just stating I like Girls and getting a Girl Friend. Her Mom was mentally abbused for a fraction of that.

The point this all comes together is when Mom and Daughter are alone watching a movie. Its late the lights are off and my Char is naked. And you just cant help it any more. Your boiling hot its just 2 much!. Your shivering hands start to cup my breasts and retreat. Over and over Your almost in tears of self shame and hate. You dont want to but you cant resist any longer!. I will ignore it at first figuring under the covers you did not mean to rub my breast. But eventually I will be like....WTF is going on. Only to see tears running down your face. I demand the truth and in a flash you tell me everything. Including...you have never been more attracted to. Or wanted to touch any one ever in your entire life. At first I would walk away its alot to take in. But by the morning I will come to a choice. Its not fair what you had to do all your life. I wont fully offer myself right there. But I will offer to help you maybe let you taste me....

Where it goes from here is an exploration of your world being torn open. Sun shine bright on desires you shoved into the darkest corners. How will my GF join in. Perhaps as you explore girls your disgust of men starts to vanish as well. Now that you can CHOOSE and explore your desires fully. You want to try being with a man again. Perhaps my char finds a teen boy who she trusts. The options become unlimited by this point. She is starving for satisfaction.


Same basic story but where the Mom was born with A dick and breasts. Could also have a Vagina (science be dammed!!!). The Dad always ignored it and the mom was taught that its a satanic tool. So she has NEVER touched it other then to pee. Her entire life was about ignoring its very existence...


2- Like mother like Daughter

(A rash Marriage to his HS Obsession leads him to the perfect daughter)

A tale that begins 20 years in the past. A teen girl athletic sexy popular her parents were rich and she had everything. You were Obsessed with her for years. However she would not so much as notice you existed. After HS she and her bf left town. Planning to make it big in some big city. He would not see her again for 20 years. She would return for a 2 week HS reunion vacation. Well dressed and perfect as everyone remembers her.

my plan is that during the trip she and your Char have sex while drunk. And continue to have sex and party. Your in heaven the girl you worshiped is with you now. Your surprised to learn she is even divorced. And on one very drunken night you end up getting married. After the vacation you and she are driving back to her house. You would have a well paying Job and could work any where. So long as you send in your work. So you have money and you can move to her home. Sadly during the drive reality is setting in. While she is still stunning she is also divorced and broke as you learn. In fact when you see her home its kind of a mess. And she is not living the dream life she said she was. She has a boring mundane job. I am thinking a nurse long hours dirty job. In short she is no longer the girl you obsessed over for years. As your walking to the front door your already planning ways to get out of this situation. It was a drunken impulse marriage. And she is not the girl you thought she was.

And then you walk into her house. And a teen girl wearing a towel fresh from the shower. Storms down the stairs pushes her mom aside and slaps you in the face. She begins to bitch you and her Mom out for being Idiots getting married. Then just as regally as she appeared she storms off. Your heart is pounding she was perfect. Even hotter then her mom was! The attitude the passion the bitchy confidence. Even the way she shoved her mom out of her way. Your cock is hard and your eyes are nailed to her retreating ass. In an instant the Obsession is back and stronger then ever. Maybe you will stay after all!!!

I am thinking its summer so your Char and the teen have alot of time alone during the day. She will have friends as well and hours by the pool hardly clothed. I dont want him and her to instantly start fucking. I want a relationship to form as she moves from hating him to liking him. He can be fucking the Mom all along but thinking of the girl. He could spoil her with shopping and gifts. She is used to being poor and will crave the money.

Lastly I have an idea that could make the girl his daughter. It would mean that at an earlier school reunion while she was married still. She had sex with this same man and go pregnant. And he was never told.'


3- Please dont kick me out, I will do anything

(A one time affair can end a marriage. Unless a wife consents to a very hard condition)

A married 45 year old woman is caught in an Affair. It was a one time thing a stupid drunken mistake. But now she is facing divorce papers. And she is about to be kicked out of there house. The pre nup is iron clad and not in her favor. But more then all of that. She is still in love with her Husband. After 25 years together she does not want to throw all of that out. She begs him to forgive her. She offers to let him have sex with anyone she knows. She would set it up for him, Then they can be even. He will finally agree to her plan. But after looking over pictures of Dozens of adult friends. He looks over her FB and finds pictures of her little sister. She is 15 and she is stunning. He gives her 2 Months to deliver her 15 year old sister to there bed. Ready to have sex.

But to further complicate matters. She has not seen her sister in 7 years. And she no longer talks to her parents very often. So she has to contact her Parents and arrange for her sister to come stay with her for the summer. All while knowing within 2 Months she has to find a way to convince a 15 year old to have sex with her 40 plus year old Husband....to save her Marriage.

I think this has lots of delightful potential.


4- Family fun reality show

(a modern Reality show about a real family down on there luck)

This idea centers on a fairly normal Family. We can decide how many M/F/ages latter. For whatever reason they find them self broke, Evicted and on the streets. They find a recruitment add for a modern day family Reality internet show. They live in a Special home, Cameras will be spread all around the house. It operate's like any modern reality shows. The pay is high plus free Housing food and clothes. As long as the family stays popular and high ratings. At first the deal is on the level. They just have to act like a normal Family. The Camera's wont film them in bed or showering. However as Ratings stumble and fear of the streets grows. One member will agree to added filming. Now Cameras record them in the shower and in there bedroom. Nothing at all sexual, other then Nudity. There Popularity and Salary skyrocket. On set there getting added perks due to being the shows Star. How long before more and more agree to these Terms. And then agree to new terms. For example Cameras recording the Parents fucking. Teen kids Masterbating. The popularity is growing millions are watching them. And the Fans want MORE.....

So the Show is internet based and Pay to log in. The laws being far more Lax on the internet. They can have 15 year old's naked Masterbation even sex. We have an average family, Desperate to avoid the streets. Slowly being corrupted by Ratings and Popularity. Money and power come hand in hand. Weekly challenges with Prizes like King/queen for a day. Rigged so the most Popular win the rewards. There good people seduced down a road of slow corruption. And the fans always always want MORE!!

come be corrupted with me Daddy???


5- mind swap

(a healthy mind from a broken body into a new Body.)

I got the idea in a dream and it seems like fun. In this story 2 Girls, one being 15 are in a car crash. One of the girls bodies are wrecked she is dying fast. The other girl is mostly fine other then some bruises. However she suffered massive brain damage and will also die. The doctors are rushed and know they cant save either without taking a huge risk. They use a new Tech to transfer the identity of the first into the fully working body of the second. Its the only way to save One of them at least.

So in short the brain and identity of one person transfer to the brain damaged other body. This could now go in any number of ways. Just a few options....

1- Mom into Daughters body. Her Husband now having to deal with his wife in the body of his 15 year old daughter. He is also grieving the loss of that Daughter. And yet seeing her every day. This is a mine field of delightful options.

2- Daughter into Moms body. Like the first idea. Only now her daddy needs to get used to the fact that his Wife's body is inhabited by his teen daughter. She looks and smells and feels just like his wife but...she is not his wife. And he is having to mourn his wife as he deals with his daughter in this new body.

In one and 2 we could give my Teen girl a teen BF to really complicate matters.....

3- older brothers GF into younger sisters body. Or...vice verse. Either are interesting in there own different ways.

These are just 3 options of hundreds of Options. Care to explore with me Please???


6- Half a life in jail.

(uncle Falls in love with Niece after getting out of jail)

At the age of 18 your Char has made a mistake. He would pay for that with 30 years in jail. Meanwhile his Brother began to date your chars former Girl. There married and have 2 Daughters. The youngest daughter was never allowed to visit you. But she sent picts as she grew from a child to Teen. You have dozens spanning my life from infant to 15. As I get older my Dad let me send you letters and gifts. But still wont let me visit a jail.

Now 30 years later You are released and move in with your brother. And for the first time you meet me. You knew I was beutiful and sexy. You knew I had the sweetest smile and kindest eyes. But now you can smell my aroma as well you can hear my sirens voice. And see me filling out my Bikini. Your first night home your Brother throws a big party. Alot of family and friends. All treating you just like a convict and asking terrible questions. He planned it to stress you out to make you edgy. After the party is over your shown your basement bedroom. And latter that night after everyone goes to bed. Your youngest Niece will visit you in her Bra and panties.

She has never met you but she has been sending pict's her entire life. The uncle she never knew but who she thought of every night. This is important the girl will not be looking for sex. She wants her uncle to see she is not a kid any more. To show off a little for him. But she is not planning to do anything more. He orders her to leave. She refuses even choosing lay in his bed. He orders again and again...he BEGS her to leave. He has not fucked in 30 years not even touched a woman. She is toying with fire she has no idea how much she is tormenting and teasing him. And the stress of the night already had him on edge.

Then in a flash he has had enough. And he grabs her tears off her clothing. She begs him to let her leave! but its to late she pushed him to far. The sex would be brutal but not cruel he has no desire to hurt her. But he will not stop until he is finished. And 30 years of built up lust requires pounding that little pussy HARD. He will cum inside her but keep right on going until he cums again and then again. Slowly rolling off of her satisfied and tired. She is crying by now and pulls away falling to the floor. Naked she crawls to the stairs and up towards her bedroom. In shock she stumbles to her room dripping cum and naked. And in your room you wait for the police. You raped a teen girl you know what will come. Only it never cums she never tells.

So my plan is that he has an ankle monitor. He cant leave the house. Him and my girl will form a sort of confused relationship. Where she is out getting him whatever he needs. Like booze drugs maybe even girls. They made up for the rape night. But now she finds herself addicted to him. She wants more and he is corrupting her exploiting her. But he also loves her more then anyone alive and he needs her. I left the older sister and the mom more open. I expect in time he will want them as well. Long days alone at home while his brother works. The wife was his GF first....he has a right to her in her eyes. And she is growing bored of safe soft love making. You may be an asshole but you could make her scream in all the right ways!


As I said please PM me if you are interested in any of my ideas. And thank you for reading I hope you really like them.

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