Lost rants on writing books

Lady death

Nov 5, 2019
Mk this will be a short rant but one I need to throw into the void. I have spent months with a few friends working on a short story. Everything was going great. We had all the characters & most of the story line worked out after months of back & forth. What we thought would be the ending (that works) we now have 2 that refuse to agree to the completion of the story. I dont know how many of you actually take your writing seriously but it truly sucks when all that work is done & a writer refuses to agree to an ending that fits the story line & not their wants. So now instead of it being finished it will be shelved to never see the light of day again. For you people that are in writing groups work things out in your story, dont refuse to engage shutting down the whole project. K, rant over.
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