Kombatwombat's Female request thread


Oct 31, 2019
Supernatural Investigations Network

The year is 3749 and the world is far different a place than Humanity ever thought it would be. Mermaids are lifeguards, Werewolves run day cares, Vampires run Health clinics and Ghosts run couples counseling.

Monsters from Myth and Legend now live among us.

At the end of the 25th century the world shook in an event now called the Gaia Quake. What caused it is still unknown but there are as many theories as their are people. Some say the planet herself is angry, some say some foolish mage cast a spell he shouldn't have. Other's claim responsibility for it, saying they caused the quake to peel back the wool from everyone's eyes about the true state of the world.

Your job however Isn't to worry about any of that. Your job as part of the S.I.N Department is to police these 'Entities' and bring them to Justice. What hasn't been fun however is that fact that the agent who was supposed to train you never showed. So now your under the wing of one of the older members of the S.I.N Department Father Fujimoto. And things had been going just fine. Several minor arrests, one car chase and finally someone who ran out on bail. This is where things started to go horribly wrong.......

So! This idea has been brewing in my head for days now since I found my new wallpaper. The concept is a simple one, at least I hope it is. You would be the new guy, or girl, on the force and most of the rp would be going from case to case, fluff and or sexy fun times not withstanding the hope is for this to be, or at least end up as a more romantic type rp.

Setting would be far into the future similar to the setting of the anime Ergo Proxy, Far flung and Dystopian. As always Characters can be changed or altered upon request, im never one to shy away from Yaoi or Yuri. :D The first character I'm putting up will be a girl as she is what inspired this idea in the first place. If you would prefer a male counterpart then give me a pm and I can whip up something for you!

Please feel free to PM me right away if your interested or have any questions! Of course as always if you'd prefer one of my other characters to those I post specifically for this one I can always play them, Or even someone else entirely if that is what you would prefer.
Ophelia Maxwell Dawn

Age: 24
Preferred Weapon: The Katana handed down in her family. No one knows it's name as she has it covered and when asked she always says she's is not allowed to reveal the name of her sword save under dire circumstances.

The Dawn family has served as protectors of the piece since the very first Gaia Quake. Max, her preferred name, is what one might call a black sheep in the Dawn family. Her swordsmanship is the best in the family, outshining even her instructors in some cases and yet despite this and many others of the Dawn family constantly coming around to try and lead her onto the right path Max refuses to play ball. They do put up with her however due to the fact that her results Almost outweigh her Oddities.
Old Mercenary, New Life

As a Mercenary your life's never been simple. Often moving from town to town and job to job was hard. Hell many times you'd thought about dropping the ball and just settling down. After all you had many enemies that wanted your head so even shaking up for more than a night was a bad idea.

At least.... until you met her.

On one snow filled nasty evening the caravan you had been tasked with guarding, a few wagons filled with minor magic baubles, food, medicines and the like was attacked by a group of bandits that, according to your intel, was supposed to have moved on from that area for the winter as they had every other year.

As you and the other guards of the caravan fought them off for the next few hours, arrows, bullets and medicine running low suddenly one of the bandits screamed and fell. A fresh Raven feathered arrow sprouting from his throat like some macabre jewelry.

From the blackness behind your caravan came arrow after arrow, each striking home. 15 in total as a woman walked out, wearing black furs and gear fit for the winter and grinning as the bow in her hand. "Dammit..... He got away again..." She said with a frown as she watched the remaining bandits running away while the black bow in her hand seemed to melt and sink into her arm as water? Ink? Walking over to you she offers a hand with a grin. "Names Anna, how about you?"



Annabelle Seraphim Rosette
Age: 23
Powers: Ink based magic letting her store various objects and weapons under her skin.

History: Ask her and all you'll get is the story of a kid who scraped and scavenged anything she could to get where she is now. She'll show you her scars and tell you the stories of her kills. And while that's true to a certain extent that's not her REAL story. The name she uses now is Anna 'The Inkwell' Heart. Anna, the only name she give and Heart for the strange tattoo of a heart on her collarbone a few inches in size.

In reality her real name is Annabelle Seraphim Rosette. The only daughter of the Rose family who rule over the Magitech kingdom of Whitestone. The royal family their lost their daughter 15 years ago and while they maintain good face and continue to rule their kingdom as a just and good hearted family, they will often pay highly for any information, real or not on their daughters location.


So! The premise of this story is easy enough but the trip to the end? As with all stories of death and intrigue not so much. This one is designed to be dark with lots of battles and blood monsters both human and not galore. Think of the Witcher if that helps. And before I forget I would like for this to be a romance in the end as YC and MC have had each others back for years and years now. But if thats not your thing then Im more than willing to do way with it.

The story goes that you and Anna have been a team for years now, you trust each other in every aspect and know this. Mostly youve been floating around one kingdom sometimes bouncing into others if the pay was good enough, sometimes even getting requits from local lords themselves. However as all good things must come to an end many of the local lords have thought you more of a pain than an asset and have decided to put a rather large bounty out on your heads. They want you gone and the only way out is to run.

And Anna, much as she is loathe to say it has somewhere you can go to be safe.

Also super wanting to do this one so if your interested fire me a pm!
Hankering for Old Mercenary at the moment. But if your interested in SIN i can run wiht that one.
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