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Fx Female Witches and Warriors (Literate Sapphic Fantasy)


Fey Femme
Jul 26, 2019
As the title says I'm looking for sapphic stories which quite likely will include witches and warriors, but those certainly aren't the only character types I'm interested in. The RP will be done via PM or possibly thread if you prefer (I’m willing to use discord for plotting- if you can be respectful OOC- but I’m not looking to do the RP there).

Looking for:

-Plot driven
-World building and detail (can’t go overboard in my books)
-Enthusiastic consent
-Oral fixation
-Sensual scenes- massages, bathing etc

Not looking for:

-Underage characters
-Furry characters, or scaly, feathery etc
-Playing exclusively dominant characters
-Over-exaggerated body proportions and impossible sex acts
-Various extreme/gross kinks, can’t really list of all that here, if anything you want to include could fall into this category just ask me first


I’m very open on your character’s appearance. Dark hair, pink hair, tall, short, dark skin, light skin, blue skin, soft bellies, chiseled abs, chubby, tattoos, piercings… all good in my books, just so long as they are human(oid) and realistically proportioned.

I can work with faceclaims (nothing too anime) if you prefer or we can go without.


Fantasy, of course, but I’m not overly keen on the high/epic fantasy style. I prefer the “be gay do crime” style. Outlaws, assassins, necromancers and so on. Knights and kings are definitely not the heroes- strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Magic should be a rare and dangerous power that commands respect and people aren’t just firing off spells every second like a video game. I like darker fantasy, worlds where death is a constant companion and the dead don’t always stay dead. Note "darker" doesn't mean gratuitous sexual violence, cringeworthy edginess, or “bad ends”. That said, I do enjoy a more light-hearted or comedic sword-and-sorcery style adventure too.

As much as I love history, I usually avoid strictly historical rps cause I feel compelled to make everything as accurate as possible and that takes way more effort than you might think. But I’m definitely down for seeking inspiration beyond medieval Europe so far as the setting goes.


Another setting I’d enjoy, by this I mean a story that’s not about people surviving the apocalypse, it’s about people living so long after it they know almost nothing of the world before. This could be something along the lines of Fury Road or New Vegas or more like The 100. Either there’s still elements of modern technology to be scavenged or it’s stone age societies who believe rusted iron girders are the bones of giants. It would play out similar enough to a more straightforward fantasy plot, but I think the ruins of the old world add an interesting twist to it.

Plot Stubs

I may expand this later but for now here’s a few ideas we could flesh out together (I’m happy to consider others too):

-Two strangers are chained together and forced to work in the silver mines. To escape they’ll have to learn to work together until they find a way to remove their shackles…

-A young woman seeks out a famous heroine/infamous witch as her mentor. But while the bards sing of her name, those deeds were not her own…

-A noble girl is to be forced into an arranged marriage and is looking for a way to escape, hiring a mercenary to escort her out of the city…

-A revenant has risen from the grave to terrorize a sleepy mountain village. A specialist is brought in to deal with the monster, and discovers he was killed by his wife/female relative...

-Priestesses of a sex-positive religion which is suddenly declared a heresy and outlawed…

-Two strangers end up witnesses to a plot/war crime etc and are hunted down to silence them…

-Survival game inspired, our characters are exiled naked and have to survive together in a hostile land...

-Anarchist witches poisoning the nobility…
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