Fx Male We L♡ve Master! <Harem V/N Roleplay>


Sep 20, 2019
Under Your Desk And Ready To Receive


An Adult Visual Novel inspired Roleplay

You are the only son and inheritor of the Chairmanship of a massive financial conglomerate. Founded by your grandfather, he left a series of eccentric rules for every future heir of the company to adhere too. Since the passing of your father almost two years ago, you inherited the position of chairman, despite still being in high school, and you have fulfilled every one of your grandfather's demands, except one.

In order to ensure that the company remains in the hands of the family, each Chairman must, within two years of inheriting the position, have either taken a wife or fathered a recognised heir. Should a Chairman fail to fulfill this requirement, the position will be passed onto the next closest relation.

The deadline looms in a matter of months and you have yet to find a possible bride that fits your tastes. As the sharks of your extended family begin to circle, waiting for a moment of weakness in order to steal power away from you, you decide to resort to a desperate method: If you can't find a suitable wife, why not make one? You have decided to take a number of young women in your life into your household as maids, intending to mold them into your perfect wives. Though of course, when the deadline arrives, you'll only be able to choose one.

I call these rules, but really it's just a few guidelines on the sort of partners I'm looking for:
  • Fluent English skills
  • At least one IC post a day
  • No sentence posting
  • Third Person IC only
  • Anime face claims only
  • Use the Character Sheet provided at the bottom of this RT
  • Similar F-List interests
  • Willingness to play a sexually dominant and perverse character.


Name: Asako Hideri
Age: 23
Background: Asako has been with you for years. Ever since you were thirteen, when your father assigned her to you as your personal maid, she has served faithfully and obediently. A picture of calm and poise, no matter the circumstance, she never questions, never argues, and asks for nothing but the opportunity to serve her master. Since the passing of the previous Chairman, Asako has been given the position of Head Maid in the household, and though her responsibilities have increased, she remains your closest confidante.

Name: Haruna Kizunami
Age: 18
Background: A fellow member of your senior class, the two of you became acquaintances after meeting during your morning commute to school. Since that day you have occasionally spoken and sometimes walk the final stretch to the campus together. Haruna is popular amongst her peers and, though she remains too shy to admit to anyone but her closest friends, and even then only in whispers, she harbors secret feelings for you.

Name: Kotoe Sato
Age: 18
Background: Somewhat of an enigma in your class, Kotoe remains always separate from her classmates and peers due to her quiet personality. She speaks up in class only when required to and avoids interactions when possible. Her solitude is partly due to her own insular nature, but also partly due to no one else being willing to make the first move in getting to know her. It is known that she is an orphan, commuting to school from the Sato Orphanage where she lives, and this only serves to further the divide between her and her classmates.

Name: Chise Minamoto
Age: 18
Background: Small for her age, the little firecracker named Chise is someone that you used to be close to. As the only daughter of the Minamoto family, old money in the world of high business, you and she grew up in similar circles. However thanks to the aggressive business practices of your father before you, as your own family grew into greater wealth, the Minamoto family floundered. Desperate to hold onto their image in a high society world that had moved on without them, the Minamoto family put themselves deeper and deeper into debt, all the while refusing to give up the shallow trappings of their luxuriant lifestyle. Despite sharing a classroom, Chise makes no secret of her desire to have nothing to do with you, as if she holds you personally responsible for the fall of her family name.


Age: 18
~For story reasons your character's age is locked to 18~
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