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Which Character Would You Prefer pt 2

Halfling Scarlet

Dance Macabre☪
Aug 6, 2013
Hello once again. My name is Cassandra, and I have been roleplaying for a long time. I enjoy literate roleplays, and those with a decent plot to it. I'm usually between 50/50, or 70/30 from the plot to something a bit more sultry. I never like rushing too quickly for a character to lay with another one, unless it somehow works well with the plot. Which is very rare. Anyways, I enjoy a ton of tabletop. DnD, World of Darkness, Deadlands, and Shadowrun. In this post I'll include other characters that I have, as well as story ideas. If none catches your eyes here, then look at my other post of previous characters here. All the art of the characters is done by me, the only one I did not draw is Fritz, and Nagani. My list is not picky, but I do not like scat, watersports, or violence without a reason, (or it's not well suited with the character) If you would like to learn more of the character, please PM me.

DnD Girls


A young druid who's life has always been at the temple worshipping her mother Mielikki, the Goddess of Autumn. She has been sent on a journey of some sort to learn how to stand on her own without the temples or her mothers help. She is naive to the outside world, and has no idea what is going on. Fauna is kind hearted, willing to help those in need, but only if they do something in exchange for nature. Her hair will occasionally have different kinds of flowers growing from it. Alignment: Neutral Good, or chaotic Good depending on the story.
"What? I have never heard of such a thing." "Nature provides most of the things we need, we should treat it kindly." "I can handle it just fine, thank you."


Calliope Faervel

Calm, cool, and intelligent this scholar/bard will put you right in your place. A half elf who is not afraid to get a little dirty to get what she needs for more knowledge. She enjoys literature, hot drinks, playing her violin, and being shown new things. Her family is of nobility, so she has a bit of dualing personality between being modest, and hot headed. Performing where she is needed she can calm down any beast. Alignmet: Good
"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words, and that which cannot which remain silent." "Use your head before your heart, and you will have a decent start." "I can make that into a song for you if you'd like?"


Making a pact with a deep sea monster sure has it's perks, especially when you can use your innocent charms to get what you want. Nirvine is a warlock of the Levithan patron. Her life she had lived near the oceans edge, always entranced by the water, and what held deep below. Now most people stay away from her location, for fear of the deep sea witch sirens powers. Deep down she is just a big softie for sea creatures, and hates most humans. Alignment: Evil
"The sea is better, the land is annoying." "Go away you are bothering me while I am working." "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn."


Marella Joankim
A perverted knight who has a bit of sarcastic sense of humor. She hates people who will not give someone a second chance. Strong willed, as well as strong in nature she enjoys showing off, and making sure her ruler is safe. In her down time she enjoys drinking, and arm wrestling. Alignment: Chaotic Good
"Huh? I was not distracted, I was just watching them, walk away." "I promised I'd protect you."


Calliope Ferfvile
A scholar and Bard who has learned how to make the best of a bad situation. She is flirty, but cautious. Her teachings is that from the college of whispers. She is still learning things in life, and how not to end up like the rest of the bards who have fallen in love easily. Alignment Neutral.


Mithki E'vikii

A fiery tiefling who loves to show off her skills in Sorcery as well as dancing. She loves drinking, and enjoys the very fine things in life. To the point she would kill anything to get what she wants. Alignment: Chaotic Evil

ShadowRun Futuristic DnD, the magic and it's people came to the modern World ( Learn more here)


Codename: Scarlet Realname: Luna Weber
A elf face who works under the feared corporation Saeder Krupp. An angent of sorts to get files, or secrets from the other companies. She can change her looks to satisfy the persons tastes. A smooth talker who can woo anything. Even those with a cold personality. Deep down she wants to escape from being in the corporations grasp, and start a life that isn't filled with lies. She wishes to return to her home in Ireland one day.
"Operation, successful, Scarlet returning." "Everyone has a file, I can learn what your fear the most."


Codename: Fritz Realname:Unknown?
A street samurai, who is a hired gun. Fritz was born as a test subject, tested on, studied, and given genetic modifiacations to improve their killing, Fritz was given a set of four extra arms. Heavily scarred from all the modifiacations, and a bit timid to anything romantic, afraid of getting close.
"...Cute..." "Target, in sight."


Codename: Nagini

Born and raised in a lab by Aztechnology, she never really knew social norms. The normal physiological body does not consist of what she was made with. Files were locked down on what she was composed of, but it took multiple tries to get the components correct. Once she came to be the scientists treated her as they would any specimen. She was never treated unjustly, it was more as a precaution. She was lucky enough to escape from a scientist who took a liking to her. She is a bit feral, and enjoys dancing since it's her other jobs besides assassinations. Nagani is looking for a new club to dance for, will you be the person she needs to help, or make her even more feral?

World of Darkness (Learn more here)


Sister Elizabeth
Part of The Long Night order, she is a religious woman who will destroy monsters to facilitate the second coming of Christ. She is loyal to the order, and will do nothing to break it. She will protect her church, her Priest, and those that wish to harm the innocent.
"Our Father, thou in heaven above.""
From evil, Lord, deliver us; the times and days are perilous. Redeem us from eternal death." "You will be forgiven, even if I have to burn my prayers into you, you will be forgiven.


Vivienne Eli
Vivienne has been part of the hunting group known as the Lucifuge all her life. Descended from a demon, she uses her gifts to rid the world of the creatures of darkness, which they believe to have all come from Lucifer's legion. She is able to track down demons and other demon-born, and also has a surprising amount of information on angels. Vivienne enjoys the occult, pastel colors, horror films, and 80's punk rock.

"This is boring, I don't wanna watch a blood pact again, I've seen it for the 80th time already." "You know you are cute, for an angel and all. I just hate you for well being you." "The Ramones are a classic, and I swear to Lucifer if you get rid of my sweet tunes, I'll rip your arm off."



Part of the Winter Court, Brihgid is a changeling, blending with the mundane of the world. She mostly comes out at night to sing from time to time at a coffee house, her voice brings a great sadness, and most can not help but to cry. On the contract of the sorrow frozen heart, she shows not much emotion, but sorrow. She keeps the court in the loop of what supernatural things are happening, and sometimes she does her part by getting rid of them.
♪ "All of my friends fell out with me because I kept your company, but let them say whatever they will I love my love with a free good will."♪


Grisselda Heartorn
A vampire who looks to have the apperance of a young woman, but she is in fact in her ninties. A brujah who works for one clan, and one clan only. She adores pastals, and gothic clothing, as well as a mixture of classical and metal music. She is sweet to the clan vampires, and a brutal force to those who bring only violence towards the royal family. Give her love, and never betray her and you will have a loyal brujah by your side.
"Don't be mean, or I'll rip your tongue out."

Deadlands, Wildwest with magic and guns.

Suzanna Gold
A mad scientiest creation, who would do anything for life eternal. This Scientists even created mechanical limbs for her body. She loves knoweldge and enjoys people who can talk to her about things she does not know of yet, but she's a rough and tumble kind of gal who enjoys a good fight. A heavy hitter in the streets, but a softie in bed. Her mechanical limbs can be taken off as well, but she usually keeps that bit secret until she knows someone well. Suzanna comes from the deep south, so she loves a strong individual, or someone with smarts.


Spirit Caller
Spirit Caller, a Cherokee Shaman who worships the God Red Man. He who controls the thunder itself. She was captured by a group of railroad workers who pillaged her village to make progress for the rails. She was tortured, bruised, and almost left dead until her God showed. He rescued her from the estate and healed her. She does not realize her new companion is her God that she adores so. They travel together now, helping those in need.

Story Ideas


The traveler, she goes from place to place. Set in a modern day setting. Never will she stay in one place, except one, wanting to see the world, and all it has to offer. It has a bit of a Harvest Moon feel to it, she will only come back to her hometown in the Autumn months, leaving after winter to go back out there. Something draws you to her, you want her to stay. Have a life together, but she does not want to be stuck in the town. Amber enjoys sweets, traveling items, whiskey, and homecooked foods. She hates small talk, and would go on for hours about the things she has seen.


Hell, it's not all that it's cracked out to be. Alessa has been a loungesinger for a long time now, she lost count somehwere. Down below the demons do their dirty work, get paid, and go do what they enjoy in their city. Alessa had stopped doing the dirty work, and got paid to sing for patreons at Lux, a bar and hotel suit for the higher class demons. She enjoys her work, though she gets lonely from time to time, hoping one of her favorite patreons would visit her. She enjoys singing, wine, and flirting.


A witchy situation. A young witch is trying to learn the ways of magic, and having a hard time of getting used to it. She needs someone who can show her the ropes, are you the right person for the job? YC is hired by her family to help walk her through the steps of magic, but yc is told to keep it secret that you were hired, to befriend her, earn her trust. They don't want her to get upset, because when she gets upset she becomes completely shut down in a depressive state.


Love drawn together. YC an artist who is forgotten in time during a time of war. You still remember her, Margaret, the model who you hired for your newest piece, there was something about her that you could not place. Now yc is drafted in war, the two of you write letters from time to time. Trying to catch up, give each other hope. Until one day, yc is wounded. Taking leave they have lost the ability they have held dear to them, drawing. The last letter she had received is the location of the hospital yc is located at. Now time heals all wounds, but it makes yc furious, wanting to go back in time to change this. A bit of drama and emotion in this story is required.
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New characters are up. Two new DND, one new Shadowrun, one for World of Darkness, and two Deadlands.
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