Fx Any Trials in Tainted Space: An Erotic Space Adventure (NSFW)

Angel Dust

The Spider in the Kinky Boots
Oct 31, 2019

An epic space adventure with an erotic twist.

The 15th Planet Rush
The United Galactic Confederacy is a centralised interplanetary government that controls most of the known galaxy. Every two hundred years, the UGC activates a series of warp gates, an Ausar invention, to unexplored space, allowing the UGC to expand its power and influence throughout the galaxy. When this unexplored part of the galaxy opens, what follows is an great Planet Rush as government representatives, mega-corporations, intrepid colonists, and independent adventurers, all hurry to stake their claim on the fresh resources and adventures of a wild and untamed space frontier.

The last Planet Rush, the fourteenth of its kind, took place two hundred years ago, and now a new frontier has just opened signalling the beginning of the Fifteenth Planet Rush. In the last Planet Rush, countless heroes and villains found fame and fortune. Among these legends was the great Captain Steele, heir of the founder of the mega-corp Steele Tech Industries, Victor Steele. Having since passed away, Captain Steele left behind a legacy of adventure that has inspired countless others to join the current Planet Rush, wishing to find their own place in history.

Thanks for dropping by, my lovely degenerate. This is an rp based around the popular adult text based game Trials in Tainted Space by Fenoxo. In this rp, I will be playing the role of GM/Narrator, framing an erotic space story that will centre around your character. Throughout this rp your character will encounter and interact with numerous NPCs played by me. These NPCs will be of all genders, and almost all are potentially sex-able should you try. Familiarity with the TiTS universe is not entirely necessary, but definitely preferred. Here's my F-List, if you happen to be curious.

  • IC posts should be of high casual quality. 2-3 paragraphs with correct spelling and grammar.
  • That means proofreading your posts.
  • Try to keep up an average post frequency of at least one post every 24-48 hours.
  • RP in past tense and third person is preferred.
  • Use the Character Sheet provided below to write up your character.
  • Let me know if you would like to take a break or stop altogether.
  • Have fun!


No RL pictures. Drawn/Anime only.

For your embarrassing nicknames, bad-ass aliases, or other assorted monikers.

What you got between those legs of yours? Are you a Male or Female? Or even Hermaphrodite?

How do you prefer to be referred to by those around you? He/Him/His, She/Her/Hers, They/Them/Theirs, Other?

The Galaxy is quite a sexually liberated place and most people you encounter tend to be bisexual,
with some exceptions. What's your orientation?

How old are you. Ages can vary between species but keep it reasonable. And do not dip below 18.

There are many space faring races in the TiTS universe. For simplicity I will be restricting players to Humans, Dzaan, Ausar, Kaithrit, Gryvain, Rahn, and newcomers to the galaxy from the previous Planet Rush, the Raskvel and Red Myr.

Bounty Hunter

This is optional. Included for those who feel their chosen image doesn't quite capture their Rusher properly and would like to elaborate.

  • A few little
  • Dot points that
  • Describe what kind of
  • Person you are
Just a paragraph or two to let us know what kind of life you've led up until starting out on the Planet Rush.

Another optional segment. If there's something else you'd like to share about your Rusher that simply doesn't fit into any of the previous categories, then this is place for it.
Note: Occupation is set to Bounty Hunter as default for story reasons. However this can be discussed in PMs.
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