Fx M or F A Mashup of Ideas (FxM & More - Original & Fandom)


Underestimated . Winter’s Queen . Seasoned
Oct 31, 2019
About WinterWolf
I'm WinterWolf. I'm 29 years old and I have been roleplaying since 2001. I have experience in both original and canon/Fandom roleplays and I still very much dabble in both of those categories. I also write stories but mainly fandom based stories. I am an amateur photo editor and manipulator. I do offer my editing services for free to anyone who might need/want some photo editing done for their personal or professional use. All that I ask is that I am credited for the items. I am a happily married woman and a furmom to a cute little pug (pictured with me above). I am expecting my first child in April and my husband and I are beyond excited. I warn that I also have a full time job - I am an Assistant Manager for a retail company and I work long hours with two days off a week so sometimes I may not be around for a few days but generally, do not get discouraged. I turn back up apologizing like crazy for my lack of availability. Haha! Regardless, if you ever need to get a hold of me outside of here, my Discord is Venerable#6194 and is always on. Unless I'm busy at work or asleep, I generally answer within a few hours depending on what I'm up to.​
  • Game of Thrones​
  • Marvel​
  • DC​
  • Downton Abbey​
  • Star Wars​
  • Lost Girl​
  • AHS​
  • Harlots​
  • The Mummy​
  • Alternative Disney Fairy tales​
  • Underworld​
  • Anne Rice Novels​
  • Meredith Gentry Series by Laurel K Hamilton​
  • Buffy The Vampire Slayer​
If there are any specific Fandoms that you do not see listed, please contact me. I may have forgotten to name some. As a warning here; I am picky about playing Fandoms.

  • Biblical themes
  • Ancient Egypt
  • Ancient Greece
  • Ancient Rome
  • Medieval
  • Renaissance
  • Tudor
  • Elizabethan
  • Victorian/Turn of the Century
  • Modern
  • Fantasy
  • Supernatural
  • Mythology
  • Real-Life (Strict rules apply here)
Just like with the Fandoms, if you do not see a genre or theme that isn't listed, please contact me. As I said above, I may have forgotten to name some. And again, with original themes, especiall Real-Life, I'm very picky.

Here, I'm going to put information for all of my original characters. Each of these characters come with their own backstories and I am more than happy to write them with someone if you'd like to take a whack at it as well. If not, I'm also willing to come up with someone based off of their backstories as well.​
Name: Rivka Ava-Shoshana; Goes by her demonic name Rivka.​
Nickname: Hell's Bounty Hunter; The Bloody Rage​
Age: Ancient​
Specie: Demon​
Era: Preferably ancient biblical times but can roleplay modern as well
History: Born Rivka Ava-Shoshana, she was the product of the rape of the demon Lilith and the demon Abaddon. Lilith cast her offspring into the nine realms of hell where her father, Abaddon, found her. It was told that her gift would be that of a hunter. She would be raised to be fierce, loyal and powerful. Abaddon promised that he would show her the way and he would train his daughter to be one of the most powerful demons to ever walk the realms.​
Abaddon ensure that his daughter was groomed to his liking. She had the face of an angel as her mother did, however, Abaddon learned to use this to his advantage. He taught Ava to use this as a weapon. To lure her prey in, use it to capture those she must. As she grew, it was easy for her to lure in souls. They pegged her for an innocent young girl or a helpless young lady. They were horrified when they would quickly learn that she was nothing of that sort.​
As she aged, Abaddon begun to groom Ava for a union. He told his daughter that she would bear the child who would bring the end to the human's realm. Earth, would be theirs for the taking. It was said she would be celebrated, worshiped and even treated like a queen for birthing the creature to bring upon the apocalypse. Ever the doting daughter that she was, Ava listened to her father and enjoyed the idea.​
When the time finally came, Ava was mated to the man who would help conceive the child of prophecy; Astaroth, the Archduke of Hell, Lucifer's right hand and a member of his high council. He was known as being one of the most powerful demons under their sovereign. Together they would create the child, the monster that would bring an end to God's precious humans.​
Not long after their union, as promised, Ava gave birth two a son, Ramses. Astaroth continued Ava's grooming. He showed her that she would raise their son to be powerful as her father did for her. When the time was ready, they would unleash their child on the humans and the world would wreak havoc as Earth and Hell became one.​
When young Ramses was a young boy, Ava did her best to train him and care for him while still performing her own duties. She often took her tot along with her to hunt, teaching him her ways. She taught him how to hunt her prey, how to catch them and what to do with them after they were caught. Often, she taught him other lessons that her father nor Astaroth had taught her. They were her own lessons she had learned through the years that she wished to pass onto Ramses, giving him the wisdom he would need in life.​
One day, Astaroth decided to watch his mate and son as they trained. A physical battle of skill, wit and power. His son was not even an adolescent yet, still a child. Ramses was already showing signs of his great power and Astaroth was pleased to see Ava doing her part. However, when he listened to Ava give some of her wisdom to their son, he found it inappropriate and not the sort of message he wanted his child to have. It was something that humans would have said to their children and no son of his would think like a human. That would evidently lead to Astaroth's behavior change against Ava. Forever spoiling their relationship from there.​
From the moment Astaroth's demeanor changed toward Ava, she believed something wasn't right. Seeking advice from her father, she was sadly mistaken to believe that her father would side with her. In fact, Abaddon had his daughter severely punished for her behavior even after she had already suffered at the hands of Astaroth himself.​
Her father had turned on her, siding with her mate. Astaroth had deemed her an unfit mother and took on Ramses' training himself. He allowed Ava's contact with their son only as his mother, no longer his teacher. Still, behind the back of Astaroth, Ava continued to sneak in her own advice to Ramses where she could. The moment she knew that she was winning this manipulation over Ramses was when Ramses was in the midst of adolescence. He had been training intensely with his father, his mother keeping a watchful eye in the confinement of their fortress. Ramses had done something to upset his father which in turn caused the monstrous behavior his father was known for to be unleashed onto him. The moment Ava had reached her son, who was inches from his own demise, Ramses begged his mother for comfort by cowering in his mother's arms, beaten and distraught. Ava knew in that moment that her plan was beginning to work.​
While nursing her son back to himself again, Ava began to unravel her plan. She had expressed to Ramses the guilt that she held for allowing the treatment to go on. She explained to him that he was not deserving of the harsh treatment that Astaroth insisted would be the piece to making his son fierce and powerful. There was something inside of the demoness that told her that it was wrong. That this was not right. Ramses begged his mother to take him away, far away. He begged her to run away with him and live among the humans in hiding. That anywhere was better than here.​
Taking her son's advice, Ava began to act like a little whisper in Astaroth's ear, trying to convince him that Ramses was ready to be let loose. She continued to drop subtle hints that he would allow his son to walk freely among the humans, among demons. Allow him to stretch his abilities. Something inside of him told him not to but his mate seemed so sure that their son was ready. Unfortunately, this would be the last moment that he would ever trust Ava again.​
Allowing Ramses free reign wherever he resided, Ava walked among humans and demons alike with her son. She ventured back and forth between realms, fulfilling her bounty duties and motherly ones as well. Ava was approached by her mother, Lilith. Lilith foretold her that she would soon become the tormented and no long the tormentor. This caused a fight between the two and Ava demanded that Lilith never dare approach her. That she had no right to tell her what would become of her life.​
This however frightened Ava and when she left to find her son, by the time she had caught up to Ramses, Astaroth and his men had him in their clutches. Lilith had informed Astaroth of what was to come, that eventually Ramses and Ava would run away together to escape the clutches of Astaroth and Abaddon. So Astaroth acted first. Lilith had specifically said to him that he must separate them; for good.​
Ava fought physically and verbally. She told Astaroth and Abaddon that she would allow her wings be clipped and live among humans, but to allow no harm to come to Ramses and allow him to join her and they would be no trouble. Astaroth and Abaddon both were not going to let such things happen. Instead, Astaroth had Ava tortured for quite some time in the presence of Ramses before he took him from his mother. This enraged the demoness.​
Ava was put before the council, without Lucifer present, Astaroth at the head of the council in Lucifer's presence. Under a guise that Lucifer had given Astaroth the ability to sentence his mate himself. He sentenced her to a life without her son. She would walk these realms alone, without her offspring, destined to live desolate and alone. To jam the stake into her heart further, he presented Ramses to her one last time, not allowing her to hug him, to sooth his anger before they were being forced apart, never to be reconnected.​
This lead Ava down a destructive and chaotic path. She began to kill humans, demons and angels alike who would know anything. Even those who simply stood in her way, who would challenge her, who would belittle her, for any reason at all. She became violent and isolated. Merely doing her bounties as needed, but now with a price. Information to help her find her son. Walking between these realms, delivering souls and continue to look for where Astaroth could have locked Ramses away.​
Name: Natalie Vivienne Quince
Nickname: Nat
Age: 20s
Specie: Werewolf
Era: Preferably medieval Europe, could be done in modern times but it really works better with more historical settings
History: Natalie Vivienne Quince was born into the the alpha family of the Quince pack. Her father, Vincent was the alpha male of their pack and her mother, Agnes had married Vincent through an arranged marriage with an enemy pack. It was an arranged marriage that ended a war that spanned centuries. The two rival packs had been at odds over territory that had started with their ancestors. The marriage between Vincent and Agnes marked an end to the war when the two tribes would finally settle on the land as allies.

Vincent and Anges quickly fell pregnant with their first child, a son, Demetrius. Sadly the child perished a few weeks after birth. A virus had swept through the town and children and infants died in mass numbers. Agnes and Vincent were devastated and quickly began trying once again. Almost instantly they fell pregnant once again only to lose the child in a miscarriage. Again they continued trying. Twice they got pregnant again. One child died at birth and the second was born alive, a little girl who they named Natalie - after Vincent's late sister.

Natalie was the only child that the gods would grant to Agnes and Vincent and for that, she was pampered and groomed from a young age. She was shielded from the horrors of life for as much as they possibly could. Of course there were a few things that would slip past the parents such as battles they would face against warring packs and warring species like the fae and vampires alike. Ultimately there were things they could not shield Natalie from and that was something they would learn to handle as things came toward them.

Eventually, Vincent and Agnes made the decision to arrange a marriage for their daughter to an allied pack. The pack had been long time allies of theirs and had struggled to find a suitable wife for their son, Roman. Natalie was 100% against the marriage. She didn't see being married off to secure a possibly heir for another pack to be worth it. When she questioned who would take over her family's pack, her parents admitted to their own problems they had been shielding their only child from.

Natalie soon learned that her family and home too were perishing. Apparently there were wolves who seen Vincent and Agnes' inability to produce a male heir to lead their pack some day, they had began to leave and abandon their places among them. So instead of trying to regain the trust of their pack, the decided to merge with their long time allies, The Renaud pack. The alpha family consisted of leader and alpha, Cartier Renaud, his mate Clara and their sons Adrian and Roman. It was rumored that Adrian was actually Clara's son from a previous marriage but Cartier had raised the child as his own.

Clara loved her sons equally but there was a special place in her heart for her son Adrian who was older. Because of their customs, Adrian couldn't become alpha of their pack so his life wasn't as groomed as his younger half-brother Roman who was pampered just as his wife-to-be had been. Roman was eager to finally have a mate of his own.

Unlike Roman, Adrian was a little harder and had many more jagged edges to who he was. He slept with women to his liking. He fought. He drank. He gambled. He did everything that was not proper for someone like his brother to do. He had much more freedom to do as he pleased but still was somewhat respected among their people. Roman on the other hand was proper, a gentleman and a fierce fighter if needed to be. He had fought alongside his brother and father for at least two major battled against warring packs before he was even eighteen years of age.

Natalie didn't know much of what she was getting herself into but the day she went to the neighboring pack's territory to meet with the man she would be mated to along with the family she would soon be apart of, Vincent allowed Natalie to stay back in the town of the neighboring territory while he went along to speak negotiations with Cartier. Meanwhile, Natalie met a man while in the town that she became quickly fondly of. She didn't tell him who she was and said she was simply relocating to this pack from another.

Vincent return to inform his daughter it would be a few weeks before she would ultimately meet her mate-to-be due to unforeseen circumstances which meant that the initial negotiations hadn't gone as well and would take some time. During this time, Natalie spent lots of time with this man she had met while her father was away. This man treated her like a woman and not like a child. At nineteen she wasn't considered a young girl but because of her parents, most people treated her as a child. This man however began to show Natalie a side of the world that she had never seen before and she quickly fell in love with him over the next few weeks.

Finally, when it was time to meet the man and family she would become apart of, Natalie was torn. However, she reluctantly followed her father to go meet the alpha family. First she was introduced to her in-laws-to-be, Cartier and Clara. After she met their sons Roman and Adrian. To her shock, and to his own, Natalie knew Adrian already incredibly well for he was the man she had been running around with the past few weeks.

Natalie was then faced with the decision to either run off with Adrian, which he gave her the thought merely nights before, or succumb to her parents wishes and marry Roman. Much to Adrian's surprise, she chose to marry Roman. Albeit, reluctantly. She tried to forget him. She tried to pretend like nothing had ever happened but when she fell pregnant and Adrian's ex-mistress and lover also turns back up wanting to make Adrian an honest mate, things changed drastically.
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