Looking for Long Term Rp


Oct 30, 2019
Yoo, thanks for checking in on my request page. My name is Autumn, and I have ample free time to RP. I would prefer to RP in real-time back and forth (for instance, on Discord but anywhere else is fine). However, I know that isn't plausible for most people, so I'm okay with gaps.

~Potential roleplay ideas:

"Adventure Quest"
This takes place back in medieval times in a small town called Nathamus. Our characters are finally graduating from the well known Kilsburg Academy for Adventurers and Heroes. To graduate, however, the students must complete their first quest ever outside the town. It is a dangerous quest that usually results in death for half of the class. Whoever completes the class is deemed an adventurer or hero, depending on whichever title they pick. Adventurers are allowed to leave the town to find unclaimed land to report back, whereas heroes stay back and protect the civilians from creatures. Unfortunately, MC, who dreams of being an adventurer is paired with YC, (who subsequently wants to be a hero) her absolute rival. Despite much protesting from both, they are sent off on their way to complete their quest. Will they put aside their differences, work together, and make it back alive? Or will their rivalry get the best of them and put them in danger?

"Secret International Agency"
The year is 3005 and a corrupt president, Ricardo !Kurchine has won the election. The majority of the government was corrupted and turned its back on the people, and the army refuses to serve under !Kurchine. Because of this, acts of crime have spread rapidly through the United States, and terrorism has grown. To combat this, a tiny group of pure government officials has brought together the best of the best and formed the Secret International Agency in hopes of fighting off the massive wave of terrorists entering the states. Located deep in the forest, in the middle of nowhere, the SIA works together to uncovering and eliminating any acts of terrorism for the greater good. MC has been paired with YC and sent on a mission to eliminate !Kurchine and replace him with an ally doppelganger in hopes to reverse the effects and save the United States. !Kurchine was recently spotted at a nightclub, and as MC gets a perfect shot on him, YC appears just in time to ruin the chance. It turns out YC is an undercover mole for !Kurchine. The next thing ensued is a cramped fight amid a crowded dance floor. Will MC win, or will YC win? What will happen next, and will !Kurchine ever be taken down??

"The Hustler"
YC is returning home late at night from work as usual. Your parents are out of town, they left mysteriously with no note, so YC has been back alone for a week now. YC assumes they're on vacation, as they tend to be spontaneous and leave randomly with no notice. As YC settles down to watch TV, a glass shattering in the living room is heard, and suddenly YC's house is filled with burglarers. They intend to kill anyone inside, and they make it clear that after they get what they want, they will kill you. When all hope is lost, more footsteps are heard, YC is sure it's back up. However, YC is wrong, and just as soon as the burglarers appeared, they're left lying on the ground, knocked out. Standing in their place is MC and her gang staring you down. With no time to spare, MC quickly explains that the people here were part of a gang trying to hunt down your parents who fled the country without paying off a considerable debt they accumulated. MC is also part of a different gang that is trying to hunt down YC's parents. MC's gang takes you hostage and returns to their base, which is an enormous mansion. MC gives you two choices, help her find your parents in exchange for protection, or be sent back to your house where potential other gang members can find you and finish the job. What will you choose? How will this play out?

"Good and Bad"
MC is in her first year of college, majoring in Business Administration. She left high school as a grade A student with her associate's degree, meaning she gets to dive straight into her major. What does this mean? She has classes with upper-level students almost two or three years older than her. After a few weeks, MC quickly becomes overwhelmed with classes, and on top of that, she hasn't made any friends. One day, she oversleeps for her marketing class and rushes to it. She makes it 20 minutes late and sees that most of the seats are taken, so she is forced to the back. Once she finds a seat and gets settled, she hears her professor going over an upcoming project, saying to find a partner.

Before she can think about who to ask in the class, she feels a tap on her shoulder and turns to see YC glaring at her. "You're my partner, now," YC says with such authority MC cannot decline. YC, who has been in college for three years now, doesn't care too much for college and cares only for partying. This wasn't a good match from the beginning. The two realize how much of a bad match they are, but no matter how hard MC tries to get a different partner, the professor refuses to assign anyone different. In hopes of getting to know one another better, YC invites MC out to a party. MC gets drunk, YC gets drunk, and what was originally a great dislike for one another turns into a hot passion, and the two wake up in bed together.

Neither can remember the night, but a confused feeling arises between both of them. Will they be able to work past these feelings and finish the project? Or will they ultimately give up take a zero for the assignment?

~If I can think of anything else I'll add it up here
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