Mx Female Very specific historical RP, BEWARE lengthy intro


Apr 4, 2017
Hi looking for a feisty but submissive female to play a Scottish princess. I am open to most kinks so let me know your limits. I am posting my intro for this idea below, and it is lengthy. It won't always be so long but this will be a good meaty RP.


If this catches your eye, then please message me your reply to the intro. I will also accept google docs or emails sent to

Intro follows:

A warm breeze ruffled Liam’s dark hair, blowing it into the lad’s face and making it difficult for him to see his fishing net. It was a rare day that he da had left his blacksmith shop by lunch and after eating announced that he was taking Liam fishing. Liam was excited to be doing something fun with his da, even as he was teased by the man for having hair just long enough to make him look wild but short enough that it couldn’t be tied back.
Liam shrugged and pushed his hair from his face. He knew his hair would grow and could be tied back before much longer. Besides, the teasing meant his da had noticed something about him and could even make a comment about it. Liam puffed out his chest and looked up to say something back when he caught sight of something moving on the opposite bank. He immediately clamped his mouth shut and went stock still as he watched the opposite bank closely.
His father noticed his behavior and soon was watching the opposite bank as well. He visibly relaxed when a man he recognized stepped into view. The man clamped a hand on Lam’s shoulder while nodding to the figure on the opposite bank. “It's ok Liam. It's just one of the Laird’s personal guards, the Laird or his family must be near by.”
The boy and his father got quiet then, continuing to fish but being careful not to swing their nets out to far. Soon another guard joined the first one, then the Laird and his wife. Liam’s father nodded his head in a respectful acknowledgment of his Laird but said nothing. Liam clumsily copied his da and watched at the Laird smiled his way. Then Liam’s lungs stopped working when a tiny girl emerged into view. She looked so perfect that for a moment he didn’t believe she was real and thought she was some kind of doll. Yet she was moving and talking, even laughing at the Laird.
Liam’s da caught him staring and cuffed his ear playfully. “That’s the Laird’s niece lad. She was sent here to be fostered with her aunt and uncle, as well as to be hidden from the English. Ye know how they are getting bolder. Even coming onto our lands. She is high born, so be watchful of her, she is verra valuable. The Laird’s brother, King James, has entrusted all of us with the protection of his youngest daughter. Do not let her come to harm lad.”
Liam nodded at his father’s words, his curious eyes still locked on the little doll playing on the opposite bank.

~~~~~~ a few months later ~~~~~~

Chest rising and falling rapidly, Liam pumped his arms and legs faster as he raced through the woods with his friends His best friend risked a look behind them ancursed before calling out to their group, “She’s still following us! How does one wee lassie move so blasted fast?!”
the group of them grumbled but kept running trying to get away from their little follower. A wee girl just five years old who had taken to following around the boys and wanting to join in on their fun. Today was just another day that they were trying to find a way to get the lass out of their hair. Liam spotted a familiar landmark and grinned. he veered off towards it, waving as he did to get his friends’ attention without letting the lass know his plan. having all grown up together the boys soon caught on to Liam’s plan and ran hard, all the while they started whooping and hollering.
Soon the group of boys were flashing past the landmark that Liam had spotted a large Boulder that was shaped oddly like a crashing wave. Just past the odd shaped rock was a small, swift moving river. The boys jumped down the bank and splashed into the river before starting to swim across to the other side. The lass was younger and high born, so she was pretty coddled and protected, none of the boys thought she would even attempt to follow them across the river. They all knew she didn’t know how to swim yet.
What they didn’t count on was the lass running after them, not knowing about the steep bank. They heard her sharp cry in the air and all turned just in time to see her tumbling down the steep bank, then splash into the water where the current caught her and started carrying her downstream. Liam looked on in horror, he had seen her head hit a rock and seen her go limp before hitting the water. She was going to drown, even from the opposite bank he could see red on the rock that her head had hit. Not only didn’t she know how to swim but chances were she had even been knocked out.
Liam jumped into action, shouting for someone to get to the village for help and the lass’s family. Then he was diving back into the river and swimming as hard as he could to the girl. Grabbing her and dragged her to the closest bank. half pulling her from the water and ripped his shirt off the hold to her bleeding head. She was so still though and turning blue, plus it was like she wasn’t breathing. the boy was starting to panic, but remembered the healer in the village doing something to another child falling into a river and stopped breathing. So with one hand Liam held his shirt to the wee lassie’s head and with his other he started to pound her chest. No idea if he was helping or hurting her until she started to cough up water.
Quickly he turned the lass onto her side so she wouldn’t choke on what her body was trying to get rid of. Her eyes were still closed though and her breathing still seemed off. Liam didn’t want to be blamed if anything happened to her though, so since no one from the village arrived yet he made a quick choice to stand and scoop up the tiny five yer old and carry her back to the village. He moved as fast as his eleven year old legs allowed him too.
He was almost halfway to the village when he met the group rushing toward the river The group included the healer, priest and the lass’s aunt and uncle. Her aunt started crying when she saw the lass and the uncle’s jaw hardened and moved faster than anyone that Liam had ever seen to take the girl from him. Liam was then ignored, basically dismissed as the group rushed back the way they had come from. The boy dropped just off of the path to sit against the truck of a tree and dropped his head against his knees.
A few minutes later a heavy hand dropped to Liam’s shoulder and lightly squeezed. It was followed by a familiar deep voice, “Come now Liam. You didn’t hurt the girl. This wasn’t your fault. Do not beat yourself up over this lad. Now come home, your ma has supper ready.” The large hand gently cuffed Liam and urged him to stand.
Liam sighed heavily and stood up before tilting his head up to look his father in the eye. “I feel like it's my fault da. I mean...I know I didn't force her to fall or land in the river, but if I had just let her tag along. I could have looked out for her. I mean I help with the younger kids all the time. Ma says I am a great big brother, very protective. Why didn’t I protect her? She has no one.” He let his father lead him back to the village outskirts. Into their home beside the village’s blacksmith shop.
His father forced Liam to look him in the eyes. “This is not on you lad! This was just one of those things. Accidents happen, to anyone but especially to kids. I saw them on the way back to the laird’s house. The lassie will be ok, she was stirring. Starting to wake up. So do not blame yourself, you are a great help to me in the shop and to your ma with the younger kids. You earn the tie with your friends. Now no more moping about lad. It's time to eat.”
Liam nodded and went to the table and sat down. He helped fill plates and wipe faces even as he ate. Then he helped his ma clean up afterwards and was settled in the main room’s floor playing with his youngest siblings when a knock came on the door. It was the Laird’s steward, asking for Liam to come to the manor houser ought away. The lad looked to his parents who both nodded in encouragement before getting up to wash his face and hands, comb his hair, and put his bare feet into the boots reserved for working or special occasions. Then he silently followed the steward to the manor.
Liam was led into the manor house and up the stairs. Soon he was standing in a warm, brightly lit room and being urged to an opulent, canopied four poster bed. Beside the bed was the Laird and his wife, the letter of which rushed Liam and wrapped her arms around him crying. The lad was surprised and unsure how to react so he simply patted her back while trying to bow to his Laird. The Laird raised his hands and shook his head. His large frame moving slowly towards the pair.
His normally booming, harsh voice was thick with emotion and cast low so as not to startle the tiny form on the massive bed, “No, none of that tight lad. WE are eternally grateful to ye. Ye saved our niece, she told us so and the healer confirmed it. I want to thank ye lad. I owe you a great debt.” The man smiled kindly and gently pulled his wife away from Liam. He gestured for Liam to approach the bed. “Someone else wanted to say thank you, but you must lean in close for her voice is still very weak.” With that the Laird and his wife left the room.
Liam slowly approached the bed and saw the wee lass nestled in the middle of it. Surrounded by blankets and pillows and all things soft. He realized she was watching him with her large, expressive eyes and a small smile tilted up the corners of her Cupid Bow mouth. She crooked a tiny finger at him to come closer and he did instantly. Not really sure why he had become so eager to please her as he climbed up on the bed and crawled over to sit beside her. He even leaned his dark head down close to her, to make sure he caught anything she said.
Her raspy, almost silent voice tickled across his ear. “Thank you for saving me. You will always be my hero.” Then her tiny little hands were on his cheeks and turning his face to hers. She smiled brightly up at him before lifting up and pressing a soft, featherlight kid to his lips enforce laying back down and asking him to tell her a story.
Warmth had spread through Liam at the touch from her lips, and it felt like something had shifted inside of him. He sat frozen for a moment before her request actually registered with him, and then her small hand crept into his as she waited for him to say something. Liam didn’t know why he did it, but he sat there and held her hand and told her stories tha his ma would tell him when tucking him into bed. He kept talking until he watched her fall back asleep. Then watched her for several long minutes. Total enraptured in her doll like features. only then did he slip from the bed and make his way back to the hallway. Stopping beside a small table covered in trinkets and ribbons and such, Liam snagged a black ribbon and shoved it into his pocket. Before closing the door he looked back and whispered,
“You will not come to any more harm little doll. Not while I am around. I will protect you mi babog. My doll.”
Only then did he shut the door and silently move back through the manor house to head home. Something inside him knew that things were going to be a lot different from then on.

~~~~~~~~~~~~. Five years later ~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Babog! Where are you?!?” Liam calls out as he circles the wave rock, looking for his friend. The girl he saved so many years ago. The one who stole his heart without even meaning too. Something he was just slowly starting to figure out. “Come on! I know I’m late, but I had to help da finish up a special order for your uncle!” He waited for the ten year old to come out of hiding. “Babog, please stop hiding. You know I have to work for da, but I always make time for you. Come now I have a surprise.”

Just then he saw a flash of red off to his left in a thick stand of young evergreen trees. Liam smiled and then moved quickly. Dashing out of sight and coming up on the opposite side of the thickly grouped trees. He slipped into a small opening and was soon behind his friend in a tiny clearing amidst the trees. Walking on silent feet he got right behind her as she peered out from her hiding spot. Liam wrapped his arms around her.

“Why are you hiding babog?” Liam asked quietly and laughed as she gasped and spun around in his arms. He smiled down into her large, doll-like, emerald green eyes. He waited for her to calm down from his creeping up on her and for her to ask about her surprise.

Tugging her down to simply st on the forest floor with him in the small, but excellent, hiding space…..Liam simply opened up the bag he was carrying and headed her a stack of letters and a small package. “The Laird said the big news is in the letter from your ma. They say you are no longer the baby of the family.” Of course he knew she wasn’t. She has 3 younger brothers after all, but the biggest news was that her ma had just given birth to a fourth daughter. ”Some of the Laird’s men have come home from serving the king as well so there is to be a big banquet tonight. It also seems that he and Lady Marah have some news as well but wouldn’t say what kind.”

The sixteen year old fiddle with his bag and finally pulled something out of it. It was something small and wrapped in a piece of an old shirt, but he thrust it at his little doll anyway. “Also, here. Happy birthday. I made you this and will also grant you one wish.” The present was something new, but him granting her a wish on her birthday was their tradition. He waited for her to say something or react in some way.

This was the first time he had given her something besides making one wish come true. Usually her wishes were silly little things, something like when she was seven and asked for snow on her birthday. So he had made it snow in June by spending days picking flower petals and made it snow for her. This year though he was officially an apprentice for his da, and instead of getting paid for the first term in cash Liam was getting paid in materials. So he had been working on a gift for the princess, but he had to be careful with what he gave her. He knew that. She was a princess and he merely a blacksmith’s son. She was also still a child, and while he knew he would wait for her forever...he didn’t want others to think that she was getting rushed. Finally he had settled on a design and spent many late nights making it perfect.

Liam was so painstakingly slow in making it and perfecting the design that his family started teasing him about it. Yet when Lady Marah came in one day to go over some new orders with Liam’s da, she had seen what Liam was working on and wanted to purchase it. He had explained it was a birthday gift for her niece, and Lady Marah smiled and complimented it. She then sat down with him and described something that she wanted but had found no one willing to do such tedious, tiny work. So now word was getting around about his artistic talent and willingness to do more complicated work. He was already commissioned for several pieces and his da was bursting with pride over expanding his business thanks to Liam.

Some still teased Liam about his work and even more so about his build. He was still quite lanky, not full of bulky muscles like his da. Liam shrugged it all off, he didn’t let it touch him. He was bringing in more work to his family business, he was praised for his delicate creations, and he still had his best friend….the princess who held his heart though didn’t yet realize it.

Which was why Liam was sitting on the forest floor and basically holding his breath while she looked at him quizzically before slowly unwinding the material from the object it hid from view. It was like she thought it was something that would jump out at her once uncovered or something, but Liam shook his head thinking it was a ridiculous notion. Finally the last bit of material was pulled away and her gift revealed. Liam quickly flipped to her face to take in her reaction. On the faded blue material was a gleaming golden circlet. It was finely wrought and very delicate looking. He had made it look like vines twirling around each other with offshoots of flowers and flower buds. His work roughened fingertips dug into the dirt as he waited for her to say something.

~~~~~~. Seven years later. ~~~~~~

Night had overtaken the area and stars were out in full force as was a full moon. Not a cloud dare mar the sky on the night of the princess’s birthday ball. She had actually turned seventeen a fortnight ago but it had taken time to plan the ball and arrange for proper protection for the royal family to come and celebrate one of their daughters. Yet, on this great night there was one who was not among the celebrating people. He had left the lights and laughter behind him as he headed for wave rock. He had sent a message to his babog to meet him through her handmaiden, Brigid. So, now he was pacing in the moonlit night beside their rock. Anxiously waiting to see if she would come. This would be the first sign of hope for him if she left her beloved family to come meet him.

His heart soared when he saw her at the edge of the clearing. He grinned at her and straightened to his full height just as she rushed at him on a giggle. For as tall as he was, Liam was still lanky in build despite his hard work to gain strength. Indeed he gained strength but no muscle, yet his babog still tried to knock him down. Liam braced himself and when she launched herself at him, he easily spanned her tiny waist. Catching her and pulling her close to him as he laughed.

“That hasn't worked in years mi babog but you still try.” Liam shakes his head and holds her against his chest, her feet dangling above the ground. “thank ye for meeting me, even with ye family here. I know it is a sacrifice.” He gently set her on her feet and took her hands. “have you decided on your birthday wish yet? You still haven't told me it you know. He waited a beat then produced a tiny bundle from his pocket. An intricately made, metal and wooden, box. Liam showed the princess how to open it and inside was a ring. A gleaming delicate ring that Liam had made. “this is a promise ring. A promise to love you forever, to protect you, to provide for you to never leave you. To get you a better ring, something more worthy of you. In return, please. Say you will be mine. Say you love me like I love you.” He gave her no chance to respond before he had her face in his hands and was softly kissing her.

~~~~~~~ 5 years later ~~~~~~~~

28 and 22

Liam sighed heavily as they crested the last hill before they we looking down on his childhood home. He looked over at his captain and questioned again why they were here. The older man one at Liam and stopped his horse.

“Tell me mountain. Why are you so against going home? It's my understanding that your family is still here, that yo send money and gifts. That you have arranged for education and positions for your siblings. Why are you so against us coming here? Even if our being here wasn’t our King’s orders I would think you would jump for joy to come home. Yet the closer we have gotten the worse your mood has become. What's the story mountain?”

Several of the others in their group agreed and made several comments about his mood.
“Yeah what's the deal?”
“As if you weren’t scary enough before.”
“Dude you gotta chill or all the kids are gonna think you are a monster,”
“The mountain is scary enough as it is let’s no add a bad mood.”
“Maybe y just need to get it off your chest before they bar us from entering the village.”

Lam groaned and dropped his reins a at staring at the place he had basically run from five years ago. He didn’t look at his comrades when he started talking. “Ye know that my da is the village blacksmith, but I never mentioned that I saved one of King James’s daughters many many years ago. It resulted in a friendship. The whole village saw it. Ty also saw us both grow up, still close. I’m fairly certain more then one villager saw that I was in love with her long before me head understood it. I was stupid and made a pledge to her, the way she rejected me I am sure everyone found out and never wanted to be their laughingstock. So I left and never wanted to go back.” He sighed and looked at the men around him. Men he trusted with his life and who he finally gave his last secret too. Liam picked up his Reid and started down to the village. “This has been long time coming. It's time I go home.”

No one said a word as they rode the rest of the way in the village. Not even as they dismounted and headed into the keep to report to the king. Although no one still understood why he was here. The group of warriors took a knee and paid respects to the king, his brother the Laird of this village and the Laird’s wife. It was had for Liam to go unnoticed it turned out he had a little more growing to do when he left. So now he was well over six feet tell, and he had also finally managed to build up his muscle mass. He was a terrifying opponent to see on the battle field being so large and bulky. It was great to have him on this elite group though, not only because of his being the best blacksmith e King had ever seen but because despite his size Liam could move as silent as a cat. So among the other men he was still a hulking beast, but he stayed in the back and he stayed silent. So it was no surprise when not even Lady Marah recognized him, even though she had noticed him.

That'll listened, turns out the king wanted his best warriors here to help several of his family members get prepared and be moved further away from where the English were foraying. There was a feast that night for the soldiers coming, at which Liam had to stifle a chuckle before learning that he had three days to help make any repairs needed and anything new forged. It was another hour before they were released during being shown to their quarters. Yet when Liam turned to go he was stopped by a serving wench, for the king wanted a word with him.

On approached his King and bowed. Saying nothing but awaiting what his king wanted. The king smiled and clasped Liam’s shoulder. “That's enough of that son. I wanted to welcome you home. I am sure your family will be excited to see you. I am sure that your family keeps you updated on village news, so I assume it is no shock to you that the elderly couple who owned the lot next to your family’s have passed away. With no living family it went back to the Laird. He has agreed to gift the lot to you. WE made arrangements so this house is ready for your occupancy. I do have a favor to ask of you though, and would like for you to come to me to discuss this favor once you have a chance to settle and see your family. Maybe tonight just before the festivities?”

Liam agreed and then took his leave. Quickly heading to his new home to drop off his things and then to see his family. They were all excited to see him and exclaimed over not even recognizing him. His family had even grown, with a couple of new sisters he was finally meeting as well as in laws and nieces and nephews to meet. His family crowded into his ma and da’s home and the afternoon was the most laughs the man had experienced in a long time. Finally though he took his leave to wash up and change. All the soldier had been gifted fine silk shirts in blast azure with stark white breeches and they had black boots that they polished to a high shine. Liam tied his hair back with a black ribbon that was old and frayed. The very one he had swiped from his babog so many years ago.

He soon entered the keep and saw the king immediately. They spoke only for a few moments. The king wanting some special daggers made for his daughters, and they made arrangements for the materials to be dropped off in the morning. Then the king was pushing Liam off to have a good time. Liam laughed and turned, heading for the table with his brother warriors. It was when he was sitting down with a large cup of Meade in his hand that he saw her. Sitting across the room with her long faithful servant, Brigid. It was his babog, sitting at a table away from the others, filled. With old dowagers and widows. His gaze raked over her hungrily. From her Ed hair that ad only darkened slightly in the last five years to her brilliant green eyes and her full figure. Truly a woman now. It sent a stab of longing through his heart which turned into a flash of angry. Only then did he notice her mourning garb and the gleam of gold on her left hand.

No longer was Liam paying attention to the festivities, but he was watching her. She was different than she had been. She was quiet, demure...not his laughing full of fire doll. He smiled when he saw she was watching him right back. Questions in her gaze, maybe even interest, but no sign of recognition. He nodded impudshly at her and watched her get riled up at his daring move. He nearly laughed out loud then he got up and was soon flirting outlandishly with every female except his babog. Making her watch as he teased and laughed, then disappear into a back hallway with none other than Brigid.
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Have gotten a couple of really good replies! Both very different and would like one or two more!
Would like to see this turn from love to hate and maybe back to love.
maybe unrequited love that turns to hate and proving a point!
lets See what else y’all got!
I am unearthing this since I was recently reminded of it, and I still LOVE this idea. Its now an itch in the back of my brain. lol
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