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Superheroes FX MALE (NSFW Images)


Jun 5, 2013

I do love me sum sexy superheroes* other themes.​
!'s = more wants. Thanx. ^.^

Dark Themes, PastAbuse, Sex Outdoors, Oral, Costumed Sex, Possibly Experimentation, Risk of getting Caught, Bondage, Romance
Characters Involved:
Big Barda and Mr Miracle
I Would Play:
Set on Apocalypse, Id like to do a story where we explore the begging of the marriage between Miracle and Barda. How they first met while he was Darksides adopted son and heir and she was the head warrior in his female furies. Furies arnt supposed to have romantic connections and Darkseid wishes to choose a mate for Miracle. Their union would be seen as a unholy union that would displease the Dark lord. Barda falls for Miriacle and it starts to effect her judgement, she sees a life for herself off Apaolcypse and as does Miracle. Quick sex sessions as fast as they can, stolen moments.
Other Information:
Id use Gina Cario as Big Barda and id love Matt Mcgorry as Mr Miracle.
[spoiler="Dolphin X Arthur Curry/Aquaman" (Source: DC comics inspired) *M/F* *Romance* *Adultery* Wants: !!!!]

Affair, Cheating, Sex underwater, Oral, Anal (maybe), One sided Love, sex outdoors, risk of getting caught, Guilt, Betrayal.
Characters Involved:
Dolphin/Arthur Curry(Aquaman)
I Would Play:
Dolphin was a very young girl when she fell overboard from a cruise ship (Secret Origins #50) only to be saved from drowning when a mysterious alien race abducted her to use as an experimental prototype for a subaquatic humanoid race. In the course of these experiments she acquired gills, webbed fingers and toes, shining white hair, superhuman strength, resilience to deep water pressures, and a slowed aging process. When the alien scientists abandoned the experiment, Dolphin escaped their underwater lab. Oblivious to her former humanity, the feral young Dolphin scavenged underwater for her livelihood, eventually finding her trademark short blue-jeans and white shirt inside a sunken ship. She has been alone her entire life, constantly swimming and enjoying her personal freedom. As she grew into young womanhood, she became tired of living an isolated, lonely life. One day, the crew of an oceanology vessel saved her from a near lethal encounter with a dolphin-killing shark and took her aboard their ship to help her.
Over time, the crew of the ship tried to educate and care for the girl they'd dubbed "Dolphin", but her utter lack of contact with either humans or Atlanteans had left her mute. Though she grew to understand spoken language fairly quickly, the act of speech itself remained beyond her. Then, a young female doctor on the crew had the bright idea to instruct her in sign language. Finally able to communicate, Dolphin explained what she could of herself and her story, and expressed her desire to resume her undersea life. At some point, Dolphin finally mastered spoken language, (especially when she started having contact with the superheroic community), but never lost her shyness and reluctance to speak. She has since been a woman of few words. It was revealed that Kordax, an evil merman ancestor of Aquaman's, had secretly set Dolphin free from the lab, and used mind control to prompt her to infiltrate the royal court and kill Aquaman as the agent of his revenge on the royal house of Atlantis. The strong-willed Dolphin broke free of his control, and her romantic involvement with the king of Atlantis grew into love. An affair started with them cheating on not only Queen Mera who was suffering from the loss of her son but Aquamans ward Tempest. How long can this deadly affair which threatens to destroy a kingdom go on?
Other Information:
I would like to use Emilia Clarke as Doplphin and defiantly Jason Mommoa as Aquaman. [/spoiler]
[spoiler="Black Siren and Green Arrow" (Source: Inspired by DC Comics) *F/M* Wants:!!!! ]

Dark Themes, PastAbuse, Sex Outdoors, Oral, Costumed Sex, Possibly Experimentation, Risk of getting Caught, Bondage, Romance
Characters Involved:
Green Arrow X Black Siren
I Would Play:
Black Siren/Laurel Lance
Felicity Smoak is dead and Oliver is on a rampage, he ends up in the arms of the Earth 2 version of Laurel, aka the Black Siren. As they work to bring down the anti hero known as Richardo Diez they grow closer despite of the worrys of Oliver's friends and Family. Laurel looks just like the woman he once loved, the slain Laurel Lance and she is mourning the death of her version of Oliver. Oliver's death sent her on a spiral which resulted in her becoming the Black Canary. Can Laurel be reemeded, ore is she wicked to the core? And will Oliver go off the deep end and be influenced by this twisted version of a woman he once loved and lost?
Other Information:
Id use Katie Cassidy as Black Siren and id love Stephen Amell as Green Arrow.

Guilty sex, Sex outdoors, risk of getting caught, comedy, Oral, Hurt comfort, roughplay ^.^;;;; )
Characters Involved:
Tatsu Yamishiro/Katanna and Digger Harkness/Captain Boomarang
I Would Play:
A story based around a affair started between Task Force X members Katanna and Captain Boomarang.Its no secret that Boomarang finds katanna sexy. e loves a tough chick who can handle herself. He loves that fact she is as cold as ice, for some reason (and he`s not even sure why himself) it turns him on. Digger knows he will never live out his life sentence at Belle Reeve and no matter how many suicide squad missions he comes back from hes never getting out. He`s starting to go a bit crazy and maybe its a case of Stockholme syndrome where Katanna is concerned. He always jokes hed love to go out with her and bang her and gets an icy response from Katanna. But one night she is feeling very depressed and lonely, she misses her husband and children terribly and ends up going to Harkness for comfort, to feel something, anything and the two have sex. it is the first time since her late husbands death Tastu has been with a man and she is shocked how badly she needs it. Further more the sex is dirty rough and nothing like she ever had before. Digger is much bigger then her husband was and that alone causes her to cum fast and hard. Digger LOVES it, Tatsu finally giving into him, she's tighter then any pussy he's ever had and he cant stop ramming her. The two keep fucking whenever they get the chance, Tatsu hating herself for giving into her base desires and almost running the memory of her late husband. Digger just wants her more and more, she's such a spitfire in the sack. But when Amanda Waller finds out this new fling between two of her teammate's will come to a bitter end.
Other Information:
Karen Fukuhara will be Katanna and Jai Courtney for Captain Boomarang

Powerhouse sex, Sex mid flight, sex outdoors, Oral, Anal, Romantic Sex^.^;;;; )
Characters Involved:
Wonder Woman/Diana Prince and Clark Kent/Superman
I Would Play:
Wonder Woman
In London, Superman and Wonder Woman meet up for a date and exchange gifts. However their date is interrupted by an unnatural storm forming in the North Atlantic Ocean. While Superman investigates the cause of the storm, Wonder Woman rescues a plane caught in its path and is mistakenly shot down by a Norwegian Navy vessel. Once aboard the ship, Wonder Woman is attacked by Doomsday.Doomsday breaks Wonder Woman's arm, before vanishing into thin air. Once healed from her injuries, Wonder Woman takes Superman to Mt. Etna to ask Hephaestus for weapons in order to defeat Doomsday. There, the couple is visited by Strife and Apollo, whom Superman throws into orbit after he insults Wonder Woman. Meanwhile, a caravan traveling in the Sahara desert is attacked by General Zod.
In Metropolis, Cat Grant publishes photographs, that were delivered to her from an anonymous source, of a kiss between Superman and Wonder Woman on her blog. Meanwhile, the Justice League of America intercepts Zod and are nearly defeated before the arrival of Superman and Wonder Woman. When the fight is over, Superman places Zod in custody in the menagerie at the Fortress of Solitude.
In London, Superman and Wonder Woman try to come to terms with the fact that their relationship has been made public. As the world reacts to the news, Clark Kent investigates how the information was leaked before checking in with Zod at the Fortress of Solitude. There, Zod tricks Superman into opening a portal to the Phantom Zone and releasing Faora. Wonder Woman travels to Themyscira to console with Hippolyta about her relationship with Superman. Meanwhile, Zod and Faora escape from the Fortress of Solitude with Superman in pursuit. Wonder Woman eventually joins the subsequent battle between Superman, Zod and Faora, before they agree to suspend the fight for another day.In the South Pacific Ocean, Zod and Faora build a portal to the Phantom Zone, intending to bring through the armies of Warworld. Using the weapons created by Hephaestus, Superman and Wonder Woman nearly defeat Zod and Faora, but are themselves defeated after Apollo intervenes. Zod and Faora place Superman and Wonder Woman inside a nearby nuclear reactor, as they finish constructing the portal. However, Superman and Wonder Woman set off a nuclear explosion inside the reactor, destroying the portal before it is opened.
Following the explosion, Superman takes Wonder Woman to see Hessia, an Amazonian healer. With himself badly injured, Superman leaves to recover at the Fortress of Solitude. They later reunite in London and spend some alone time together on a rooftop and attend a nightclub. Meanwhile, Doomsday is awakened and surfaces from deep in the Marianas Trench, destroying a submarine on the way. Once the dust settles they must decide if they want to keep their romantic relationship going.
Other Information:
Wonder Womans facecalim will be Gal Gadot and Henry Cavill for Sueprman

Romance, Sex underwater, Oral, Anal, Rekindling Love, Marriage, ^.^;;;; )
Characters Involved:
Queen Mera and Arthur Curry/Aquaman
I Would Play:
Brightest Day began with Mera and Aquaman rekindling their love at the lighthouse on Amnesty Bay. Though she tried to get Aquaman to enter the water, he was fearful since he had yet to return to it since his return from being a Black Lantern. Mera and Aquaman later appeared in front of a pirate ship that had taken children hostage. Mera unleashed two serpent dragon constructs made from the water and shouted that "Anyone who hurts children will feel my rage!" The Navy also came to rescue the children but as more pirates sailed in to protect them, Aquaman ended up summoning a zombie Giant Squid which killed everyone on board the new ship. As they were about to get harpooned, Arthur again summoned a zombie Great White Shark who devoured the marksman. Confused, they returned the rescued children to shore, and entered the water.
Off the coast of the North Atlantic, Mera watched as Aquaman again summoned a zombie Orca who attacked him. Mera attempted to console him and suggested they return to Atlantis. Arthur refused and Mera notes that her people would also be of no help. Mera later admits that she is home with Aquaman after the two embrace in a hug. Sometime later, Mera and Aquaman attempted to stop an oil spill, but were attacked by a woman who not only looked like Mera, but used similar powers as well. Mera referred to the woman as "Siren," and urged her husband to escape with her. Once they were safe, Aquaman asked Mera about the woman. Mera admits to Aquaman that she knew this day would come, confessing that she was originally sent to kill him.
Other Information:
Meras facecalim will be Amber Heard and Jason Momma for Aquaman

Virginity, Romantic sex, Nieve sex, Oral, light teasing ^.^;;;; )
Characters Involved:
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch and Captain America/Steve Rogers
I Would Play:
Scarlet Witch
A story based around the romance Between Captain America and Scarlet Witch during their first meeting. Wanda has just joined the Avengers along with her brother Quicksilver(Pietro Maximoff). Who doesn't approve of the romance between the two of them. But both Steve and Wanda are drawn to each other. Both never have been *with* anyone before. That only makes them closer then they already are. While juggling the responsibility's of been Avengers, Wanda ever aware of what her reputation is as a former member of the Brotherhood of Mutants. Steve is still trying to negotiate the pitfalls of the modern day. Can they not let their romance interfere with their positions as Avengers? And how deep will this romance between them go?
Other Information:
Elisabeth Olsen for Scarlet Witch and Chris Evans for Captain America.

Rough Sex, Past Abuse, Oral, Anal, forbidden sex, hurt and comfort ^.^;;;; )
Characters Involved:
Winter Solider/James Barnes and Black Widow/Natasha Romanov
I Would Play:
Black Widow
It was during the 1950s Barnes met Natasha Romanoff who was part of the Black Widow Ops Program. He helped train her in combat while she was undergoing espionage training at the Red Room Academy, where he also handled the unsuccessful Wolf Spider Ops Program. They fell in love and James often snuck into her sleeping quarters just so he could see her. Although Natasha was promised to Alexi Shostakov, she loved James more. This relationship did not last. Natasha learned that when Barnes was not needed for an operation or assassination he was kept in cryostasis in order to cease his aging. After a period of reflection, Barnes decide to give up the Captain America identity in favor of the revived Rogers. Before giving up the Captain America mantle, Bucky and the Black Widow decide to fight and throw the shield one last time. Coincidentally, Rogers was suited up and ready to fight crime that night as well until he witnessed Bucky and the Black Widow depart. Rogers decides to peruse the dynamic duo and upon doing so realized that Bucky would be well off as Captain America. A quick battle ensues when Bucky and the Black Widow encounter Mr. Hyde and his henchman. After the two heroes dispense with the henchman, old feelings resurface, but can they make it work a second time around?
Other Information:
Widows facecalim will be Scarlett Johansson and for Winter Solider Sebastian Stann

Rivalry, Antagonistic Romance, Slow Burn, Betrayal, ^.^;;;; )
Characters Involved:
Natasha Romanov/Black Widow and Anthony *Tony* Stark/Iron Man
I Would Play:
Black Widow
Since he first laid eyes on her Tony Stark couldn't get Natasha Romanov out of his head. She showed up to the Stark fundraiser in a tight dress with long red hair, perfect skin and a sexy accent. Little did he realise she was a spy and she was trying to steal his Iron Man Tech. They soon started a heated romance and not too long after Stark realised she was the Russian Spy the Black Widow. Soon they engaged in a battle of Sex and superheroics teaming up to stop Natasha's employer's the forces of HYDRA. But is Natasha really a triple agent? Stark has to finde out, he knows sleeping with her is wrong, she could compromise his new team the Avengers but he finds her so dam intoxicating. Both have much to loose but even Natasha herself finds she is drawn to Stark. Who truly is manipulating who here?
Sex between them is experimentitive and very kinky. (In the Ultimate Universe they were engaged and even made a *Home Movie*) Other characters who could appear in the story are Captain America, Wasp, Giant Man, Black Panther, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Nick Fury, Vision. Who were the Avengers at the time Tony met Tasha. We don't need to include the love triangle element of Quicksilver here, its just not needed. The outcome of the story would be Natasha turning good and joining the Avengers.
Other Information:
I'd like a romance to develop between them, albeit probably slowly. I would use Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow and I would prefer that a younger Tony Stark`s *facecalim* was Dominic Cooper as apposed to RDJR.

Dark Humor, PastAbuse, Sex Outdoors, Oral, Costumed Sex, Possibly Experimentation, Risk of getting Caught.
Characters Involved:
Felicia hardy/Black Cat and Peter Parker/Spider Man
I Would Play:
Felicia Hardy/Black Cat.
Peter Parker has always tried to do the wright thing. As his Aunt and Uncle raised him, he takes pride in being Spiderman even if the city of New York doesn't appreciate him. He's finally moved out of Aunt Mays House and is livening in a tiny apartment (like in Spiderman 2), he can barely make rent and is trying to finish his last year of college. One night he meets the sexy thief known as the Black Cat and the to engage in a battle. She is everything he is supposed to be AGAINST yet he is so attracted to her. Eventually she turns over a new leaf and agrees to help him take down the Sinister Six. Peter against his better judgment starts a relationship with her. He has been mourning the loss of Gwen Stacy for nearly two years now. His feelings for Mary Jane Watson seem unreciprocated and its weird given she`s his best friend Harry Osborne's ex girlfriend. Soon he starts a sexual relationship with the black Cat without revealing his identity, because...he doesn't fully trust her. Why does he keep going back if its so wrong? (This could be Peters first sexual relationship if we want) yes he`s 22/23 but as stated in the sins of the past storyline peter and Gwen although together in college never did *it*. And I doubt Peter sealed the deal with Betty Brant ore Liz Allen in high school (but maybe he did, that's up to YOU his player). But it certainly would be a interesting route to take.
Once Felicia learns peters true identity she starts to loose interest. She wants Spiderman NOT Peter Parker. So e could have real fun here with her been rather a bitch to him but Peter still pursuing her. But id like to say Peter is by far the best sex she`s ever had, and maybe Felicia did suffer some abuse when she was younger sexually? Other characters who could show up are JJ Jameson, Aunt May, Harry Osborne, Mary Jane Watson, etc etc.
Other Information:
Id use Laura Vandervoot as Black Cat and id love Andrew Garfeilds version of Spiderman/Peter Parker here.

First Love, Marriage, Heroism, Alien Sex, Oral, Hair Play, Inhuman ^.^;;;; )
Characters Involved:
Medusa and Black Bolt
I Would Play:
Medusa belongs to the race of Inhumans, a species of prehistoric earthlings mutated by the Terrigen Mists produced deep under the Inhuman city-state of Attilan, presently located in the oxygen-rich Blue Area of the Moon. Crystal (who later became the wife of the Avenger Quicksilver) is Medusa's younger sister. Considered a member of Attilan's Royal Family, Medusa's parents chose to expose her to the Terrigen Mists when she was a child.
During her adolescent years Medusa would often visit her distant cousin Black Bolt during his confinement, and she learned to communicate with him through body language. During the course of these visits, the two fell in love and became engaged. She attended Black Bolt's release from his isolation cell at the age of eighteen, and witnessed the first confrontation between Black Bolt and his insane brother Maximus the Mad. Maximus also claims to be in love with Medusa, and has made frequent attempts to usurp both the throne of Attilan as well as his brother's bride-to-be. The story focuses on the begging of the marriage of Black Bolt and Medusa. A story showing how they show their physical love for each other while ascending to the throne.
Other Information:
Medusas visual facecalim is Serinda Swan and Anson Mount as Black Bolt

Sexual Tension, Sex Outdoors, Oral, Light Bondage, Pent up tension
Characters Involved:
Agent Maria Hill and Scott Summers/Cyclops
I Would Play:
Agent Maria Hill
After the Avengers VS XMEN war Cyclops was arrested for killing his mentor Professor Charles Xavier. He however escaped and soon reformed a team of X-men and became a mutant terrorist but he saw himself as a freedom fighter. He caused Agent Maria Hill a lot of headaches because of this. She tried to hunt him without trying to get any innocent mutants killed. Maria was determined to bring him in but Summers (fuled by guilt over killing his mentor and farther figure) with added vigour. The two became locked in a deathlock with each other, it all comes to a head when Hill is pursing Cyclops in his Blackbird jet and the to of them go down in the Savage Land. The two of them are stranded in the Savage land and have to make the tough choice to work together as well as fight the attraction which is simmering beneath the surface.
Other Information:
Id use Cobie Smulders as Maria Hill and id love James Marsden as Cyclops
[spoiler="Invisible Woman and Namor" (Source: Inspired by Marvel) *F/M* Wants:!!!! ]

Affair, Sex underweater, Sex Outdoors, Oral, Costumed Sex, Possibly Experimentation, Risk of getting Caught.
Characters Involved:
Susan Richards/Invisible Woman and Namor
I Would Play:
Invisible Woman.
For years Namor has wanted Susan Richards and now she is willing to give into her desires. Reed Richards is ignoring her and Susan is a beautiful woman with needs, needs which must be met. This affair threatens not only to tear the Fantastic Four apart but it threatens to start a war between the surface world and the subterrian sea, Namor has always been looking for an excuse to go to war with the surface world, having grown cold and bitter towards it. Now might be the perfect chance for him to get the vengeance's and control he seeks as well as to have Susan Richards as his wife and Queen. Other characters such as the Fantastic Four and Namorita will be in this story for sure.
Other Information:
Id use Emily Blunt as Invisible Woman and id love Joe Magenelli as Prince Namor the Sub Marinor.
[spoiler="Misty Knight X Danny Ran/Iron Fist" (Source: Marvel comics inspired) *M/F* *Romance* Wants: !!!!]

Romance, Tantric sex, Age DIffernce comforted sex, unprotected sex, oral, sex outdoors, risk of getting pregnant.
Characters Involved:
Misty Knight X Iron Fist
I Would Play:
Misty Knight
36 year old Mercedes Misty Knight is working the beat for NYPD but also has superhero connections such as Coleen Wing and Luke Cage. When she meets and works with Danny Rand she is attracted to him but she doesn't know what to nessaisrly do with that attraction. He is six years younger then her and is very much a hipee dipee rich white kid. But the attraction grows and as the go after the Kingpin together I turns into friends with benefits, multiple beniftis, but where as Danny is ready to commit to Misty and have a relationship and a future this cynical cop with a cybernetic arm isn't too sure but at the same time she cant seem to pull away from the handsome and charming Danny Rand. Can these two street level heroes possibly make any kinde of romance work?
Other Information:
I would like to use Finn Jones as Danny Rand/Iron Fist and Simone Missick for Misty Knight
Special Note:
Influenced by the Netflix Iron Fist show[/spoiler]

Rough Sex, Sex Outdoors, Public Sex, Anal, Oral, Dirty Talk, Casual Sex, Comedy ^.^;;;; )
Characters Involved:
Hellcat/Trish Walker and Punisher/Frank Castle, Nightcrlawer/Kurt Wagner MachineMan/Aaron Stark, Volstagg The Mighty, HumanTorch/Johnny Storm,
I Would Play:
HellCat/Patrica Walker
A comedy about Hellcats year where she bedded five different superheroes. Frank Castle when she was going through her Dark Phase. Followed by Nightcrlawer Kurt Wagner when she was going through her good girl phase as a reaction to hooking up with the Punisher. Then Aaron stark aka the machine man when she figured she was better off without a man and just had sex with a male robot to help her urges. Volstagg the mighty when she was drinking a bit too heavily and was suffering from depression and finally Johnny Storm the Human Torch when she was ready to date again.
Other Information:
Rachel Taylor as Hellcat, Jon Berthnal as Punisher, Kodie Smitt Mcphee as Nightcralwer, Harry Lyod as Machine Man,Ray Stevenson as Volstagg and Michael B Jordan as Johnny Storm. Also you need to be a skilled writer to pull off each hero differently and this is a long term story.
Sexual Tension, Sex Outdoors, Oral, Light Bondage, Pent up tension
Characters Involved:
Agent Maria Hill and Scott Summers/Cyclops
I Would Play:
Agent Maria Hill
After the Avengers VS XMEN war Cyclops was arrested for killing his mentor Professor Charles Xavier. He however escaped and soon reformed a team of X-men and became a mutant terrorist but he saw himself as a freedom fighter. He caused Agent Maria Hill a lot of headaches because of this. She tried to hunt him without trying to get any innocent mutants killed. Maria was determined to bring him in but Summers (fuled by guilt over killing his mentor and farther figure) with added vigour. The two became locked in a deathlock with each other, it all comes to a head when Hill is pursing Cyclops in his Blackbird jet and the to of them go down in the Savage Land. The two of them are stranded in the Savage land and have to make the tough choice to work together as well as fight the attraction which is simmering beneath the surface.
Other Information:
Id use Cobie Smulders as Maria Hill and id love James Marsden as Cyclops
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