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Fx Female (lesbian search) Reigniting my Game of Thrones craving


Posts will take two or three days, vacation over
Sep 20, 2014
Edit: this thread is usually geared towards fxm but right now I'm specifically seeking lesbian hookups only.

My preference is Canon characters but I can do originals. I'd like to play either Dany, Arya or Yara and would like to pair them with either Sansa, Margaery or Cersei. Meera or Brienne are options too, as are Missandei or Melisandre. But if you want to bring an original one to the table that's Verl appreciated too.

I'm willing to both top or sub for this. Rl gender doesn't concern me but I'd prefer writing with women. So hmu with who you'd like to play and we can brainstorm ideas together. =)

I'll leave the rest of my thread up as well so I don't have retype and can give you a concept of my usual ideas. I don't have any limits and my kinks tend to be of the darker variety. Noncon, dubcon, drama and high tensions. That kinda vibe.

That said, I usually accept guys for this Fandom as well, so don't hesitate to message me!


First a posting sample.
How long has it been since that fated day her family's kingdom has been usurped? Months, years? She wouldn't know, she has long since lost any sense of time down here in the Hutt's bastion. Not that it really mattered anyways, this was her life now and would be for all eternity. The Hutt would never give her an opportunity to escape and even if he did she highly doubted she'd dare taking it.

Because Anastasia had seen plenty times what happened to other unruly slaves who tried to resist, still remembering their screams when they had been executed or swallowed by those various beasts the Hutt owned.

And honestly, this wasn't so bad anyways. In a way it was just more of the same like her life has always been, just obeying the people in charge. Yes, the nature of this slavery was far more disgusting than her relatively happy life at home at her parents royal court, but even back then she had always had to do as she was told.

Ultimately there was no difference between having to spend hours on how to curtsy properly, or suck these cocks. In both cases she was just doing as she was told, that's simply how her life worked. Besides, this was no time to be pondering useless thoughts anyways, she better focused on pleasing them so they wouldn't be too rough with her.

Swinging her waist as part of her little dancing performance for the Hutt and his Lieutenants, Anastasia slowly pivoted in a circle while rolling her belly in every direction, her arms sensually circling over her head. As with all slaves her position was marked by the slave collar around her neck, though while lesser born slaves were only afforded a heavy grey iron chain, her own collar was instead made of fine golden links that reflected her aristocratic background.

She was allowed that much individuality, at least.

Around her wrists and upper arms she wore similar golden links that softly clanked upon each motion of her hands while her lightly wavy brown mane streaked with blonde reached well past her shoulders to around her lower back, gently swaying upon each step. She particularly liked her hair, taking generous care of it every day. Her sister had always brushed it for her, so Anastasia still remembered all the fond memories whenever she took some private time with her hair. Plus the openly flowing mane also helped amplify her figure a little, adding additional volume to her petite build.

Though she still seemed pretty enough for the Hutts at least. Her slim, perky breasts softly jiggled upon each swing of her bared torso and her small pink nipples were a harmonious contrast to her pale alabaster skin. Around her waist she wore a light-blue, translucent silken skirt which both bared her camel toe and accentuated her deep blue eyes.

All together she remained pretty enough not to feel ashamed so she really didn't mind any of this. It just was her role now, to be pleasing to their eyes. And after she finished her dance they'd likely make her mate with one of their hounds twice her size in front of everybody.

That's just how it was. She couldn't change or fight it. Her only value now was based on how well she could please them. Because she was a girl and a slave.

Finishing her initial pivot, the former princess shuffled her bare feet across the ground, her movements still somewhat comprised by the two heavy iron cuffs and chains around her ankles. Without those cuffs she could have danced much easier and quicker because she wouldn't always have to worry about tripping over herself, though the Hutt seemed to have a different opinion. He often entertained himself by tucking on those ankle chains to rob a slave's footing and watch them tumble.

But Anastasia knew that as long as she danced well she wouldn't have to worry about any of that. Just finish her dance properly and they'd be that little bit more appreciative of her. And her entire survival hinged on their approval.

Tilting her head sidewards across her own shoulder with a little smile on her lips, Anastasia lightly shook her butt in the Hutt's direction, brushing her hands behind her head to gracefully lift her hair and show off the curve of her neck and shoulders.

Hi to Bluemoon, this is just a little specific craving I'm currently looking to scratch again.

I'm still a huge GoT fan despite how last season played out, and hoping to find like minded people.

- I don't really have many rules, all I ask is basic grammar and a couple paragraphs per response. Ideally around 3 to 5.

- Regarding genders, I'm primarily looking for FxM pairings, but also open to play opposite female partners, or even something like a three-way, either as part of a gangbang scene with multiple npc's, or two actual writers. (if more than one shows interest, I'd love a MMxF hookup.)

- When it comes to kinks and limits, I usually tend to lean more towards the darker side of storytelling. It doesn't need to involve rape and torture (though they are welcome) , but should at least have a certain level of drama, tragedy and high stakes. Impulsive emotions, hostile environments and moral ambiguity are themes I particularly adore about this Fandom.

- I tend to lean more towards short- to midterm plots, sort of like self-contained novellas, with a good premise, in-depth development and also proper closure. I'm less interested in something overly long-term. For that I have books, so when it comes to my personal writing I'd prefer a more personal and individually tailored tale that you can't find in any books. I have a kink list too that I'm happy to share upon request.

- In terms of dom-sub dynamics, I have dommed before but generally lean more towards the sub direction. Particularly I adore 'powerbottoming' where even from a submissive role my character still maintains influence and agency. And usually with some ulterior motive in mind, as I quite adore dub-con stories as well as non-con stories with bad ends.

- As far as romance goes, I'm fine with it if it develops naturally through the story but don't enjoy having to force it as a plot-device and it's not something I'm necessarily looking for.

Anyways~so onto some plots. These are just a handful quick ideas to give a general idea. They would still have to be fleshed out but should give a general gist of what direction I'm looking for.

Lastly, if we have rped before, I'd always be happy to give it another go.

So in terms of characters, most of all I'd love to play Arya who is my overall favorite character. I know she isn't the kind of conventional beauty most men tend to favor, but I really adore her survival arcs of redemption, determination, braving the odds and finding her own way in a world she gets disadvantaged at every turn. Additionally I feel she stumbled into a number of situations where plot armor bailed her out, so I think it might be fun stripping that a little.

Here are a couple pairing suggestions. I have plots for any of those.

Ramsay lost the war to Jon like in the show, but manages to escape into the winterlands of the North by himself. Alone and robbed of all his power and influence, he spirals into depression and hatred, but keeps escaping the Stark search troops. Around the same time Arya returns to Winterfell and agrees to hunt down the escaped Ramsay to put him to justice.

Or, Ramsay won the war against Jon instead and still rules Winterfell by the time Arya returns from Braavos. So she wants to liberate the castle and put him to justice, but things go awry.

After she returns from Braavos, Arya is set on finally finishing her vengeance. The Mountain meanwhile managed to survive his duel with Oberyn but still is heavily injured, returning to the riverlands to recuperate(pillage) , with Arya accidentally coming across him in some tavern, or deliberately hunting him down while he stays in Harrenhal.

Could also be a case of Arya chasing down Cersei instead and the Mountain stepping in to protect his Queen in kings landing after Arya takes just a bit too long being gleeful with her revenge. Or her becoming his cupbearer in Harrenhal after Tywin left.

Soldiers Scene:
Based on that Ed Sheeran scene in s7 just after she returned to Westeros, what if perhaps the soldiers weren't quite as vanilla as in the show, or maybe her own thirst for vengeance is just so strong that she is the one who can't forgive any Lannisters and attacks first. Depending on how she fares in combat, this might lead to a gangbangs scene.

The lighter version of this plot would be the soldiers being kind like in the show and things taking a con gangbang direction.

Or, another soldier plot, the chicken scene in the inn with the Hound, if he actually got killed and left her stranded with one or two of the leftover Lannister soldiers who delight turning her into their pet.

AryaxFaceless Man:
Set right after she killed all the Freys with poisoned wine, what if one of those Freys was a target of another Faceless Man who gets angry being robbed of his kill.

Another idea for this pairing could be after Arya escaped the Faceless Men. The cult does not take kindly to anybody just leaving the guild with all their secrets for their own goals, so they send an agent after her to make an example of what happens to deserters.

A simple story set during the time she takes the Braavosi ship from/to Braavos. During the ship voyage, their crew is assaulted by a pirate gang. Trapped on the ocean with nowhere to go and far too outnumbered to put up a fight her only choice is to submit and persuade them she can be more useful alive than dead. This can be euron or just any pirate oc.

Slave Auction:
Somewhat similar to this, but what if her merchant ship was attacked by Slave Traders instead, who take all crew members captive and sell them at some grimy auction in slaver's bay or one of the Free Cities like Lys, Yunkai or Astapor. Your character could be the buyer, maybe a merchant dealing with brothels or a sellsword who needs an apprentice or it could end up in gladiator pits since she caught their eye with her waterdancing.

One idea I had was set during her stay in Braavos with the Faceless Men. Maybe part of her training is to spend a few weeks in a brothel to learn seduction, with your character being a customer whom she experiments on.

A different Braavos plot could be, that after she killed Meryn Trant she actually gets kicked out of the order and has to survive on her own on the streets, maybe getting caught stealing and offered an ultimatum to serve or lose her thieving hand instead; or being approached by a stranger with the offer of shelter while she begs for coin on the roadside.

Or a third Braavosi plot, what if she was on an assassin mission, trying to stalk or kill a shady merchant but being overeager for success she rushes in head first.

Set around the time Arya is blending in as his cupbearer, I really like the idea that Tywin, rather than marching south to liberate King's Landing, decided to make a decisive stand against Robb but lost. With his army shattered he hurriedly collects a handful remaining loyalists and escapes head over heels back to Casterly Rock, also taking his useful cupbearer along. Would she look for an opportunity to kill him now that he's weak and thus win the war for her family, or might this new side of defeat from Tywin actually prompt her pity? Alternatively, Tywin takes her back to Kingslanding with him where she's recognized by cersei and joffrey.

A pretty weird pairing but I like the idea that Arya returned to King's Landing to kill Cersei but takes a detour to Qyburn's laboratory first. Maybe she just wants to stock up on some poisons before killing cersei, maybe she has heard rumours about necromancy which sparks her curiosity. But while browsing through Qyburns lab, she accidentally wakes the dormant zombie mountain or activates some hidden trap which gets her caught and experimented on next since Qyburn surely hasn't had a faceless woman yet.

Alternatively, what if she's so entangled in her need for vengeance that she's even willing to shed her humanity and become a pure, mindless killing machine for the sake of her family which is why she sought Qyburn out to make a deal with him.

A short and macabre scene as to what might happen if she doesn't kill the night king but instead has the tables turned on her.

Set after she left the Hound to die, maybe she is so overcome with grief of all those recent losses that she turns against anything and anyone, living in the woods as a feral wildchild preying on any travelers and soldiers that pass by her territory. Maybe even together with Nymeria.

Additional settings:
Kingslanding, Nightswatch recruits, Twins/Red Wedding, Bounty Hunters

Other characters:

So far for now. I still have a handful other ideas but these should give a good general idea of what I enjoy. Also, I'm not exclusively set on playing Arya, others I could play are Dany, Sansa, Brienne, Ygritte, Meera, Sandsnakes, Margaery, Lyanna M. or Asha. But the darker noncon or dubcon vibe is something I'd seek for any of these characters. And of course I'm open to tweaks and suggestions as well. But yes, hoping to hear from some of you guys. ^^
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