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Fx Male I Have a Healslut Itch That Needs Scratchin' [1x1][PMs][Monstermen Welcome][Closed]


Jan 27, 2018
Hello! I hope you're having a lovely day! My name's Sam, but feel free to call me Letters if it suits you better.

What I'm looking for in a Partner:
- A writer wanting to write a male character
- One on one, in PMs only because I always forget to check e-mail and I don't use messengers anymore. Threads are a no-go because I like my privacy.
- Fantasy elements always, be it light or completely immersed. I role play to escape from the monotony of life, so fantasy is my go-to~
- Light-Hearted Only - Life's dark enough right now. I need fluff and happiness. Obviously tension and drama to progress character growth and plot is it's own thing and very much welcome. But I don't need terrible, dystopian dark fantasy settings, or war-ravaged characters.
- Complete literacy - If English is your first language, I do not want to see repetitive mistakes. Misspellings and missing commas and periods every once in a while happens - I do it too. But, if you repeatedly do not capitalize your 'I's or forget quotation marks, I'm not going to hold interest. If English isn't your native language, and you're trying, then it's totally forgivable and I commend you for knowing more than one language because I wish I did.
- Side note to literacy - NO FIRST PERSON AND NO PRESENT TENSE in the role play. I will stop talking to you if this happens, mainly because it just says to me you didn't read this or you don't care enough.
- I prefer long-term over short-term, but if you'd prefer something shorter, I'm more than happy to facilitate that. Just clarify when we're setting things up.
- I definitely need some smut. Here is my F-List. If you need clarification on something, or want to ask for something not on the list, just ask <3
- I need some semblance of romance. It doesn't need to be fluff - I personally love putting together two dysfunctional people who lust for each other and then forming more intimacy from there. But, if it is just smut, I lose interest, so let's develop our characters and get them some happiness.
- I am only looking for two or three partners. If you don't make the cut, I will politely turn you down.
- I like character pictures, though they aren't mandatory. If you are going to use a character picture, they MUST be drawn. NO REAL PICTURES. It's just way too awkward to me, I apologize. [This is a serious limit, too. I may not even respond, tbh.]
- DO NOT message me with little to no content. Also, please, don't just tell me to read your own request thread, because I didn't post this thread for you to just make me read yours. If there is a specific plot you want, copy/paste it. Just tell me what you want in your PM, because I'm not going to do the work to pry it out of you.
- [The Biggest Thing] Understanding - I suffer from anxiety and depression and sometimes I just don't have the energy to respond or even log on to tell you of a delay. I also work a mentally demanding job (with high schoolers), so I'm tired often. I need patience. In return, I am the most patient partner possible (try saying that five times fast). I may pester you once if I am really, thoroughly enjoying the RP, but aside from that, I will leave you be. If you ghost, you ghost, no hard feelings, I've done it before and I completely understand. This also means I am more than happy to accept responses at what ever pace you can provide them <3
- Side note, in the instance a partner may poof and come back: After a certain point, I will unsubscribe from the PM thread, but that is just to keep my inbox clutter-free. If you pop back up in my PMs with old messages, I'll be happy to reply. I just wanted to note this, just in case you see I've left the thread, and are wondering if it is alright to hit me back up.

Biggest Cravings Right Now:

Hapless Healslut: I have three ideas for this delicious trope, (lovingly captured in this NSFW Reddit Thread my friend shared with me).
1.) MC is a freshly graduated priestess, gone out into the world to find an adventure party to host her, so she can hone her healing skills. Little does her new partner or team know, but the girl does best when intimately paired with those who need healing. This can lead to all sorts of delicious situations, for both or all of our characters. I'm willing to double or triple for this one, if you do the same. Or just having a duo is great too! A typical free-form adventurers RP would follow.

2.) A Master x Slave variation: For the dubcon lover in me, instead of MC joining willingly, she is put up for sale as a healer, for anyone to purchase and utilize. YC could be all sorts of men - Let me know what sort of character you'd like to play and we can brainstorm more together!

3.) The Monster Wins the Fight: Monsterman variation here - Either MC and her party went into a fight with a beast and lost, the members of her party out-right abandoning her to die, and YC (the beast/monster in question) takes her as his claim. She's apprehensive at first, but when she realizes just how frustrating his life is, with adventurer after adventurer coming to kill him, and having now been used by YC as a healslut for a while, her opinions on him and her situation flip, and she becomes much more willing to help him~

MAJOR CRAVING: Something kinky built around this NSFW picture. I have a few ideas, mainly Master x Captured Warrior/Princess related. We can keep it simple or flesh out the plot more. It's just too hot to not do something with!

A few simple ideas we could work with:
1.) MC is in dire need of a loan, to keep her shop or tavern open, and she happens to mention it to an affluent client (YC), who has always been cold with her, but never impolite. He gives her an offer to owe a debt to him, but instead of a financial repayment, they can work it out with other options. Would be a lot of fun if he's particularly kinky and she has to learn some new things~

2.) YC is an orcish (or other gruff race) warlord who has just been gifted a new pet, MC. She isn't just a simple slave from the market, however, but rather a captured anthropologist who made the mistake of traveling a little too deep into hostile territory. He doesn't care what she is at first, just wants a nice fuck toy, but she starts to open him up as she grows respectful of his culture and people and expresses her interests to learn more about them.

3.) Straight-up monster kidnap. Bowser, Ganon, you know the lot - They want the Princess for power or because of unrequited love. We can twist this trope in however many fun ways we'd like! Like, MC could be a secret pervert who revels in the kidnappings (if it's something that has occurred more than once). Hell, even funnier is YC kidnapping her for political reasons, only for MC to come onto him. He could be off-put at first, thinking it's a trick, but the more time they spend together, the more obvious it becomes she's being serious.

Can't wait to hear from some of you!
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